
From Grouse House Wiki

Warning: Crowdsourcing!
This article is created largely with the help of crowdsourcing. Due to this, some information may be incomplete or not yet verified. If you find an error or missing information, feel free to submit a Contribution!

Welcome to the 2024 Cataclysms event!
While this event is upcoming and ongoing, we're working hard to keep up with new information. We apologize if there's anything missing, but feel free to let us know if you find anything that you think we should add!

The land you know is changing drastically, devastated by daily disasters. Fear is palpable in every animal that inhabits this place along with you...and strange creatures have emerged from the havoc, intentions unclear.

The Cataclysms event is a recurring event happening every August and lasting the whole month. The event begins at 00:00 on August 1st and ends at 23:59 on August 31st.

Table of Contents
Links not working? Sections must be expanded to jump to a subheader within them!
Event Basics
Frequently-Asked Questions
Disasters and Cataclysms
Disaster Effects
Possible Disasters and Cataclysms
Explore Encounters
Cryptid Factions
Cryptid Quests
Event Shops
Kinfolk Items
The Merged Items
Independent Items
All Cryptids
Cryptids by Faction
Cryptid Quest Quick Reference

Event Basics

Event Basics

This event's primary focus is on exploring and questing. You'll notice frequent changes to the normal explore map and new encounters everywhere you go, all while completing tasks for the mysterious Cryptids!

This event has an exclusive currency, Cryptid Scales, which are obtained through exploring and completing Cryptid tasks. Cryptid Scales can be exchanged in the event shop for exclusive items!

Frequently-Asked Questions

Frequently-Asked Questions

What can I do to be best prepared for this event?

Advancement in this event is highly affected by having multiple biomes unlocked. Try to avoid retiring your lead wolf too near the start of this event to prevent biome loss, as retiring your lead wolf leaves you with only three biomes open. If you don’t have the whole map explored, try to scout as many biomes as possible before August. Being able to explore in as many biomes as possible will be very helpful as you'll be able to discover many more cryptids!



Alongside this event comes 16 achievements you can earn from discovering cryptids! Once an achievement is unlocked, it's unlocked forever, regardless if new cryptids are added in a later run of the event. You can find these achievements on the Events tab of your Achievements page, which you can get to from your Profile page or the dropdown by your username. These achievements can only be earned during this event, so get them while you can! None of these achievements provide any reward, but marking them as complete can be satisfying!

Cataclysmic Discoveries
Found all cryptids!
There are 108 total cryptids to find.

Coniferous Forest Cryptids
Found all the Coniferous Forest cryptids.
There are nine cryptids to find in the Coniferous Forest, three of each faction.

Deciduous Forest Cryptids
Found all the Deciduous Forest cryptids.
There are nine cryptids to find in the Deciduous Forest, three of each faction.

Desert Cryptids
Found all the Desert cryptids.
There are nine cryptids to find in the Desert, three of each faction.

Glacier Cryptids
Found all the Glacier cryptids.
There are nine cryptids to find in the Glacier, three of each faction.

Grasslands Cryptids
Found all the Grasslands cryptids.
There are nine cryptids to find in the Grasslands, three of each faction.

Mountains Cryptids
Found all the Mountains cryptids.
There are nine cryptids to find in the Mountains, three of each faction.

Prairie Cryptids
Found all the Prairie cryptids.
There are nine cryptids to find in the Prairie, three of each faction.

Rainforest Cryptids
Found all the Rainforest cryptids.
There are nine cryptids to find in the Rainforest, three of each faction.

Riparian Woodland Cryptids
Found all the Riparian Woodland cryptids.
There are nine cryptids to find in the Riparian Woodland, three of each faction.

Swamp Cryptids
Found all the Swamp cryptids.
There are nine cryptids to find in the Swamp, three of each faction.

Taiga Cryptids
Found all the Taiga cryptids.
There are nine cryptids to find in the Taiga, three of each faction.

The Independent
Found all Independent cryptids.
There are 36 total Independent cryptids to find.

The Kinfolk
Found all Kinfolk cryptids.
There are 36 total Kinfolk cryptids to find.

The Merged
Found all the Merged cryptids.
There are 36 total Merged cryptids to find.

Tundra Cryptids
Found all the Tundra cryptids.
There are nine cryptids to find in the Tundra, three of each faction.



In order to unlock event content, collect currency, and finish quests, you must explore. Due to the recent natural disasters, the local animals are in peril; there are a whole bunch of new explore encounters and creatures to find and help! Some of the new event explore encounters reward you with the event's currency, Cryptid Scales, but many of them just give you normal items such as toys and food.

New encounters will appear in every biome at all times of day, but you might notice a change in frequency alongside a new mechanic, disasters!

Disasters and Cataclysms

Disasters and Cataclysms

With natural disasters wrecking havoc daily, the explore map is frequently changing. With each disaster brings more animals in distress, but they also attract more cryptids to discover!

New warning icons will begin appearing in the biomes you've fully scouted to represent disasters, weather events which affect what you can find in each biome. There are two categories of disaster. Disasters are the basic and most frequent weather event, involving a more moderate storm or event. If taking a turn for the worst, a disaster can develop into a cataclysm, a stronger, more catastrophic event that brings great peril to the region.

The yellow triangle icon represents an ordinary disaster.
The black and orange triangle represents a cataclysm.

When exploring in a biome, you can see if a disaster is currently occurring with the banner above the explore menu. Expanding this menu will display a recent disaster log for the biome.

Every 15 minutes, the disaster status of every biome will roll to change. This occurs at the same time every hour. For example, disasters are rolled at the following times: 00:15, 00:30, 00:45, and 1:00. There are three outcomes that can occur every time this roll takes place. The disaster could dissipate, meaning that the biome will not have any disaster for the next 15 minutes. The disaster could also persist, meaning it will remain the same for the next 15 minutes. Otherwise, the disaster could evolve into a cataclysm, with the possible cataclysm depending on which disaster it originated from.

Disaster Effects

Disaster Effects

In addition to adding new art and flavor text to each biome, disasters also increase the chances of finding event content! During a disaster, cryptids and animals in distress are more likely to be encountered. During a cataclysm, this chance is increased even more.

Possible Disasters and Cataclysms

Possible Disasters and Cataclysms

There are 28 possible disasters and cataclysms to encounter. Some are biome-specific while others can be encountered anywhere. Below is a catalogue of every disaster and cataclysm with information about which biomes it appears in, how it can behave, and what flavor text might be associated with it.


This disaster can evolve into a Perfect Storm cataclysm
The weather feels abnormal when it's so heavy and silent. Walking through this milky fog is unreal and seems like a dream. The only thing you can hear are your own steps and breath.


This cataclysm can evolve from Diamond Dust or Thundersnow
The wind beats snow into your eyes relentlessly, the small flakes stinging like needles. Nothing is out in this weather except you, and you're beginning to regret leaving your warm den.

Information needed
Deciduous Forest: One minute the river is flowing normally, and the next its overflowing its banks as the rain comes down heavy and fast. You're nearly swept away by the flood, and it's a struggle to reach higher ground.

Mountains: A rapid and massive flood destroys everything in its way, leaving very little time to react. You know that it will subside eventually but while the current is so strong, you must hide somewhere safe.

Rainforest: Thick sludge crosses your path and begins to cover your paws. Yuck! You leap away, and watch the slow-moving stream of...well, there's certainly mud involved, but maybe it's best if you don't know what the rest of the unidentifiable debris caught up in it is. You watch in fascination from a safe distance for a while before turning away.


This disaster can evolve into Hurricane or Tornado cataclysms
A huge streak of lightning brightens the sky for a moment, you manage to catch the entire event, the forked light lingering in your sight although it no longer remains. A near-deafening crack follows soon after, trailed by a low grumble. Terrifying!

Diamond Dust

This disaster can evolve into a Blizzard cataclysm
Information needed


This disaster can evolve into a Firestorm cataclysm
Information needed

Dust Storm

This disaster can evolve into a Drought disaster or Torridness cataclysm
One minute the air is clear and the next you're swallowed by a thick cloud of dust and sand. You're unable to see, and with every breath you hack and cough. You do your best to move forward, hoping to find shelter.

You see a mountain of dust and sand in the distance, growing and coming in your direction. A strong wind blows the dirt right into your eyes as the sky turns a sickly yellow, and you're forced to stay put for a while.

This disaster can appear in any biome

Disaster This disaster can evolve into a Volcano Eruption cataclysm
You hear a low, rumbling noise that sounds like a distant storm, but it's louder with every step. You decide to turn back and take a different path.

You pick your way through some brush, the earthquakes causing you to be more cautious on your feet. You approach a ledge that you're sure wasn't here before, and see a gaping slash through the ground. Well, that can't be good.

Grasslands: You find yourself scrambling haphazardly to higher ground as a large wall of water closes in. It roars as it approaches, flattening and swallowing every bit of land that it comes in contact with. It looks like some water monster consuming the earth. You begin to tremble, knowing how close you were to drowning.

Coniferous Forest and Riparian Woodland: At first glance, you're not quite sure what's approaching but you watch in fascination as the wall of water grows and moves. You're on the edge of panic when you notice that the water level is rapidly rising. It's the biggest wave you've ever seen! There will be no way to escape if you're in its way, and you take off as fast as you can in the other direction.

Mountains: Rumbling beneath your paws alerts you to danger as you trek across the snow. You look up the mountain and see a wall of snow barreling toward you. Run!

Grasslands: You feel a rumbling beneath your feet. As you look down, the ground starts to split between your paws. You quickly sidestep, and watch from a safe distance as the ground splits apart.

El Niño

This cataclysm can evolve from Monsoon
Information needed


This disaster can evolve into a Meteor Strike cataclysm
A distant, flaming orb is burning through the night sky. The sight is both mysterious and unsettling. The object does not pose any threat to you for now, but it has to come down at some point. You hope you're far away from wherever it lands.


This cataclysm can evolve from Drought
Information needed

Great Heatwave
This disaster can appear in the Tundra and Glacier

Disaster This disaster can evolve into a Rotten Ice cataclysm
Information needed

Green Fireball

Information needed
The strange, green glow that lights up the sky looks almost unreal. A silent, bright ball of green fire is flying soundlessly across the sky. You try to follow it for a while but suddenly, in a blink of an eye, it's gone.


This disaster can evolve into Hurricane or Tornado cataclysms
You look up in confusion as balls of ice fall from the sky and hit you painfully. The weather is warm, not cold, so why is there ice? Is this some sort of new phenomenon? You decide to take shelter until it passes.

Traveling through rain, snow, or even a severe storm is not as dangerous as dealing with huge ice balls falling from the sky. Even the smallest ones are painful. The larger ones will leave you seriously wounded if you're not careful.

This disaster can appear in any biome

Disaster Information needed
A sudden, unexpected wave of unbearable heat slams into you. The temperature increases so fast that it makes you feel dizzy. It was so nice just a moment ago, and now you struggle to focus and move forward.

A scorching hot wind buffets you and you feel as if you're being cooked alive. The air was mild just a moment ago, and now the heat is unbearable. You search in vain for a cool place to lay down.


This cataclysm can evolve from Derecho or Hailstorm
ng through such violent wind is nearly impossible, not to mention extremely dangerous. You feel the increasing strength of each gust of wind pushing you back. The heavy mass of dark clouds over your head is a clear sign that this is only the beginning.

Locust Swarm

Information needed
Information needed

Meteor Strike

This cataclysm can evolve from Fireball
At first, the bright point in the night sky looked like a big star but it is growing larger and brighter as it crosses the sky. For a brief moment, the object looks like a second sun that passes above your head with a hiss. Wherever it will land, there will be massive destruction.


This disaster can evolve into El Niño or Tropical Storm cataclysms
Information needed

Perfect Storm

This cataclysm can evolve from Anticyclone or Thunderstorm
The severity of the storm that rampages through the land is something you've never experienced. It's as if every large storm came together to form a massive, deadly event that leaves nothing but destruction behind. You press on, straining against the wind and rain.

Every storm is scary to a degree but this one is beyond comprehension. The merciless wind tugs at your fur and whizzes past your ears. You can't hear your thoughts over the roar of the thunder. While most storms leave the land refreshed, this one looks as if will destroy everything.

Rotten Ice

This cataclysm can evolve from Great Heatwave
Information needed

Snow Squall

Information needed
Information needed

Storm Surge

Information needed
Without warning, you are in the midst of a stampede of wildlife of all shapes and sizes. They run in a panic, ignoring you as they bolt away from some unknown danger. You wait until they pass, and strain your eyes to see the cause of their fear. Water is rushing over the ground from the coastline and covering everything in several feet of water. Looks like everyone else had the right idea--run!


This cataclysm can evolve from Thunderstorm
Information needed


This disaster can evolve into a Blizzard cataclysm
Information needed


This disaster can evolve into Perfect Storm and Superstorm cataclysms
Information needed


This cataclysm can evolve from Derecho and Hailstorm
You see a long, snaking cloud reach towards the ground, flinging up a cloud of dust. It's far away, but you watch in horror as it rips up old trees with thick roots and devastates the land. It's so powerful! Sharp wind tugs at your fur, and you quickly move on before the storm has a chance to hurt you, too.

The abnormal shade of the sky is a warning sign of danger. Dark clouds form a whirling funnel right in front of your eyes. Even though it looks like a far-away phenomenon, it will reach you in no time if you don't find a place to hide.


This cataclysm can evolve from Dust Storm
Information needed

Tropical Storm

This cataclysm can evolve from Monsoon
Information needed

Volcano Eruption

This cataclysm can evolve from Earthquake
You feel tremors and swelling ground under your paws. Suddenly, the nearby mountain seems to explode in a fountain of fire! The sound of falling rocks and the hissing of fire fills the air. Dark smoke and volcanic gases start to consume the area, causing hot winds and a thick layer of dust to settle on everything.

The ground begins to shake ominously, and you hear a loud explosion. Looking around wildly, you can't see a thing--the sky is glowing, and thick ash is falling and quickly obscuring everything in view. Your pawsteps are nearly silent as you run away, leaving pawprints in the ash.

Explore Encounters



Strange creatures have been appearing recently... and it's unclear whether they're the cause of the havoc, or if they originated from it. All month, you'll encounter Cryptids while exploring normally. They can be found in every biome at every time of day, but the cryptids you'll find will differ based on the biome you're exploring it.

There are 108 total cryptids, with 9 found in each biome.

You will be notified on your explore page when you have discovered a new Cryptid. After this, you will be able to visit the Cryptid on the Cryptid Dens page, under the Event section.

Cryptid Factions

Cryptid Factions

All cryptids are broken into one of three factions; Independent, Kinfolk, or The Merged. Each faction has its own agenda, though goals often unclear, and their rivalries are clear.

The Independent are a neutral faction, some tending to lean more towards Kinfolk or The Merged in certain instances.

Kinfolk are kind and wish for the land to heal. They do not seek fights with local wildlife.

The Merged wish to further their own goals by any means necessary, and they are not opposed to cruelty. They fight relentlessly with the Kinfolk.

Throughout the event, you'll gain Reputation with each faction, which will influence what you are able to purchase from the shop. Only shop items corresponding with the faction you have the most reputation with will appear available for purchase. You need at least 100 reputation with at least one faction in order for items to appear in the shop, additional milestones of 300 and 500 to purchase rarer items. You can view each item available in each faction's shop in the Event Shops section of this page.

You will gain and lose reputation through completing quests for cryptids. Reputation does not decay over rollovers and is not affected by cryptids you battle while exploring.

Cryptid Quests

Cryptid Quests

After you have discovered a cryptid, you can visit them on the Cryptid Den page. Here, they will greet you, and request your help with a quest. Cryptid quests help you gain reputation with certain factions, which is used to unlock shop items.

You can take 24 quests per rollover, but only 1 quest from each cryptid per rollover. You cannot do all 24 quests with one cryptid, so you must have at least 24 unique cryptids unlocked to reach this maximum.

The first cryptid quest you take every rollover will reward +50 reputation with the cryptid's associated faction, and -5 reputation with the other two factions. Every quest after this, until your next rollover, will reward +10 reputation with the faction you took it with, and -5 reputation with the other two factions. So, if your first quest of the day was with an Independent cryptid, you would gain +50 Independent reputation and -5 Kinfolk and The Merged reputation. Then, if your second quest of the day was with a Kinfolk cryptid, you would only gain +10 Kinfolk reputation and -5 Independent and The Merged reputation.

Each quest will also grant 5 Cryptid Scales.

Each cryptid has a separate pool of possible quests depending on their home biome and faction. You can view all possible cryptid quests in the All Cryptids list further down on this page. The tasks that cryptids have you complete, besides turning in items, will always be accomplishable in the biome you found the cryptid in. For example, if a Prairie cryptid asks you to battle a certain enemy, the enemy will always be able to be found in the Prairie.

You may also choose to skip a quest with a cryptid for 10 SC. Skipping a quest does not grant any reward, and prevents you from being able to take another quest with that cryptid until your next rollover.

Event Shops

Event Shops

This month's shop is run by a mysterious visitor and avid collector, Aurakai the Merfolk! At their shop, Aurakai's Brokerage, you can exchange Cryptid Scales for items associated with your highest-reputation faction.


A Merfolk stretches out lazily on a rocky ledge, trailing their tail in the water and making patterns. They roll over and observe you with an intense gaze, and you find yourself drawn to them by their odd beauty. Their sly smile is so inviting…

Suddenly, a finned hand yanks hard on your tail, and you stumble back from the ledge with a gasp. You nearly fell into the water!

"Now, now, don't go drowning just yet. Honestly, you mammals are too easily manipulated," they tut. Their voice is a mix of melodic tones that rise and fall, and it's surprisingly quite nice to listen to.

"My name is Aurakai. I like collecting things, and I'm in need of Cryptid Scales. Care to trade?"



The items that will be available to you in the shop depend on which faction you have aligned with. Aligning with a faction takes 100 reputation. After you have earned at least 100 reputation with at least one faction, their exclusive shop items will appear for you. If you have more than 100 reputation with multiple factions, only items from the faction with the highest reputation will show in your shop.

Tiers of the shop open after the community has beaten and helped a certain number of cryptids. This is determined on a site-wide basis. Everyone unlocks each tier at the same time. Tier 1 is unlocked after 100,000 cryptids quests have been completed and cryptid battles have been won. Tier 2 unlocks after 250,000 of the same, and Tier 3 unlocks after 350,000.

What do Dingbat Pathfinders do? Are they worth buying?

A: When using a Dingbat Pathfinder on a scout discovering a new biome, it will increase the amount of biome that your scout discovers by 10%. For example, if your scout typically discovers 10% of the biome, they will discover 20% with a Dingbat Pathfinder.

The Dingbat Pathfinder can make scouting easier biomes very quick, and can help a lot in the most challenging biomes!

If using a Dingbat Pathfinder on a scout being sent to rescout a biome, the scout will bring back one additional amusement item.

Kinfolk Items

Kinfolk Items

These items will only be available to purchase if you have at least 100 reputation with the Kinfolk faction and it is currently your highest-reputation faction.

Tier 1
Unlocks after 100,000 cryptids quests have been completed and cryptid battles have been won site-wide.

Dingbat Pathfinder
5 CS
Requires at least 300 Kinfolk reputation
Beastly Drool
8 CS
Catfish Whiskers
8 CS
Cryptid Fangs
8 CS
Glowing Eyes [Green]
8 CS
Pig Nose
8 CS
Diamond Dust
10 CS
Jackalope [Mule Deer]
10 CS
Jackalope [Whitetail]
10 CS
Eyebrow Small Horns
11 CS
Ear Extensions [Black]
12 CS
Ear Extensions [Cream]
12 CS
Ear Extensions [White]
12 CS
Raptor Talons
12 CS
Light Hooves
14 CS
Fish Fins
22 CS

Tier 2
Unlocks after 250,000 cryptids quests have been completed and cryptid battles have been won site-wide.

10 CS
Eagle Beak Morph
14 CS
Rat Nose
14 CS
Elbow Tufts [Cream]
16 CS
Elbow Tufts [White]
16 CS
Feather Wings - Bottom [White]
20 CS
Feather Wings - Top [White]
20 CS
Cactus Cat Friend
22 CS
Fluffy Mane [Brown]
25 CS
Fluffy Mane [White]
25 CS
Abandoned House
60 CS
Cryptid Den
60 CS
Kinfolk Ruins
60 CS
Newly Built Home
60 CS
Waterfolk Den
60 CS

Tier 3
Unlocks after 350,000 cryptids quests have been completed and cryptid battles have been won site-wide.

UFO Crash
10 CS
Mirthful Meadow
60 CS
Serene Lair
60 CS
Claw Applicator [Blend]
30 CS
Requires at least Kinfolk 500 reputation
Claw Applicator [Wild]
30 CS
Requires at least Kinfolk 500 reputation
Nose Applicator [Blend]
30 CS
Requires at least Kinfolk 500 reputation
Nose Applicator [Wild]
30 CS
Requires at least Kinfolk 500 reputation
Skin Applicator [Blend]
30 CS
Requires at least Kinfolk 500 reputation
Skin Applicator [Wild]
30 CS
Requires at least Kinfolk 500 reputation
Eye Applicator [Blend]
50 CS
Requires at least Kinfolk 500 reputation
Eye Applicator [Serene]
50 CS
Requires at least Kinfolk 500 reputation
Base Applicator [Beast]
100 CS
Requires at least Kinfolk 500 reputation
Base Applicator [Kin]
100 CS
Requires at least Kinfolk 500 reputation
Markings Applicator [Beast]
200 CS
Requires at least Kinfolk 500 reputation
Markings Applicator [Kin]
200 CS
Requires at least Kinfolk 500 reputation

The Merged Items

The Merged Items

These items will only be available to purchase if you have at least 100 reputation with the The Merged faction and it is currently your highest-reputation faction.

Tier 1
Unlocks after 100,000 cryptids quests have been completed and cryptid battles have been won site-wide.

Dingbat Pathfinder
5 CS
Requires at least 300 The Merged reputation
Forehead Spike
8 CS
Monster Eyes
8 CS
Monster Teeth
8 CS
Goat Sucker Body Spikes
9 CS
Goat Sucker Tongue
9 CS
Meteor Strike
10 CS
Body Spikes
11 CS
Claw Extensions [Black]
12 CS
Claw Extensions [Bone]
12 CS
Claw Extensions [Brown]
12 CS
Dark Hooves
14 CS
Rat Tail [Black]
14 CS
Rat Tail [Gray]
14 CS
Rat Tail [Pink]
14 CS
Hodag Spikes
22 CS

Tier 2
Unlocks after 250,000 cryptids quests have been completed and cryptid battles have been won site-wide.

10 CS
Bat Ears Morph
14 CS
14 CS
Elbow Tufts [Auburn]
16 CS
Elbow Tufts [Black]
16 CS
Membrane Wings [Bottom]
16 CS
Membrane Wings [Top]
16 CS
Feather Wings - Bottom [Black]
20 CS
Feather Wings - Top [Black]
20 CS
Fluffy Mane [Auburn]
25 CS
Fluffy Mane [Black]
25 CS
Abandoned House
60 CS
Bloody Cryptid Den
60 CS
Burn the Bridges
60 CS
Cryptid Den
60 CS
Merged Ruins
60 CS

Tier 3
Unlocks after 350,000 cryptids quests have been completed and cryptid battles have been won site-wide.

Volcanic Eruption
10 CS
Lava Cave
60 CS
Red Lair
60 CS
Claw Applicator [Conflux]
30 CS
Requires at least 500 The Merged reputation
Claw Applicator [Corrupt]
30 CS
Requires at least 500 The Merged reputation
Nose Applicator [Conflux]
30 CS
Requires at least 500 The Merged reputation
Nose Applicator [Corrupt]
30 CS
Requires at least 500 The Merged reputation
Skin Applicator [Conflux]
30 CS
Requires at least 500 The Merged reputation
Skin Applicator [Corrupt]
30 CS
Requires at least 500 The Merged reputation
Eye Applicator [Cryptid]
50 CS
Requires at least 500 The Merged reputation
Eye Applicator [Fearsome]
50 CS
Requires at least 500 The Merged reputation
Base Applicator [Abomination]
100 CS
Requires at least 500 The Merged reputation
Base Applicator [Merged]
100 CS
Requires at least 500 The Merged reputation
Markings Applicator [Abomination]
200 CS
Requires at least 500 The Merged reputation
Markings Applicator [Merged]
200 CS
Requires at least 500 The Merged reputation

Independent Items

Independent Items

These items will only be available to purchase if you have at least 100 reputation with the Independent faction and it is currently your highest-reputation faction.

Tier 1
Unlocks after 100,000 cryptids quests have been completed and cryptid battles have been won site-wide.

Dingbat Pathfinder
5 CS
Requires at least 300 Independent reputation
Earth Cracks
10 CS
Hurricane Winds
10 CS
10 CS
Lightning Strike
10 CS
Monsoon Rains
10 CS
Kipsy Fin
10 CS
Attached Antlers [Whitetail]
22 CS
Pronghorn Antlers
10 CS

Tier 2
Unlocks after 250,000 cryptids quests have been completed and cryptid battles have been won site-wide.

10 CS
Dust Storm
10 CS
Dust Storm [Night]
10 CS
Flooding Ground
10 CS
Locust Storm
10 CS
10 CS
Perfect Storm
10 CS
Tornado Winds
10 CS
Tree Mushroom Growth
14 CS
Elbow Tufts [Brown]
16 CS
Elbow Tufts [Gray]
16 CS
Feather Wings - Bottom [Brown]
20 CS
Feather Wings - Top [Brown]
20 CS
Snipe Friend
22 CS
Fluffy Mane [Dark Brown]
25 CS
Fluffy Mane [Gray]
25 CS
Abandoned House
60 CS
Burned Forest
60 CS
Cryptid Den
60 CS
Eye of the Hurricane
60 CS
60 CS
Raging Tornado
60 CS
Volcano Eruption
60 CS

Tier 3
Unlocks after 350,000 cryptids quests have been completed and cryptid battles have been won site-wide.

Broken Ground
10 CS
10 CS
Rotten Ice [Day]
10 CS
Rotten Ice [Night]
10 CS
10 CS
10 CS
60 CS
Massive Earthquake
60 CS
60 CS
Claw Applicator [Grime]
30 CS
Requires at least 500 Independent reputation
Claw Applicator [Mud]
30 CS
Requires at least 500 Independent reputation
Nose Applicator [Grime]
30 CS
Requires at least 500 Independent reputation
Nose Applicator [Mud]
30 CS
Requires at least 500 Independent reputation
Skin Applicator [Grime]
30 CS
Requires at least 500 Independent reputation
Skin Applicator [Mud]
30 CS
Requires at least 500 Independent reputation
Eye Applicator [Hurricane]
50 CS
Requires at least 500 Independent reputation
Eye Applicator [Tranquil]
50 CS
Requires at least 500 Independent reputation
Base Applicator [Storm]
100 CS
Requires at least 500 Independent reputation
Base Applicator [Tempest]
100 CS
Requires at least 500 Independent reputation
Markings Applicator [Storm]
200 CS
Requires at least 500 Independent reputation
Markings Applicator [Tempest]
200 CS
Requires at least 500 Independent reputation

All Cryptids

All Cryptids

Quickly jump to a specific biome!
Deciduous Forest
Riparian Woodland
Coniferous Forest




Celofay Kinfolk

Amber eyes in a silvery face blink at you from the tall grass. The tufted, pointed ears remind you of a lynx.

This cat is larger than a lynx when you look closer, and they are wiry, almost gaunt. The feline waves its long tail in greeting, then throws its head back and lets out a screeching cry. Your head feels fuzzy, and for a moment you forget where you are. It fades after a moment and you are left confused.

"Company at last! I knew my song would bring someone to me. Did you like it? Anyway, I need your help! Don't worry, you'll be rewarded for your time."

Celofay is crouched low, staring at something in the long grass. An odd sound comes from its mouth, different from any sound it has made before, and it stops abruptly before another follows it. Was it calling something? You see a small rodent stumble toward the cat's paws, and it quickly dispatches it.

"My song is usually enough to scare most away after the first time, but you're brave, aren't you? Ready for the next task?"

"We must keep our minds and claws sharp! A good way to do that is through hunting. Complete 3 hunts and you'll have earned your rest for the day."

"It feels like I'm endlessly fighting off those Merged jerks. I'm exhausted and need a rest, but there are still more nearby. Would you help me out? Defeat 2 x the Merged cryptids."

"I've been spending so much time chasing off Merged scum that I haven't had any time–let alone the energy–to hunt for myself. Can you help me out? You'll be rewarded! I don't need much. Bring me 3 x full use carcasses."

• Complete 3x hunts • Defeat 2x the Merged cryptids • Give 3x full-use carcasses

"Very good, friend. I couldn't have done it without your help. Come back and see me tomorrow...pretty please?"

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.


Michigan Dogman

Michigan Dogman Kinfolk

Despite having a clearly canine muzzle, the posture of this creature is more ape-like, especially when you see it walking on two legs.

You can't deny that in such an open area this strange being could be a threat to many animals, and you wouldn't like to have it as your foe. The blue glow of its eyes seems emotionless and cold but when the creature approaches you, you don't feel hostility. As it comes closer to sniff you, it starts walking using four limbs again.

"It still feels calm around. If you help me, we can try to prevent the worst from happening."

Upon your return, you see the Dogman walking through the grass and patrolling its territory. When it notices you, it starts walking on four legs again, probably to appear more familiar to you. It works somehow, and you feel less awkward in its presence but the long fingers of its front paws are still creepy.

"We have more in common than you think. Will you keep helping me?"

Quest flavor text

"You will face a lot of challenges from now on. Are you prepared for any opponent? Maybe train a little more. Defeat 3 x the Merged cryptids."

"This chaos around can affect even the strongest creatures. I see that you cope with all of these changes rather well and it's our responsibility to try to bring the stability back. Lots of animals are lost, trapped, or in distress. Help 2 x distressed animals in explore and come back to tell me about everything you witnessed."

• Complete 3x hunts • Defeat 3x the Merged cryptids • Help 2x distressed animals in explore

Quest completed flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.


Missouri Monster

Missouri Monster Kinfolk

A pile of shaggy, dark fur in front of you stands up and reveals its ape-like shape. Its smell and appearance create a living nightmare.

A pair of bright, glowing eyes stare at you, but to your surprise, you feel no hostility. At first, it's hard to see the face of the creature in its unkempt fur, but the body language and movement are calm enough to encourage you to approach.

"You can come closer. I'm not interested in eating you or any of your kind. You can help me with a few tasks if you feel so inclined."

You notice the creature pacing restlessly. Is it impatient to see the results of your work? Despite being aware of its intentions and character, it still appears somewhat scary with its large size and long arms, capable of ripping you apart.

"Working with you was a good idea. I may be strong but you're fast and agile. I hope that you still have some energy left in that tiny body of yours because there is more to do."

Quest flavor text

"I've just noticed that my supplies are almost out. Bring me 2 x healing salves as soon as possible. I use this stuff a lot lately."

"We can attack our enemies all we want but we also need some protection. You look perfect for this job so find 5 x large rocks and bring them here. I'll take care of the rest."

• Defeat 3x the Merged cryptids • Give 2x Healing Salves • Give 5x Large Rocks

"Faster than I thought, actually. I wish I had known you sooner. Come back soon for another task."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.


Dover Demon

Dover Demon Independent

A long-fingered creature that stands on all fours assesses you with a sniff. Judgmental eyes follow your every move.

When you look at the demon, you're reminded of a dog. But the body is too awkward, and those paws...were they even paws? They were longer than your own, and bent in odd ways. The creature curls them into the dirt and fixes you with a hard stare.

"Done staring yet? If so I've got a quest for you. Are you up for it?"

Second day flavor text

"The ogler has returned! You're not so bad, I suppose. Ready for the next task?"

"I keep smelling traces of 1 x ____ getting closer and closer as time goes on, like they're stalking me. I can't have that, so you need to be a good little wolf and go and kill them. Don't worry, I'm sure it won't hurt you too badly. Go on, then."

Quest flavor text

"This grass is dry and scratchy, how do you stand it? It's useless to make a proper bed. I need something softer. Get 5 x large leaves and bring them back to me. I'd prefer if they were the best you can find, but anything is better than this horribly itchy grass."

• Defeat 1x of the following (one option randomly chosen): American Badger, Bobcat, Cougar, Mustang Stallion • Give 2x carcasses • Give 5x Large Leaves

"Not bad, furry. Come back tomorrow and I'll have more for you to do."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.


Loveland Frog

Loveland Frog Independent

Big, bulging eyes look back at you from the shadows, and striding out on two legs is...a frog.

The frog lets out a big stretch and lowers into a hunched position as it examines you. How is it walking on two legs? Its tongue flicks out and licks an eyeball and it tilts its head. Well, it may walk like a human, but it's definitely a frog.

"Lose your way, did you? Well, since you just so conveniently happen to be passing through, I could use your paws, if you're willing..."

The Loveland Frog is reclined against a tree, legs crossed and arms behind its large head. Its eyes flick back and forth as if watching something, when suddenly–slap. It snatches a bug right out of the air! Eesh...

"You came back! Not that I can blame you, I am rather good company. But enough of that–ready for your next task?"

"The world revolves around fish. I can never get enough! Catch an uncommon fish in the fishing game."

"Your world is so vast! Send out your scout on 1 scouting mission and tell me of all the wonders that they see."

"I need leaves. The ones around here suck and aren't worth a damn thing for doing anything with. Bring me 5x large leaves."

• Catch one uncommon fish • Complete 1x scouting mission • Give 5x Large Leaves

"That'll do, that'll do. Come hopping back later, yeah?"

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Small Prey
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Chase (opening move): +2
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +2
Snarl (opening move): +1



Snallygaster Independent

The creature in front of you is one of the most bizarre things you have ever seen. Between the tentacles, the wings, and the reptilian body, it confuses your every sense.

The creature looks out of place in this terrain, but you're not entirely sure where it would fit in otherwise. It walks around on its gangly, clawed feet, appearing lost and unsure of where to go. It's looking every which way, as if searching for something.

"You there! I need your help. You look like you're in need of something to do. Care to lend a paw?"

Watching Snallygaster as it goes about its business, you wonder if the tentacles on its face ever dry out. Does it need to go under water at times? What happens to its wings if so? The creature seems to sense your endless curiosity and leaps into the air with a shriek and stares you down, wings stirring up dirt and debris it lands after a moment but never takes its single eye off of you.

Second day quest text

"Do I look like I'm ready for a fight? Honestly, you creatures that call this land home are the oddest things I've ever seen. It's like you're itching for a fight! Those birds in particular won't leave me alone and stop challenging me. I need you to take care of it for me. Defeat 1 x Enraged Canada Goose and I will reward you handsomely."

"I came across an odd sight while I was flying around earlier. It was some sort of bird, but it was laying in the muck and wasn't moving…it seemed like it wasn't supposed to be there. Go see if you can find it, and see if there's any reason for me to worry. Anything that big is a threat to me, especially if it can fly."

"Time to put those paws to work. You can never be too prepared, and I'm running low on herbs. Bring me 1 x herb, 1 x herb, 1 x herb, 1 x herb, 1 x herb."

• Defeat 1x Enraged Canada Goose • Find the "Crashed Plane" encounter in the Grasslands • Give x5 herbs (specific herbs required randomized)

"Thank you for your help. Come back tomorrow for another task."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -2
Shear: -1



Chupacabra The Merged

This grey-green creature looks fierce enough to rip apart anything it pleases. It's not large, but it sure is menacing as it stares you down with its glowing red eyes.

It paces as you approach, sizing you up. Spikes grow irregularly from its back and a long, snake-like tongue hangs from its mouth and flicks in your direction. It sniffs the air and pulls its tongue back into its mouth, making a smacking motion with its jaws. Is it tasting you?

"You. You there. Come closer. You smell tasty but there are more interesting things out there. Want to join me? You may have fun."

Second day flavor text

"I knew you would come again. I have another plan. Want to hear?"

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Complete 3x hunts • Defeat 3x Kinfolk cryptids • Find carcass in the Grasslands

Quest completed flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Modifier Effects

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -1
Rest/Wait: -1
Snarl (opening move): -1


Goat Sucker

Goat Sucker The Merged

A sickly-green creature with bulging red eyes meets your gaze intensely. You can hear a faint clicking noise, and realise it's the long, curved claws scraping the ground.

This thing resembles a dog probably as much as you do. Similar features, but very distinct. It walks as if crippled, hunched over and swaying back and forth. Its tongue snakes between long fangs, and it sniffs the air aggressively. Its eyes never leave yours.

"There's a lot of you mongrels sniffing around here. Make yourself useful, would you?"

Second day flavor text

"You're back, and so soon? You're dumber than you look. No matter, I have another task for you."

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Defeat x3 Kinfolk Cryptids • Give 3x full-use carcasses • Give 2x Healing Salves

Quest completed flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -2
Shear: -1


Sewer Alligator

Sewer Alligator The Merged

Large and stinking like sewage, an alligator glares at you and lets out a hiss when you don't back down.

The hulking being is not unlike a normal alligator, except for the fact that it's twice the size of any you've seen before. The smell radiating from its thick skin is enough to make you nauseous. When it opens its decaying mouth, you hold your breath before the smell manages to knock you out.

"You smell like a wet dog, do you know that? And not the pleasant kind that comes from sewage, either. Think you can help me, smelly mutt?"

Muttering and squelching in the mud, the alligator looks agitated. You catch snippets about the ground not being good enough for a roll, and watch as it poos and proceeds to roll around happily. Ew!

"Did you bathe? Bah! Now you smell even worse! Good thing you won't be here long. Hurry up and say yes to this task so I don't have to smell you anymore, hmm?"

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Complete 2x hunts • Defeat 3x Kinfolk cryptids • Give 3x full-use carcasses

"Want to be told you're a good dog? Fine, you're an adequate dog. Come back later."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -2
Shear: -1


Deciduous Forest

Deciduous Forest

Flatwoods Monster

Flatwoods Monster Kinfolk

You are about to rest under an odd-shaped tree when you notice it has eyes and is staring at you with curiosity. This creature's camouflage is close to perfection and almost gives you a heart attack.

The more you observe this creature, the more questions you have. Even now, this being still resembles a tree with its elongated, thin, branch-like arms and green, mossy coat. Only the face looks somewhat familiar, resembling an owl with crimson eyes. Even if it's completely harmless, you feel an unpleasant tingling sensation under your skin.

"What's wrong with your kind, pup? You're another one wanting to rest here or to mark me. Will you be useful for once? I need help."

The green coat of the creature is long enough to reach the ground, covering the bottom part of its body completely. You can't figure out how this being moves around, if it has legs or uses some sort of mystical power to make its body glide slowly. It takes a while until it approaches you but staring at it is quite fascinating.

"I'm glad we made this deal. You're much faster, it would take me forever. Are you interested in more tasks? You'll finish it in no time, undoubtedly."

"I'm not as fast as you. It would take forever if I tried to discover this land all by myself. If you complete 1 scouting mission it will definitely help me to acclimate to this land. Who knows, maybe I will be able to return the favour in the future when you need me."

"Believe me or not, I wish for peaceful co-existence more than anything. Unfortunately, we must get rid of all the threats first. Defeat 3 x the Merged cryptids and it will be a good start."

"You need herbs and medicines to cure your wounds. My method is different. I need 5x large branches to absorb their juices into my body. I can do it with animals, too, but I'd much rather use the branches. Besides, it would be better for you if you never witness that."

• Complete 1x scouting mission • Defeat 3x the Merged cryptids • Give 5x Large Branches

"Good job! Thanks to you, I can focus on more important things. That's all for today but I may need you if you come back tomorrow."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase: -2


Ozark Howler

Ozark Howler Kinfolk

A black, shaggy coat, horns, and red glowing eyes don't look inviting at first, but the bear-like creature doesn't seem interested in attacking you.

Despite the horns and long tail, the creature doesn't look out of place and it seems to feel right at home. In fact, the more you look at it, the more familiar it looks. Your arrival doesn't surprise the creature either, and you even get an impression that it was waiting for a moment like this.

"You really can come closer. If I wanted to eat you, I would have done it already. The only thing I want is to stay here, I'm not looking for any unnecessary strife. Will you help me to solve a few tiny issues?"

The contrast between the composed nature of the Ozark Howler and its almost demonic appearance is striking even when you already know about it. The creature rests under the tree as if it hasn't moved since your last meeting and its gaze is fully focused and awake. You wouldn't like to have it as your foe.

"Every completed task is one step towards balance in this area. It's not the end though. Are you willing to work more?"

Quest flavor text

"I want to live in peace among the other creatures of this forest. The presence of one filthy beast greatly disturbs not only me, but it's a danger to all animals living here, including your kind. Defeat 1 x Beast of Bladenboro and it will become a safer area again."

"I'm not interested in conflicts but that doesn't mean that I'm not fighting. With increasing chaos and changes in the world, it happens more and more often lately. Bring me 2x healing salves so I will be ready to face any danger."

• Catch one uncommon fish • Defeat 1x Beast of Bladenboro • Give 2x Healing Salves

"I appreciate your efforts. You did great and I already feel the changes. I hope to see you tomorrow for the next task."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.



Teakettler Kinfolk

You hear a high-pitched whining before a strange looking dog approaches you. Steam is coming from its mouth, and it's walking...backwards?

The creature walks in a strange shimmy pattern as it navigates the world backwards. You notice its cat-like ears swivel back and forth as it moves, as if using them to listen as it moves. It seems to manage well, despite its odd movement.

"Oh, you there. You're capable aren't you? I have need of your forward-thinking ways."

The Teakettler is curled up, looking almost peaceful. As it snores, a faint whistling sound comes from its nose and gentle tendrils of steam curl through the air. With a snort it shakes itself awake, fixing you with a curious gaze.

"I don't look odd enough to scare you away, huh? Well that's a first. Ready to help again?"

Quest flavor text

"I love sticks. Do you love sticks? I need 5x large branches for...reasons I can't disclose. They're important to a creature like me."

"I need something a bit softer for sleeping. Would you bring me 2x nesting material?"

• Help 3x distressed animals in explore • Give 5x large branches • Give 2x Nesting Material

"Good, good. Just as I thought, you're more than capable. Well done."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Small Prey
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Chase (opening move): +2
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +2
Snarl (opening move): +1


Beast of Bladenboro

Beast of Bladenboro The Merged

Glowing amber eyes look at you coldly from a creature as black as the shadows. Its bushy tail sweeps back and forth as you approach.

It resembles a lion, with a thick curly mane that not only covers its chest, but travels down its back in spiky tufts. Sharp white teeth snarl at you as you take a hesitant step forward, and you feel your pelt prickle with unease. You must tread carefully.

"What do you want, mangy? want to help, you say? Well, there's no shortage of work to be done. I'm sure you could be useful to me."

The beast stretches almost too casually, licking its paws and swiping them to groom the fur on its face. It's trying to give the appearance of ease and confidence, but you can see tension in its body. It was prepared for anything and on high alert. Amber eyes sharply watch your every move.

Second day quest text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Complete 3x hunts • Complete 1x scouting missions • Defeat 3x Kinfolk cryptids

Quest completed text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Modifier Effects

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -1
Rest/Wait: -1
Snarl (opening move): -1


Beast of Bray Road

Beast of Bray Road The Merged

Hideous and twisted, the wolf-like form in front of you only resembles a wolf in passing. Its gleaming red eyes and sharp teeth as it hunches over on two paws fill you with dread.

The Beast slinks around the clearing, its long, hunched strides making you think of a predator stalking prey. Something catches its attention and it lowers itself on all fours, sniffing the ground. It can move both ways? Yikes!

"A mortal! I used to be one, once. Dreadful and boring. Care to cure some of that boredom and help me with a few things?"

The creature doesn't seem to have a care in the world. It stretches out on the ground to its full length of several feet and throws its head back in a long howl. Shivers roll down your spine and as the creature turns and locks eyes with you, you know who the true apex predator is here.

"Are you small? You seem smaller than other wolves, but perhaps I'm just superior with my height. No matter; you're still useful. Let's get on with it."

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Complete 2x hunts • Defeat 3x Kinfolk cryptids • Give 3x full-use carcasses

Quest completed flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Modifier Effects

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -1
Rest/Wait: -1
Snarl (opening move): -1



Glawackus The Merged

A bulky, maned creature blocks your path. It lets out a growl and shows its long, sharp canines, glaring you down.

The creature paces menacingly back and forth, never taking its eyes off of you. It seems defensive, but considering the size difference, you're surprised that it even considers you a threat. You try to step closer but it lets out a roar in warning.

"What do you want? Stay over there. I don't like outsiders. could be useful, though. Up to the task?"

Second day flavor text

Second day quest text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Complete 3x hunts • Defeat 2x Ozark Howlers • Give 2x Healing Salves

Quest completed flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.


Ball-Tailed Cat

Ball-Tailed Cat Independent

A creature resembling a mountain lion is peering at you, waving its tail slowly back and forth. The large mass on the end of its tail resembles a ball, but you have a feeling it's not for playing with.

You approach the odd cat and it stretches languidly, as if showing off the muscles beneath its pelt. As it returns to a sitting position, it flicks its tail and lets the mass hit the ground with an audible thump. It appears to be testing your resolve. Its eyes glow an ominous green, and you feel slightly unnerved as you stare at the cat. Is it friendly, or does it hope to swing that heavy tail at your head?

"I suppose you'll do. Care to help me with something, pup?"

The cat is laying flat, as if thoroughly enjoying its time not doing anything and using you as its servant. It lifts its head and looks at you with a glare, as if disapproving that you're back to bother it.

Second day quest text

"Hunting isn't easy here. Bring me something to eat. 3x full use carcasses will do nicely."

"You're a big, strong wolf. I need to make a sturdy den. Bring me 5x large rocks and make it quick. I don't like my time being wasted."

Quest flavor text

• Give 3x full-use carcasses • Give 5x Large Rocks • Give 2x Nesting Material

"Not bad at all. Come back tomorrow and I'll have more for you to do. For now leave me be so that I may continue my nap."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.



Hugag Independent

At first, you nearly mistake this creature for a moose; but this is no ordinary mammal. The jointless legs appear to limit the creature's movements, and its unusual muzzle looks like it would be hard to eat anything with.

The stiff movements of the creature make you realize what an easy target it would be for any hungry wolf here. It must possess some hidden power that keeps potential danger away. Its long lip moves slightly, but you don't know if it's an attempt to smile or a grimace of dislike.

"Do not disturb me and go back to where you came from. Unless... unless you agree to help me, then you may stay."

The stiff-legged silhouette blends rather well with the surrounding trees and it's not easy to find it. You realize that the creature is unable to lie down but it somehow manages to survive just fine standing up, which is definitely a thing to admire.

"Ready to do something else? The sooner we finish, the better. I like my own company over you nosy wolves."

"I think you can see that for yourself that I'm not shaped to travel around as freely as you. Knowing the area would help a lot so complete 1 scouting mission and come back to share the details."

"It's not easy to confess, but you may have noticed that I have some trouble with eating. However, there are things that are easier to consume. Bringing me 5x large leaves would actually save me a lot of time."

"I may need some more supplies soon. I still have some but you're definitely faster than me so use your flexible legs to bring me 2x healing salves."

• Complete 1× Scouting Mission • Give 5x Large Leaves • Give 2x Healing Salves

"That's it. We're done for today. Come back tomorrow and leave me alone now."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Large Prey

Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Chase (opening move): +2
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +2
Snarl (opening move): +1


Wampus Cat

Wampus Cat Independent

At first glance, the creature doesn't differ much from any other wild cat you've encountered so far. That is until you spot it has an additional pair of limbs, apparently fully functional.

While the extra pair of legs is shorter, the creature uses them naturally and you start to wonder if such a thing could make you better at hunting. The cat's glowing eyes meet yours when it catches you staring at its additional limbs. The sight of its sharp claws suggest that it's probably best to be careful not to anger it.

"Are you here to stare at me like that or will you do something useful for a change?"

Wampus cat rests in a comfortable spot on the soft grass and minds its own business, licking its paws. It doesn't seem to care much about your presence now that it's used to it, but you can see the hint of tension in its movements. It's way more interested in the results of your work than in you.

Second day quest text

"Today's task is simple. Catch me an uncommon fish in the fishing game. What? I know I could do it myself but I simply don't want to. Water is wet, you know. I hate that. You're a...well, not a dog, but you're related, so you like water. Go on now, the fish won't catch themselves!"

"I can tell that you do well with simple things, but now it's time for something more challenging. Complete 3 hunts and come back to me with proof of your skill."

"I don't know if I'll stay here for long or not. I like it at the moment but my lair isn't ready yet. I still don't have time to make it, but luckily you have nothing but time. Find 2x nesting material for me."

• Catch one uncommon fish • Complete 3x hunts • Give 2x Nesting Material

"I wasn't expecting you so soon, it's impressive. I don't have anything more for you today but come back tomorrow."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.




Dark Watchers

Dark Watchers Kinfolk

Dark, human-shaped silhouettes observe you motionlessly from a distance. You don't see humans often but these figures look taller and more intimidating with their piercing gaze.

The couple stands still but you notice that it's impossible to approach them or take a closer look. No matter how much you try to focus, you can't point out any clear detail of their faces. Suddenly, you hear their voice, a perfect unison, in your head.

"The time for keeping to yourself is over. If you help us, we may be able to stop this madness together."

Second day flavor text

"We're glad to see you again. Your help is really appreciated. It's time for you to carry out another task."

"There is no doubt that The Merged are doing everything to stop the world's wounds from healing. They won't stop unless they change this land to fit their twisted minds. We have to do something about it. Defeat 3x the Merged cryptids and you'll feel the difference. Their presence is a sickness."

Quest flavor text

"This won't be news to you but the victims of all the changes and disasters are countless. Helping the weak and wounded is as important as pushing the enemy back. Help 3x distressed animals in explore. There's enough death around, every saved life is a victory."

• Defeat 3x the Merged cryptids • Give 5x herbs or amusement items (specific items needed will be randomized) • Help 3x distressed animals in explore

Quest completed flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Focus (opening move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Latch: -1
Snap: -1
Snarl (opening move): -1



Gillygaloo Kinfolk

To your surprise, a rather normal-looking bird peers at you from a low hanging branch. It lands with a squawk and observes you with a keen eye.

The Gillygoo is sitting rather painfully over a freshly dug hole. It looks to be in great distress, and lets out a horrifying screech–followed by joy. An egg lays in the hole, but it's unlike any egg you've ever seen. Instead of being round, it's square! After a quick once over, the bird fixes you with a stare.

"Well met, wolf. Your kind are all over this place. The more paws the better. Are you willing to assist me?"

With great care, the Gillygaloo is covering the egg with piles of snow. How strange! Birds always sat on them to keep them warm. Clearly this is no ordinary bird. Looking satisfied, it turns at your approach.

"You've returned I see. I'm glad you've decided to put your paws to good use once again. Let's get on with it."

Quest flavor text

"I can see so much when I'm in the sky. There are so many in need of help. Go and aid 3x distressed animals in explore. For now it will have to be enough."

Quest flavor text

• Defeat 3x the Merged cryptids • Help 3x distressed animals in explore • Give 5x Large Leaves

Quest completed flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Soft Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Shear: +1



Knocker Kinfolk

The tiny creature you stumble upon somewhat resembles a bat but it is wingless and apparently lives underground as it pops its head out of a burrow.

The long armed being sits nearby, looking for something with its creepy fingers that resemble thin spider legs. It still hasn't noticed you despite its large ears. You make the first step, lowering your head a bit. It doesn't seem to be afraid, which makes you wonder what hidden skills it may have.

"Good timing! I need some help. I hope that you don't have anything else to do."

You can't spot the Knocker anywhere at first, but it sticks its head out of the burrow as soon as you start to look around. It seems that the creature spends most of its time underground, coming out mostly to see you. It seems that it just wants to settle here without causing any problem or even leaving any sign of its existence.

"You completed the last task so quickly that I can't help but ask for your assistance again. Are you up for it?"

"Every day brings new calamities and I'm running out of my supplies. If you can bring me 2x healing salves, it would save me a lot of time."

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Give 2x Healing Salves • Give 5x Large Rocks • Give 2x Nesting Materials

"Just what I needed. Perfect! That's all for today but come back later, I'll have another task for you."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Small Prey
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Chase (opening move): +2
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +2
Snarl (opening move): +1



Hidebehind The Merged

You feel an ominous presence around you but your senses are unable to fully catch the shape of the dark being. One thing is certain: you are being observed.

The heavy feeling doesn't fade with time. You have a sense that the creature, wherever it may be, can either perfectly blend with the environment or perhaps even change shape. If darkness were to take a physical form, it would be this being.

"Your fear and confusion are amusing but I have a better use for you."

Even now, when you know what to expect, you still feel uneasy when approaching the creature. You've seen a shadow in the corner of your eye once or twice, but you're not sure if it's your mind tricking you. The one thing you wouldn't mistake for anything else is the voice of the dark being: a hoarse whisper fading into the mountain wind.

"Coming back for more? Of course you are. You don't want to know what would happen if you didn't follow my instructions."

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Complete 1x scouting mission • Defeat 3x Kinfolk cryptids • Give 5x Large Rocks

Quest completed flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.



Hodag The Merged

A shaggy, black-furred beast stares menacingly at you, its overgrown fangs dripping with saliva. You can hear a rumbling in its throat.

You cautiously step toward the beast, taking care to keep an eye on the sharp, curved horns and spikes along its spine. They glint faintly in the low light, clearly razor sharp and deadly. It's probably best to avoid those. One thing is for sure: you don't want to draw its ire.

"You're either brave or stupid to come here. Leave now, or I'll see to it you do as I say."

Second day flavor text

"Back for more? Fine with me."

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Defeat 3x Kinfolk cryptids • Give 2x carcasses • Give 5x herbs (specific herbs needed will be randomized)

Quest completed flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.


Horned Beast

Horned Beast The Merged

You hear snarling before a shaggy, horned beast with claws comes out of the shadows. It continues to snarl angrily and you're hesitant to move closer.

It's a wonder this beast can walk at all. Its claws are so overgrown and curled that it has a funny gait as it moves around. They look deathly sharp, however, and you decide you don't want to test just how sharp they are. As if sensing your fear, the beast rakes them across the ground, leaving deep gouges in the earth and daring you to come closer.

"Endless pestering, that's my reward for coming to this cursed place. No one will leave me alone! I suppose you want to "help" me too? Fine then."

Second day flavor text

"I should have known you'd be back. Give a dog a bone, as they say. Let's be on with it, then."

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Defeat 3x Kinfolk cryptids • Give 5x Large Rocks • Quest needed

Quest completed flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.



Gumberoo Independent

A bear looms before you, fearsome and intimidating. In the place of fur, its hide is like thick leather–you doubt anything can pierce it.

Despite its thick skin, it was still a bear. The Gumberoo leans against a tree, scratching its leathery hide on the sharpest bark it can find. When it steps away, a large gaping hole yawns in the tree. So strong!

"You there! What are you staring at me for? If you're going to be rude, make yourself useful at least."

The Gumberoo hunches over, licking its claws. They are stained with blood, and prey scent lingers. You smell wolf, too...surely it hadn't eaten your kind? They blow a downy feather away and with a sigh of relief you realize it had only eaten a bird.

"I bet you're wondering if your teeth could pierce my hide, eh? It can't, so don't even try. Ready for your next task?"

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

"My hide may look tough, but I still get injured. I need 2x healing salves."

• Give 5x Large Branches • Give 3x full-use carcasses • Give 2x Healing Salves

"You're surprisingly durable, even with that thin skin. Very well, you did good. Come back later and I'll have more for you to do."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -2
Shear: -1



Splintercat Independent

A sudden movement in the shadows catches your attention. You notice a feline-shaped creature staring at you as if it is ready to jump.

When you approach, the cat relaxes its muscles, abandoning the plan to hunt you down. You notice its back is covered with strange, sharp spikes, reminding you of a hedgehog. Its tail is swaying back and forth slowly. The spikes on the creature's body aren't long but you wouldn't like to have a closer encounter with them. Suddenly, the cat decides to shorten the safe distance between you and sits in front of you.

"What's your business around here? I'm sure it can wait a little longer. I need your help."

The cat's brown fur blends perfectly with the mountain landscape. When it rests on the ground, it resembles a broken, spiky branch of a tree. No wonder it doesn't even bother to hide and feels rather comfortable out in the open. Upon your return, it turns lazily to face you. It's clear that it wants to listen about your progress and then doze in the sun.

"Back already? Good, I need your help again."

Quest flavor text

"I had no idea that this place was so densely inhabited. I definitely need more space, and any creature messing with me is the first to be chased off. I am being generous, believe me. Defeat 1x ____ as soon as you can."

"My lair is almost ready. I only need some brush to camouflage it properly. Bring me 5x large branches and it should be perfect to make the finishing touches."

• Complete 1x scouting mission • Defeat 1x of the following (one option randomly chosen): Bobcat, Elk Bull • Give 5x Large Branches

"Excellent! Exactly what I needed. You can go now, but not too far away. You must come back tomorrow for your next task."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Soft Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Shear: +1



Tailypo Independent

A familiar long snout with pointy ears and rough, coarse fur shoves into your face rather abruptly. The creature it belongs to makes you think it might be some kind of wolf.

It has a long tail, and its body is thin and wiry with oddly long toes. It sniffs you up and down, as if gaining information. You don't have to even attempt to smell the creature; its stench crosses your nose every time it passes you. It smells muggy and damp and of something more sinister, but you can't be sure.

"You look like me, but you're far smellier. Don't you wash? I guess it can't be helped...I could use a strong set of paws like yours. Smell aside, do you want to help me?"

The Tailypo is trotting back and forth among the trees and brush, stopping every so often to look at the ground. It looks far too pleased with itself, and as you watch, it licks its muzzle as it goes to the next place and you smell fresh kill. Had it stored that much food around? But it appears to be travelling around randomly...was it stealing kills? It turns to look at you with an innocent expression.

"You came back! I wasn't sure you would. Ready to keep going?"

"Time for some hunting! Well, I'm not going to hunt, but you are. You're far too scrawny. I have to teach you how to eat properly, it seems. But before you can eat, you need to hunt. Complete 3 hunts and come show me your spoils. Be prepared to share!"

"I'm itching to sink my claws into the felines in this area. I see them all over this place. I don't want to fight a battle I'm going to lose, however. That's where you come in! Defeat 1x Bobcat and let me know how tough they are."

"My stomach is a bottomless pit, I tell you. No matter how much prey I steal–I mean, find–I can't seem to satiate my hunger. Help me out, would you? Bring me 3x full use carcasses. If that doesn't satisfy me, I don't know what will."

• Complete 3x hunts • Defeat 1x Bobcat • Give 3x full-use carcasses

"You're pretty good at this. If you come back tomorrow you can help me again."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Soft Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Shear: +1


Riparian Woodland

Riparian Woodland


Bessie Kinfolk

Like a cross between a snake and a fish, the glittering, scaled being before you observes you with a curious gaze. It appears friendly.

It sits loosely curled around itself on the ground, shifting back and forth occasionally. It glistens, and smells quite fishy. The creature is huge, and you're certain it could make prey out of you if it wanted. But its eyes are kind, and it leans closer to you with nostrils flaring, taking in your scent.

"Furry thing, aren't you? I bet your fur is soft. I need help from a landwalker like you. Won't you help me?"

The sea creature has stretched itself out along the riverbank, letting the water run over its scales and through its fins. It's peering closely at the water and sitting still, as if watching for movement. Suddenly it dunks its head down, and comes up with a small, wriggling fish and swallows it easily. It notices you watching and waves a tail fin at you in greeting.

"You came back! Thank goodness. I have more for you to do. Are you up for it?"

"As time goes on, more of those evil beings from The Merged keep appearing. Go fight 3x the Merged cryptids to show that their kind is not welcome here."

"The water here doesn't feel as clean as it should–something is wrong, and we must find out what it is. Find the source and report back to me."

Quest flavor text

• Defeat 3x the Merged cryptids • Find the geyser in the Riparian Woodland • Help 3x distressed animals in explore

"Well done, little friend! I couldn't have done it without you. Come back and visit tomorrow."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -2
Shear: -1



Champ Kinfolk

Shimmering blue scales draw your gaze to this serpentine creature. Its nostrils flare and it assesses you curiously.

Despite being landbound, Champ appears quite comfortable as it spreads its length on the bank and soaks up the sun. The blue of its scales seem to shift and change with the river as it flows, and you're sure that once this creature disappears beneath the water, it's untrackable.

"Oh! You're small, aren't you? But I bet you're fast, and time is of the essence. I'm slow on land. Care to help me out?"

The creature is kind, and you had almost forgotten about its sharp teeth. As it sits on the bank, you watch as it snatches up small toads, tosses them in the air, and swallows them in one gulp. You're suddenly aware of just how strong it is should it turn on you.

"You're a good soul to come back. I knew asking you was the right thing to do. Ready for the next task?"

"It's hard to traverse this land, and I'm running low on supplies. Would you get me 1x item, 1x item, 1x item, 1x item, 1x item? That should be enough for now."

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Give 5x items (specific items needed will be randomized between Acorns, Dandelion, Healing Salves, St. John's Wort, Blue Jay Feathers, Mollusk Shells) • Give 3x full-use carcasses • Find the blocked river in the Riparian Woodland

"Brilliant! That was very helpful. I'll have more for you to do tomorrow."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -2
Shear: -1


Dewey Lake Monster

Dewey Lake Monster Kinfolk

Shaggy hair flops in front of glowing eyes, and a large ape-like creature rises to its feet in front of you. The eyes are kind, and you sense no malice from the creature.

Moving from tree to tree, the creature seems to be inspecting the health of each. Gently touching leaves, sniffing the bark, and feeling the soil around the roots. The care it shows to the land is admirable.

"Hello there, fellow traveler. If you aren't too busy looking after your pack, would you help me? The situation in the world is grave."

The Dewey Lake Monster has found some wild strawberries and is eagerly consuming them. Red sticky juice coats their fingers and dribbles down their chin into their hair. When it sees you, it holds one up in offering.

"It's good to see you, friend-wolf! I'm glad you're back. Tell me when you're ready and I'll give you another task."

"Helping others is useless if we don't also prepare for the worst ourselves. Bring me 2 x healing salves so I can stock up."

"I'm in need of more supplies. Search around and see if you can find 5x large branches for me to use."

"There is so much hurt in the world. We must do what we can to help ease those who are suffering. Go and help 3x distressed animals in explore when the next disaster hits. They're counting on you!"

• Give 2× Healing Salves • Give 5× large branches • Help 3x distressed animals in explore

"Very good! I can feel the world shifting toward the better."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.



Altamaha-ha The Merged

Large and reptilian-like, this fearsome creature glares down at you with eyes full of malice. A hiss comes from its mouth and you hesitate for a moment.

The creature sprawls in the river, blocking the flow of the water and quite clearly not giving a damn. Fish frantically try to find a way around, and with an evil grin they are snatched up and swallowed whole.

"Oh look, another land-dweller comes to beg for mercy. Well I won't give it if your performance is anything but perfect. Either agree or be eaten, hmm?"

Altamaha-ha sits very still on the shore, tail raised as if to strike. Suddenly its tail smacks the water harshly and you see a fish float to the surface, unsure if it's dead or just stunned. Either way Altamaha-ha lifts its tail and watches the fish float down river.

"You're a smart one to come back before I can hunt you down; it would be a waste of my precious time, otherwise. Let's get on with it."

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Catch one uncommon fish • Complete 2x hunts • Defeat 3x Kinfolk cryptids

"Fine, fine. It's a perfect performance...for now. Return tomorrow and see if you can replicate it."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -2
Shear: -1



Goatman The Merged

Not only does this dark, horned being look like a demon but you're also completely certain that it is one. As if its appearance wasn't enough, it's carrying a used–but clearly still sharp–axe with visible stains of dried blood.

A self-confident smirk of the black Goatman sends a chill down your spine. You wouldn't be surprised if when you let it out of your sight, it would go terrorize the area. The creature starts approaching you, tightening the grip on its axe and clearly enjoying the fear in your eyes.

"You there! You're not going anywhere unless I let you go. Complete some tasks for me first. Or maybe you'd like to be eaten on the spot?"

Second day flavor text

"I was sure that you'd try to run away but you came back. You're either very brave or very stupid but useful in both cases. Don't relax yet, you're still not free to go. There's more to do."

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

"I like how you serve me. I need someone like you to stay here and help me with all the minor everyday tasks. Even such a simple mind as yours will see the benefits of it, sooner or later. All of the sudden changes have had an impact on the creatures living here. They're scared, so they likely won't oppose me and my offer. Find someone in distress and convince them to serve me."

• Defeat 1x Blacktailed Buck • Defeat 3x Kinfolk cryptids • Find the trapped wolf in the Riparian Woodland

"All right, this job is done. I'll let you live for another day. Get out of my sight now but come back tomorrow or else I'll find you and I won't be nice about it."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Large Prey


Soft Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Chase (opening move): +2
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +2
Shear: +1
Snarl (opening move): +1


Pope Lick Monster

Pope Lick Monster The Merged

A bizarre, two-legged goat creature stands in front of you, sniffing the air. Long, ruffled fur around its neck looks almost like a mane, making it look significantly bigger and more imposing.

The muscular chest of the beast is rising and falling slowly. The strangest thing you notice are strong, sharp claws at the end of the creature's long, five-fingered forelimbs. It's definitely not a herbivore.

"If you didn't want to help, you would be running back already. Are you with me or against me?"

Second day flavor text

"Doing this stuff is addicting, isn't it? I suppose there's worse things than working for me. I hope you came prepared."

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Defeat 1x of the following (one option randomly chosen): Coyote, Turkey Vulture • Defeat 3x Kinfolk cryptids • Give 1x Wolf Skull

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Large Prey

Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Chase (opening move): +2
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +2
Snarl (opening move): +1


Beast of Busco

Beast of Busco Independent

The beast before you resembles a snapping turtle, but it's larger than any you've seen before. It turns its massive head and snaps its beak at you.

The reptile doesn't necessarily seem aggressive, but its size alone is enough for you to hesitate before moving closer. It seems to be sizing you up, wondering whether or not you are worth its time and energy. It's slow moving, but it doesn't seem to mind and appears to be quite content to watch the world pass by.

"I could make use of those paws of yours. Come closer, I won't bite. At least not hard..."

The sound of scraping and heavy movement reaches your ears as you get within sight of the beast. It's moving around, using its claws to kick up dirt and debris. What was it doing? It stops when it catches you staring and lets out a faint hissing noise.

"I didn't scare you off I see. You're made of strong stuff. Ready for your next task?"

Quest flavor text

"There's a creature that looks like me that keeps skulking around. It poses a threat to me and my territory. Go chase it off, will you? I don't care how you do it, so long as it leaves for good."

"Moving is hard work, and I need suitable material to make a nest for my eggs. Yes, eggs–you're not the only thing that breeds around here. Bring me 2x nesting material so that I can keep them safe."

• Catch one uncommon fish • Find the massive turtle in the Riparian Woodland • Give 2x Nesting Material

"Very good, your paws are swift indeed. Leave me be now and come back tomorrow."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -2
Shear: -1



Kipsy Independent

The movement in the muddy water is promising and you hope to catch a tasty fish, but instead a large, snake-like monster emerges in front of you.

While the monster is huge and intimidating, it's unlikely that it can chase you outside the water which is relieving and makes you feel braver. The creature lowers its head to take a closer look at you. It still hasn't said a word but you can already tell that this meeting wasn't a coincidence. The creature definitely has a reason to reveal itself in such a way.

"Ah, another one. Good. Maybe you'll do better. I need some tasks done and you are definitely faster than me on the ground. Will you help me?"

You can spot the monster's long neck from afar. It's expecting you and doesn't bother to hide or mask its presence in any way. This alone tells you that however indifferent it may sound, it has its own plans for these unusual events that probably won't be shared.

"There is still some work to do but if we keep this pace, we'll be done soon. Ready for the next task?"

"I need you to retrieve something. Someone stole my food and I'm fuming with anger. It wasn't too long ago so the thief can't be far. You can't miss it, it's a really large fish. A dead sturgeon to be specific."

"Until now, I thought that I wouldn't need so many healing materials but the situation in this area is getting more and more unpredictable. I suppose that it's no different anywhere else. We must survive somehow. Bring me 2x healing salves as fast as you can."

"I have to fight with various enemies quite often but The Merged are the worst among them. If you defeat 3x the Merged cryptids it will be beneficial for everyone."

• Find the dead sturgeon in the Riparian Woodland • Give 2x Healing Salves • 3x the Merged cryptids

"I hardly ever need anyone to assist me but this was a good decision. That's all for today, you may leave. Come back tomorrow if you're still interested."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -2
Shear: -1


White River Monster

White River Monster Independent

With a gaping jaw of sharp teeth that could easily swallow you head first, this giant fish-like creature commands attention with its presence.

The White River Monster uses its large jaws to scoop through the river and catches everything in its path–rocks, plants, fish, even some branches! It crunches down and allows the debris to filter through, revealing a wiggling fish. That's certainly one way to do it!

"Come to help? Good, I know just what to do with you. No refusing, or I'll eat that pretty head of yours."

With its sharp gaze cast to the sky, the creature is far too focused to notice you at first. It watches as two small birds dart around in the air, appearing thoughtful. If it wasn't earth-bound, you're certain it would try and eat them. The birds dart past your head and the White River Monster turns to you

"Look who had the courage to come back! Color me impressed. Ready to serve me?"

Quest flavor text

"I don't move much on land; I'm restricted to the water. I need you to be my eyes and complete 1 scouting mission. Be on the lookout for juicy prey, too,"

"You see this 1x ____ skulking around? It's dreadful. Go and defeat it for me. Swallow it whole!"

• Catch one uncommon fish • Complete 1x scouting mission • Defeat 1x of the following (one option randomly chosen): Bald Eagle, Grizzly Bear

"Yes, good job and all of that. You helped me for a short blink of my day. Come back later to do it again."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.





Grassman Kinfolk

Kind eyes in a round, shaggy face meet yours, and you feel instantly at ease. The creature raises a human-like hand in greeting.

It has a familiar presence, almost as if you've seen it before. Such a big, hulking beast would be hard to miss, but you're certain that you've never laid eyes on it before. Perhaps the fact that it seems so welcoming has tricked your brain. It sits peacefully in a nest in the grass and offers you a grub wriggling between its fingers.

"Hello there! Would you like a grub? I just found some. Oh, but you probably don't like them...not many do. While you're here, would you like to help me with something?"

Second day flavor text

"You're back, fuzzy friend! It's good to see you. Are you ready for the next task?"

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Give 2x Healing Salves • Give 5x Large Leaves • Help 3x distressed animals in explore

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.



Jackalope Kinfolk

A beautiful rack of horns is attached to a majestic...rabbit? It sits back on its haunches and wiggles its nose furiously, taking in your scent.

You have never seen horns on anything other than a deer, and you openly stare at the small creature before you. It's larger than most rabbits, sure, but its tiny head doesn't look nearly sturdy enough to hold the weight of the horns. It lowers its head toward you and places itself in a defensive stance, eyeing you warily.

"Well met, wolf. I don't want any trouble. I need help, but only if you'll promise not to eat me. Sound like a deal?"

Second day flavor text

"You're back! You haven't eaten me yet, either. I guess I'm in luck for now. Fancy another task?"

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

"If I'm to make a home here, I need nesting materials. It's far too dangerous for me to go and find any myself though, what with all of those Merged skulking around. This will be your first task. Bring me 2x nesting material."

• Find the jackalope babies in the Prairie • Give 5x Large Branches • Give 2x Nesting Materials

"Well done I say! I appreciate your help. Come back tomorrow, I'll have more for you to do then."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Small Prey
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Chase (opening move): +2
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +2
Snarl (opening move): +1


Walgren Lake Monster

Walgren Lake Monster Kinfolk

Though you've never seen it before, this creature looks oddly familiar. It cocks its head and looks at you with a curious expression.

Large flies swarm around its head, and it reaches up to swat at them with large scaly paws. It manages to catch some and licks the smushed bugs happily off of its palm. Yuck!

"I don't think we've met before, but you sure look familiar. Maybe there's just too many wolves around here for me to keep track. No matter, I still need help."

The Walgren Lake Monster has made itself right at home. It hunkers down in a cool, muddy spot and sleeps soundly. You wonder how it can be so carefree with all that's going on in the world. It lifts its muddy head expectantly as you approach.

"Good to see you again! You were so helpful last time. Are you ready to help some more?"

"I need you to get rid of the Merged around here. They're thick as flies! Defeat 3x of them."

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Defeat 3x the Merged cryptids • Give 5x Large Rocks • Complete 2x hunts

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -2
Shear: -1



Beaman The Merged

The monster before you is unlike any you've seen before. It sort of resembles a wolf...and yet, its malevolent eyes speak of its true nature.

Beaman moves around as if its tracking prey, but you can't smell anything near by. It seems quite intent, and you're left puzzled. Is it just paranoid?

"You're so puny, how on earth do you survive? Luck? Whatever it is, I have need of it."

Without you around, Beaman has disappeared. Or has it? You cast your eyes around and lock in on a shadowy patch under a bush. Two blinking red eyes stare at you hungrily, and you feel your fur rise on your pelt as it steps from the shadows.

“Puny pup, back for more? Delightful. Be quicker this time, would you?"

"If you're so good at surviving, prove it. Succeed in 2 hunts or don't show your puny face again.

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Complete 2x hunts • Defeat 3x Kinfolk cryptids • Give 5x Large Leaves

"Fine, fine. You did the job. Shoo now."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.


Belled Buzzard

Belled Buzzard The Merged

A grizzled old buzzard glares at you with beady eyes. The belly around its neck rings ominously.

The bird crouches on the ground, wings half spread out. It appears hunched over, like it's old and the weight of the world is weighing it down. Everytime it moves, the bell chimes with an eerie sound, and the hair on your back prickles and stands on end. This bird means death.

"What are you looking at, ugly? Scared? Good. Now do as I say before my patience runs out."

Second day flavor text

"You're back. Ready for your next task? I'll make it worth your while again."

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Complete 3x hunts • Complete 1x scouting mission • Defeat 3x Independent cryptids

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Soft Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Shear: +1


Creepy Black Hound

Creepy Black Hound The Merged

A creature resembling a large dog looks at you in silence. Black as the darkest night, with muscles shining under its short fur, they look as if they are ready to hunt.

You approach the dog and notice that it's equally interested in your presence, its blood red eyes following your every step. You've never seen a dog so large. It bares its teeth for a brief moment and comes closer with a dominating stare.

"Since you are already here, make yourself useful. It may be beneficial to both of us. I may need your help. Are you in?"

Second day flavor text

Second day quest text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Complete 3x hunts • Defeat 3x Kinfolk cryptids • Give 2x Healing Salves

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Modifier Effects

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -1
Rest/Wait: -1
Snarl (opening move): -1


Enfield Monster

Enfield Monster Independent

You're not quite sure what to make of the bug-eyed, hunched, three-hooved creature in front of you. It's not exactly aggressive, but it's not very pleasant, either.

The way the creature walks is almost like an insect, with each leg moving independently of the others. It flicks its funny little ears and scratches them with its long claws with a grumble. As it shuffles around, it seems to be muttering to itself and barely acknowledges your presence.

"What do you want? Can't you see I'm busy? I have so much to do...but maybe you can help. Wanna give it a go?"

You're not sure how it's managing it, but the Enfield Monster is sitting in the long grass, different weeds and flowers clutched in its claws. It sniffs each in turn before stuffing it in its mouth and chewing, only to spit it right back out. Did it think they were food?

"The busy-body is back! I guess you like my gifts in return for your service, hmm? I have more to offer. Ready for today's task?"

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

"I'm in dire need of supplies. Find me 1x medicine, 1x medicine, 1x medicine and hurry back."

• Complete 1x scouting mission • Give 5x Large Leaves • Give 3x medicines (specific medicines needed will be randomized)

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Large Prey

Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Chase (opening move): +2
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +2
Snarl (opening move): +1


Milton Lizard

Milton Lizard Independent

An imposing lizard that looks similar to a monitor lizard blocks your way. It's larger than any lizard you've seen before, and could eat you whole.

Lumbering around without a care in the world, the lizard flattens the grass wherever it goes, causing small prey to flee. It pays them no mind, instead opting to trample the grass in random patterns and smush anthills purely for fun.

"Ho there, small fry. Stick around and help me, would you? You'll get things done much faster than me."

No rock is large enough to fit it, but that doesn't stop the Milton Lizard from trying to sun. It's found three rocks spaced out enough so that it can rest its head, part of its body, and part of its tail across all three. It doesn't look at all comfortable, but who are you to judge?

"Returned, have you? Good, good. I'll make use of those swift paws."

"Have you seen the locals around here? So nosy. Go and defeat 1x Whitetail Buck so they stop looking at me like some kind of side show."

Quest flavor text

"Rocks! I need rocks! There's not enough around here for me to sun my whole body with. So you need to go and find 5x large rocks to bring me."

• Defeat 1x of the following (one option randomly chosen): Plains Coyote, Whitetail Buck • Give 2x Nesting Materials • Give 5x Large Rocks

"I don't care what anyone else says; you're okay in my book!"

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -2
Shear: -1


Sidehill Gouger

Sidehill Gouger Independent

At first glance, this creature is no different from an antelope with unusual markings. You notice that its legs are shorter on one side, and wonder if it's mutated.

The unusual physique of the creature forces it to use hilly terrains only. Walking on any flat surface would likely be impossible, making the Gouger an incredibly easy prey for every hungry carnivore in this area. It is perfectly aware of this fact, staring at you in fear as you approach.

"Stop, wait! I know this gaze. If you help me with a few things, it will benefit you more than eating me, I promise."

The Gouger needs a while to make a full circle on the rocks to be able to face you. Not only was it restricted to hilly terrain, but it was also doomed to use only one direction when it wanted to turn. At this point, you start to wonder how it is capable of living to adulthood or breeding. It must have some strong points that are still a mystery.

"I hope that you've changed your plans about your dinner. I may need some help again and I've started to trust you."

"Knowing the area is essential for me. I can't just go and discover the world willy-nilly, I need to plan in advance to save time. Complete 1 scouting mission and come back to share the details. You have my thanks in advance."

"As you can see, my mobility is somewhat limited. I need to reach a certain spot but finding a way to this particular location would take too long. There should be an Abandoned Train Tunnel somewhere. I've heard that more of my kind can be found on the other side. Find the tunnel and describe a way to this place so I can plan my journey."

"What may seem effortless to other herbivores, requires much more planning for me. What I wouldn't give for a simple snack without the need to go in circles constantly. Say, do you have 5x large leaves that I can snack on?"

• Complete 1x scouting mission • Find the train tunnel in Prairie • Give 5x Large Leaves

"I appreciate your help, really. I hope you're satisfied with your reward too. Come back later if you want another task."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Large Prey

Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Chase (opening move): +2
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +2
Snarl (opening move): +1


Coniferous Forest

Coniferous Forest

Axehandle Hound

Axehandle Hound Kinfolk

This creature looks more or less like a regular canine to you, but its body has so many strange angles and you're quite certain it's no ordinary hound.

The movements of the creature are too smooth and natural for it to be ill, so its body shape does not appear to be the result of any kind of mutation. You approach closer, feeling a sense of familiarity after the surprising first impression.

"Do you have some time to spare? I think I need some help. Nothing too difficult, I promise."

The more you think about this being, the less strange it becomes to you. Supernatural or not, you share a few things in common. The creature is waiting for you, nibbling on a stick with a relaxed expression.

"Your help is priceless. I'm sure you're ready for upcoming tasks. I don't know what I'd do without you. So... will you agree to do more?"

"Not only in this forest, but the entire area is infested with the Merged and it really worries me. Find and defeat 3x the Merged cryptids. No matter where you go, you will always come across one of those filthy bastards somewhere."

"I tried to hunt but it seems that other animals, or even our enemies, are taking all of the prey. Do you have something to share with me? 2x full use carcasses of any kind will be enough, I think."

"We must hurry up before it's too late. Have you seen the damage around? What's worse, we can't predict anything. However, we can help as much as we can in the aftermath. Find and help 3x distressed animals in explore."

• Defeat 3x the Merged cryptids • Give 2x carcasses • Help 3x distressed animals in explore

"Just as I said, fast and easy, right? Come back tomorrow for another job!"

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.



Shagamaw Kinfolk

This creature would resemble a bear if not for the antlers sprouting from its head and hooves on the hind legs. Its eyes shine with an unsettling yellow glow.

If the creature is aggressive, you'll be in trouble, but it seems rather calm. Moss-covered fur makes great camouflage in this deep forest. Now you realise that you've seen pawprints and hoofprints together a lot but you'd never guess that they could belong to one animal. Following this being would probably give you a headache. Its whole appearance seems designed to fool and mislead wolves.

" found me. If it was your intention, it proves that you have some useful skills. Will you help me?"

You don't see Shagamaw despite feeling its presence nearby and it steps out of the shadows when you come close. It's quite impressive how well this creature can hide right before your eyes. Its expression used to look indifferent before but now you sense the tension and expectations. Your help here may have greater significance than you think.

Second day quest text

"Disasters are one thing to deal with but these Merged folks are way worse. We must get rid of them before they turn this world upside down. Defeat 3x the Merged cryptids and come back when you've finished."

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Defeat 3x the Merged cryptids • Give 5x Large Leaves • Help 3x distressed animals in explore

"Outstanding! We're done for now but come back later."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -2
Shear: -1


The White Stag

The White Stag Kinfolk

The magnificent stag in front of you resembles an ancient forest god with its splendid, huge antlers and perfectly clean, almost shining white fur. It looks beautifully unreal.

You don't feel any kind of fear. It may be your gut feeling or the creature's vibe, but there is something royal and proud about it. The stag nods slowly, inviting you to come closer.

"Did you lose your path? Or maybe you came here to help?"

Second day flavor text

Second day quest text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

"I don't know this land yet. It takes quite a long time for me to find food I am familiar with. Please, bring me 1x item, 1x item, 1x item, 1x item, 1x item and help me fill my belly."

• Defeat 3x the Merged cryptids • Give 2x Healing Salves • Give 5x herbs or Large Leaves (specific required items will be randomized)

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Large Prey

Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Chase (opening move): +2
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +2
Snarl (opening move): +1



Agropelter The Merged

The gangly creature before you is shaggy and green and looks like a monkey. Multiple red eyes like a bug stare into your soul.

Gripped tightly in its fists are two rather large chunks of a tree branch. It slams them on the ground as if tenderising them, then takes a large chunk out of one with its sharp teeth. Was it eating wood?

"Need something? No? Well I do, so you're going to help me."

Agropelter is perched up in a nearby tree, with a chunk of wood in its hand. It stands poised to throw it, and you watch as a squirrel gets too close. With a loud thump the branch hits the squirrel and it stumbles away, dazed. The creature looks at you with a sly, toothy grin.

"You sure show up a lot for someone who claims not to need anything. Ready to do something else for me?"

Quest flavor text

"I'm in need of supplies. Bring me 2 x healing salves and wipe that annoyed look off of your face. You're helping me whether you like it or not. Begone!"

Quest flavor text

• Give 3x full-use carcasses • Give 2x Healing Salves • Give 5x Large Branches

"I'm not saying you're slow, but well... you're slow. At least you got it done. Come back tomorrow."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Small Prey
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Chase (opening move): +2
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +2
Snarl (opening move): +1



Gallinipper The Merged

The largest mosquito you have ever laid eyes on buzzes in front of you. If it weren't for the intelligence behind its bloodthirsty eyes, you would have been long gone.

Gallinipper flies around the clearing, peering into tree holes as if on the hunt for a tasty meal. It stops to listen occasionally, jabbing its long beak into the holes as it attempts to snag a catch. The prey are lucky and it is unsuccessful...for now.

"Hey there blood-bag, not afraid of me, are you? You do smell good, I must admit...but still you're more useful alive. For now that is. Time to get to work."

You've always wondered how mosquitoes sleep, and at least in this case, it appears to rest like any other bug with its wings folded and body low to the ground. It's too big to fit in any of the trees, so it simply rests on the bed of pine needles. A beady eye flicks open as you approach.

"Eat something delicious today? I can smell it all over you...mmm. What I wouldn't give for a taste. But we have other matters to attend to."

Quest flavor text

"That Walgren Lake Monster thinks they're so slick. I can't stand the sight of them. Go teach them a lesson."

Quest flavor text

• Complete 1x scouting mission • Defeat 1x Walgren Lake Monster • Give 5x Large Leaves

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Strong Venom
Modifier Effects

Opponent's Modifiers
Opponent's Bite Attack: +1


Jersey Devil

Jersey Devil The Merged

The huge, dark shadow above your head is too big to be a bird. Or maybe it's a bat? You take another look, observing the creature as it lands nearby.'s a large, winged goat with an ominous shine in its red eyes.

The goat monster folds its wings on its back, lowering its head when it notices you. A long tail, swaying slowly from side to side, resembles a snake ready to attack and you are almost sure that you catch a malicious smirk on the creature's muzzle. It can fly so it's pointless to try to escape now.

"You will serve me. It's not a question or an offer. Just do what you are told if you want to see the next sunrise."

Second day flavor text

Second day quest text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Defeat 1x Grizzly Bear • Defeat 3x Kinfolk cryptids • Give 3x full-use carcasses

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Large Prey

Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Chase (opening move): +2
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +2
Snarl (opening move): +1


Bloody Mary

Bloody Mary Independent

A blood-spattered figure steps out of a ghostly mirror. Where did the mirror come from?

Bloody Mary looks at herself in the mirror, admiring her appearance. Or was she seeing visions? You move closer, but she turns and blocks your gaze from the mirror.

"The future spoke to me and told me you were coming. I've prepared some special tasks just for you."

The mirror stands alone, with no sign of the woman. You inspect all around it, but she is nowhere to be found. As you sniff the air, a hand reaches out from the mirror and taps you on your back. With a yelp you leap into the air, and you hear laughter coming from the mirror.

"Welcome back, future wolf. I still have need of you."

Quest flavor text

"I need to stabilize my mirror. Bring me 5x large rocks so that it doesn't fall over and break."

"Regretfully this form gets injured rather easily. Get me 2x healing salves to have on hand."

• Defeat 3x the Merged cryptids • Give 5x Large Rocks • Give 2x Healing Salves

"Good. Rest up and return I know you will."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Modifier Effects

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -1
Rest/Wait: -1
Snarl (opening move): -1



Squonk Independent

A sorry-looking lump of wrinkly skin with warts and moles meets your gaze. Its eyes are sad, and tears stream silently down its face.

The creature is staring at the ground, ears drooping and looking like its mere existence is weighing it down. It's making small mewling noises as tears run down its face. It's crying so much that the ground at its feet is damp, and everytime it moves it leaves an easy trail to follow. Maybe you can try to cheer it up somehow?

"Oh, seem nice. Will me? I'm too sad to do much on my own."

For once, the sad creature doesn't seem so sad. Its face still droops and its ears are hung low, but it's crouched down and staring at a nearby flower. It seems fascinated by it, and while there are still tears rolling down its face, they aren't flowing as quickly as before. It huffs and makes a gurgling noise, and you realise that it's trying to smell it.

"It's nice to see your friendly face again! Come to help me again?"

Quest flavor text

"These pine needles are nice, but they don't do much to help keep it dry when I lay down. Would you bring me 2 x nesting material? I need something more absorbent to dry my tears at night."

Quest flavor text

• Find Blonk in the Coniferous Forest • Give 2x Nesting Material • Give 5x St. John's Wort

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -2
Shear: -1


Wisconsin Werewolf

Wisconsin Werewolf Independent

The wolf-like appearance of this creature is familiar until it reveals its bipedal posture. It looms above you and you feel small.

The beast lets out a warning growl at first but stops suddenly, visibly intrigued by your visit. Its ruffled fur adds to the creature's size but you find its human hands and chest scarier. You let it come closer to sniff you, prepared for any possible outcome of this encounter.

"What's your business here? I have some stuff to do and I don't want to be disturbed. Help me or leave."

The werewolf barely pays attention until you come really close. You don't feel looked down upon but it's clear that the beast couldn't care less about anything else than its own stuff. You are merely a tool to achieve its goals but you know you could benefit from this temporary alliance.

"There you are! You're surprisingly good at this, I must say. You'd be a formidable opponent if you had thumbs. Do you want to try something different now?"

"First of all, I'm terribly hungry. If you don't find something soon, you may start looking tasty to me. I've seen a lot of prey around here and they seem confused by everything going on so they will be easy to catch. Bring me 3x full use carcasses and I may even share some with you."

"I need materials to make my lair broader and well-protected. No, I won't tell you where it is. Stop asking so many questions and bring me 5x large rocks."

Quest flavor text

• Give 3x full-use carcasses • Give 5x Large Rocks • Find the older human in the Coniferous Forest

"I don't have anything more for you now but come back later."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Modifier Effects

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -1
Rest/Wait: -1
Snarl (opening move): -1




Cactus Cat

Cactus Cat Kinfolk

The creature in front of you is definitely one of the weirdest beings you've ever seen. It would be a feline resembling a bobcat if not for the long, sharp thorns covering its body and branching tail swishing slowly from side to side. Flowers also bloom on its body.

You're careful not to go too close to the weird thorns on its body, but the feline's attitude seems friendly. It's circling you in turn, keeping a safe distance from you as well. Despite its odd looks, you don't feel uneasy. It feels as if the creature has already adapted to this place.

"Don't be afraid. If I wanted to hurt you, I would have already done so."

You feel the cat's gaze more than you notice it at first. The outwardly calm pose and movements of the creature are hiding its inner tension. It's clear that your actions and help are a part of a bigger plan.

"You seem to be cut out for this job. Your help may change a lot. I've got another quest for you when you're ready."

"I've heard that there are some trained scouts in your pack. Send out 1 scouting mission and share every detail you can. No one will surprise us if we know every stone here."

"There is no peaceful solution when it comes to the Merged. If we want to make this world a little less chaotic, we must fight them. Defeat 2x the Merged cryptids and you will see the positive changes when they are gone."

Quest flavor text

• Complete 1x scouting mission • Defeat 2x the Merged cryptids • Give 5x herbs (specific herbs needed will be randomized)

"You made it sooner than I expected. It's all for today but come back tomorrow."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Soft Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Shear: +1


Hoop Snake

Hoop Snake Kinfolk

You wouldn't believe it if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes. This snake is biting its tail with its jaws to roll forward!

The creature notices you and releases its tail from its mouth, appearing much more familiar as it moves around like any other snake. Even without its strange movement, there is still something extraordinary about this being. You can definitely feel it.

"I wasn't expecting anyone, but since you're here, you can do something good for us both."

The snake, using its special way of moving again, rolls towards you, and there is no doubt that it's an efficient and fast way not only to move but also to hunt—assuming it doesn't suffer from a headache, of course.

"I already see the effects of your efforts. Don't stop and this chaos should be over soon."

Quest flavor text

"I need some supplies, but not only for my own use. Believe it or not, but I sometimes share my stock with animals in need. This is the least I can do. Bring me 2x healing salves, so I can be ready for tough times."

"My lair is well hidden, and I won't share where it is. Unfortunately, the materials are scarce, and it's still not in the best shape. Bring me 2x nesting material, and I will finally be able to complete it."

• Defeat 3x the Merged cryptids • Give 2x Healing Salves • Give 2x Nesting Materials

"Perfect. I wouldn't be able to do it as quickly as I'd like. Having no limbs has its downside, you see. Come back soon for another task."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Strong Venom

Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -2
Shear: -1

Opponent Modifiers
Opponent's Bite Attack: +1


Mogollon Monster

Mogollon Monster Kinfolk

You nearly trip over a large rock, before realising it's not a rock at all! It stirs, and two shining blue eyes blink up at you.

The monster sits upright, its long, shaggy fur covered in dusty sand. It doesn't seem to mind, and brushes grime away from its eyes. Had it been napping? It heaves itself up to stand and shakes all over quite like you would to dry yourself. Appearing satisfied, it sits back down against a rock formation and looks at you expectantly.

"Well isn't this convenient? I need a partner, and here you are! I'll reward you for helping me. What do you say?"

You're not surprised to see the Mogollon Monster lifting large boulders with ease. It seems to be building something, and from what you can tell it looks like it's some sort of makeshift shelter. It's using the side of a rock formation and building up the sides, similar to how you would dig out your own den. When the creature invites you in, you are relieved to get out of the hot sun.

"Welcome back, friend! Ready to continue on? There's much to do."

Quest flavor text

"This arid land doesn't have much in the way of soft brush and plant matter. I'd like to make the floor of my shelter soft and cozy. Do you think you can find 5x large leaves for me to use?"

Quest flavor text

• Give 2x Healing Salves • Give 5x Large Leaves • Quest needed

"Good job! There will be more to do later. Come back tomorrow after you've had a good rest."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.



Augerino The Merged

A large, worm-like creature rests in the warm sand. Its body is abnormally twisted but its movements are surprisingly smooth.

You pad closer, and you feel observed. While you can't see the giant worm's mouth, you can clearly hear its voice. It resembles a dry, malicious hiss. You feel an urge to take a step back when it gets closer to you.

"What a perfect coincidence. I need someone like you. Interested?"

Second day flavor text

"You again...good, good. I have another plan. Do you want to join in?"

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Defeat 2x Cactus Cat • Defeat 1x Frenzied Razorback • Give 3x full-use carcasses

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -2
Shear: -1



Mothwolf The Merged

A red-eyed, wolf-furred, winged...moth hovers in front of you. Its antennae wave and you feel unsettled as it fixes its gaze upon you.

This moth-wolf hybrid is something a pup would have nightmares of. Not only does it have segmented legs that click eerily, the last set of legs are wolf-like and enable the creature to stand upright. It stretches itself as tall as it can go as you approach, stretching its wings to their full width and looking at you with contempt.

"You're...lesser than me. No wings as far as I can see. An ugly lifeform. Still...I suppose you could be of use. You'd be foolish to refuse to help me."

The Mothwolf is sitting upright, its wolf legs sprawled in front and its wings folded back. It's using its segmented legs to groom its face, starting from behind its ears to the front of its muzzle. Such a sight would not normally be odd...but the way this creature is doing it makes you uneasy for some reason. It feels...unnatural. As if sensing you watching, the Mothwolf meets your gaze unflinchingly.

Second day quest text

Quest flavor text

"The local wildlife here doesn't seem to fear me nearly as much as they should. Let's see if we can change that. Defeat 1x ____ and send them a message. Don't come back until it's done."

Quest flavor text

• Complete 3x hunts • Defeat 1x of the following (one option randomly chosen): Cougar, Turkey Vulture • Defeat 3x Kinfolk cryptids

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Modifier Effects

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -1
Rest/Wait: -1
Snarl (opening move): -1


North Shore Monster

North Shore Monster The Merged

This creature would look simply like a large snake if it were not for its head, which resembles that of a horse. Equally surprising and terrifying, the monster appears to remain unaware of your presence.

Still amazed by the unusual appearance, you take a step closer, trying to understand how it is even possible for such a creature to exist. It surely doesn't have the flexible jaws of a snake or the speed of a horse, but you feel that it's better to be prepared for anything.

"Stop staring at me and do something useful. I will consider letting you go if you serve me well."

The creature remains still, awaiting you in the very same spot where you last saw it. It's clear that it couldn't care less about you, and it doesn't event try to pretend otherwise.

"You're back for more? I must think of something more challenging. Are you prepared?"

Quest flavor text

"I don't want to be accompanied by weaklings and you don't look like a fierce beast. You can earn my respect by demonstrating your skills. Complete 3 hunts and come back to show me your results."

Quest flavor text

• Catch one uncommon fish • Complete 3x hunts • Defeat 1x Hoop Snake

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -2
Shear: -1


Fresno Nightcrawler

Fresno Nightcrawler Independent

Extremely long legs, a short torso, and a lack of arms or front paws make this creature's appearance look really alien to you. Only one large eye in the middle of its face captures your attention, and the more you stare at this being the more questions you have.

You don't think that you can get used to this weird being but you're also curious about it. The creature doesn't seem hostile but you can't tell much by just looking at the featureless face covered with green fur. With a careful step forward, you take a closer look, wondering how to start a conversation when you can't spot its mouth or ears. When you finally hear its voice, you still aren't sure if the creature uses its mouth or some special power.

"What are you doing here? You may stay and do what you want if you help me."

Second day flavor text

"You're back already? Good. You may leave or help me again. Are you ready for more?"

"Merged or Kinfolk...I don't really care as long as I'm left alone. In fact, I don't tolerate any intruders, no matter what their intentions are. Defeat 3x Kinfolk cryptids and come back after you're done."

"I may look scary for some, which is good, but the truth is that I can't hunt well due appearance. If you find something large, like a dead cow, I will have food for several days."

Quest flavor text

• Defeat 3x Kinfolk cryptids • Find the dead cow in the Desert • Give 1x critter carcass, 3x herbs, and 1x feather (specific items needed will be randomized)

"Nice work. You're definitely faster than me on your four legs. There will be more to do but leave me alone now. Come back tomorrow."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Large Prey

Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Chase (opening move): +2
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +2
Snarl (opening move): +1


Joint Snake

Joint Snake Independent

A snake lays in pieces in front of you. Before your very eyes it twitches and snaps itself back together. Whoa!

When whole, the Joint Snake moves just as any other snake. Its movement is familiar, and you're not as bothered by its presence. It flicks the tip of its tail at you and you jump back as the piece hits your paws. A slithery laugh escapes from the snake as the tail snaps back into place.

First day quest text

You watch as the snake spots some small prey. In the blink of an eye, it releases its head which shoots out to bite down on the prey fiercely before snapping back to the snake. Efficient...even if it's a bit morbid.

"Oh good, you don't look as dumb as before. That will come in handy. Let's get started."

"Show me how you hunt so I can determine what way is more efficient: yours or mine. Complete 2 hunts."

"Hunting is too much work. Bring me 1x critter carcass, 1x critter carcass, 1x critter carcass so that I can feast."

"I need something to burrow down in. 2x nesting material should be suitable for my needs."

• Complete 2x hunts • Give 3x critter carcasses (specific items needed will be randomized) • Give 2x nesting materials

"Well done. I see you're not as dumb as I thought. For now, at least."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -2
Shear: -1


Lava Bear

Lava Bear Independent

The creature in front of you is definitely a bear, but a strangely tiny one, and it takes you a while to realise that it's not a cub. Despite the odd glow of its eyes, you don't feel any fear.

Thick, woolly fur makes the bear look fluffy and you somehow can't imagine it being truly aggressive. However, when you approach the creature, your experience tells you to be ready for anything. The bear raises its head boldly and stares at you, unfazed.

"Who are you? Leave me alone. Or...wait. Since you're already here, can you help me with something?"

When you see the bear again, a spark of excitement can be seen in its eyes and its movements are visibly more energetic. Apparently, your help means something. Its energy is contagious, and you feel as though you could take on anything it asked.

"If you have nothing else to do today, I could use some more help."

"My child is lost. You probably know this land better than I do. Please bring my cub back to me."

Quest flavor text

"I haven't had time to make this place safe and comfortable for us. Can you bring 2x nesting material?"

• Find the lava bear cub in the Desert • Give 5x amusement items (specific items needed will be randomized) • Give 2x Nesting Material

"Thanks. I mean it. You saved a lot of my time. Come back tomorrow if you still want to do some work."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.



Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -3
Snarl (opening move): -1
Shear: -1





Buntail Kinfolk

You really can't decide if this strange creature is a big rabbit or a really small deer. Paws and hooves together are so confusing that you can't stop staring.

Frozen in fear, ready to dart away, it checks all avenues of escape. Finally, it risks looking straight into your eyes. You find the small antlers on its head quite fascinating and you take one step towards it to check them out. To your surprise, the creature doesn't dart away.

"You could eat me if you wanted, but if you are concerned about the current situation, you could help me instead."

Second day flavor text

"Trusting you was the right decision, really. Will you consider taking another task? There's much to do."

"I completely forgot to keep an eye on my supplies. I don't need much but 2x healing salves would help me feel safe here in the event something happens and I'm injured. Come back when you have them."

"This task may seem too easy for you but it will save a lot of my time. I really need 5x large leaves. Do you have it by any chance?"

Quest flavor text

• Give 2x Healing Salves • Give 5x Large Leaves • Help 3x distressed animals in explore

"I appreciate your effort. Come back tomorrow, our job here isn't done yet."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Small Prey
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Chase (opening move): +2
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +2
Snarl (opening move): +1


Goofus Bird

Goofus Bird Kinfolk

Birds come in all sizes and shapes, so there is nothing weird about this one at first. However, when it starts to move, there is definitely something different about this creature.

You need a while to understand the movement of this peculiar bird. It seems to fly only backward and is generally uninterested in reaching any particular destination. When the bird notices you, it stops for a while to take a closer look.

"Hi there! I know I'm interesting, but instead of just standing there, you could come closer and engage in something useful. Do we have a deal?"

When you get used to the strange behavior of this bird, you notice something else that surprises you even more. Its nest would appear normal if it wasn't built upside down. You're convinced you've seen everything at this point.

"If you came back, it means you're not bored yet. That's good because I will need you again."

Quest flavor text

"I should have chosen another place or different materials. Look, my nest is falling apart! I think I can repair it, but I will need 2x nesting material. Please hurry!"

"I try to help everyone and everywhere I can but the current problems are too serious to deal with them alone. Help 3x distressed animals in explore while I try to gather more information about the area. Come back when you finish the task."

• Defeat 3x the Merged cryptids • Give 2x Nesting Materials • Help 3x distressed animals in explore

"Excellent job! I look... forward to seeing you tomorrow."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Soft Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Shear: +1



Sasquatch Kinfolk

Bright green eyes full of intelligence peek between shaggy fur on this creature's face. It's big and hairy and imposing, but seems rather peaceful.

The creature is sitting against a large boulder, picking debris out of its hair. It continues its grooming even after you make your presence known. It seems to be in no great hurry, and finally it stops and looks at you curiously.

"You there. I assume you've interrupted my business on purpose? Even if not, you're here now and you'll be of use. Do something for me, would you?"

Second day flavor text

Second day quest text

Quest flavor text

"Soft material for a nest is hard to find here. So many dry, scraggly bushes. How can I get a good night's sleep if I'm constantly rolling on prickly brush? I need you to bring me 2x nesting material. You're a smart wolf; I'm sure you won't have any trouble."

Quest flavor text

• Give 2x Healing Salves • Give 2x Nesting Material • Help 3x distressed animals in explore

"Very good. That will do for now. Be off back to wherever it is you come from."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.


Ghostly Black Dog

Ghostly Black Dog The Merged

A mysterious, elusive shape surrounded by a thick, smoke-like substance walks slowly a short distance away. It looks like a dog, but with such a ghostly nature, it could be anything.

Because of this strange smoke, you expect a half-transparent, barely materialized being. However, the muscular body of the dark dog appears surprisingly solid. It rushes at you with a beastly growl but you decide to stand your ground.

"This is my territory now. Get out of my sight if you're not willing to follow my rules."

The long, pointed ears of the beast turn toward your direction when you arrive, but the creature is resting calmly, barely even looking at you. Such a sudden change in behavior is a clear sign that you are on the same side. At least for now.

"You didn't fail last time, surprisingly. Take it as a compliment if you want. Are you ready for another task?"

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

"There are very few enemies that are a threat to me but I'm running out of my supplies. Bring 2x healing salves and don't tell anyone that I need them. I can't let others known that I'm susceptible to injury."

• Defeat 3x Independent cryptids • Give 2x carcasses • Give 2x Healing Salves

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.


Montauk Monster

Montauk Monster The Merged

This fearsome creature's face is something from nightmares. Skin peels back from its gaping maw to reveal the bone structure underneath, and it looks at you with malice.

It could be some sort of relative to a wild hog, but after one sniff you know that it can't be. It smells like decaying meat, its bare body dirty and malformed in some parts. Bony claws swipe near your face, and you leap back to keep a safe distance. It's eyeing you with mistrust and anger.

"Don't I scare you? No? Fine then, do as I say or I'll make you regret it."

Second day flavor text

"Well this is a surprise. Actually it's not, because I give you things and your kind is always greedy. Let's get on with it, shall we?"

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Catch one uncommon fish • Defeat 3x Kinfolk cryptids • Find the tunnel in the Taiga

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.



Small Prey
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Chase (opening move): +1
Retreat: +2


Thetis Lake Monster

Thetis Lake Monster The Merged

With a gleeful malice in its eyes, a scaled human-like creature with fins grins at you with sharpened teeth.

Picking a sharpened scale from its spiky head, the monster begins to pick its teeth. Tiny foreign objects flick out, and you struggle to watch as you wonder what on earth the creature could have eaten.

"What have we here? A sniveling pup come to worship me? Very well, complete some tasks for me and I'll consider myself sufficiently worshiped."

The Thetis Lake Monster stomps in a muddy puddle, making gross squelching and squishing noises. It slathers itself in the mud once it deems it an acceptable consistency, and it only adds to the wet, fishy smell of the creature.

"My presence must be irresistible for you to return so soon. Get started on your worshiping tasks, would you?"

"I'm in the mood for fish, but I don't feel like fishing. This is where you come in, furry peasant. Go and catch me an uncommon fish in the fishing game fish, would you?"

Quest flavor text

"I need supplies to heal myself. You don't think I just sit here do you? I'm constantly chasing creatures away and don't always get away unscathed. Bring me 2x healing salves."

• Catch one uncommon fish • Defeat 3x Kinfolk • Give 2x Healing Salves

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -2
Shear: -1



Mothman Independent

The body of the winged creature standing before you is so deeply black that you can't see it properly. It would resemble a giant moth or a bird if not for its ape-like, bipedal posture.

The creature approaches you with curiosity, tilting its head slightly from time to time. Big, round eyes shining with a bright red glow are almost too vivid when embedded in this darkness. This being looks like it is made of pure shadow but when your eyes adapt a bit, you see its insect-like face.

"Is your kind the dominant species around here? Seems so. For now. I need someone to help me with some stuff. Easy job. Interested?"

Second day flavor text

Second day quest text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

"With your help, I will be able to secure my territory. Defeat 2x the Merged cryptids as soon as you can. They're evil incarnate and are destroying everything around here even when they have no reason to."

• Complete 3x hunts • Complete 1x scouting mission • Defeat 2x the Merged cryptids

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Modifier Effects

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -1
Rest/Wait: -1
Snarl (opening move): -1


Sliver Cat

Sliver Cat Independent

This large feline looks almost like an ordinary cougar. You do a double take, and notice a strange, spherical growth at the tip of its abnormally long tail.

The creature seems amused by your visit, treating you rather as an interesting encounter with local residents rather than a threat or a challenge. Its soft smirk only proves that it already looks down on everything.

"Are you lost? Or maybe you looked for me to help me out?"

Second day flavor text

"Don't worry if the previous tasks have felt easy. I can always give you something more challenging today, if you think you're up to it."

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

"I'm in the mood for a snack but I've tried almost everything that can be found here. Bring me something exotic. Maybe you could find 2x Agouti Carcass for me? I'm curious about the taste."

• Complete 3x hunts • Defeat 1x of the following (one option randomly chosen): Coyote, Whitetail Buck • Give 2x Agouti Carcasses

"It's almost sad that you aren't a cat. You have potential. Come back later for your next job."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.



Snipe Independent

You approach this creature warily, wondering if your eyes are playing tricks on you. Is it even real?

The creature doesn't seem to move...and yet, you find it sitting in different spots. First its sitting by a rock, then near a scrub bush, then blinking at you from the frosty plane…is it messing with your head?

"You can see me, can you? Fascinating! You must have a good imagination. I'm only visible to intelligent beings, you know. Perfect timing, too–I could use your help."

The Snipe isn't here. At least, it doesn't seem to be...but you feel watched. You look all around for the creature, only to turn and find it sitting right where you first stood. How had you missed it? Amusement dances in its eyes as it watches you.

"See, I knew you couldn't stay away! I'm far too interesting. Let's get going before you change your mind."

"I don't like going off on my own, so send out 1 scouting mission and tell me of all the interesting sights, sounds, and smells they come back with."

"These animals are spoiling my fun. Go and defeat 1x ____ so that they don't bother me anymore."

"I need something to make decent hiding spot. 5x large rocks will do. I think this spot right here would be perfect to build it when you return..."

• Complete 1x scouting mission • Defeat 1x of the following (one option randomly chosen): American Badger, Cougar • Give 5x Large Rocks

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Small Prey
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Chase (opening move): +2
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +2
Snarl (opening move): +1




Cajun Sasquatch

Cajun Sasquatch Kinfolk

A shaggy, long-armed creature is dangling from a low-hanging vine. It tilts its head at you in a playful way.

You stare at the creature and it stares right back. You want to look away, but the staring contest ensuing is too intense to resist. Who will win? Will the creature blink first? You feel something slimy go over your feet and jump back in surprise. A vine...which the creature surely could not have commanded to trip you and break your stare, right?

"You lasted longer than most! But my stare is unmatched. Come, I have a task for you."

The creature is sitting in the nearby muck, slathering mud through its hair and looking quite pleased. A horrible smell reaches your nose, and you know it has to be coming from the creature. Was it taking a bath? A...mud bath? It turns when it sees you, shooting you a muddy grin.

"Still falling for that, I see. Back so soon?"

Quest flavor text

"I like the mud, but I want a dry place to sleep. Bring me 2x nesting material so that I can make a nice bed out of the mud."

"There is so much pain and suffering during these disasters, but we can't prevent them. We can only help in the aftermath. Please help 3x distressed animals in explore."

• Give 5x Large Leaves • Give 2x Nesting Material • Help 3x distressed animals in explore

"Well done I say. Carry on now, and come back tomorrow."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.


Skunk Ape

Skunk Ape Kinfolk

A strange looking beast with long, shaggy hair observes you with a keen eye. It smiles widely, revealing long, sharp teeth.

Unlike a monkey, this creature walks upright. As it lumbers towards you, you can't help but wonder if it's actually human. No other animal that you know walks upright. Its long, thick fingers reach out as if it wants to touch your fur, but it seems to change its mind and goes nose-to-nose with you instead.

"You're nearly as hairy as me! You smell much worse though. No matter. I need your help."

It's a wonder that the creature has the ability to smell you at all. You watch as instead of cleaning its long fur, it simply rolls around on the ground, picking up all sorts of debris. Small sticks, leaves, dust–you name it, it was on the long hair. And it thought you smelled?

Second day quest text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

"Fear has a very distinct smell. Maybe you've smelled it before when you hunt your prey? The air is thick with it lately. These disasters do nothing but cause fear, and it's time to do something about it. Help 2x distressed animals in explore. I'm sure you'll have plenty to choose from."

• Defeat 3x the Merged cryptids • Give 2x Nesting Material • Help 2x distressed animals in explore

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.


Tuttle Bottoms Monster

Tuttle Bottoms Monster Kinfolk

This large, bipedal creature resembles an ape but has a head with a characteristic, elongated mouth that reminds you of anteaters. It hasn't looked at you yet, but you have a feeling that it's aware of your presence.

The shaggy, thick fur of the creature is covered with tiny, dried leaves and pieces of tree bark. It uses its mouth just like an anteater, looking for insects and eating them with its long tongue. It appears as though nothing could ruin its dedication, and it is completely absorbed.

"Greetings! I wasn't expecting anyone here, but I'm glad to see you. There are some things that need to be done, and I won't be able to do everything myself. The condition of this world is worsening. We must work together."

The stocky body of the creature can be seen among the trees, this time on all fours, doing the same thing as always: looking for something to eat. You're glad that you don't have to eat with such a tiny mouth. It would take ages to feel full!

"I knew you would be back to help me more. I hope we have similar interests but if not...the final result is the most important."

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Defeat 1x Dungavenhooter • Give 3x medicines (specific medicines needed will be randomized) • Help 3x distressed animals in explore

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.



Dungavenhooter The Merged

You don't notice anything strange about this creature at first. In fact, it looks like a normal alligator before you see that its jaws are completely shut closed by skin.

The creature notices you as soon as you lay your eyes on it. Even without a visible mouth, it appears as if it is smiling. You can hear its nightmarish voice directly in your head. Normally an alligator would not pose much threat as long as you stayed far away, but this one is truly unsettling.

"Let's make a deal. Work for me for a while, and I won't cause any problems during your journey. Sound like a deal?"

In the murky waters of the swamp, the dark, scaly body of the creature is hard to notice, even when you know where to look. It sees itself as the king of this area, so you have to wait for it to come to you, not the other way around.

Second day quest text

"I see you are bold enough to call yourself a hunter in front of me. You have a chance to prove it and kill a 1x ____ for me. I'm getting hungry. "

Quest flavor text

"I need you to bring me 1x item, 1x item, 1x item as fast as you can. Do this for me so I can use my precious time for something better."

• Defeat 1x of the following (one option randomly chosen): Frenzied Razorback, Wild Boar • Defeat 3x Kinfolk cryptids • Give 3x items (specific items needed randomized between 1-use food items, Turtle Shells, and Tortoise Shells)

"So, how did it go? Don't talk about your feelings or other unnecessary stuff. I want the results. Speaking of which... I will need you again soon. Are you ready for that?"

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -2
Shear: -1


Lizard Man

Lizard Man The Merged

You've seen scaled beasts in the swamp before, but this one stands upright and moves like a man. It hisses through long, sharp teeth.

The creature moves with ease through the wet terrain and seems to be looking for something. It makes such a ruckus that if it happens to be looking for something to eat, you know it will never find anything. It stomps around and smacks its long tail on the muddy ground in frustration before glaring at you.

"You there! I need food, among other things. You will help me, or I'll just eat you instead."

Second day flavor text

Second day quest text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Defeat 3x Kinfolk cryptids • Give 4x carcasses • Give 5x Large Branches

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.



Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -3
Snarl (opening move): -1
Shear: -1



Rougarou The Merged

Your pelt prickles with fear as a wolf-like creature that stands on two legs emerges from the swamp fog. It throws back its head and howls.

How this wolf walks upright like a human is a mystery to you. It's unnatural, and as it starts to walk toward you it has a sort of swaying gait and is hunched over. Saliva drips from its muzzle and the glowing red eyes look wild and crazed. Something is off about this creature.

"You! Pip squeak! Don't you run from me. You're going to do as I say or I'll snap your scrawny neck."

Rougarou paces restlessly, twitching at every sound. Every tree it passes, it swipes and leaves deep gouges with its long claws in the trunks. It appears to be marking its territory, but from what? Only you were stupid enough to get close. The creature turns to face you with a snarl.

Second day quest text

"I know just the thing for you to do–manual labor! I've had some issues with a cryptid species lately. They just keep being a damn nuisance! Defeat 1x Tuttle Bottoms Monster so I can have some of my sanity back."

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Defeat 1x Tuttle Bottoms Monster • Give 3x full-use carcasses • Give 3x items (specific required items will be randomized between Rattles, Tortoise Shells, and Turtle Shells)

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.



Letiche Independent

A large-toothed shaggy creature with large, round ears judges you with its beady eyes. It resembles a large rat, and you've caught its attention.

Usually snacking on a rat makes for a tasty morsel–but this creature is far too large for you to have a hope of taking it down. The long fangs and sharp, curled claws aren't very inviting, either. It faces you with its lips peeled back over its teeth, letting them glint in the light as it stares you down.

"I saw that look on your face. My teeth are sharp, wolf. Mind yourself and help me with a task, and you'll be rewarded."

The rat-creature is sitting hunched over, tail curled around its body and head bobbing back and forth. You can hear chewing sounds, and you peer around to see what on earth it's eating. A flash of white disappears into its mouth as it turns around to face you with a startled jerk. Was that a bone?

"Greedy mutt, aren't you? Are you here just to help or for the reward? Either way, let's get on with it."

"The smell of fish is overwhelming here. Fish I've never smelled before, either. I want to try some. Go fish up an uncommon fish in the fishing game."

"This area is crawling with boars, and they're such a damn nuisance. Go kill 1x Wild Boar for me so I don't have to deal with them anymore."

Quest flavor text

• Catch one uncommon fish • Defeat 1x Wild Boar • Give 2x carcasses

"Yes yes, here's your reward. I know that's all you want. Come back later."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.


Monster Turtle

Monster Turtle Independent

A rather tall turtle stands before you sliding its long, spiked tail back and forth. It tilts its head sideways and peers at you curiously.

Turtles usually walk low to the ground, standing for brief periods only. Not this one, however; it stands upright with ease. The rounded head and sharp beak reminds you of a bird's, while its long neck is as agile as a snake. It could easily strike at you if given the chance, and you remain wary.

"You're new around here. Or maybe I'm just too old? Either way, lend me a paw and I'll make it worth your while."

Second day flavor text

Second day quest text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

"You haven't been very useful, you know that? Typical. You wolves are always lazy. Go out get me 1x item, 1x item, 1x item to show me you aren't afraid of a little work. I'll even time you, if you'd like. Go on!"

• Complete 1x scouting mission • Defeat 1x of the following (one option randomly chosen): Coyote, Whitetail Buck • Give x3 items (specific items required randomized between Delicate Meat, Turtle Shell, and Dead Fish)

"That works for now. Come back later, won't you? You're useful."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -2
Shear: -1


Swamp Stalker

Swamp Stalker Independent

A large, shadowy silhouette emerges suddenly in front of you. The creature stands tall on two legs, covered in matted, dark fur that clings to its muscular body.

The shape of the creature is rather familiar, resembling a large ape, but much more intimidating. Its movements are smooth and even graceful, which is definitely different and unexpected.

"Are you lost, pup? I might help you find the way but only if you help me first."

This creature is one with the swamp. You could even say that it embodies its essence, blending seamlessly with the surrounding vegetation despite its large body. Glowing eyes appear to penetrate your soul as you approach. You'll probably never get used to it.

"Back already? It seems that I underestimated you, and you have some skills. I will keep that in mind when thinking about the next task for you."

"There are areas here that are still unknown to me. You're much smaller and can sneak in everywhere, so complete 1 scouting mission and tell me what you discover."

"As you already know, this area isn't safe, so I want to be prepared for everything. Bring me 2x healing salves so I won't have to worry about unexpected events."

"I think I may stay here for a while...or maybe forever. I will need materials to keep my lair solid and safe. Gather 2x nesting material and bring it back to me."

• Complete 1x scouting mission • Give 2x Healing Salves • Give 2x Nesting Materials

"Good results are all I care about. You did a good job, I have no complaints. Keep it that way and come back tomorrow."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.




Alaskan Tiger

Alaskan Tiger Kinfolk

A majestic, large feline stares at you calmly as if he was expecting you. Elongated canines can be seen even when the cat's mouth is closed.

You hesitate before taking the first step. The snow-white fur is deceivingly beautiful. Everything about this creature looks deadly and sharp. You could be killed within seconds, but the tiger doesn't seem to be hostile. A strange expression crosses its face, and it appears to be trying to smile.

"The world will be beyond repair if we don't act quickly. Will you help me?"

Second day flavor text

"The more we talk, the less time we have. There's more to do."

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Complete 3x hunts • Defeat 3x the Merged cryptids • Give 3x medicines and 1x Meat Chunks [Large] (specific required medicines will be randomized)

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Modifier Effects

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -1
Rest/Wait: -1
Snarl (opening move): -1



Cressie Kinfolk

You stumble upon a scaly snake-like creature. It stretches tall and observes you with its cool blue gaze.

It may be related to a snake, but you're sure this isn't any species you've ever seen. It has a head like a fish, with whiskers hanging from its lips, fins, and gills. How was it breathing outside of the water? Although surely since it wasn't a normal sort of creature it didn't matter, right? Its mouth gapes and it peers at you.

"You, landwalker! You seem capable. Mind helping me out?"

The creature has found soft, muddy ground nearby and you watch in amusement as it flips and twists, covering itself in the mud and burrowing down after a moment. You wait for it to come back out, but it doesn't stir. Should you get closer? Suddenly it shifts under the mud and stands upright, the only thing not covered in mud is its bright blue eyes blinking slowly at you.

"Back to help again? Fine by me!"

Quest flavor text

"Can't you sense it? There are humans close by. I can feel their movements through the vibrations in the ground, and they don't seem friendly. See if you can chase them off before they cause any trouble."

Quest flavor text

• Complete 1x scouting mission • Find the men in black in the Tundra • Quest needed

"You did that much faster than I could have. Not having legs is really a bother here. Anyway, check back with me later."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -2
Shear: -1


Golden Bear

Golden Bear Kinfolk

This is probably the largest bear you've ever seen. Its shiny, golden fur makes the creature appear as if it is glowing and captures your attention.

It is quite unusual to feel at ease around bears, but you don't experience any fear or tension as you approach. The bear towers over you, and its thick fur makes it look even bigger, but there's something calm about it that lets you trust it.

"If you care about this land, please help me. You won't regret it."

You can feel the stare focused on you even before you reach the bear's lair. The creature nods slightly as you arrive. While its attitude is very friendly, you know that its expectations are high.

"Each finished task takes us closer to the goal. You'll see the results soon but not yet. There is still work to do."

"Bringing the harmony back won't be easy but the first step is getting rid of these Merged pests. One of them is living nearby so it's a good place to start. Defeat 1x Rawhead and don't show any mercy."

Quest flavor text

"The chaos itself is a problem, but we need to do something about those who have already been harmed by it. If you could help 3x distressed animals in explore, it would help to restore some hope."

• Defeat 1x Rawhead • Give 2x Nesting Materials • Help 3x distressed animals in explore

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -2
Shear: -1



Bogeyman The Merged

A fur-less, upright being that's closer to a skeleton than a man shrieks at you and reveals a maw of razor sharp teeth. A long finger gestures at you to come closer.

The monster paces around with an uneven, hunched gait with a shadowy substance pouring off of it. It has no smell and seems to dissipate into the air, but your stomach lurches uneasily. It turns and stares you down with its mouth gaping wide and gnashing as if it would like to eat you for lunch.

"Who're you, furry? You're mortals move so easily. Help me or I'll decide that you're a nice, tasty snack."

Second day flavor text

"Back for more I see. Either you're daft or you're very daft. Doesn't matter which to me, just do as I ask."

"Bah! Do those Kinfolk never go away? No matter how many times I threaten them, they keep coming back. Go defeat 3x Kinfolk cryptids to show them I mean business. Any will do, just make sure they get the message."

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Defeat 3x Kinfolk cryptids • Find structure in the Tundra • Give 3x full-use carcasses

"You actually completed the task? Impressive. I won't eat you...for now. Come back later for more."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.



Rawhead The Merged

This horrifying creature has a skull with no skin. Unease prickles at your pelt as it observes you with hungry eyes.

Rawhead prowls around the cold landscape as if searching for its next victim. And odd sound like rattling bones comes from its mouth and fills you with fear. Did it do that to attract its prey or scare it?

"Have you been a good wolf? If you say no, that's a lie–all wolves like you are naughty. I'll consider not eating you if you do as I say."

In your absence the monster has collected a variety of bones and sits on them like some sort of weird throne. Had it killed that much prey in such a short amount of time?

"Naughty wolf, come to be good? Nonsense! Time to atone for your sins."

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

"Tell you what, 5x large branches is just what I need. Hurry back or I'll smack you upside the head with one of them."

• Defeat 1x of the following (one option randomly chosen): Arctic Fox, Wolverine • Defeat 3x Kinfolk cryptids • Give 5x Large Branches

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Modifier Effects

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -1
Rest/Wait: -1
Snarl (opening move): -1


Shadow Being

Shadow Being The Merged

A black, thick shadow emerges out of nowhere, forming a terrifying shape straight from nightmares. You struggle to focus on it; it fools your senses when you try.

You don't dare stray too close, and even from this distance, you can say that any attempt to touch the creature would surely fail. The skull-like, creepy smile is the only clear feature of its face. You can't see its eyes but you feel like the shadow is observing you carefully and if it wanted to haunt you, it would be able to do so whenever it wanted. Its voice is sharp and hissing like the winter wind.

"Don't hesitate, come closer. You wouldn't be able to escape anyway so you might as well listen to my offer. If you manage to complete a few tasks, I will let you go. Maybe."

Second day flavor text

"The task yesterday wasn't too hard, was it? I didn't think so. Physical labour is not my thing but you are perfect for this stuff. Ready for another task?"

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Complete 3x hunts • Defeat 3x Kinfolk cryptids • Find the polar scientist in the Tundra

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.



Cadborosaurus Independent

The elegant, slippery creature before you resembles an elongated seal. It blinks its expressionless blue eyes and you try to ascertain if it's friendly.

Seals could be food, but you doubt this creature would even let you get close. It's much larger than a seal and would likely require an entire wolf pack to take down. It shifts on the ice and whips its heavy, likely deadly tail across the frozen ground pointedly as it assesses you.

"I'll not be your prey, little wolf. I doubt you could even get close. I'll give you something better if you help me with something. Deal?"

Second day flavor text

"Not had your fill yet, hmm? Very well, I have more for you to do."

"It's time for me to eat, which means it's time for you to be useful. Go catch me a uncommon fish in the fishing game. I'll be waiting, and so will my stomach."

Quest flavor text

"The cold ice can be nice, but I want to be able to sun myself. Go find me 5x large rocks so that I can make myself a suitable sunning spot. Make sure they're good size, too, not some measly pebbles."

• Catch one uncommon fish • Give 3x full-use carcasses • Give 5x Large Rocks

"Very good, you did that well. Come back tomorrow to complete another task."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -2
Shear: -1



Manipogo Independent

The floppy ears and large eyes of this creature create a good, almost kind impression, but your experience tells you to be careful, no matter how harmless the creature's appearance may seem.

The most familiar shape you could think of is that of a seal, but there is also something canine about this creature. It notices your presence, observing you in silence. You have a feeling that you disturbed its plans.

"Are you bored or something? You look like you could be, so come here and listen to me. I have lots of things to do, and you seem to have none. Can you help me?"

The slender and now familiar shape can be seen among the rocks. The creature is relaxing with its eyes closed and its head turned up to the sky. The faint scent of fish tells you that it has probably just finished its meal.

"Look who's back! I'm almost happy to see you. Almost. It's nothing personal; I don't really like anyone, but you're not that bad. You're still eager to help, right?"

"You know what? I'm hungry but also so tired after the last unsuccessful hunt. I would really appreciate a small, local fish. But not just any fish; it has to be an uncommon fish in the fishing game one or higher. See if you can catch one fishing."

Quest flavor text

"I already have my lair nearby, but to be honest, it's still unfinished. Call me lazy all you want, but I need your help. Please bring me 5x large branches so I can finally finish it."

• Catch one uncommon fish • Defeat 1x Alaskan Tundra Wolf • Give 5x Large Branches

"Let's call it a day, we both need to rest. Don't forget to come back tomorrow!"

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -2
Shear: -1


Snow Snake

Snow Snake Independent

It is quite unusual to see a reptile thriving in such a cold area. Its blindingly bright white scales make the creature look ghostly unreal and somewhat fascinating as well.

The snake approaches you so fast that you don't have a chance to think about making an escape. When it slithers, it's hard to focus your sight on it. While the creature doesn't look much different than other snakes, there is something supernatural about it. When it focuses its gaze on you, you start to feel anxious.

"What a surprise, a guest. Are you here to bother me or to help?"

Second day flavor text

Second day quest text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Defeat 1x of the following (one option randomly chosen): Arctic Fox, Snowy Owl • Give 5x Large Branches • Give 3x carcass (specific required carcasses will be randomized between Caribou Calf, Hare, Seal Pup, Stoat, and Gull)

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Strong Venom

Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -2
Shear: -1

Opponent Modifiers
Opponent's Bite Attack: +1





Akhlut Kinfolk

It takes a few seconds to realise that this creature isn't a dream or hallucination. It is a cross between a wolf and a fish or a whale with a long fin on its back and a tail adapted to the depths of the ocean.

The dual nature of this being makes it a bridge between the ocean and the land. You feel a twinge of jealousy deep inside your heart. You'd like to swim freely and hunt underwater, too. The ocean wolf smiles slightly, noticing your genuine fascination, and approaches you with a friendly attitude.

"It's rare to meet someone by accident here. Or maybe it's not an accident. Will you help me with something?"

You see the Akhlut coming out of the ocean from afar and it makes you wonder if there are any disadvantages to being an underwater wolf. There aren't any signs of this creature's pack anywhere, so it's likely either a lone wolf or it's driven by different needs. You definitely have more questions than time to spare.

"I hope you're ready to work. With your help, we can complete these tasks a lot earlier than I estimated. Let's get going."

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

"There is a major task awaiting you but you need to prepare for it a bit more. Bring me 2x healing salves. What? I know it's not a challenge. I just ran out of them."

• Defeat 3x the Merged cryptids • Find the giant squid in the Glacier • Give 2x Healing Salves

"I knew you'd do well. Will you stay around a little longer? Come back tomorrow and we'll talk about new things that need to be done."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Modifier Effects

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -1
Rest/Wait: -1
Snarl (opening move): -1


Fur-Bearing Trout

Fur-Bearing Trout Kinfolk

Intro flavor text

First day quest text

As you become accustomed to the peculiar appearance of this creature, it starts to look normal in your eyes. The thing that still shocks you is the creature's ability to speak! This world has indeed gone mad.

"You're back, finally! Will you agree to another task? I may have fur but it takes more time to grow legs so I can't do anything myself yet."

Quest flavor text

"Because of this fur, many animals have an unhealthy interest in trying to eat me. I'm fast enough to escape but I need some help to recover faster. I think that 2x healing salves should be enough for now "

"I can't do anything above the surface so you will have to do this for me. Help 2x distressed animals in explore and remember to come back to tell me everything. Even here, in this remote place, I can sense the disturbances and they're getting worse."

• Catch one uncommon fish • Give 2x Healing Salves • Help 2x distressed animals in explore

"That's all for today but you did great. Come back tomorrow."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -2
Shear: -1


Unidentified Beings

Unidentified Beings Kinfolk

You've seen many unexplained things in your life, but the sight in front of your eyes is beyond your comprehension. A bipedal creature, despite having a familiar body frame, makes your body stiff with anxiety and all your senses seem fogged...

The more you focus on the being, the more details you can spot. Their natural body armour reminds you of an insect but they're far from that. Even when you get used to how they look, their presence still makes you feel anxious and uneasy. This creature doesn't feel right and something about them is alien to the core. Your instinct tells you to run away but an oddly calming voice speaks to you by your name directly in your head. You don't even truly hear feel it.

"Fear not! We need your cooperation in order to cease this madness. This world's natural balance is in danger. Will you assist us?"

The strange being is still there, waiting on the frozen plains. They don't scare you now and you feel safe despite the weird aura surrounding them. You would really like to know more about them but an odd feeling makes you think that it could be too much for your mind to comprehend.

"You're back! Choosing you was the right decision. You can do more if you're up to it. It would be highly appreciated."

"If you see 1x item, 1x item, 1x item as you go about your day, bring it to us. We would like to take a closer look at it. Our knowledge about this planet expands with each hour. Your assistance is greatly appreciated."

"In order to work effectively and with the most benefit to everyone, we need to study a few examples of local life forms. Don't be afraid, we're not talking about you. 3x full use carcasses will be enough for a start."

Quest flavor text

• Give 3x items (specific items required will be randomized herbs and amusement items) • Give 3x full-use carcasses • Find the livestreamers in the Glacier

"Excellent work. We cannot intervene personally too often. Come back tomorrow if you want to help again."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Modifier Effects

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -1
Rest/Wait: -1
Snarl (opening move): -1


Bloody Bones

Bloody Bones The Merged

You can't believe that something that looks like a rotting carcass can even be alive, let alone deadly, but your gut tells you to be careful.

While the skinny, distorted body of the creature looks weak, its lidless eyes embedded in a skull-like face are glowing with bloodthirst. If your worst thoughts could take a form, they would look like this abomination. When it focuses its gaze on you, you start to feel anxious.

"Done admiring me? Follow my orders and I may let you live a little longer."

Second day flavor text

Second day quest text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Defeat 3x Kinfolk cryptids • Give 5x bone items (specific items needed will be a randomized amount of Bones and Whale Rib Bones) • Quest needed

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.


Old Scratch

Old Scratch The Merged

You have to look twice to believe your eyes. At first you thought this creature is a human, but the red skin and horns leave no room for imagination.

Yellow eyes stare at you intensely, and a soft smirk appears on the devil's face. While elegant and well-mannered, he has the vibe of a natural predator. You can't deny that he is both unsettling and fascinating.

"What perfect timing! You have a fantastic opportunity to show your worth by completing a few simple tasks. It will be beneficial for both of us and you won't regret it. Unless you refuse."

The devil greets you in a way only a good, old friend would do but you know that behind the pleasant voice and graceful movements, there is a real threat that you would face in case of poor performance.

"I'm pleased to see you again. We make a perfect team, don't we? We should continue working together a bit longer. Are you ready for that?"

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Complete 3x hunts • Defeat 3x Kinfolk cryptids • Give 2x Nesting Materials

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Modifier Effects

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -1
Rest/Wait: -1
Snarl (opening move): -1


Sea Serpent

Sea Serpent The Merged

A giant serpent observes your movements carefully. Its body is dark and shiny like the surface of a cold, midnight sea. It could probably crush your bones effortlessly.

One step towards this creature could be your last one. The snake smiles ominously with its mouth full of long, sharp teeth. That doesn't help in overcoming your doubts, but you notice a genuine interest in its bright eyes. When it hisses, it feels like it could suck your soul away.

"There is something interesting about you that I like. If you help me with something, I will consider not eating you."

Second day flavor text

Second day quest text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Complete 1x scouting mission • Give 2x Healing Salves • Quest needed

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -2
Shear: -1



Kraken Independent

Two round eyes as large as your head stare right through you. The creature's tentacled, slimy body shifts over the ice and sends shivers down your spine.

You've never seen such a large beast; whispers, perhaps, but nothing solid. From the way it's wobbling unsteadily, it's clear it doesn't belong on land. Yet here it is, waving its many tentacles around that make small sucking sounds as they detach and reattach themselves to the ice. It reaches toward you curiously.

"Hmm, you're not very suited for this icy place, are you? I was hoping for something else. I guess you'll have to do. Help me out?"

Second day flavor text

Second day quest text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Complete 3x hunts • Defeat 2x of the following (one option randomly chosen): Akhlut, Sea Serpent • Give 3x full-use carcasses

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.



Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -3
Snarl (opening move): -1
Shear: -1


Snow Wasset

Snow Wasset Independent

The creature resting in front of you looks like a fur-covered snake with a muzzle similar to the one of a stoat or a marten. It doesn't look very intimidating, and it's even kind of cute, but it's best to be careful.

You wonder if its atrophied limbs have any function or if this creature really can hunt without them. The Snow Wasset licks its mouth and turns to face you slowly. A self-confident smirk tells you at once that it can probably catch its prey better than you. Its eyes look hungry...

"Do you have some time to help me out with some easy tasks? If not, then go away, this is my territory."

Second day flavor text

Second day quest text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Catch one uncommon fish • Find the shipwreck in the Glacier • Give 2x Healing Salves

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Small Prey
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Chase (opening move): +2
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +2
Snarl (opening move): +1


White Lady

White Lady Independent

You're quite surprised to see a human female in this unfriendly environment. Upon closer inspection, you notice that her skin is ghostly pale and an otherworldly vibe surrounds her, making you feel uneasy.

The ghostly woman stares at you in silence. Her ethereal and luminous gown appears to be moving even without any wind. There is something very sad and melancholic about her expression. She nods slightly, allowing you to come closer.

"If you're here, you must feel the disturbances in this world too. I need your help to bring it back to what it was."

You can see the white lady from afar. Her spectral body is glowing gently like the moonlight, and she looks at you with the same sadness in her bright eyes as before. However, now you can also feel the weight of the responsibility you were given.

Second day quest text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

"I need your assistance. There is one creature that constantly comes here and disturbs me. I know that other animals may sense or see me, just like you do, but this one has become a frequent guest. Too frequent. Defeat 1x Polar Bear for me. You can either kill or chase it away; it doesn't really matter as long as it's gone."

• Give 2x medicines (specific medicines required will be randomized) • Complete 1x scouting mission • Defeat 1x Polar Bear

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Modifier Effects

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -1
Rest/Wait: -1
Snarl (opening move): -1





Ahuizotl Kinfolk

Big, round eyes in a fluffy mottled pelt make this creature almost inviting to approach. It raises its tail and waves the paw at you.

You approach and stare long and hard at the tail that has a long-fingered paw as casually as you have four of your own. The tail brushes back and forth over the ground behind it, and stops briefly to pick up a small bug and pop it in its mouth. The tail-paw reaches for you next, and you back up a step.

"Hello there, large friend. I need a hand. Well...another one, that is. Care to assist?"

Watching in fascination, you see the creature is sitting grooming itself without a care in the world. It's using its small paws to wash its face and pick things out of its belly fur. Meanwhile, the tail with the paw is picking stuff off of its back...and is it giving it a massage too? Either way, that must be "handy" to have another hand!

"More hands, I need more!, I mean. I need help. You'll do it, won't you?"

Quest flavor text

"I'm having trouble finding things to make a soft nest. Bring me 1x item, 1x item, 1x item to line my nest with. I don't mind adding a bit of colour, either!"

Quest flavor text

• Catch one uncommon fish • Give 3x items (specific required items will be randomized between Aloe, Toucan Feathers, Parrot Feathers, Pineapple Leaves, and Large Leaves) • Quest needed

"Yes, yes! Perfect! You're a good one. I'll get you to help me again tomorrow if you want to come back."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Small Prey
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Chase (opening move): +2
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +2
Snarl (opening move): +1



Nagual Kinfolk

There is a strange vibe surrounding this creature. It's not just a bipedal canine with some humanoid features. You can't explain it, but you feel that there is much more to it than meets the eye.

While the Nagual's body doesn't appear strong or muscular, it is certainly not where the source of its power lies. When your eyes meet its gaze, you feel an intelligence surpassing your own. It's definitely unsettling.

"Come closer, I don't intend to harm you. My rage is directed at something else and I hope you will help me with a few simple tasks."

You notice the creature preparing something with its bony, five-fingered hands. Before you can see what it is, Nagual hides everything and stands up with a stern expression. Apparently, there are many secrets you aren't allowed to know, even when you work together.

"Does your return mean that you are willing to do another task for me? I hope so."

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Complete 1x scouting mission • Defeat 1x Evil Cadejo • Help 3x distressed animals in explore

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Modifier Effects

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -1
Rest/Wait: -1
Snarl (opening move): -1


Panama Creature

Panama Creature Kinfolk

At first, the creature in front of you looks like a hairless sloth. Yet when you focus on the creature, you start to realise that it is quite different.

Misleading at first, the creature is definitely a being unknown to you and likely new to this land. You can see the fear in its small eyes when it tries to reach the nearby tree but it's too slow. The creature seems to know that it wouldn't have any chance if you wanted to harm it.

"Wait...wait a moment. If you help me with a few tasks, it may be more beneficial to you than just eating me. Interested?"

You see the creature hanging from a branch, visibly more comfortable and relaxed. It reveals a toothless smile, and you wish that it hadn't. Looking at you with a tilted head, it doesn't need to say anything to make you feel the weight of the troubles of the world. It's odd when such a feeling is caused by one look from something so sloth-like.

"You really saved a lot of my time and I would appreciate it if you could do it again. Do we have a deal?"

Quest flavor text

"I know that this area is always in full bloom and it's not that hard to find the necessary stuff to arrange your hideout the way you like. I'm too slow, however, and it's far too difficult for me to get it done without wasting an entire day. If you could bring me 2x nesting material it would help so much."

"I spend too much of my time finding materials to cover my lair and making it comfier. If you could give me something that is already a destroyed nest, I could use its parts for my own needs."

• Defeat 3x the Merged cryptids • Give 2x Nesting Material • Find the ruined nest in the Rainforest

"I'd never do it so quickly. Come again later and I might have something new for you to do."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.


Thick Skin
Modifier Effects

Positive Modifiers
Rest/Wait: +1
Retreat: +1
Tumble (talent move): +1

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -2
Shear: -1


Blood Sucker

Blood Sucker The Merged

An ill-looking creature emerges from the shadows, snarling at you. Its appearance contradicts the level of bloodthirst this being seems to have.

A scrawny body with almost naked skin, covered with warts and patches of thin fur, is a sight that would evoke pity more than anything else. You change your mind upon observing the creature more closely. The mouth is full of thin, sharp teeth and it looks ready to jump at you.

"You are here for a reason. Want to sort something out for me or not?"

Second day flavor text

Second day quest text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Defeat 3x Kinfolk cryptids • Defeat 1x Whitetail Buck • Quest needed

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.


Evil Cadejo

Evil Cadejo The Merged

The huge shadowy creature in front of you resembles a dog, but as you look closer, you notice its distorted features and unkempt, messy fur. This is no ordinary dog.

The eyes of the creature are glowing with fiery, malevolent light like the last two stars in a dark sky. While the monster looks canine, you notice that it has hooves instead of paws. It shows you its mouth full of sharp, jagged teeth in a twisted smile.

"I believe you are smart enough to know that coming here means that you will serve me. Let's get on with it, shall we?"

The creature awaits you in silence, focused on your movement as if it's ready to kill you on the spot. Even now, when you're more familiar with its appearance, your fur prickles with tension and anxiety.

"Come for the next task? I'm glad to see you obeying me and following my rules."

"There is one creature that needs to be gone and I think you are the perfect wolf to get this done. Defeat 1x Nagual and tell me every detail so I can taste the victory."

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Defeat 1x Nagual • Give 3x full-use carcasses • Give 2x Healing Salves

"Maybe you're not so useless after all. I will have more work for you soon."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.


Southern Chupacabras

Southern Chupacabras The Merged

If death itself could have a child with a rat, the creature standing in front of you would be the result. The skull-like muzzle is frozen in a permanent, unsettling grin as the beast stares at you.

While the creature isn't huge, it doesn't seem to be afraid of you and it would be foolish to underestimate it. Its rattlesnake tail makes you wonder if its bite is venomous. It definitely looks like it. When it approaches you, you can hear its loud, disgusting breath sounds.

"If you want to stay around, you must follow my rules and do as I say. Otherwise, get out."

Second day flavor text

"You came to serve me more? Smart move."

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

Quest flavor text

• Defeat 3x Kinfolk cryptids • Find the destroyed den encounter in the Rainforest • Give 3x Beaver Carcass

Quest complete flavor text

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

Modifier Effects

Negative Modifiers
Chase (opening move): -1
Rest/Wait: -1
Snarl (opening move): -1



Onza Independent

A large feline observes you carefully as you step into its

territory. Its eyes, sharp and focused, lock onto yours and make you anxious...

The slender, muscular body of the feline moves so gracefully that you don't need proof of the creature's hunting skills. It seems irritated by your presence but it doesn't show any hostility, which is a good sign.

"You there! Come closer! You have been chosen to help me. Come on, you'll appreciate it when you finish. It's much better than fighting me."

The creature rests atop a moss-covered rock looking at you just like a ruler looks at their subject. Even when it's relaxed, you can see that it's always focused and alert, which is something to admire though you don't dare to speak it aloud.

"Coming back so fast? I see, you must have missed me so much. It's understandable. Work for me again, and who knows, maybe you'll learn something."

"I don't really care about other animals living here, but I have an issue with other felines. They pose a potential danger to my chosen territory and prey. Long story short, I don't want any unwanted guests that might steal my food. Defeat 1x ____."

"I haven't had time to hunt today. If you have something to share, it would really make my day. Give me 3x full use carcasses and be quick about it."

Quest flavor text

• Defeat 1x of the following (one option randomly chosen): Cougar, Frenzied Razorback, Whitetailed Buck • Give 3x full-use carcasses • Give 2x Nesting Materials

"Not so bad, I must say. Of course, it's still far from what I can accomplish, but the work is done, so I appreciate it. Come back tomorrow for the next task."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.



Sisimito Independent

The mere sight of this ape-like creature covered with moss green fur makes you feel uneasy but its twisted body doesn't seem to cause it any pain.

While the creature is rather big and could be potentially dangerous to you, it seems hesitant to approach. Eventually, it comes closer, using its distorted body in a surprisingly smooth way, resembling a spider with backward-facing feet and fast movement.

"Hey, don't come too close. Yes, this far is good. I need someone to help me and you look bored. Interested?"

The messy, dirty green fur of the creature is perfect camouflage. You almost trip over the resting Sisimito, mistaking it for a moss-covered log. With a scent more similar to trees than any animal, it would have been a real challenge to find it if you hadn't stumbled upon it by accident. It seems that this creature is more adapted to life here than you initially expected.

"Back so soon? Good, I need more help. You were so fast yesterday, surely it won't be a problem to do another, right?"

"I usually don't need any help with such simple tasks but since you're here, I think you will do it faster than me. Find 2x healing salves for me. Doesn't sound too complicated, does it?"

"I would really appreciate it if you could bring 5x large rocks here. Yeah, I need quite a lot of them lately. Some are needed to block the way to my home, others are to welcome the intruders once they manage to get to me."

"I'm running out of my supplies and it seems that with so many dangers around, time is of the essence to look for the necessities. Find 1x item, 1x item, 1x item, 1x item, 1x item. I tried to look for it myself but I still don't know this area well enough."

• Give 2x Healing Salves • Give 5x Large Rock • Give 5x items (specific required items will be randomized between Aloe, Toucan Feathers, Parrot Feathers, Pineapple Leaves, Tapir Carcass, Turtle Eggs, and Large Leaves)

"Not bad, not bad! I think it's all for today. Take a rest but come back later for another task."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.


Water Tiger

Water Tiger Independent

A nearby moss-covered log starts to move, and you realise that it never was a log–it's a large cat. Its fur is green and blue, and blends in well with its surroundings.

The cat appears intimidating, but it doesn't seem particularly bothered by your presence. You sense no malice, instead feeling as though you hold a mutual respect for each other. It sits regally and watches you coolly, inviting you with a sweep of its tail.

"Well look at that, a wolf! Usually I wouldn't even talk to you, but you seem smart and capable. Interested in helping me?"

If you didn't know what to look for, the Water Tiger would have evaded you. You barely spot the blue pattern on its pelt against the green as it lounges on the mossy log. Its tail is draped over lazily, and swinging back and forth. It looks like it's asleep, but the tail movement and the twitching of its ears tell you otherwise. One blue eye opens and peers at you.

"Ah, there you are. I heard you howling last night. I will never understand the matter, let's get on with today's task."

"Your coat is shiny and your eyes are bright–I can tell you have some good fish to eat around here. Care to share? Well, even if you don't, you're going to. Go and catch me an uncommon fish in the fishing game and don't go tasting it, you hear?"

"You look fast, which tells me this next task will prove no challenge to you and your pack. I want you to complete 3 hunts. A test of your strength, and good entertainment for me."

"I'm not meant to travel long distances, but you? You're more than capable, and I need that. Complete 1 scouting mission for me. I need to know what this land is like if I'm going to be here awhile."

• Catch one uncommon fish • Complete 3x hunts • Complete 1x scouting mission

"Very well, that will do. Come back later and I'll have another task for you."

Battle Information

This enemy will never be more than 3 levels above or below your lead wolf's level.

No Modifiers
Modifier Effects

Since this enemy has no modifiers, dice will only be affected by stats.


Cryptids by Faction

Cryptids by Faction




Alaskan Tiger

Axehandle Hound



Cactus Cat

Cajun Sasquatch




Dark Watchers

Dewey Lake Monster

Flatwoods Monster

Fur-bearing Trout


Golden Bear

Goofus Bird


Hoop Snake



Michigan Dogman

Missouri Monster

Mogollon Monster


Ozark Howler

Panama Creature



Skunk Ape


The White Stag

Tuttle Bottoms Monster

Unidentified Beings

Walgren Lake Monster

The Merged





Beast of Bladenboro

Beast of Bray Road

Belled Buzzard

Blood Sucker

Bloody Bones



Creepy Black Hound


Evil Cadejo


Ghostly Black Dog


Goat Sucker




Horned Beast

Jersey Devil

Lizard Man

Montauk Monster


North Shore Monster

Old Scratch

Pope Lick Monster



Sea Serpent

Sewer Alligator

Shadow Being

Southern Chupacabras

Thetis Lake Monster


Ball-Tailed Cat

Beast of Busco

Bloody Mary


Dover Demon

Enfield Monster

Fresno Nightcrawler



Joint Snake



Lava Bear


Loveland Frog


Milton Lizard

Monster Turtle



Sidehill Gouger


Sliver Cat



Snow Snake

Snow Wasset



Swamp Stalker


Wampus Cat

Water Tiger

White Lady

White River Monster

Wisconsin Werewolf

Cryptid Quest Quick Reference

Cryptid Quest Quick Reference

Each cryptid has three unique quests, affected by their location and faction. We'll list every cryptid alphabetically below alongside their associated quests. When applicable, we'll provide tips for completing the quest.

Grouse Tip!
Did you know? Any explore-based quest that a cryptid gives you will be completable in the cryptid's home biome! So, if a cryptid asks you to battle a specific enemy, head back to the same biome that you found the cryptid in, and you'll be able to find the enemy there to. If you've forgotten where you found the cryptid, don't worry, their home biome is labeled at the bottom of their Cryptid Dens page.

The Merged

• Give 3x full-use carcasses
• Give 2x Healing Salves
• Give 5x Large Branches

The Merged

• Give 3x full-use carcasses
• Give 2x Healing Salves
• Give 5x Large Branches

The Merged

• Give 3x full-use carcasses
• Give 2x Healing Salves
• Give 5x Large Branches


This section is a work-in-progress. Check back later for the completed list!