Springtide Howl Fayre
From Grouse House Wiki
It's springtime on Wolvden, and the Springtide Howl Fayre has begun! Take a journey into the world of gardening and prepare your prize-winning fruits and flower crops for trading with the Fayre's vendors!

The Springtide Howl Fayre event is a recurring event happening every April and lasting the whole month. The event begins at 00:00 on April 1st and ends at 23:59 on April 30th. In 2024, however, due to complications, the event ran from 09:30 June 5th to 23:59 June 30th. In 2025, the event will take place in April as originally planned.
Table of Contents |
Links not working? Sections must be expanded to jump to a subheader within them! |
Event Basics |
Achievements |
Storyline |
Gardening |
Gardening Skill |
Seeds |
Produce |
Mutations |
Night-Only Plants |
Lunar Plants |
Crops by Biome |
Crops Detailed |
The Fayre |
Explore Encounters |
Event Basics
Event Basics
A variety of new activities welcomed alongside this event will keep you occupied all month. This event has a heavy focus on a brand new mechanic- gardening! Throughout the month, you'll get to work on cultivating your own crops, raising money, and selling produce to vendors. While you wait for your crops, you can explore new encounters and enjoy an event-exclusive mini-game, all while saving up for event shop items! The Fayre itself will arrive a few days after the event begins, to give you a bit of time to get prepared before you start interacting with vendors.
This event has an exclusive currency, Glow Petals, which are obtained through exploring, selling produce, completing daily quests, and playing Fayre games.
Frequently-Asked Questions
Frequently-Asked Questions
Q: Where can I find the Fayre? Why can't I see any vendors?
A: After the event starts, it will be a few days before the actual Fayre arrives with its vendors. In 2024, the Fayre arrived and players could access shops five days after the event began, but this may change in 2025.
Q: What is the Springtide Howl Fayre rewards section on my Den page for?
A: This display is where you will be able to see how many ribbons and medals you have won from daily requests and contests after the Fayre begins. Completing daily requests as quickly as possible and submitting high-quality produce to contests will help you start adding to your prize collection!
Q: Does it matter whether I choose to compete with Abilene or be her teammate?
A: So far, it seems the only tangible difference (besides changes in story text and images) in which storyline route you choose is the achievement you'll earn when completing the story. Those on the rival path will get a different achievement than those on the friend path.
Q: What's a good strategy for earning money quickly?
A: The key to earning money quickly is building up very high quality plants early on. Before the Fayre starts, repeatedly harvest and replant universal produce or produce native to your home biome, since they will grow quicker than others. Your goal is to get the produce to the highest generation and quality that you can! After the Fayre opens, you can submit this high-quality produce to as many contests as you can, while selling any duplicates you receive.
There are 31 possible achievements that you can earn while participating in event activities. You can find most of them on the Events tab of your Achievements page, which you can get to from your Profile page or the dropdown by your username. These achievements can only be earned while this event is happening, so get them while you can! None of the achievements offer a reward for completion, but they can be fun to collect! Due to the nature of many, it will be impossible to collect all of these achievements during just one run of the event.
One achievement available during this event is a Challenger achievement, meaning it is hidden until you earn it. You can view the challenger achievement at the bottom of this list, or skip past it if you don't want to be spoiled!
First Crop | |
Harvest your first plant in the Springtide Howl Fayre event. | |
Seeing Double | |
Have a crop duplicate when harvesting. | |
First Crop | |
Have a seed mutate when you plant it in the Springtide Howl Fayre event. | |
Floral Bouquet | |
Harvest 100 flowers in the Springtide Howl Fayre event. | |
Floral Canopy | |
Harvest 500 flowers in the Springtide Howl Fayre event. | |
Floral Fountain | |
Harvest 1000 flowers in the Springtide Howl Fayre event. | |
Fruit Salad | |
Harvest 100 fruit in the Springtide Howl Fayre event. | |
Fruit Basket | |
Harvest 500 fruit in the Springtide Howl Fayre event. | |
Fruit Feast | |
Harvest 1000 fruit in the Springtide Howl Fayre event. | |
Lunar Bloom | |
Harvest 100 lunar plants in the Springtide Howl Fayre event. | |
Lunar Garden | |
Harvest 500 lunar plants in the Springtide Howl Fayre event. | |
Lunar Fields | |
Harvest 1000 lunar plants in the Springtide Howl Fayre event. | |
Rainbow Garden | |
Grow a garden containing fully grown flowers with all available colours at once (black, blue, gold, orange, pink, purple, red, silver, white, yellow). | |
Side Gig | |
Sell 10 produce to the Springtide Howl Fayre vendors. | |
Side Hustle | |
Sell 50 produce to the Springtide Howl Fayre vendors. | |
Side Business | |
Sell 100 produce to the Springtide Howl Fayre vendors. | |
Side Corporation | |
Sell 500 produce to the Springtide Howl Fayre vendors. | |
Side Empire | |
Sell 1000 produce to the Springtide Howl Fayre vendors. | |
10 Springtide Requests | |
Complete 10 daily request during the Springtide Howl Fayre event. | |
25 Springtide Requests | |
Complete 25 daily request during the Springtide Howl Fayre event. | |
50 Springtide Requests | |
Complete 50 daily request during the Springtide Howl Fayre event. | |
100 Springtide Requests | |
Complete 100 daily request during the Springtide Howl Fayre event. | |
Enthusiastic Participant | |
Win 10 contests in a single year in the Springtide Howl Fayre event. | |
Enthusiastic Participant | |
Win 20 contests in a single year in the Springtide Howl Fayre event. | |
Enthusiastic Participant | |
Win 30 contests in a single year in the Springtide Howl Fayre event. | |
Lucky Ticket | |
Win a prize in the Springtide Howl Raffle. | |
Double Returns | |
Win a Lucky Dip prize worth 40 Glow Petals or higher during the Springtide Howl Fayre event. | |
Efficient Babysitter | |
Get a score of 75 or higher in Groundhog Roundup during the Springtide Howl Fayre. | |
A Worthy Rival | |
Complete the storyline with Abilene being your rival. | |
A Friend Indeed | |
Complete the storyline with Abilene being your friend. | |
This month, you'll meet a passionate gardener, Abilene, who will teach you all about cultivating your own crops and support you (or rival you) on your gardening journey. The storyline will automatically begin when you visit the Gardening section of the Event page. New chapters of the story will unlock on specific days throughout the month.

Click here to view the Springtide Howl Fayre storyline!
Your wolves' lack of thumbs will come in handy this month as you dive into the world of Gardening! This large new mechanic will be a major way to earn currency and progress in the event. Gardening is unlocked after you've made your way through Abilene's introduction by navigating to the Gardening section of the Event page.
After Abilene has given you a quick overview, you will be gifted four random seeds to get your gardening started. You will be able to find more seeds through exploring in any biome. Plant the seeds on the Gardening page by clicking/tapping on the seed and then the plot you'd like to plant it in. After this, you'll just need to wait the specified amount of time until the crop is grown, after which you can click/tap on it again to harvest it! You will be able to find harvested produce on the Produce page, where you can view the plant's details and harvest it for seeds which can be replanted to make that crop more valuable.

You'll have plenty of time before the Fayre opens to get your gardening started. When the Fayre begins, you can sell your produce to vendors for Glow Petals or enter them into contests for rewards! However, there's much more to gardening than just this overview- read on if you'd like to better understand everything that makes your crops valuable, such as quality, generation, and mutations!
Gardening Skill
Gardening Skill
At the top of the Gardening pages, you'll find your Gardening Skill Level. This number indicates your experience in gardening and increases as you harvest more produce and, especially, more rare produce! Every gardener will start at Level 1, but your level will quickly increase throughout the course of the month. The max gardening skill level is 20.

From boosting seed duplication chances to unlocking more gardening plots, a higher skill level will provide great aid to your gardening adventure! Each skill level requires a set amount of experience to reach represented by the progress, which is gained from harvesting produce. Produce with higher quality or generation, as well as produce with mutations, will provide more experience. You can find details about how much experience each produce provides in the Crops Detailed section of this page. The amount of experience required for each level increases as your level gets higher.
The fastest way to gain gardening EXP is by growing plants native to your biome or universal plants. Continually harvest this produce for seeds, replanting until at least generation 20. Try to avoid plants that aren't native to your home biome or universal, as they will grow slower. When calculating exactly how much EXP growing a plant will give, you can add the plant's generation when harvested to its base EXP, listed in the Crops Detailed section, up to 20th generation. Any crop with a generation higher than 20 will have 20 added to their base EXP when grown regardless how high its generation actually is.
Level | EXP from Previous Level | Total EXP |
Level 1 | 0 | 0 |
Level 2 | 202 | 202 |
Level 3 | 310 | 512 |
Level 4 | 428 | 940 |
Level 5 | 560 | 1500 |
Level 6 | 710 | 2210 |
Level 7 | 882 | 4172 |
Level 8 | 1080 | 5480 |
Level 9 | 1308 | 7050 |
Level 10 | 1570 | 8920 |
Level 11 | 1870 | 11132 |
Level 12 | 2212 | 7050 |
Level 13 | 2600 | 17032 |
Level 14 | 3300 | 20332 |
Level 15 | 3300 | 23632 |
Level 16 | 3300 | 26932 |
Level 17 | 3300 | 30232 |
Level 18 | 3300 | 33532 |
Level 19 | 3300 | 36832 |
Level 20 | 3300 | 40132 |
The current boosts that your gardening skill level is providing you are listed under the progress bar. Higher skill levels will unlock more gardening plots- at Level 1, you will be able to plant 4 plants at a time, but you can eventually unlock the ability to plant 20 at a time! The growing speed boost will make all of your plants grow slightly faster with every level earned. In addition, higher levels will allow a higher chance to earn duplicate produce from a harvest. That is, when you harvest a plant, you might get two produce instead of one! Finally, with higher gardening skill level comes a higher chance to obtain an extra seed when harvesting a mutated plant. You will have a higher chance to get one base seed in addition to a mutated seed from a mutated produce that you harvest.
Level | Plots | Speed Boost | Duplicate from Base | Duplicate from Mutation | Extra Seed from Mutation |
Level 1 | 4 | +0% | 10% chance | 1% chance | 5% chance |
Level 2 | 4 | +0.5% | 10.25% chance | 1.25% chance | 5.5% chance |
Level 3 | 4 | +1% | 10.5% chance | 1.5% chance | 6% chance |
Level 4 | 4 | +1.5% | 10.75% chance | 1.75% chance | 6.5% chance |
Level 5 | 8 | +2% | 11% chance | 2% chance | 7% chance |
Level 6 | 8 | +2.5% | 11.25% chance | 2.25% chance | 7.5% chance |
Level 7 | 8 | +3% | 11.5% chance | 2.5% chance | 8% chance |
Level 8 | 8 | +3.5% | 11.75% chance | 2.75% chance | 8.5% chance |
Level 9 | 8 | +4% | 12% chance | 3% chance | 9% chance |
Level 10 | 12 | +4.5% | 12.25% chance | 3.25% chance | 9.5% chance |
Level 11 | 12 | +5% | 12.5% chance | 3.5% chance | 10% chance |
Level 12 | 12 | +5.5% | 12.75% chance | 3.75% chance | 10.5% chance |
Level 13 | 12 | +6% | 13% chance | 4% chance | 11% chance |
Level 14 | 12 | +6.5% | 13.25% chance | 4.25% chance | 11.5% chance |
Level 15 | 16 | +7% | 13.5% chance | 4.5% chance | 12% chance |
Level 16 | 16 | +7.5% | 13.75% chance | 4.75% chance | 12.5% chance |
Level 17 | 16 | +8% | 14% chance | 5% chance | 13% chance |
Level 18 | 16 | +8.5% | 14.25% chance | 5.25% chance | 13.5% chance |
Level 19 | 16 | +9% | 14.5% chance | 5.5% chance | 14% chance |
Level 20 | 20 | +9.5% | 14.75% chance | 5.75% chance | 14.5% chance |
There are 43 possible seeds to grow and collect! Each has its own native biome and other associated stats. Some seeds can only be grown after you've reached a certain Gardening Skill level, only obtained from the Seed Seller, or only found in the Lunar Dreamlands. With this mind, it's guaranteed that you'll keep discovering new plants all throughout your time in the event!
There are three different types of seeds to be grown: flowers, fruits, and lunar plants. Flower and fruit seeds can be obtained through normal gameplay, while lunar plant seeds can only be obtained through exploring during the monthly Lunar Event.
Seeds can be obtained through harvesting produce, interacting with certain explore encounters, purchasing from the Seed Seller, or playing Lucky Dip.
You can plant your seeds on the Gardening page. Select the seed you want to plant from the seed list and then click/tap on the plot you'd like to plant it in. You can only plant one seed at a time in each plot, and you will unlock more plots as your gardening skill level increases. Each seed has a base grow time, listed in the Crops Detailed section of this page. Its final grow time will be adjusted based on native biome and your skill level's growing speed boost. Plants that are universal get a biome growing boost in all biomes, and plants with a specific native biome only get a boost when your home biome matches their native biome. Lunar plants do not get any biome growing boost. You can watch your seed change from a sprout to a full plant over the course of its growing, until it's ready to be collected!
After you have grown a crop, visit the Produce page to view the resulting produce. On this page, you can harvest a specified quantity of the produce for seeds by indicating the quantity in the far right column, then selecting Harvest Seeds. The selected produce will then be removed from your account and you will obtain one seed from the plant. The seeds will be one generation higher than the plant they were harvested from. In the example below, harvesting the Black-Eyed Susan will remove the flower from the account and reward one 15th generation Black-Eyed Susan Seeds.

Harvesting your produce for more seeds will allow you to increase the produce's value, and subsequently its sell cost and chance of winning contests. Plants with a higher generation sell for a higher amount, provide more EXP when grown, and have a higher chance of winning contests. Increasing your plant's generation will also increase its star quality, which raises the same values!
Besides harvesting your own produce for seeds, you can also purchase seeds from the Seed Seller. If you have any seeds you don't plan on planting in the future, you can sell them to this same vendor for a few extra Glow Petals. Selling excess seeds can be a useful way to earn
if you have crops that you do not plan on planting in the future. The price that the Seed Seller will pay increases based on the seed's generation, adding
1 GP for every 4 generations.
The Seed Seller only stocks basic seeds- you will not be able to purchase mutated seeds, specific rose seeds, night-only seeds, or lunar seeds. In addition, it also sells Random Rose Seeds, which have a chance to grow into any color of rose. As it is not possible to purchase specific colors of roses, this seed is your only option to start collecting them all. The seeds available to purchase rotate every 2 hours.

Purchasable seeds have set prices depending on the type of produce. Flower seeds are always sold for 10 GP. Fruit seeds are always sold for
20 GP.
Growing seeds rewards you with produce! You can find all of your produce on the Produce section of the Gardening page. You can hold up to 250 seeds and produce at once. If you find yourself getting close to the max, you can sell your seeds and produce to vendors at the Fayre.

Each piece of produce has a set of characteristics visible on the Produce page, which will define its sell value, any biome growth boosts, or eligibility for contest/achievement requirements.
A plant's native biome, labeled underneath the produce name, is where the plant will grow the best. If you plant the seed in its native biome, it will receive a slight speed boost when growing, making planting native plants a quicker way to farm produce. Some contests will require you submit a plant with a specific native biome, so it can be useful to collect plants with multiple native biomes if you intend to enter many contests. Plants with "universal" native biome do not have a set biome, and will therefore get a growth boost from being planted in any biome. On the other hand, lunar plants only have a "lunar" native biome, and therefore will not get a boost from any biome.

Next to native biome is the produce's color and/or type. Each flower has a color reflective of its appearance, while fruits are simply defined as fruits. Similarly to native biomes, contests also frequently request plants of a specific type or color, like a Pink plant or a Fruit. In addition, you can enjoy earning an achievement after having a garden full of a flower of every color.
On the right-hand side of the produce page is where you will find values relating to the produce's sell value. Produce's generation reflects how many times one plant has been grown, harvested, and replanted. Every time you grow a plant and then harvest its produce for seeds, the generation of the plant will increase by one. Any duplicate seeds that you receive from harvesting a plant, like if a mutation drops a bonus base seed, will be reset to 1st generation- only the parent plant will maintain its generation through being harvested repeatedly. Any seed you find in explore, purchase from the Seed Seller, or win in Lucky Dip will be 1st generation. There is no cap to produce's generation. When it comes to sell value, produce's generation increases its sell price by 1 Glow Petal for every four generations. The same is true when selling seeds rather than grown produce.
Produce's quality is represented by the set of five stars. These stars are filled in halves, with each half star representing one quality point and the maximum quality being ten. If you are unsure exactly how many stars are filled, you can see a plant's exact quality out of ten by hovering over or tapping on the stars.
The quality of 1st generation produce (produce you've grown from seed for the first time) is affected by your gardening skill level, with higher skill level resulting in a higher chance for first-generation produce to gain up to 3 quality points the first time it's grown. Besides this possible quality boost for 1st generation produce, quality has a chance to increase by 1 quality point or 1/2 star every time a plant's generation increases. There is only a chance for quality to increase, not a guarantee, so you may have to harvest and replant produce multiple times before seeing a change in quality. In addition, the highest possible quality you can have on a plant is capped by your gardening skill level and the plant's generation. You cannot get a plant with 10/10 quality until you have reached level 20 and the plant has reached generation 20. Quality increases sell price by 1 Glow Petal for every full star (or two quality points).
There are a few things that you can do with your produce after it's grown.
Harvesting your produce on the Produce page will grant seeds to be replanted, growing the same plant over again. Each time a plant is harvested for seeds, its generation will increase, and it has a chance of increasing in star quality as well. Plants with higher quality and generation will sell for higher and perform better in contests. For this reason, repeatedly harvesting and replanting your produce is a great way to build up high-quality plants before and during the Fayre. Many players may choose to continually harvest plants, only selling any duplicates they receive, to eventually grow the best plants they can. Occasionally when harvesting mutated seeds, an extra base seed of the plant may be gained, with the chance for this occuring increasing with your gardening skill level.
If your focus is profit, you can sell your produce to the Flower Arranger and Fruit Seller. These vendors will pay high prices for high-quality produce, and will purchase as many as you have to sell! Each produce has a set base sell price, listed in the Crops Detailed section of this page. On top of this base sell price, additional currency will be added based on the plant's star quality and generation to determine the plant's total sell price. The additional GP rewarded for a plant's quality increases by
1 GP for each full star. The additional
GP rewarded for a plant's generation increased by
1 GP for every 4 generations. If you want to guarantee high sell prices for your produce, harvesting and replanting the same plant over and over until its value is high is a strong method.
Produce can also be entered into Contests, where you can see how your crops fare against other players'. 6 contests are available at any given time, and you can enter up to 12 per hour. Once all 5 entry slots have been filled, the contest will disappear from the list and another will take its place. You'll receive the results from contests you enter immediately after the contest has gotten all 5 entries.
Entering produce into a contest will temporarily remove it from your account, preventing you from entering one plant into multiple contests as once. After the contest is finished, it will be returned to you just how it was before. Quality and generation are both taken into consideration when a contest is being judged. While you can't predict how your plant will do since you can't see the other entrants, you can give yourself a higher chance of winning by entering a higher quality plant. Regardless of how you place in the contest, you will still earn a prize. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will also receive ribbons to be added to the count on their Den page.
Occasionally when planting a basic seed, you may notice that its growing time has suddenly increased drastically. This is a sure sign that the seed has mutated! Your plants can begin mutating after you've reached gardening skill level 5.
Every plant besides roses has a small chance to mutate into a different variant. Flowers have three possible mutations, fruits have two possible mutations, and lunar plants have one possible mutation. You can view all possible mutations for each plant in the Crops Detailed section of this page. Some mutations are more valuable and therefore more rare than others, but each adds to your plant's sell price! Besides changing the plant's appearance, a mutation also increases the plant's growing time, sell price, and EXP given when harvested.
Each mutation has a level requirement that must be met in order for your plant to gain said mutation. For flowers, you will unlock one possible mutation at level 5, another at level 8, and a final possible mutation at level 10. For fruits, you will unlock one possible mutation at level 6 and another at level 10. Lunar plant mutations are unlocked at level 5. Mutations with higher level requirements also bring higher sell prices, longer growing times, and higher EXP gains!
When harvesting a mutated plant for seeds, you will have a chance to gain a bonus base seed, with the chance getting higher with your gardening skill level. For example, harvesting a Fleabane with the Edge mutation will give you one Fleabane: Edge seed and, rarely, a bonus basic Fleabane seed.
You will earn an achievement the first time a seed mutates. Some contests require that you submit mutated produce, so hold onto your mutated produce if you plan on entering lots of contests. Otherwise, sell any duplicates you get for more Glow Petals than basic plants!
Night-Only Plants
Night-Only Plants
A specific category of produce has a tough restriction- once grown, they can only be harvested at nighttime. There are three basic night-only plants, Moonflower, Pitahaya, and Showy Evening Primrose. All lunar plants also fall under this category. During the daytime, these plants will appear dull or closed. Once nighttime on Wolvden comes, however, they will perk up, indicating that they're ready to be collected!
To make up for only be harvested during part of the day, these flowers are worth slightly more when sold and provide more EXP when harvested.
Lunar Plants
Lunar Plants
Lunar is a category of seed available for only one week out of the month, during the Lunar Event!
These seeds are obtained rarely when exploring in the Lunar Dreamlands. The below encounter is available in any biome and has a chance to grant you one of the three possible lunar seeds. To guarantee a chance to get a seed, be sure to select the "Try to harvest" option.
Lunar plants are night-only plants, meaning they can only be harvested when it is nighttime on Wolvden. The plants will have two different visuals depending on the time of the day, and you'll be able to tell that it's ready to be harvested when it's lively and colorful.
The produce from these plants can be sold to the Flower Arranger at the same rate as flower produce.
Crops by Biome
Crops by Biome
Each plant has an associated native biome. If your pack's home biome matches a plant's native biome, the plant will grow a little bit faster than usual!
The below plants do not have a home biome, and instead get a growth boost from all biomes.
The below plants can only be found while exploring during the lunar event. They do not receive a growth boost from any biome.
Crop Name | Native Biome | |
Flickering Lunar Violet | Lunar | |
Glowing Moonwort Plant | Lunar | |
Lunar Orchid | Lunar |
Crops Detailed
Crops Detailed
Below are detailed graphics of every currently-known crop, their associated stats, possible mutations, and artwork. Each table will list the plant's type (Flower/Fruit), native biome, and seed purchase price. For each variant of the crop, color (if applicable), minimum required level to grow, base grow time, base sell price, and base EXP gain will be provided.
Arrowleaf Balsamroot | ||||
Prairie native
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Flecked | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
Spotted | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
Orange | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
Beebalm | ||||
Riparian Woodland native
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Striped | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
Tipped | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
Pink | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
Black Rose | ||||
No native biome
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Black-Eyed Susan | ||||
Grasslands native
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Striped | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
Spotted | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
White | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
Blackberry | ||||
Taiga native
Generic | ||||
Lv 3 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Blue | ||||
Lv 6 minimum
105 min base grow time
63 base EXP when harvested
White | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Blue Rose | ||||
No native biome
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Blueberry | ||||
Coniferous Forest native
Generic | ||||
Lv 3 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Purple | ||||
Lv 6 minimum
105 min base grow time
63 base EXP when harvested
White | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Bog Rosemary | ||||
Taiga native
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Dotted | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
Striped | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
Purple | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
Chokecherry | ||||
Prairie native
Generic | ||||
Lv 3 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Black | ||||
Lv 6 minimum
105 min base grow time
63 base EXP when harvested
Spotted | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Cloudberry | ||||
Glacier native
Generic | ||||
Lv 3 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Red | ||||
Lv 6 minimum
105 min base grow time
63 base EXP when harvested
White | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Cranberry | ||||
Swamp native
Generic | ||||
Lv 3 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Blue | ||||
Lv 6 minimum
105 min base grow time
63 base EXP when harvested
Black | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Desert Globemallow | ||||
Desert native
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Edge | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
Striped | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
Red | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
Flame Azalea | ||||
Mountains native
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Black Middle | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
White Middle | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
Red | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
Fleabane | ||||
No native biome
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Edge | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
Striped | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
Lavender | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
Flickering Lunar Violet | ||||
No native biome
Cannot be purchased from the Seed Seller
This plant can only be harvested at nighttime
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
90 min base grow time
55 base EXP when harvested
Purple | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
127 min base grow time
?? base EXP when harvested
Giant Blue Iris | ||||
Swamp native
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Purple | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
Striped | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
White | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
Glowing Moonwort Plant | ||||
No native biome
Cannot be purchased from the Seed Seller
This plant can only be harvested at nighttime
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
90 min base grow time
55 base EXP when harvested
Pink | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
127 min base grow time
?? base EXP when harvested
Gold Rose | ||||
No native biome
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Huckleberry | ||||
Mountains native
Generic | ||||
Lv 3 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Black | ||||
Lv 6 minimum
105 min base grow time
63 base EXP when harvested
Pink | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Jade Vine | ||||
Rainforest native
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Blue | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
Purple | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
Red | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
Keyflower | ||||
Tundra native
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Patterned | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
Frosted | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
Blue | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
Lunar Orchid | ||||
No native biome
Cannot be purchased from the Seed Seller
This plant can only be harvested at nighttime
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
90 min base grow time
55 base EXP when harvested
Blue | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
127 min base grow time
?? base EXP when harvested
Moonflower | ||||
No native biome
Cannot be purchased from the Seed Seller
This flower can only be harvested at nighttime
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Striped | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
100 min base grow time
60 base EXP when harvested
Edge | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
115 min base grow time
68 base EXP when harvested
Blue | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Orange Rose | ||||
No native biome
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Oregon Grape | ||||
Tundra native
Generic | ||||
Lv 3 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
White | ||||
Lv 6 minimum
105 min base grow time
63 base EXP when harvested
Yellow | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Pineapple | ||||
Rainforest native
Generic | ||||
Lv 3 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Red | ||||
Lv 6 minimum
105 min base grow time
63 base EXP when harvested
Long | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Pink Lady's Slipper | ||||
Coniferous Forest native
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Mottled | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
Striped | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
Purple | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
Pink Rose | ||||
No native biome
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Pitahaya | ||||
No native biome
Cannot be purchased from the Seed Seller
This flower can only be harvested at nighttime
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Spotted | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
100 min base grow time
60 base EXP when harvested
Striped | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
115 min base grow time
68 base EXP when harvested
Orange | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Prickly Pear | ||||
Desert native
Generic | ||||
Lv 3 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Red | ||||
Lv 6 minimum
105 min base grow time
63 base EXP when harvested
Purple | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Purple Rose | ||||
No native biome
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Purple Saxifrage | ||||
Glacier native
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Black Middle | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
Spotted | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
Blue | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
Raspberry | ||||
Riparian Woodland native
Generic | ||||
Lv 3 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Yellow | ||||
Lv 6 minimum
105 min base grow time
63 base EXP when harvested
Black | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Red Rose | ||||
No native biome
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Salmonberry | ||||
Deciduous Forest native
Generic | ||||
Lv 3 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Yellow | ||||
Lv 6 minimum
105 min base grow time
63 base EXP when harvested
Pink | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Scarlet Creeper | ||||
Deciduous Forest native
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Edge | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
Spotted | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
Pink | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
Showy Evening Primrose | ||||
No native biome
Cannot be purchased from the Seed Seller
This flower can only be harvested at nighttime
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Purple | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
100 min base grow time
60 base EXP when harvested
Smoked | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
115 min base grow time
68 base EXP when harvested
Black | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Silver Rose | ||||
No native biome
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Snowdrop | ||||
No native biome
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Spotted | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
Striped | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
Blue | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
Strawberry | ||||
Grasslands native
Generic | ||||
Lv 3 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
White | ||||
Lv 6 minimum
105 min base grow time
63 base EXP when harvested
Chocolate Dipped | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Water Lily | ||||
No native biome
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Stained | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
Pink | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
Purple | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
White Rose | ||||
No native biome
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Yellow Rose | ||||
No native biome
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Arrowleaf Balsamroot | ||||
Prairie native
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Flecked | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
Spotted | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
Orange | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
Beebalm | ||||
Riparian Woodland native
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Striped | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
Tipped | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
Pink | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
Black Rose | ||||
No native biome
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Black-Eyed Susan | ||||
Grasslands native
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Striped | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
Spotted | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
White | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
Blackberry | ||||
Taiga native
Generic | ||||
Lv 3 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Blue | ||||
Lv 6 minimum
105 min base grow time
63 base EXP when harvested
White | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Blue Rose | ||||
No native biome
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Blueberry | ||||
Coniferous Forest native
Generic | ||||
Lv 3 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Purple | ||||
Lv 6 minimum
105 min base grow time
63 base EXP when harvested
White | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Bog Rosemary | ||||
Taiga native
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Dotted | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
Striped | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
Purple | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
Chokecherry | ||||
Prairie native
Generic | ||||
Lv 3 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Black | ||||
Lv 6 minimum
105 min base grow time
63 base EXP when harvested
Spotted | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Cloudberry | ||||
Glacier native
Generic | ||||
Lv 3 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Red | ||||
Lv 6 minimum
105 min base grow time
63 base EXP when harvested
White | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Cranberry | ||||
Swamp native
Generic | ||||
Lv 3 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Blue | ||||
Lv 6 minimum
105 min base grow time
63 base EXP when harvested
Black | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Desert Globemallow | ||||
Desert native
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Edge | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
Striped | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
Red | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
Flame Azalea | ||||
Mountains native
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Black Middle | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
White Middle | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
Red | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
Fleabane | ||||
No native biome
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Edge | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
Striped | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
Lavender | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
Flickering Lunar Violet | ||||
No native biome
Cannot be purchased from the Seed Seller
This plant can only be harvested at nighttime
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
90 min base grow time
55 base EXP when harvested
Purple | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
127 min base grow time
?? base EXP when harvested
Giant Blue Iris | ||||
Swamp native
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Purple | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
Striped | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
White | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
Glowing Moonwort Plant | ||||
No native biome
Cannot be purchased from the Seed Seller
This plant can only be harvested at nighttime
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
90 min base grow time
55 base EXP when harvested
Pink | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
127 min base grow time
?? base EXP when harvested
Gold Rose | ||||
No native biome
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Huckleberry | ||||
Mountains native
Generic | ||||
Lv 3 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Black | ||||
Lv 6 minimum
105 min base grow time
63 base EXP when harvested
Pink | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Jade Vine | ||||
Rainforest native
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Blue | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
Purple | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
Red | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
Keyflower | ||||
Tundra native
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Patterned | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
Frosted | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
Blue | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
Lunar Orchid | ||||
No native biome
Cannot be purchased from the Seed Seller
This plant can only be harvested at nighttime
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
90 min base grow time
55 base EXP when harvested
Blue | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
127 min base grow time
?? base EXP when harvested
Moonflower | ||||
No native biome
Cannot be purchased from the Seed Seller
This flower can only be harvested at nighttime
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Striped | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
100 min base grow time
60 base EXP when harvested
Edge | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
115 min base grow time
68 base EXP when harvested
Blue | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Orange Rose | ||||
No native biome
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Oregon Grape | ||||
Tundra native
Generic | ||||
Lv 3 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
White | ||||
Lv 6 minimum
105 min base grow time
63 base EXP when harvested
Yellow | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Pineapple | ||||
Rainforest native
Generic | ||||
Lv 3 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Red | ||||
Lv 6 minimum
105 min base grow time
63 base EXP when harvested
Long | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Pink Lady's Slipper | ||||
Coniferous Forest native
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Mottled | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
Striped | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
Purple | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
Pink Rose | ||||
No native biome
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Pitahaya | ||||
No native biome
Cannot be purchased from the Seed Seller
This flower can only be harvested at nighttime
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Spotted | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
100 min base grow time
60 base EXP when harvested
Striped | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
115 min base grow time
68 base EXP when harvested
Orange | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Prickly Pear | ||||
Desert native
Generic | ||||
Lv 3 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Red | ||||
Lv 6 minimum
105 min base grow time
63 base EXP when harvested
Purple | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Purple Rose | ||||
No native biome
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Purple Saxifrage | ||||
Glacier native
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Black Middle | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
Spotted | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
Blue | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
Raspberry | ||||
Riparian Woodland native
Generic | ||||
Lv 3 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Yellow | ||||
Lv 6 minimum
105 min base grow time
63 base EXP when harvested
Black | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Red Rose | ||||
No native biome
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Salmonberry | ||||
Deciduous Forest native
Generic | ||||
Lv 3 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Yellow | ||||
Lv 6 minimum
105 min base grow time
63 base EXP when harvested
Pink | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Scarlet Creeper | ||||
Deciduous Forest native
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Edge | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
Spotted | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
Pink | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
Showy Evening Primrose | ||||
No native biome
Cannot be purchased from the Seed Seller
This flower can only be harvested at nighttime
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Purple | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
100 min base grow time
60 base EXP when harvested
Smoked | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
115 min base grow time
68 base EXP when harvested
Black | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Silver Rose | ||||
No native biome
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Snowdrop | ||||
No native biome
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Spotted | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
Striped | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
Blue | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
Strawberry | ||||
Grasslands native
Generic | ||||
Lv 3 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
White | ||||
Lv 6 minimum
105 min base grow time
63 base EXP when harvested
Chocolate Dipped | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
125 min base grow time
73 base EXP when harvested
Water Lily | ||||
No native biome
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
30 min base grow time
25 base EXP when harvested
Stained | ||||
Lv 5 minimum
70 min base grow time
45 base EXP when harvested
Pink | ||||
Lv 8 minimum
85 min base grow time
53 base EXP when harvested
Purple | ||||
Lv 10 minimum
95 min base grow time
58 base EXP when harvested
White Rose | ||||
No native biome
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
Yellow Rose | ||||
No native biome
Generic | ||||
Lv 1 minimum
60 min base grow time
40 base EXP when harvested
The Fayre
The Fayre
The staple of April, the Springtide Howl Fayre, arrives shortly after the month begins! Before the Fayre arrives, you have some time to cultivate your crops and save up some currency to prepare for interaction with the Fayre's vendors. In 2024, the Fayre arrives 5 days after the event began, but this may change in the 2025 run of the event. There is no way to access Fayre vendors before the Fayre's arrival date, so you must be patient before you can sell your produce or purchase items.
The Springtide Howl Fayre consists of 8 vendors, including shops, minigames, and activities. Once the Fayre arrives, all vendors will be available 24/7, but they stock might change up every so often, so check in frequently! Once the Fayre arrives, you can find all of the vendors at the bottom of the Event page.
Seed Seller
Seed Seller
At the Seed Seller stall, you can purchase seeds to be used in gardening as well as sell any seeds you don't want to use anymore. This vendor sells basic fruit and flower seeds. You will not be able to purchase any seeds with mutations, night-exclusive plants, lunar seeds, or specific roses. The seeds available to purchase rotate every 2 hours.
Purchasable seeds have set prices depending on the type of produce. Flower seeds are always sold for 10 GP. Fruit seeds are always sold for
20 GP. In addition to these basic seeds, you will also occasionally be able to purchase Random Rose Seeds for
20 GP. A Random Rose Seed will randomly grow into one of the 10 possible rose colors, and is the only way to obtain all colors of this plant. A rose grown from a Random Rose Seed will not drop a Random Rose Seed when harvested, and will instead drop a rose seed associated with its color.
Selling excess seeds can be a useful way to earn if you have crops that you do not plan on planting in the future. The price that the Seed Seller will pay increases based on the seed's generation, adding
1 GP for every 4 generations.
Seed Generation | Sell Price |
1-3 | |
4-7 | |
8-11 | |
12-15 | |
16-19 | |
... | ... |
Flower Arranger
Flower Arranger
At the Flower Arranger stall, you can purchase flower-themed decorations and sell flower produce for Glow Petals.
Each flower has a base sell price ranging from 2 GP to
15 GP. You can view each plant's base sell price in the Crops Detailed section of this page. Additional currency will be added to this price based on the flower's star quality and generation to determine the plant's total sell price. The additional
GP rewarded for a flower's quality increases by
1 GP for every full star. The additional
GP rewarded for a flower's generation increases by
1 GP for every 4 generations. This calculation can be represented as Sell Price = Base + (quality/2) + (generation/4), with quality representing each half star filled (2.5 stars would equal 5 in this formula) and decimals being rounded down.
With this in mind, an effective way to earn currency through selling flowers is to farm the harvest the same plant over and over again, building generation and quality and selling any duplicated produce.
Fruit Seller
Fruit Seller
The Fruit Seller stall is the fruit counterpart to the Flower Arranger, where you can purchase fruit-themed decorations and sell fruit produce for Glow Petals.
The sell prices for fruits are determined the same way as with flowers. Each fruit has a base sell price ranging from 4 GP to
17 GP. You can view each plant's base sell price in the Crops Detailed section of this page. Additional currency will be added to this price based on the fruit's star quality and generation to determine the plant's total sell price. The additional
GP rewarded for a fruit's quality increases by
1 GP for every full star. The additional
GP rewarded for a fruit's generation increases by
1 GP for every 4 generations. This calculation can be represented as Sell Price = Base + (quality/2) + (generation/4), with quality representing each half star filled (2.5 stars would equal 5 in this formula) and decimals being rounded down.
With this in mind, an effective way to earn currency through selling fruits is to farm the harvest the same plant over and over again, building generation and quality and selling any duplicated produce.
The Artist stall is where you can purchase event-specific backgrounds and applicators.
At the Contests stall, you will be able to enter Daily Requests and Contests in exchange for currency, ribbons, and medals. Ribbons and medals earned from these activities will be displayed publicly on your Den page.
Daily Requests can be taken once per day, but the quest does not expire and will remain until you complete or skip it. The request will require you to grow and harvest four different plants. The quest may ask for plants that you don't currently have, but which you can purchase seeds for from the Seed Seller. Plants harvested for the daily request will not be forfeited- you will still have the plant after the request is completed. Completion of a daily request will reward Glow Petals and a medal, with the amount of petals and quality of medal depending on how quickly you completed the request after starting it. If you would like another set of plants to harvest, you can skip a daily request for
10 GP.
Completion Time | Glow Petals | Medal |
Under 2 hours | Gold Medal |
Between 2 and 6 hours | Silver Medal |
Over 6 hours | Bronze Medal |
Contests allow you to test the quality of your produce against other players'! 6 contests are available to enter at any given time, each requiring 5 entries. Contests require you to submit produce of specific guidelines: native biome, color, type, or mutation status. After a contest has received 5 entries, it will disappear from the list and another will be started to take its place. You have to act quick, as many contests will fill up very fast! You can enter up to 12 contests every hour. Your produce will disappear while the contest is running, but will be returned to you after the contest is complete.
Quality is taken into consideration first when assessing the winner of a contest. After quality, a higher generation will also contribute to a higher rank. When deciding what produce to submit to a contest, focus on those with the highest quality first, and the highest generation second. Contests reward Glow Petals and ribbons depending on how your produce scored compared to the others entered. There is no way to tell which place you will get when entering into a contest as you cannot see what others have entered.
Placement | Glow Petals | Ribbon |
1st place | Blue Ribbon |
2nd place | Red Ribbon |
3rd place | Yellow Ribbon |
4th place | No ribbon | |
5th place | No ribbon |
At the Raffle stall, enter your Glow Petals for a chance to earn valuable rewards!

The raffle occurs once per day, and you can purchase one ticket a day for 10 GP. Three entrants have a chance to win
100 GP each, while five other entrants may win a random decoration or background. The decor and backgrounds available are randomized each day and you can view which items are available before entering the raffle. Any item is possible, regardless of its price in the shop, meaning that some valuable decor may be included as a raffle prize. All items included as raffle prizes have full uses. The raffle is pulled at 00:00 Wolvden time every day, and a new raffle will replace the previous one shortly after.
Lucky Dip
Lucky Dip
The Lucky Dip is an easy gamble with big possible rewards! For 20 Glow Petals, you will randomly receive an item from one of the Fayre vendor shops. Any basic seed, decor, and background item is possible, but you will not be able to receive applicators through this game. Lucky Dip offers a 50% chance to receive a Seed Seller item, a 20% chance to receive a Fruit Seller item, a 20% chance to receive a Flower Arranger item, and a 10% chance to receive an Artist item. You can play Lucky Dip once per hour.
Groundhog Round Up
Groundhog Round Up
A special minigame just for the Fayre, Groundhog Round Up is a whack-a-mole style game allowing you to submit a score once an hour for a GP prize! You can play the game as many times as you would like per hour, but you can only submit one score per hour. Depending on how high your score is, you may get up to
70 GP as a prize!

To play, you must click/tap on groundhogs as quickly as possible while avoiding snakes. Rare groundhogs and voles will also appear, which grant extra points and extra time respectively.
Basic groundhogs reward one point each and are the most frequent. Rare groundhogs reward three points and appear less frequently. It may be difficult to tell them apart from regular groundhogs, but they have a slightly different color. Hitting a snake subtracts one point from your score.

Voles take add five seconds to the timer, but do not grant any points when hit.

Explore Encounters
Explore Encounters
All of the Springtide Howl Fayre event encounters are available in every biome, though some have time-of-day restrictions. Click on the time of day icons to view the encounter during different times of day. If a time of day isn't visible, the encounter is not available during that time period. You can also view these encounters on a separate wiki page here.
As you sniff around the forest floor, your keen nose picks up an unusual scent. | ||
Dig! | You knew there was something! | +1 Common Seed |
+1 | ||
Awww... There was nothing there. Huh, maybe next time. | N/A |
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Bright and beautiful, this butterfly is quite a sight! You've noticed so many lately. With so many flowers growing, it's no wonder they've been congregating around. | ||
Compliment | The butterfly is so lovely that you can't help but compliment them. If butterflies can blush, this one sure would have. It gives you a seed it found on its way, telling you to cultivate it carefully. | +1 Common Seed |
The butterfly is so lovely that you can't help but compliment them. If butterflies can blush, this one sure would have. It gives you a seed it found on its way, telling you to cultivate it carefully. Sadly, you have too many, so you can't take it with you. | Full Stock: N/A | |
The butterfly is so lovely that you can't help but compliment them. If butterflies can blush, this one sure would have. How sweet. | N/A |
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A beautiful moth flutters above a flower. You notice it's dusted in yellow pollen and wonder how many flowers it has visited tonight. | ||
Approach | When you approach, the moth waves its antennae and flutters away. In its place rests a special type of seed. A gift! | +1 Rare Seed |
When you approach, the moth waves its antennae and flutters away. Pretty! | N/A |
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Looking far too intelligent for its own good, a Raven ruffles its feathers and peers at you. It squawks something about a trade if you have what it wants. | ||
? | ? | ? |
? |