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Strange things are happening in the lands close to your home. Shimmering lights in the distance, whispers on the wind, mournful howling in the morning light... what could be causing these disturbances?

Coigreach is a recurring event happening every November and lasting the whole month. The event begins at 00:00 on November 1st and ends at 23:59 on November 30th.
Table of Contents |
Links not working? Sections must be expanded to jump to a subheader within them! |
Event Basics |
Frequently-Asked Questions |
Event Herbs |
Event-Exclusive Items |
Storyline |
Exploring |
Daily Favours |
Badger Cave |
Event Basics
Event Basics
Coigreach presents a variety of new mechanics and features to explore all throughout the month! They aren't all available right away- stick around all month long to get the most of what the event has to offer. A lot of this event is driven by a storyline that progresses over the course of the month, but some other parts of the event are tied to specific dates rather than moments in the story.
This event has an exclusive currency, Smoky Quartz, which are obtained through exploring, completing Badger Cave favors, and following the storyline.
Smokey Quartz can be used to purchase items in the event shop.
Frequently-Asked Questions
Frequently-Asked Questions
Are the rewards for completing the storyline the same every year?
Nope! New base applicators will be added as storyline rewards each year to replace the last year's applicators.
Event Herbs
Event Herbs
Throughout the month of November, you may notice that your herbalist is bringing back some new and unusual herbs! These herbs, which all originate from Europe, do not have any use right now aside from crafting nesting materials. It was implied in the Coigreach announcement post that the herbs will serve some more function later, so we would recommend saving them!
These herbs cannot be exchanged for at the herbalist, but they can be used to exchange for other herbs. They are not used to craft any medicine, but they can be used to craft Nesting Materials in your Hoard.
Coigreach Herbs | ||||
Elder |
Elfwort |
English Marigold |
Evening Primrose |
Meadowsweet |
Nettle |
Vervain |
White Clover |
Woad |
Wood Betony |
Event-Exclusive Items
Event-Exclusive Items
The following items can only be obtained through Coigreach explore encounters. For details on how to get each item, you can search the item's name on the Coigreach Explore Encounters page. Wealden Amber and Sheep Skull do not currently have a use, but they are likely to in the future.
Large Smoky Quartz Chunks can be obtained rarely while exploring during the nighttime, when following a wisp through a cave chain. Selecting the Quartz Chunk in your hoard will prompt you to open the bundle, which has the chance to randomly drop 3, 4, or 5 Smoky Quartz, which will be added to your normal currency stash.
Coigreach Exclusive Items | ||||
Wealden Amber |
Sheep Skull |
Smoky Quartz Chunk |
Coigreach brings a long, intricate storyline that can be accessed through the Event page, by clicking on the Coigreach banner. The storyline is not required, but is recommended for anyone interested in the event as rewards are granted after the storyline's completion.

Click here to view the storyline!
The storyline consists of two parts: the base storyline, and a storyline extension added in 2022. Completion of the base storyline will reward the player with one of two base applicators, Clover or Moss, depending on which ending they choose. Completion of the storyline extension, which begins on 20th November, will reward one of two new base applicators introduced that year.
In order to complete the storyline, players are required to rollover at least 3 times. There is a 1-rollover waiting period after the first part of chapter one and another 1-rollover waiting period at the end of chapter one. In the middle of part 2 of the storylinw, another 1-rollove waiting period is required. Between these, chapters open up on specific dates. Chapter Three begins on November 5th, Chapter Four begins on November 10th, and Chapter Five begins on November 15th. You can start the storyline any time after these dates, as long as you allow yourself about a week before the end of November to complete the rollover waiting periods and find storyline explore encounters. The storyline expansion begins on 20th November.
In order to progress in the event's storyline and collect currency for the shop, you must explore. Many new, event-exclusive explore encounters begin showing up as soon as November starts!
Daily Favours
Daily Favours
Once the Badger Cave opens, you may take a daily favour with the shopkeepers in exchange for SQ. You can find favours at the top of the store page!
The item required to complete the favour is randomized. Some possibilities include 5 herbs, 1 of each cave-building material, 1 amusement item, 1 critter carcass, or 1 medicine. Items given to the shopkeepers do not need to be full-use. Turning in a favour will always reward 5 SQ, no matter what the favour is.
After completing a daily favour, you must wait until your next rollvoer to take the next request.
Badger Cave
Badger Cave
This month's shop is run by two unusual visitors, a large badger and their small hedgehog friend! Tiers of the Badger Cave open up on specific dates. Once a new tier of the shop opens, new items will be available to purchase. Previous tiers of the shop will all remain open as more tiers unlock.
Unlocked on 5th November
Unlocked on 15th November
Unlocked on 25th November