
From Grouse House Wiki

Revision as of 04:14, 16 August 2024 by Mel (talk | contribs)
Warning: Crowdsourcing!
This article is created largely with the help of crowdsourcing. Due to this, some information may be incomplete or not yet verified. If you find an error or missing information, feel free to submit a Contribution!

Welcome to the 2024 Cataclysms event!
While this event is upcoming and ongoing, we're working hard to keep up with new information. We apologize if there's anything missing, but feel free to let us know if you find anything that you think we should add!

The land you know is changing drastically, devastated by daily disasters. Fear is palpable in every animal that inhabits this place along with you...and strange creatures have emerged from the havoc, intentions unclear.

The Cataclysms event is a recurring event happening every August and lasting the whole month. The event begins at 00:00 on August 1st and ends at 23:59 on August 31st.

Table of Contents
Links not working? Sections must be expanded to jump to a subheader within them!
Event Basics
Frequently-Asked Questions
Disasters and Cataclysms
Disaster Effects
Possible Disasters and Cataclysms
Explore Encounters
Cryptid Factions
Cryptid Quests
Event Shops
Kinfolk Items
The Merged Items
Independent Items
All Cryptids
Cryptids by Faction
Cryptids by Biome
Cryptid Quest Quick Reference
Cryptids Detailed

Event Basics

Event Basics

This event's primary focus is on exploring and questing. You'll notice frequent changes to the normal explore map and new encounters everywhere you go, all while completing tasks for the mysterious Cryptids!

This event has an exclusive currency, Cryptid Scales, which are obtained through exploring and completing Cryptid tasks. Cryptid Scales can be exchanged in the event shop for exclusive items!

Frequently-Asked Questions

Frequently-Asked Questions

What can I do to be best prepared for this event?

Advancement in this event is highly affected by having multiple biomes unlocked. Try to avoid retiring your lead wolf too near the start of this event to prevent biome loss, as retiring your lead wolf leaves you with only three biomes open. If you don’t have the whole map explored, try to scout as many biomes as possible before August. Being able to explore in as many biomes as possible will be very helpful as you'll be able to discover many more cryptids!



Alongside this event comes 16 achievements you can earn from discovering cryptids! Once an achievement is unlocked, it's unlocked forever, regardless if new cryptids are added in a later run of the event. You can find these achievements on the Events tab of your Achievements page, which you can get to from your Profile page or the dropdown by your username. These achievements can only be earned during this event, so get them while you can! None of these achievements provide any reward, but marking them as complete can be satisfying!

Cataclysmic Discoveries
Found all cryptids!
There are 108 total cryptids to find.

Coniferous Forest Cryptids
Found all the Coniferous Forest cryptids.
There are nine cryptids to find in the Coniferous Forest, three of each faction.

Deciduous Forest Cryptids
Found all the Deciduous Forest cryptids.
There are nine cryptids to find in the Deciduous Forest, three of each faction.

Desert Cryptids
Found all the Desert cryptids.
There are nine cryptids to find in the Desert, three of each faction.

Glacier Cryptids
Found all the Glacier cryptids.
There are nine cryptids to find in the Glacier, three of each faction.

Grasslands Cryptids
Found all the Grasslands cryptids.
There are nine cryptids to find in the Grasslands, three of each faction.

Mountains Cryptids
Found all the Mountains cryptids.
There are nine cryptids to find in the Mountains, three of each faction.

Prairie Cryptids
Found all the Prairie cryptids.
There are nine cryptids to find in the Prairie, three of each faction.

Rainforest Cryptids
Found all the Rainforest cryptids.
There are nine cryptids to find in the Rainforest, three of each faction.

Riparian Woodland Cryptids
Found all the Riparian Woodland cryptids.
There are nine cryptids to find in the Riparian Woodland, three of each faction.

Swamp Cryptids
Found all the Swamp cryptids.
There are nine cryptids to find in the Swamp, three of each faction.

Taiga Cryptids
Found all the Taiga cryptids.
There are nine cryptids to find in the Taiga, three of each faction.

The Independent
Found all Independent cryptids.
There are 36 total Independent cryptids to find.

The Kinfolk
Found all Kinfolk cryptids.
There are 36 total Kinfolk cryptids to find.

The Merged
Found all the Merged cryptids.
There are 36 total Merged cryptids to find.

Tundra Cryptids
Found all the Tundra cryptids.
There are nine cryptids to find in the Tundra, three of each faction.



In order to unlock event content, collect currency, and finish quests, you must explore. Due to the recent natural disasters, the local animals are in peril; there are a whole bunch of new explore encounters and creatures to find and help! Some of the new event explore encounters reward you with the event's currency, Cryptid Scales, but many of them just give you normal items such as toys and food.

New encounters will appear in every biome at all times of day, but you might notice a change in frequency alongside a new mechanic, disasters!

Disasters and Cataclysms

Disasters and Cataclysms

With natural disasters wrecking havoc daily, the explore map is frequently changing. With each disaster brings more animals in distress, but they also attract more cryptids to discover!

New warning icons will begin appearing in the biomes you've fully scouted to represent disasters, weather events which affect what you can find in each biome. There are two categories of disaster. Disasters are the basic and most frequent weather event, involving a more moderate storm or event. If taking a turn for the worst, a disaster can develop into a cataclysm, a stronger, more catastrophic event that brings great peril to the region.

The yellow triangle icon represents an ordinary disaster.
The black and orange triangle represents a cataclysm.

When exploring in a biome, you can see if a disaster is currently occurring with the banner above the explore menu. Expanding this menu will display a recent disaster log for the biome.

Every 15 minutes, the disaster status of every biome will roll to change. This occurs at the same time every hour. For example, disasters are rolled at the following times: 00:15, 00:30, 00:45, and 1:00. There are three outcomes that can occur every time this roll takes place. The disaster could dissipate, meaning that the biome will not have any disaster for the next 15 minutes. The disaster could also persist, meaning it will remain the same for the next 15 minutes. Otherwise, the disaster could evolve into a cataclysm, with the possible cataclysm depending on which disaster it originated from.

Disaster Effects

Disaster Effects

In addition to adding new art and flavor text to each biome, disasters also increase the chances of finding event content! During a disaster, cryptids and animals in distress are more likely to be encountered. During a cataclysm, this chance is increased even more.

Possible Disasters and Cataclysms

Possible Disasters and Cataclysms

There are 28 possible disasters and cataclysms to encounter. Some are biome-specific while others can be encountered anywhere. Below is a catalogue of every disaster and cataclysm with information about which biomes it appears in, how it can behave, and what flavor text might be associated with it.


This disaster can evolve into a Perfect Storm cataclysm
The weather feels abnormal when it's so heavy and silent. Walking through this milky fog is unreal and seems like a dream. The only thing you can hear are your own steps and breath.


This cataclysm can evolve from Diamond Dust or Thundersnow
The snow is coming down so thick that it clogs your fur and makes your steps feel heavy. You can't see in front of your nose, and press on blindly.

Information needed
Grasslands, Deciduous Forest: One minute the river is flowing normally, and the next its overflowing its banks as the rain comes down heavy and fast. You're nearly swept away by the flood, and it's a struggle to reach higher ground.

Mountains: A rapid and massive flood destroys everything in its way, leaving very little time to react. You know that it will subside eventually but while the current is so strong, you must hide somewhere safe.

Rainforest: Thick sludge crosses your path and begins to cover your paws. Yuck! You leap away, and watch the slow-moving stream of...well, there's certainly mud involved, but maybe it's best if you don't know what the rest of the unidentifiable debris caught up in it is. You watch in fascination from a safe distance for a while before turning away.


This disaster can evolve into Hurricane or Tornado cataclysms
No unique flavor text

Diamond Dust

This disaster can evolve into a Blizzard cataclysm
No unique flavor text


This disaster can evolve into a Firestorm cataclysm
No unique flavor text

Dry Thunderstorm

This disaster can evolve into a Hurricane cataclysm
No unique flavor text

Dust Storm

This disaster can evolve into a Drought disaster or Torridness cataclysm
One minute the air is clear and the next you're swallowed by a thick cloud of dust and sand. You're unable to see, and with every breath you hack and cough. You do your best to move forward, hoping to find shelter.

You see a mountain of dust and sand in the distance, growing and coming in your direction. A strong wind blows the dirt right into your eyes as the sky turns a sickly yellow, and you're forced to stay put for a while.

This disaster can appear in any biome

Disaster This disaster can evolve into a Volcano Eruption cataclysm
You hear a low, rumbling noise that sounds like a distant storm, but it's louder with every step. You decide to turn back and take a different path.

You pick your way through some brush, the earthquakes causing you to be more cautious on your feet. You approach a ledge that you're sure wasn't here before, and see a gaping slash through the ground. Well, that can't be good.

Coniferous Forest and Riparian Woodland: At first glance, you're not quite sure what's approaching but you watch in fascination as the wall of water grows and moves. You're on the edge of panic when you notice that the water level is rapidly rising. It's the biggest wave you've ever seen! There will be no way to escape if you're in its way, and you take off as fast as you can in the other direction.

Mountains: Rumbling beneath your paws alerts you to danger as you trek across the snow. You look up the mountain and see a wall of snow barreling toward you. Run!

Grasslands: You feel a rumbling beneath your feet. As you look down, the ground starts to split between your paws. You quickly sidestep, and watch from a safe distance as the ground splits apart.

El Niño

This cataclysm can evolve from Monsoon
No unique flavor text


This disaster can evolve into a Meteor Strike cataclysm
A distant, flaming orb is burning through the night sky. The sight is both mysterious and unsettling. The object does not pose any threat to you for now, but it has to come down at some point. You hope you're far away from wherever it lands.


This cataclysm can evolve from Drought
Fire surrounds you, blocking you in on every side. It happened so fast that any route of escape was swallowed up before you could act. You look around wildly for a way out, and with luck, a small gap in the wall of flame opens and you don't hesitate. Your fur gets a bit scorched, but you're safe. Phew!

Great Heatwave
This disaster can appear in the Tundra and Glacier

Disaster This disaster can evolve into a Rotten Ice cataclysm
Information needed

Green Fireball

Information needed
The strange, green glow that lights up the sky looks almost unreal. A silent, bright ball of green fire is flying soundlessly across the sky. You try to follow it for a while but suddenly, in a blink of an eye, it's gone.


This disaster can evolve into Hurricane or Tornado cataclysms
You look up in confusion as balls of ice fall from the sky and hit you painfully. The weather is warm, not cold, so why is there ice? Is this some sort of new phenomenon? You decide to take shelter until it passes.

Traveling through rain, snow, or even a severe storm is not as dangerous as dealing with huge ice balls falling from the sky. Even the smallest ones are painful. The larger ones will leave you seriously wounded if you're not careful.

This disaster can appear in any biome

Disaster Information needed
A sudden, unexpected wave of unbearable heat slams into you. The temperature increases so fast that it makes you feel dizzy. It was so nice just a moment ago, and now you struggle to focus and move forward.

A scorching hot wind buffets you and you feel as if you're being cooked alive. The air was mild just a moment ago, and now the heat is unbearable. You search in vain for a cool place to lay down.


This cataclysm can evolve from Derecho or Hailstorm
Walking through such violent wind is nearly impossible, not to mention extremely dangerous. You feel the increasing strength of each gust of wind pushing you back. The heavy mass of dark clouds over your head is a clear sign that this is only the beginning.

The intensity of the rain and wind is so high that you're not sure if it's the wind that nearly flattens you, or the sideways sheets of rain. The howling in your ears is relentless and you struggle to make your way forward.

Ice Storm

This cataclysm can evolve from Snow Squall
While the shiny, ice-covered plants, rocks, and ground look somewhat otherworldly, it's not a pleasant walk. Ice feels too hard and sharp at times and the freezing rain accumulates on your fur. Better to get out of here as fast as possible.

Locust Swarm

Information needed
No unique flavor text

Meteor Strike

This cataclysm can evolve from Fireball
At first, the bright point in the night sky looked like a big star but it is growing larger and brighter as it crosses the sky. For a brief moment, the object looks like a second sun that passes above your head with a hiss. Wherever it will land, there will be massive destruction.


This disaster can evolve into El Niño or Tropical Storm cataclysms
No unique flavor text

Perfect Storm

This cataclysm can evolve from Anticyclone or Thunderstorm
The severity of the storm that rampages through the land is something you've never experienced. It's as if every large storm came together to form a massive, deadly event that leaves nothing but destruction behind. You press on, straining against the wind and rain.

Every storm is scary to a degree but this one is beyond comprehension. The merciless wind tugs at your fur and whizzes past your ears. You can't hear your thoughts over the roar of the thunder. While most storms leave the land refreshed, this one looks as if will destroy everything.

The trees around you rattle ominously and you are smacked squarely in the face with a clump of leaves. You shake them away, spitting out their gross, damp taste from your mouth. Blasted trees!

Rotten Ice

This cataclysm can evolve from Great Heatwave
No unique flavor text

Snow Squall

This disaster can evolve into a Ice Storm cataclysm
No unique flavor text

Storm Surge

Information needed
Without warning, you are in the midst of a stampede of wildlife of all shapes and sizes. They run in a panic, ignoring you as they bolt away from some unknown danger. You wait until they pass, and strain your eyes to see the cause of their fear. Water is rushing over the ground from the coastline and covering everything in several feet of water. Looks like everyone else had the right idea--run!

A sudden, unidentified sound makes your pelt prickle with unease. You don't have to wait long to see the source of the noise. A massive flood-like wave is rushing toward you and now you realize the sound you heard was the crashing sound of raging water. You may have a chance to get away if you leave now!


This cataclysm can evolve from Thunderstorm
No unique flavor text


This disaster can evolve into a Blizzard cataclysm
No unique flavor text


This disaster can evolve into Perfect Storm and Superstorm cataclysms
No unique flavor text


This cataclysm can evolve from Derecho and Hailstorm
You see a long, snaking cloud reach towards the ground, flinging up a cloud of dust. It's far away, but you watch in horror as it rips up old trees with thick roots and devastates the land. It's so powerful! Sharp wind tugs at your fur, and you quickly move on before the storm has a chance to hurt you, too.

The abnormal shade of the sky is a warning sign of danger. Dark clouds form a whirling funnel right in front of your eyes. Even though it looks like a far-away phenomenon, it will reach you in no time if you don't find a place to hide.


This cataclysm can evolve from Dust Storm
It's as if all moisture has been sapped from the air. Heat waves roll across your back, and your hair feels full of static. Your mouth, nose, and eyes are so dry that it renders normal actions such as swallowing, breathing, and blinking nearly impossible. Is this what dying feels like?

Tropical Storm

This cataclysm can evolve from Monsoon
No unique flavor text

Volcano Eruption

This cataclysm can evolve from Earthquake
You feel tremors and swelling ground under your paws. Suddenly, the nearby mountain seems to explode in a fountain of fire! The sound of falling rocks and the hissing of fire fills the air. Dark smoke and volcanic gases start to consume the area, causing hot winds and a thick layer of dust to settle on everything.

The ground begins to shake ominously, and you hear a loud explosion. Looking around wildly, you can't see a thing--the sky is glowing, and thick ash is falling and quickly obscuring everything in view. Your pawsteps are nearly silent as you run away, leaving pawprints in the ash.

Explore Encounters



Strange creatures have been appearing recently... and it's unclear whether they're the cause of the havoc, or if they originated from it. All month, you'll encounter Cryptids while exploring normally. They can be found in every biome at every time of day, but the cryptids you'll find will differ based on the biome you're exploring it.

There are 108 total cryptids, with 9 found in each biome.

You will be notified on your explore page when you have discovered a new Cryptid. After this, you will be able to visit the Cryptid on the Cryptid Dens page, under the Event section.

Cryptid Factions

Cryptid Factions

All cryptids are broken into one of three factions; Independent, Kinfolk, or The Merged. Each faction has its own agenda, though goals often unclear, and their rivalries are clear.

The Independent are a neutral faction, some tending to lean more towards Kinfolk or The Merged in certain instances.

Kinfolk are kind and wish for the land to heal. They do not seek fights with local wildlife.

The Merged wish to further their own goals by any means necessary, and they are not opposed to cruelty. They fight relentlessly with the Kinfolk.

Throughout the event, you'll gain Reputation with each faction, which will influence what you are able to purchase from the shop. Only shop items corresponding with the faction you have the most reputation with will appear available for purchase. You need at least 100 reputation with at least one faction in order for items to appear in the shop, additional milestones of 300 and 500 to purchase rarer items. You can view each item available in each faction's shop in the Event Shops section of this page.

You will gain and lose reputation through completing quests for cryptids. Reputation does not decay over rollovers and is not affected by cryptids you battle while exploring.

Cryptid Quests

Cryptid Quests

After you have discovered a cryptid, you can visit them on the Cryptid Den page. Here, they will greet you, and request your help with a quest. Cryptid quests help you gain reputation with certain factions, which is used to unlock shop items.

You can take 24 quests per rollover, but only 1 quest from each cryptid per rollover. You cannot do all 24 quests with one cryptid, so you must have at least 24 unique cryptids unlocked to reach this maximum.

The first cryptid quest you take every rollover will reward +50 reputation with the cryptid's associated faction, and -5 reputation with the other two factions. Every quest after this, until your next rollover, will reward +10 reputation with the faction you took it with, and -5 reputation with the other two factions. So, if your first quest of the day was with an Independent cryptid, you would gain +50 Independent reputation and -5 Kinfolk and The Merged reputation. Then, if your second quest of the day was with a Kinfolk cryptid, you would only gain +10 Kinfolk reputation and -5 Independent and The Merged reputation.

Each quest will also grant 5 Cryptid Scales.

Each cryptid has a separate pool of possible quests depending on their home biome and faction. You can view all possible cryptid quests in the All Cryptids list further down on this page. The tasks that cryptids have you complete, besides turning in items, will always be accomplishable in the biome you found the cryptid in. For example, if a Prairie cryptid asks you to battle a certain enemy, the enemy will always be able to be found in the Prairie.

You may also choose to skip a quest with a cryptid for 10 SC. Skipping a quest does not grant any reward, and prevents you from being able to take another quest with that cryptid until your next rollover.

Event Shops

Event Shops

This month's shop is run by a mysterious visitor and avid collector, Aurakai the Merfolk! At their shop, Aurakai's Brokerage, you can exchange Cryptid Scales for items associated with your highest-reputation faction.


A Merfolk stretches out lazily on a rocky ledge, trailing their tail in the water and making patterns. They roll over and observe you with an intense gaze, and you find yourself drawn to them by their odd beauty. Their sly smile is so inviting…

Suddenly, a finned hand yanks hard on your tail, and you stumble back from the ledge with a gasp. You nearly fell into the water!

"Now, now, don't go drowning just yet. Honestly, you mammals are too easily manipulated," they tut. Their voice is a mix of melodic tones that rise and fall, and it's surprisingly quite nice to listen to.

"My name is Aurakai. I like collecting things, and I'm in need of Cryptid Scales. Care to trade?"



The items that will be available to you in the shop depend on which faction you have aligned with. Aligning with a faction takes 100 reputation. After you have earned at least 100 reputation with at least one faction, their exclusive shop items will appear for you. If you have more than 100 reputation with multiple factions, only items from the faction with the highest reputation will show in your shop.

Tiers of the shop open after the community has beaten and helped a certain number of cryptids. This is determined on a site-wide basis. Everyone unlocks each tier at the same time. Tier 1 is unlocked after 100,000 cryptids quests have been completed and cryptid battles have been won. Tier 2 unlocks after 250,000 of the same, and Tier 3 unlocks after 350,000.

What do Dingbat Pathfinders do? Are they worth buying?

A: When using a Dingbat Pathfinder on a scout discovering a new biome, it will increase the amount of biome that your scout discovers by 10%. For example, if your scout typically discovers 10% of the biome, they will discover 20% with a Dingbat Pathfinder.

The Dingbat Pathfinder can make scouting easier biomes very quick, and can help a lot in the most challenging biomes!

If using a Dingbat Pathfinder on a scout being sent to rescout a biome, the scout will bring back one additional amusement item.

Kinfolk Items

Kinfolk Items

These items will only be available to purchase if you have at least 100 reputation with the Kinfolk faction and it is currently your highest-reputation faction.

Tier 1
Unlocks after 100,000 cryptids quests have been completed and cryptid battles have been won site-wide.

Dingbat Pathfinder
5 CS
Requires at least 300 Kinfolk reputation
Beastly Drool
8 CS
Catfish Whiskers
8 CS
Cryptid Fangs
8 CS
Glowing Eyes [Green]
8 CS
Pig Nose
8 CS
Diamond Dust
10 CS
Jackalope [Mule Deer]
10 CS
Jackalope [Whitetail]
10 CS
Eyebrow Small Horns
11 CS
Ear Extensions [Black]
12 CS
Ear Extensions [Cream]
12 CS
Ear Extensions [White]
12 CS
Raptor Talons
12 CS
Light Hooves
14 CS
Fish Fins
22 CS

Tier 2
Unlocks after 250,000 cryptids quests have been completed and cryptid battles have been won site-wide.

10 CS
Eagle Beak Morph
14 CS
Rat Nose
14 CS
Elbow Tufts [Cream]
16 CS
Elbow Tufts [White]
16 CS
Feather Wings - Bottom [White]
20 CS
Feather Wings - Top [White]
20 CS
Cactus Cat Friend
22 CS
Fluffy Mane [Brown]
25 CS
Fluffy Mane [White]
25 CS
Abandoned House
60 CS
Cryptid Den
60 CS
Kinfolk Ruins
60 CS
Newly Built Home
60 CS
Waterfolk Den
60 CS

Tier 3
Unlocks after 350,000 cryptids quests have been completed and cryptid battles have been won site-wide.

UFO Crash
10 CS
Mirthful Meadow
60 CS
Serene Lair
60 CS
Claw Applicator [Blend]
30 CS
Requires at least Kinfolk 500 reputation
Claw Applicator [Wild]
30 CS
Requires at least Kinfolk 500 reputation
Nose Applicator [Blend]
30 CS
Requires at least Kinfolk 500 reputation
Nose Applicator [Wild]
30 CS
Requires at least Kinfolk 500 reputation
Skin Applicator [Blend]
30 CS
Requires at least Kinfolk 500 reputation
Skin Applicator [Wild]
30 CS
Requires at least Kinfolk 500 reputation
Eye Applicator [Blend]
50 CS
Requires at least Kinfolk 500 reputation
Eye Applicator [Serene]
50 CS
Requires at least Kinfolk 500 reputation
Base Applicator [Beast]
100 CS
Requires at least Kinfolk 500 reputation
Base Applicator [Kin]
100 CS
Requires at least Kinfolk 500 reputation
Markings Applicator [Beast]
200 CS
Requires at least Kinfolk 500 reputation
Markings Applicator [Kin]
200 CS
Requires at least Kinfolk 500 reputation

The Merged Items

The Merged Items

These items will only be available to purchase if you have at least 100 reputation with the The Merged faction and it is currently your highest-reputation faction.

Tier 1
Unlocks after 100,000 cryptids quests have been completed and cryptid battles have been won site-wide.

Dingbat Pathfinder
5 CS
Requires at least 300 The Merged reputation
Forehead Spike
8 CS
Monster Eyes
8 CS
Monster Teeth
8 CS
Goat Sucker Body Spikes
9 CS
Goat Sucker Tongue
9 CS
Meteor Strike
10 CS
Body Spikes
11 CS
Claw Extensions [Black]
12 CS
Claw Extensions [Bone]
12 CS
Claw Extensions [Brown]
12 CS
Dark Hooves
14 CS
Rat Tail [Black]
14 CS
Rat Tail [Gray]
14 CS
Rat Tail [Pink]
14 CS
Hodag Spikes
22 CS

Tier 2
Unlocks after 250,000 cryptids quests have been completed and cryptid battles have been won site-wide.

10 CS
Bat Ears Morph
14 CS
14 CS
Elbow Tufts [Auburn]
16 CS
Elbow Tufts [Black]
16 CS
Membrane Wings [Bottom]
16 CS
Membrane Wings [Top]
16 CS
Feather Wings - Bottom [Black]
20 CS
Feather Wings - Top [Black]
20 CS
Fluffy Mane [Auburn]
25 CS
Fluffy Mane [Black]
25 CS
Abandoned House
60 CS
Bloody Cryptid Den
60 CS
Burn the Bridges
60 CS
Cryptid Den
60 CS
Merged Ruins
60 CS

Tier 3
Unlocks after 350,000 cryptids quests have been completed and cryptid battles have been won site-wide.

Volcanic Eruption
10 CS
Lava Cave
60 CS
Red Lair
60 CS
Claw Applicator [Conflux]
30 CS
Requires at least 500 The Merged reputation
Claw Applicator [Corrupt]
30 CS
Requires at least 500 The Merged reputation
Nose Applicator [Conflux]
30 CS
Requires at least 500 The Merged reputation
Nose Applicator [Corrupt]
30 CS
Requires at least 500 The Merged reputation
Skin Applicator [Conflux]
30 CS
Requires at least 500 The Merged reputation
Skin Applicator [Corrupt]
30 CS
Requires at least 500 The Merged reputation
Eye Applicator [Cryptid]
50 CS
Requires at least 500 The Merged reputation
Eye Applicator [Fearsome]
50 CS
Requires at least 500 The Merged reputation
Base Applicator [Abomination]
100 CS
Requires at least 500 The Merged reputation
Base Applicator [Merged]
100 CS
Requires at least 500 The Merged reputation
Markings Applicator [Abomination]
200 CS
Requires at least 500 The Merged reputation
Markings Applicator [Merged]
200 CS
Requires at least 500 The Merged reputation

Independent Items

Independent Items

These items will only be available to purchase if you have at least 100 reputation with the Independent faction and it is currently your highest-reputation faction.

Tier 1
Unlocks after 100,000 cryptids quests have been completed and cryptid battles have been won site-wide.

Dingbat Pathfinder
5 CS
Requires at least 300 Independent reputation
Earth Cracks
10 CS
Hurricane Winds
10 CS
10 CS
Lightning Strike
10 CS
Monsoon Rains
10 CS
Kipsy Fin
10 CS
Attached Antlers [Whitetail]
22 CS
Pronghorn Antlers
10 CS

Tier 2
Unlocks after 250,000 cryptids quests have been completed and cryptid battles have been won site-wide.

10 CS
Dust Storm
10 CS
Dust Storm [Night]
10 CS
Flooding Ground
10 CS
Locust Storm
10 CS
10 CS
Perfect Storm
10 CS
Tornado Winds
10 CS
Tree Mushroom Growth
14 CS
Elbow Tufts [Brown]
16 CS
Elbow Tufts [Gray]
16 CS
Feather Wings - Bottom [Brown]
20 CS
Feather Wings - Top [Brown]
20 CS
Snipe Friend
22 CS
Fluffy Mane [Dark Brown]
25 CS
Fluffy Mane [Gray]
25 CS
Abandoned House
60 CS
Burned Forest
60 CS
Cryptid Den
60 CS
Eye of the Hurricane
60 CS
60 CS
Raging Tornado
60 CS
Volcano Eruption
60 CS

Tier 3
Unlocks after 350,000 cryptids quests have been completed and cryptid battles have been won site-wide.

Broken Ground
10 CS
10 CS
Rotten Ice [Day]
10 CS
Rotten Ice [Night]
10 CS
10 CS
10 CS
60 CS
Massive Earthquake
60 CS
60 CS
Claw Applicator [Grime]
30 CS
Requires at least 500 Independent reputation
Claw Applicator [Mud]
30 CS
Requires at least 500 Independent reputation
Nose Applicator [Grime]
30 CS
Requires at least 500 Independent reputation
Nose Applicator [Mud]
30 CS
Requires at least 500 Independent reputation
Skin Applicator [Grime]
30 CS
Requires at least 500 Independent reputation
Skin Applicator [Mud]
30 CS
Requires at least 500 Independent reputation
Eye Applicator [Hurricane]
50 CS
Requires at least 500 Independent reputation
Eye Applicator [Tranquil]
50 CS
Requires at least 500 Independent reputation
Base Applicator [Storm]
100 CS
Requires at least 500 Independent reputation
Base Applicator [Tempest]
100 CS
Requires at least 500 Independent reputation
Markings Applicator [Storm]
200 CS
Requires at least 500 Independent reputation
Markings Applicator [Tempest]
200 CS
Requires at least 500 Independent reputation

All Cryptids

All Cryptids

This section lists every available cryptid! Click on a name below to quickly jump to a detailed graphic of that cryptid's text and quests. Alternatively, you can find cryptids sorted by faction or biome below this name list. If you're just looking for quests, check out the Cryptid Quest Quick Reference section!

Cryptids by Faction

Cryptids by Biome

Cryptid Quest Quick Reference

Cryptid Quest Quick Reference

Each cryptid has three unique quests, affected by their location and faction. We'll list every cryptid alphabetically below alongside their associated quests.

Grouse Tip!
Did you know? Any explore-based quest that a cryptid gives you will be completable in the cryptid's home biome! So, if a cryptid asks you to battle a specific enemy, head back to the same biome that you found the cryptid in, and you'll be able to find the enemy there to. If you've forgotten where you found the cryptid, don't worry, their home biome is labeled at the bottom of their Cryptid Dens page.

The Merged

• Give 5x Large Branch
• Give 2x Medicine: Healing Salve
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk cryptids


• Give 3x local items*
• Catch 1x uncommon fish
• Defeat 2x the Merged cryptids

* Exact required items will be randomized between Aloe, Large Leaf, Owl Talon, Parrot Feather, Pineapple Leaf, Tortoise Shell, and Toucan Feather

• Give 2x Medicine: Healing Salve
• Defeat 2x the Merged cryptids
• Find the giant squid in the Glacier

Alaskan Tiger

• Give 3x medicines and 1x Meat Chunks [Large]*
• Complete 3x hunts
• Defeat 2x the Merged cryptids

* Exact required medicines will be randomized between Medicine: Antidote, Medicine: Infection Balm, and Medicine: Influenza Cure
The Merged

• Catch 1x uncommon fish
• Complete 2x hunts
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk cryptids

Axehandle Hound

• Give 2x full-use carcasses
• Help 2x distressed animals*
• Defeat 2x the Merged cryptids

* Distressed animals are found most frequently when exploring in biomes with current disasters or cataclysms
The Merged

• Give 3x full-use carcasses
• Defeat 1x Cactus Cat
• Defeat 1x local enemy*

* Exact required enemy will be randomized between Cougar, Frenzied Razorback, Golden Eagle, and Mexican Wolf
Ball-Tailed Cat

• Give 5x Large Rock
• Give 2x Nesting Material
• Give 3x full-use carcasses

The Merged

• Give 5x Large Leaf
• Complete 2x hunts
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk cryptids

Beast of Bladenboro
The Merged

• Complete 3x hunts
• Complete 1x scouting mission
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk cryptids

Beast of Bray Road
The Merged

• Give 3x full-use carcasses
• Complete 2x hunts
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk cryptids

Beast of Busco

• Give 2x Nesting Material
• Catch 1x uncommon fish
• Find the massive turtle in the Riparian Woodland

Belled Buzzard
The Merged

• Complete 3x hunts
• Complete 1x scouting mission
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk or Independent cryptids*

* Exact required faction will be randomized

• Help 2x distressed animals*
• Defeat 2x the Merged cryptids
• Find the geyser in the Riparian Woodlands

* Distressed animals are found most frequently when exploring in biomes with current disasters or cataclysms
Blood Sucker
The Merged

• Give 3x full-use carcasses
• Defeat 1x local enemy*
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk cryptids

* Exact required enemy will be randomized between Cougar, Frenzied Razorback, Ocelet, and Whitetail Buck
Bloody Bones
The Merged

• Give 5x bone items*
• Give 3x full-use carcasses
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk cryptids

* Exact required items will be randomized between Whale Rib Bone and Bone
Bloody Mary

• Give 5x Large Rock
• Give 2x Medicine: Healing Salve
• Defeat 2x the Merged cryptids

The Merged

• Give 3x full-use carcasses
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk cryptids
• Find the abandoned house in the Tundra


• Give 5x Large Leaf
• Give 2x Medicine: Healing Salve
• Help 2x distressed animals*

* Distressed animals are found most frequently when exploring in biomes with current disasters or cataclysms
Cactus Cat

• Give 5x herbs*
• Complete 1x scouting mission
• Defeat 2x the Merged cryptids

* Exact required herbs will be randomized between Aloe, Cedar Bark, Chaparral, Oregano, Tansy, and Tobacco

• Give 5x Large Rock
• Give 3x full-use carcasses
• Catch 1x uncommon fish

Cajun Sasquatch

• Give 5x Large Leaf
• Give 2x Nesting Material
• Help 2x distressed animals*

* Distressed animals are found most frequently when exploring in biomes with current disasters or cataclysms

• Give 3x full-use carcasses
• Complete 3x hunts
• Defeat 2x the Merged cryptids


• Give 5x local items*
• Give 3x full-use carcasses
• Find the drowned car in the Riparian Woodland

* Exact required items will be randomized between Acorn, Blue Jay Feather, Dandelion, Medicine: Healing Salve, Mollusk Shell, and St. John's Wort
The Merged

• Complete 3x hunts
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk cryptids
• Find the dead goat in the Grasslands

Creepy Black Hound
The Merged

• Give 2x Medicine: Healing Salve
• Complete 3x hunts
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk cryptids


• Complete 1x scouting mission
• Help 2x distressed animals*
• Find the men in black in the Tundra

* Distressed animals are found most frequently when exploring in biomes with current disasters or cataclysms
Dark Watchers

• Give 5x local items*
• Help 2x distressed animals**
• Defeat 2x the Merged cryptids

* Exact items needed will be randomized between Bone, Cedar Bark, Charcoal, Garlic, Owl Feather, Owl Talon, and Spoonwood
** Distressed animals are found most frequently when exploring in biomes with current disasters or cataclysms
Dewey Lake Monster

• Give 5 Large Branch
• Give 2x Medicine: Healing Salve
• Help 2x distressed animals*

* Distressed animals are found most frequently when exploring in biomes with current disasters or cataclysms
Dover Demon

• Give 5x Large Leaf
• Give 2x full-use carcasses
• Defeat 1x local enemy*

* Exact required enemy will be randomized between American Badger, Bobcat, Cougar, and Mustang Stallion
The Merged

• Give 3x local items*
• Defeat 1x local enemy**
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk cryptids

* Exact required items will be randomized between Dead Fish, Delicate Meat, Duck Egg, Tortoise Shell, and Turtle Shell
** Exact required enemy will be randomized between Frenzied Razorback and Wild Boar
Enfield Monster

• Give 5x Large Leaf
• Give 3x medicines*
• Complete 1x scouting mission

* Exact required medicines will be randomized
Evil Cadejo
The Merged

• Give 2x Medicine: Healing Salve
• Give 3x full-use carcasses
• Defeat 1x Nagual

Flatwoods Monster

• Give 5x Large Branch
• Complete 1x scouting mission
• Defeat 2x the Merged cryptids

Fresno Nightcrawler

• Give 5x local items*
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk or the Merged cryptids**
• Find the dead cow in the Desert

* Exact required items will be randomized between Arnica, Oregano, Rat Carcass, Rabbit Carcass, Roadrunner Feather, Tansy, and Winterfat
** Exact required faction will be randomized
Fur-Bearing Trout

• Give 2x Medicine: Healing Salve
• Catch 1x uncommon fish
• Help 2x distressed animals*

* Distressed animals are found most frequently when exploring in biomes with current disasters or cataclysms
The Merged

• Give 5x Large Leaf
• Complete 1x scouting mission
• Defeat 1x local Kinfolk cryptid*

* Exact required cryptid will be randomized between Axehandle Hound and Walgren Lake Monster

• Give 5x Large Leaf
• Help 2x distressed animals*
• Defeat 2x the Merged cryptids

* Distressed animals are found most frequently when exploring in biomes with current disasters or cataclysms
The Merged

• Give 2x Medicine: Healing Salve
• Complete 3x hunts
• Defeat 1x local Kinfolk cryptid*

* Exact required cryptid will be randomized between Ozark Howler and Teakettler
Goat Sucker
The Merged

• Give 2x Medicine: Healing Salve
• Give 3x full-use carcasses
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk cryptids

The Merged

• Defeat 1x Blacktailed Buck
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk cryptids
• Find the trapped wolf in the Riparian Woodland

Golden Bear

• Give 2x Nesting Material
• Help 2x distressed animals*
• Defeat 1x Rawhead

* Distressed animals are found most frequently when exploring in biomes with current disasters or cataclysms
Goofus Bird

• Give 2x Nesting Material
• Help 2x distressed animals*
• Defeat 2x the Merged cryptids

* Distressed animals are found most frequently when exploring in biomes with current disasters or cataclysms

• Give 5x Large Leaf
• Give 2x Medicine: Healing Salve
• Help 2x distressed animals*

* Distressed animals are found most frequently when exploring in biomes with current disasters or cataclysms

• Give 5x Large Branch
• Give 2x Medicine: Healing Salve
• Give 3x full-use carcasses

The Merged

• Give 5x Large Rock
• Complete 1x scouting mission
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk cryptids

The Merged

• Give 5x herbs*
• Give 2x full-use carcasses
• Defeat 1x local Kinfolk cryptid**

* Exact required herbs will be randomized
** Exact required cryptid will be randomized between Dark Watchers and Knocker
Hoop Snake

• Give 2x Medicine: Healing Salve
• Give 2x Nesting Material
• Defeat 2x the Merged cryptids

Horned Beast
The Merged

• Give 5x Large Rock
• Complete 3x hunts
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk Cryptids


• Give 5x Large Leaf
• Give 2x Medicine: Healing Salve
• Complete 1x scouting mission

Ghostly Black Dog
The Merged

• Give 2x Medicine: Healing Salve
• Give 2x full-use carcasses
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk or the Merged cryptids*

* Exact required faction will be randomized

• Give 5x Large Branch
• Give 2x Nesting Material
• Find distressed rabbits in the Prairie

Jersey Devil
The Merged

• Give 3x full-use carcasses
• Defeat 1x Grizzly Bear
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk cryptids

Joint Snake

• Give 2x Nesting Material
• Give 3x local critter carcasses*
• Complete 2x hunts

* Exact required items will be randomized between Hare Carcass and Quail Carcass

• Give 2x Medicine: Healing Salve
• Defeat 2x the Merged cryptids
• Find the dead sturgeon in the Riparian Woodland


• Give 5x Large Rock
• Give 2x Medicine: Healing Salve
• Give 2x Nesting Material


• Give 3x full-use carcasses
• Complete 3x hunts
• Defeat 1x local cryptid*

* Exact required cryptid will be randomized between Akhlut and Sea Serpent
Lava Bear

• Give 2x Nesting Material
• Give 5x amusement items*
• Find the Lava Bear cub in the Desert

* Exact required items will be randomized between Acorn, Blue Jay Feather, Bone, Mollusk Shell, Owl Feather, Owl Talon, Roadrunner Feather, and Skua Feather

• Give 2x full-use carcasses
• Catch 1x uncommon fish
• Defeat 1x Wild Boar

Lizard Man
The Merged

• Give 5x Large Branch
• Give 4x full-use carcasses
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk cryptids

Loveland Frog

• Give 5x Large Leaf
• Catch 1x uncommon fish
• Complete 1x scouting mission


• Give 5x Large Branch
• Catch 1x uncommon fish
• Defeat 1x Alaskan Tundra Wolf

Michigan Dogman

• Give 2x Medicine: Healing Salve
• Help 2x distressed animals*
• Defeat 2x the Merged cryptids

* Distressed animals are found most frequently when exploring in biomes with current disasters or cataclysms
Milton Lizard

• Give 5x Large Rock
• Give 2x Nesting Material
• Defeat 1x local enemy*

Exact required enemy will be randomized between Bobcat, Plains Coyote, and Whitetail Buck
Missouri Monster

• Give 5x Large Rock
• Give 2x Medicine: Healing Salve
• Defeat 2x the Merged cryptids

Mogollon Monster

• Give 5x Large Leaf
• Give 2x Medicine: Healing Salve
• Complete 1x scouting mission

Monster Turtle

• Give 3x local items*
• Complete 1x scouting mission
• Defeat 1x local enemy*

* Exact required items will be randomized between Delicate Meat, Turtle Shell, Tortoise Shell, and Dead Fish
** Exact required enemy will be randomized between Coyote and Whitetail Buck
Montauk Monster
The Merged

• Catch 1x uncommon fish
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk cryptids
• Find the abandoned mineshaft in the Taiga


• Complete 3x hunts
• Complete 1x scouting mission
• Defeat 2x the Merged cryptids

The Merged

• Complete 3x hunts
• Defeat 1x local enemy*
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk cryptids

* Exact required enemy will be randomized between Cougar and Turkey Vulture

• Complete 1x scouting mission
• Help 2x distressed animals*
• Defeat 1x Evil Cadejo

* Distressed animals are found most frequently when exploring in biomes with current disasters or cataclysms
North Shore Monster
The Merged

• Catch 1x uncommon fish
• Complete 3x hunts
• Defeat 1x Hoop Snake

Old Scratch
The Merged

• Give 2x Nesting Material
• Complete 3x hunts
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk cryptids


• Give 2x Nesting Material
• Give 3x full-use carcasses
• Defeat 1x local enemy*

* Exact required enemy will be randomized between Cougar, Frenzied Razorback, and Whitetail Buck
Ozark Howler

• Give 2x Medicine: Healing Salve
• Catch 1x uncommon fish
• Defeat 1x Beast of Bladenboro

Panama Creature

• Give 2x Nesting Material
• Defeat 2x the Merged cryptids
• Find the destroyed nest in the Rainforest

Pope Lick Monster
The Merged

• Give 1x Wolf Skull
• Defeat 1x local enemy*
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk cryptids

* Exact required enemy will be randomized between Coyote and Turkey Vulture
The Merged

• Give 5x Large Branch
• Defeat 1x local enemy*
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk or Independent cryptids**

* Exact required enemy will be randomized between Arctic Fox, Barren Ground Caribou, and Wolverine
** Exact required faction will be randomized
The Merged

• Give 3x local items*
• Give 3x full-use carcasses
• Defeat 1x local Kinfolk cryptid**

* Exact required items will be randomized between Rattle, Tortoise Shell, and Turtle Shell
** Exact required cryptid will be randomized between Cajun Sasquatch, Skunk Ape, and Tuttle Bottoms Monster

• Give 2x Medicine: Healing Salve
• Give 2x Nesting Material
• Help 2x distressed animals*

* Distressed animals are found most frequently when exploring in biomes with current disasters or cataclysms
Sea Serpent
The Merged

• Give 2x Medicine: Healing Salve
• Complete 1x scouting mission
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk cryptids

Sewer Alligator
The Merged

• Give 3x full-use carcasses
• Complete 2x hunts
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk cryptids

Shadow Being
The Merged

• Complete 3x hunts
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk or Independent cryptids*
• Find the polar scientist in the Tundra

* Exact required faction will be randomized

• Give 5x Large Branch
• Help 2x distressed animals*
• Defeat 2x the Merged cryptids

* Distressed animals are found most frequently when exploring in biomes with current disasters or cataclysms
Sidehill Gouger

• Give 5x Large Leaf
• Complete 1x scouting mission
• Find the train tunnel in the Prairie


• Give 5x Large Rock
• Give 2x Medicine: Healing Salve
• Give 5x local items*

* Exact required items will be randomized between Acorn, Aloe, Guaiacum, Kava, Large Leaf, Parrot Feather, Pineapple Leaf, Tapir Carcass, Toucan Feather, andTurtle Eggs
Skunk Ape

• Give 2x Nesting Material
• Help 2x distressed animals*
• Defeat 2x the Merged cryptids

* Distressed animals are found most frequently when exploring in biomes with current disasters or cataclysms
Sliver Cat

• Give 2x Agouti Carcasses
• Complete 3x hunts
• Defeat 1x Coyote


• Give 5x herbs*
• Defeat 1x Enraged Canada Goose
• Find the plane wreck in the Grasslands

* Exact required herbs will be randomized

• Give 5x Large Rock
• Complete 1x scouting mission
• Defeat 1x local enemy*

* Exact required enemy will be randomized between American Badger and Cougar
Snow Snake

• Give 5x Large Branch
• Give 3x local carcasses*
• Defeat 1x local enemy**

* Exact required carcasses will be randomized between Caribou Calf Carcass, Hare Carcass, Seal Pup Carcass, Stoat Carcass, and Gull Carcass
** Exact required enemy will be randomized between Arctic Fox and Snowy Owl
Snow Wasset

• Give 2x Medicine: Healing Salve
• Catch 1x uncommon fish
• Find the shipwreck in the Glacier

Southern Chupacabras
The Merged

• Give 3x Beaver Carcass
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk cryptids
• Find the destroyed den in the Rainforest


• Give 5x Large Branch
• Complete 1x scouting mission
• Defeat 1x local enemy*

* Exact required enemy will be randomized between Bobcat and Elk Bull

• Give 5x St. John's Wort
• Give 2x Nesting Material
• Find Blonk in the Coniferous Forest

Swamp Stalker

• Give 2x Medicine: Healing Salve
• Give 2x Nesting Material
• Complete 1x scouting mission


• Give 3x full-use carcasses
• Complete 3x hunts
• Defeat 1x local enemy*

* Exact required enemy will be randomized between Bobcat and Cougar

• Give 5x Large Branch
• Give 2x Nesting Material
• Help 2x distressed animals*

* Distressed animals are found most frequently when exploring in biomes with current disasters or cataclysms
The White Stag

• Give 5x local items
• Give 2x Medicine: Healing Salve
• Defeat 2x the Merged cryptids

* Exact required items will be randomized between Arnica, Buffaloberry, Carrionflower, Goldenseal, Large Leaf, Mullein, Spoonwood, and Yarrow
Thetis Lake Monster
The Merged

• Give 2x Medicine: Healing Salve
• Catch 1x uncommon fish
• Defeat 2x Kinfolk cryptids

Tuttle Bottoms Monster

• Give 3x medicines*
• Help 2x distressed animals**
• Defeat 1x Dungavenhooter

* Exact required medicines will be randomized between Medicine: Constipation Cure and Medicine: Cough Cure
** Distressed animals are found most frequently when exploring in biomes with current disasters or cataclysms
Unidentified Beings

• Give 3x items*
• Give 3x full-use carcasses
• Find the livestreamers in the Glacier

* Exact required items will be randomized between Blue Jay Feather, Bone, Charcoal, Dandelion, Medicine: Healing Salve, Mollusk Shell, Nesting Material, and Owl Feather
Walgren Lake Monster

• Give 5x Large Rock
• Complete 2x hunts
• Defeat 2x the Merged cryptids

Wampus Cat

• Give 2x Nesting Material
• Catch 1x uncommon fish
• Complete 3x hunts

Water Tiger

• Catch 1x uncommon fish
• Complete 3x hunts
• Complete 1x scouting mission

White Lady

• Give 2x medicines*
• Complete 1x scouting mission
• Defeat 1x Polar Bear

* Exact required medicine will be randomized between Medicine: Antidote, Medicine: Infection Balm, and Medicine: Influenza Cure
Wisconsin Werewolf

• Give 5x Large Rock
• Give 3x full-use caracasses
• Find the survival man in the Coniferous Forest

White River Monster

• Catch 1x uncommon fish
• Complete 1x scouting mission
• Defeat 1x local enemy*

* Exact enemy required will be randomized between Bald Eagle, Black Bear, and Grizzly Bear