Halloween Spectacle
From Grouse House Wiki
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As the days get colder, eerie whispers of corruption descend upon Wolvden's lands. Shifting landscapes and spooky creatures beckon you towards the season's bewitched flaming pyre. What could have caused the land of the unseen to be revealed?

The Halloween event is a recurring event happening every October and lasting the whole month. The event begins at 00:00 on October 1st and ends at 23:59 on October 31st.
Table of Contents |
Links not working? Sections must be expanded to jump to a subheader within them! |
Event Basics |
Frequently-Asked Questions |
Spider Visuals Filter |
Exploring |
Daily Requests |
The Pyre |
Trick or Treat |
Event Shops |
The Altar |
Mohkra |
Breeding items |
Event Basics
Event Basics
Progression in this event is possible through exploring and questing. New encounters and enemies will appear while you're exploring in October. Meanwhile, complete tasks for a new NPC, Mohkra, to earn currency and experience!
This event has an exclusive currency, Mysterious Effigies, which are obtained through exploring, completing Mohkra quests, and trick-or-treating.
Mysterious Effigies can be used to purchase items in the event shops as well as to send your wolves trick-or-treating.
Frequently-Asked Questions
Frequently-Asked Questions
What are smouldering effigies and what do they do?
Smouldering Effigies are an item that can be obtained after the Altar opens at the end of the month. You will receive 10 Smouldering Effigies after sacrificing 10 Mysterious Effigies to open the Altar. After that you may receive extra Smouldering Effigies through trick-or-treating! The effect of this item on your wolf will be randomized between eight possible options (six for lead wolves).
Possible Smouldering Effigy Effects |
One effect will be applied randomly when this item is used on a wolf |
Wolf's energy is fully restored |
Wolf's hunger is fully restored |
Wolf's HP is fully restored |
Wolf's mood is fully restored (pack wolves only) |
Wolf's energy is fully depleted |
Wolf's hunger is fully depleted |
Wolf's HP is fully depleted |
Wolf's mood is fully depleted (pack wolves only) |
Spider Visuals Filter
Spider Visuals Filter
Wolvden offers a toggle for spider visuals year-round, but it can be extra useful during this event for arachnophobes or others who would prefer not to see spiders while exploring! This option on your profile page will replace any spider visual in explore with another image. This won't affect decorations, shop images, or spiders elsewhere on site- it will only apply to explore images.
You can find the toggle in the Account Settings section of your profile page.
Throughout the month, a gradual corruption will settle itself over the landscapes of Wolvden. At the start of the event, you'll be able to find spooky new encounters and battle a few new enemies. As the community collects more and more Mysterious Effigies, the corruption will begin affecting local fauna and attract more powerful monsters. Winning battles against corrupted enemies will reward
Mysterious Effigies!
Daily Requests
Daily Requests
Once Tier 1 of the event opens and Mohkra's shop becomes available, players may take daily requests from Mohkra herself! You can find daily requests at the top of the Mohkra store page. You may take one request per day in exchange for EXP and Mysterious Effigies!
Mohkra turns towards you, a secretive and playful expression on her face. Her silken voice carries words to your ears: "I need some ingredients. Would you help me?"
Mohkra will request a random carcass, herb, or skull.
Mohkra flicks her ears forwards, noting your presence. She is waiting. "I need a Porcupine Carcass."
Please submit the following items:
This will select the lowest use (first) and closest to rotting (second) items available in your hoard.
You may skip one of Mohkra's requests using 1 Mysterious Effigy. This will end the request without reward and provide you an opportunity to accept a new request. You can skip requests as many times per rollover as you would like.
Items given to Mohkra do not need to be full-uses. Once the item is submitted, it will be removed from your Hoard. In exchange for the requested item, Mohkra will reward you with lead wolf EXP and 5 Mysterious effigies. The amount of EXP granted is equal to your lead wolf's level multiplied by 10, with up to a 20 point positive or negative adjustment ((LVL x 10) ± up to 20). The rewards granted for completing a request remain the same regardless of what item was given.
+125 EXP
After you've completed the request for the day, you must wait until your next rollover to take the next request.
Mohkra is busy with her cauldron. She has no need of your assistance right now.
The Pyre
The Pyre
The Pyre is an additional interaction near the end of the Halloween event. While the Pyre will remain unlit for the majority of the month, you will be able to sacrifice Mysterious Effigies at the end of the month to light the fire and access a new shop, the Altar!
Trick or Treat
Trick or Treat
Once the Pyre has been lit, you will be able to access a new trick-or-treating mechanic! You can trick-or-treat as many times per day as you would like, but the action has a 5-minutes cooldown. For a cost of 1 Mysterious Effigy, you may send one of your wolves to travel to another player's den to trick-or-treat. The den that they will visit is chosen completely randomly. The player who your wolf visits will receive 1 Smouldering Effigy, while you will earn
2-3 Mysterious Effigies in return!
Event Shops
Event Shops
The Altar
The Altar
Lighting the Pyre on or after October 24th will reveal the Altar, a new shop containing decorations and applicators! Since the Pyre must first be lit in order to access this shop, accessing this shop requires a sacrifice of 10 Mysterious Effigies. In exchange for this sacrifice, you will be given 10 Smouldering Effigies and the Altar will be opened! Alongside the opening of the Altar, you will be able to access trick-or-treating, explained earlier on this page.
This month's primary shop is run by a new shopkeeper, Mohkra! Tiers of her shop will open as the community gathers more Mysterious Effigies. At Mohkra's shop, you can exchange
Mysterious Effigues for decorations and backgrounds. In the final tier of her shop, you'll be able to purchase special breeding items and applicators!
Breeding Items
Breeding Items
Once Tier 3 of Mohkra's shop opens, you will be able to purchase breeding items exclusive to this event. These items will increase the likelihood of getting a mutation from a specific breeding! You can use these items at any time of year, but they can only be purchased during the Halloween event.
Breeding Item | Source | Effect |
Wolf Blood | Purchase from Mohkra during the October Halloween event | Provides a small chance that one pup in the wolf's next litter will develop a recessive mutation even if neither parents are carriers. Can only be fed to a female wolf |
Wolf Meat | Purchase from Mohkra during the October Halloween event | Provides a higher chance for any pup in the wolf's next litter to develop a random spontaneous mutation. Can only be fed to a female wolf |
Wolf Scrotum | Purchase from Mohkra during the October Halloween event | Can be fed to a wolf with a mutation to provide a higher chance for one pup in their next litter to develop that same mutation. Can only be fed to a female wolf |