Springtide Howl Fayre Explore Encounters

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Revision as of 19:39, 24 June 2024 by Mel (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Crowdsourcing}} This page contains a list of every explore encounter available to find in explore during April's Springtide Howl Fayre event. Click on the time of day icons to view the encounter during different times of day. <table class='explore_encounter'><tr><td colspan=3>You feel a sudden splat, accompanied by a pungent smell and a gummy feeling on your fur. Ewww! A bird just splashed you with some poop!</td></tr> <tr class='encounter_options'><td style...")
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Warning: Crowdsourcing!
This article is created largely with the help of crowdsourcing. Due to this, some information may be incomplete or not yet verified. If you find an error or missing information, feel free to submit a Contribution!

This page contains a list of every explore encounter available to find in explore during April's Springtide Howl Fayre event.

Click on the time of day icons to view the encounter during different times of day.

You feel a sudden splat, accompanied by a pungent smell and a gummy feeling on your fur. Ewww! A bird just splashed you with some poop!
Lick it In amongst the poop, which tastes disgusting by the way, you do find a seed. +1 Common Seed
The poop was smothering a Glow Petal! Score! +1 GP
Why would you lick it?! N/A

Your nose leads you to a small crevice in a rock.
Check it out Poking around with your snout, you find something wedged inside! +1 Common Seed
+1 GP
Poking around with your snout, you find nothing but dust. N/A

Rummaging through the fallen leaves, your sharp eyes spot something.
Check it out You dig it out and find something! +1 Common Seed
+1 GP
You rush into the pile of leaves and try your best to locate it... But it's gone. Darn! N/A

While exploring a nearby garden, you catch sight of something glinting in the soil.
Dig it out Digging gently, you uncover something! +1 Common Seed
+1 GP
Digging gently, you uncover only pebbles. N/A

Your instincts guide you to a small mound of earth. Hmm...
Inspect After some digging, you triumphantly unearth something! +1 Common Seed
+1 GP
After some digging, you triumphantly find nothing at all. N/A

You scramble up onto a large rock, where something catches your eye.
Look closer Pressed into a crack, you find something wedged inside! +1 Common Seed
+1 GP
Pressed into a crack, you find only dirt and twigs. N/A

Wandering near a picnic area, you spot an unattended basket.
Take a peek A quick look inside reveals something among the items! +1 Common Seed
+1 GP
A quick look inside reveals nothing of interest. Damn! N/A

Your paws scrabble at the dirt, sensing something beneath. Hmm...
Dig! After a moment, you discover something hidden there! +1 Common Seed
+1 GP
Though you give it your best few digs, there doesn't seem to be anything there. Ah well. N/A

While investigating the forest floor, you feel something unusual under your paws.
Investigate You dig it up and find something! +1 Common Seed
+1 GP
You begin to dig and... Ew! It was just a wriggly earthworm! You watch as it slithers away. N/A

The ground feels different here.
Dig! Curious, you dig and soon discover something nestled in the dirt. +1 Common Seed
+1 GP
Curious, you dig and soon discover something nestled in the dirt... Except it's just a rock! Darn it! N/A

As you sniff around the forest floor, your keen nose picks up an unusual scent.
Dig! You knew there was something! +1 Common Seed
+1 GP
Awww... There was nothing there. Huh, maybe next time. N/A

While prowling through the underbrush, you catch a whiff of something interesting just underneath your paws.
Dig! With a few careful digs, you uncover something! +1 Common Seed
+1 GP
You dig and dig but... It's empty. There's nothing to be found. N/A

Exploring the forest, your nose twitches as you detect a peculiar scent coming from just beneath you.
Dig! A bit of digging reveals something hidden in the soil! +1 Common Seed
+1 GP
You dig and dig and... Find nothing. Ugh! N/A

Your nose leads you to a patch of disturbed earth. You wonder what it could be hiding...
Investigate With a few strategic digs, you uncover something! +1 Common Seed
+1 GP
With a few strategic digs, you uncover... Just some more dirt. You assume whatever was here before is gone now. N/A

You sense something hidden just beneath the surface of the water.
Try to fish it out With a few swift paw movements, you reveal something! +1 Common Seed
+1 GP
Though you make your best attempt, whatever it was you saw has slipped away. N/A

Distressed whining can be heard up ahead, and a very anxious wolf paces around a plant, muttering something about it not growing properly.
Advise The wolf stops pacing as you approach and give them some tips. They seem less anxious as you explain when to water the plant and how to be patient. With a sigh of relief, the wolf thanks you and goes back to waiting patiently. +2-3 GP
Laugh What a loser! They can't even grow a simple plant? They hear your snort of laughter, and with a snarl, they rip up the plant and stomp away in a huff. Oops? But hey, there's a seed here! +1 Common Seed
What a loser! They can't even grow a simple plant? They hear your snort of laughter, and with a snarl, they rip up the plant and stomp away in a huff. Oops? N/A

You see a fox munching on some berries that someone has carefully planted. What a clever fellow!
Share with me! Frowning, the fox looks at you as if they'd like to tell you to bug off, but you're much bigger and the fox backs away with a sigh. You help yourself, and make sure to leave something for the fox, too. +1 Fruit Seed
+2 GP
Full Store: 2 GP
The fox backs away with wide eyes and lets you investigate. Some seeds have fallen from the plant during the fox's snack time! Sweet! +1 Fruit Seed
+1 GP
? N/A
Chase away The fox scampers away when you move toward it with a snarl. Better luck next time, pal! It looks like there's plenty of berries left for you to enjoy. They're very refreshing, and you make note to let your herbalist know that these berries might be useful for the pack. +2 GP
+10 HP
Time to tell this clever fox to bugger off! They're no match for you, and they know it. You nip at their heels and they take off without looking back. The berries are all yours now! Delicious! +2 GP
+5 HP
You may be bigger, but the fox isn't intimidated. It slips from your grasp as you pounce, landing a bite to your ankle as it darts out of range and disappears. Bastard! +1 GP
-1 HP

A group of fluff balls has wreaked havoc on this poor garden! Its gardener is nowhere in sight.
Shoo With a growl you leap at them, swiping your paws at them to get them away from the plants. Just as the lad rabbit disappears, the gardener appears. Grateful that you were able to save some of the plants, they reward your efforts. +1-3 GP
Dinner time An easy meal? Hell yeah! You manage to catch a few of the rabbits and enjoy filling your belly. A shout makes you raise your head, and you look up to see the gardener standing in front of you with a scowl. Looks like you left a mess of blood and trampled flowers. Oops. +1 GP
+10% Hunger
Save the last remaining flower With a bark, the rabbits scatter as you chase them off from the last remaining flower. It's yours now! Taking it gently in your teeth you make a smooth getaway, ignoring the shouts of the gardener behind you. +1 Seed

+1 Random Common Flower

-1% Energy
With a bark, the rabbits scatter as you chase them off from the last remaining flower. It's yours now! As you attempt to take it from the garden, the plant crumbles and breaks apart in your mouth, leaving you without anything at all. Damn! N/A

Bright and beautiful, this butterfly is quite a sight! You've noticed so many lately. With so many flowers growing, it's no wonder they've been congregating around.
Compliment The butterfly is so lovely that you can't help but compliment them. If butterflies can blush, this one sure would have. It gives you a seed it found on its way, telling you to cultivate it carefully. +1 Common Seed
The butterfly is so lovely that you can't help but compliment them. If butterflies can blush, this one sure would have. How sweet. N/A

A squeaking meow sounds, and you watch as a small cat rolls around on the ground happily. Something must smell good! It jumps to its paws as you approach it, and you notice its pelt is covered in dirt and seeds.
Greet Approaching slowly, you try to show the cat you mean no harm. They eye you but stand tall, sniffing at the air. After a long moment of staring, the cat shakes vigorously and sends seeds flying before strutting out of sight.The cat may not want the seeds, but you do! +2 Water Lily Seeds
+1 Fleabane Seeds
+1 Flame Azalea Seeds
Woofing softly at the cat, you pad up to them in a friendly manner. They hiss and poof out their fur, defensive at your approach. Before you can utter a word, it disappears into the bushes. N/A
Roll in the dirt Seeds are scattered everywhere from where the cat rolled, and you wonder if maybe you can pick up seeds in your fur, too! Rolling happily, you manage to pick up some seeds and other things in your fur. The cat is gone by the time you finish, but it doesn't matter. Your roll was good for more than one thing! +1 Seed
+1 GP
Deciding to join in on the fun, you begin to roll in the dirt where the cat had rolled just moments before. It watches you silently and by the time you finish with your dirt bath, the cat has disappeared. N/A

A golden blur of fluff can be seen up ahead. You've never seen such luxurious fur! It's a happy dog carrying a basket of flowers without a care in the world. Where is it heading?
What have you got there? The dog turns and somehow manages to smile around the basket. Her long tongue lolls and her tail wags rapidly as she shoves the basket under your nose. It seems like she's inviting you to take something! +1 Strawberry Seeds
+1 GP
The dog's ears tighten back and it suddenly picks up the pace, breaking out into a run to get away from you, and fast! Hey... N/A
Wait for me! You run after the happy dog, wagging your tail in a friendly manner. She greets you excitedly, the basket swaying side to side. Some seeds fall out, but she doesn't seem to care and bids you farewell as she trots off. What a nice lady! +1 Red Rose Seeds
+1 GP
You run after the happy dog, wagging your tail in a friendly manner. The dog immediately lets out a yelp and speeds off, supposedly worried you're out to take her wares. You're left alone with nothing! N/A

It smells like shit here! Quite literally, you realize, as you notice two wolves paw-deep in some stinky piles of what can only be poop. They seem to be testing which is better to use as fertilizer.
Help them You approach and offer to help them. They look at you warily at first but accept your help after some hesitation. You chat about your gardening successes and exchange tips. The work goes quickly and the wolves thank you for your help with a small gift before you head on your way. +1 GP
The wolves look at you warily, but nod when you ask if they want some help. Your paws stink by the end, but at least it's done. After you sit with the wolves for a while and exchange gardening talk. You feel refreshed by the end, and they give you a useful seed in thanks for your hard work! +1 Seed
+5% Energy
The wolves look at you warily, but nod when you ask if they want some help. Your paws stink by the end, but at least it's done. After you sit with the wolves for a while and exchange gardening talk. You feel refreshed by the end. (Full Stock) N/A
Ask for advice You wag your tail as you approach, asking them if they've had any luck and if they have any tips to share. They eye you warily and mutter something about it being too soon to tell which fertilizer works best. Thanking them, you turn and head on your way, disappointed. +2 GP
Padding up in a friendly manner, you ask if they've had any luck and which fertilizer works best. They stare at you coldly, and you eventually turn away when they don't say a word. Fine then! N/A

Groundhogs scurry back and forth, carrying things and stashing them for later. What are they preparing for?
Help them out Grateful for the help, the groundhogs shove things at you to help them carry. They squeak excitedly about a garden and you're impressed with how much they've gathered. When everything has been moved, they begin to sort through the pile and offer you a seed, saying that it's not a fruit they like but maybe you will. A ground hog's trash is a wolf's treasure! +1 Fruit Seed
+2 - 3 GP
With your helpful paws, their work is done in no time at all. You stay with them for a short while, asking just what they're doing. One of them goes into great detail about their groundhog garden that they can't wait to show off. They offer you a small piece of produce, encouraging you to try it in appreciation of your hard work. +1 Oregon Grape Seeds

+1 GP

+2% energy
Full Store: 1 GP
+2% Energy
You can carry far more than these little creatures can! You offer your strong paws and the groundhogs eagerly accept your help. As you move various seeds, plants, and brush, they explain that they are getting ready to start a garden of their own! Strictly for groundhogs, of course. When you finish they thank you profusely and give you a small reward. ?1 - 3 GP
Sit with them Not wanting to disrupt them, you sit nearby and watch them in fascination. They don't seem to mind your company, and strike up a conversation about how their groundhog garden is going to be the grandest thing. Even better than your garden! You let them chatter for a while and enjoy relaxing. A brief respite, but needed! You head on your way once they scurry off with their supplies. +2 GP
+6 HP

A flower-loving wolf trots by with the most beautiful basket of flowers. They nod in greeting and a flower falls out of the basket as they head on their way, unnoticed.
Keep it Surely they won't mind? They've got so many, after all! +1 Random Flower
Just as you go to leave with the flower, the other wolf turns and spots you, and races over to retrieve it. Oops... N/A
Give it back You call out to the wolf and they stop, looking at you with a grateful smile as you gently pick the flower up with your teeth and put it back in their basket. They give you something in return for your kindness! +3-5 GP

A beautiful moth flutters above a flower. You notice it's dusted in yellow pollen and wonder how many flowers it has visited tonight.
Approach When you approach, the moth waves its antennae and flutters away. In its place rests a special type of seed. A gift! +1 Rare Seed
When you approach, the moth waves its antennae and flutters away. Pretty! N/A

A fuzzy bat clings to a large flower, its furry face covered in yellow. It must be pollinating!
Chat You strike up a conversation with the bat, asking how the pollinating is going and if it's come across any interesting plants. It excitedly tells you of a unique flower it saw and offers you a tiny seed. It has no use for it, but maybe you can grow a flower just as beautiful as the one it saw! +1 Common Flower
+1 GP
You strike up a conversation with the bat, asking how the pollinating is going and if it's come across any interesting plants. It excitedly tells you of a unique flower it saw, but nothing more. N/A
Lead to another flower Nudging the bat with your nose, it blinks at you curiously as you tell it about a lovely flower you just passed. Its ears twitch excitedly and you offer to take them to it. As soon as it sees the flower it gets to work. Finding a seed as it burrows its face in the center, it offers it to you with a tiny paw and a squeak of thanks. +1 Rare Seed
Nudging the bat with your nose, it blinks at you curiously as you tell it about a lovely flower you just passed. Its ears twitch excitedly and you offer to take the bat to it. As soon as it sees the flower it gets to work, not even acknowledging you. At least it's happy? N/A

A plump little rat glares at you on top of a pile of seeds. There's so many! Maybe he can be bribed to share?
Pester it Prodding at the rat with a paw, you make it squeak until it nearly nips your toe. It agrees to give you something if you leave it alone. It's not much, but it's something. +1-5 GP
Raid the stash There's bound to be something useful in here! Not quite as much as you hoped, but the rat sure seems angry when you decide to take it anyway. Snooze you lose! ?1 SC
+1 Acorn
+1 Acorn
This rat won't stand in your way! You swat it aside and pick through the pile eagerly. This will be perfect for your garden! +1 Common Flower
This rat won't stand in your way! You swat it aside and pick through the pile eagerly. This will be perfect for your garden! Except... You don't have the space for another, so you're forced to leave it behind! (Full Stock) N/A

Looking far too intelligent for its own good, a Raven ruffles its feathers and peers at you. It squawks something about a trade if you have what it wants.
? ? ?

Snarls and sharp barks sound from up ahead, and you come across two wolves with teeth bared. They are carrying on about the contest and which of them is better. Should you intervene?
Stay back You stay back, waiting patiently for them to stop squabbling. They eventually part ways, and you're able to sniff around and find something they left behind! +1-4 GP
It's best to let them sort it out themselves. No use getting involved in petty squabbles. N/A
Break it up You leap between them, hackles raised. Offended by your interruption, one of them bites at your leg, causing a deep gash. You turn on them, but they run into the bushes before you can get a hold of them. You're left alone in the clearing, and decide to lay down for a while to tend to your wound. +8% Energy
-5 HP
You step in between them, telling them to cut it out and that they're disturbing the peace. They snap at you in anger and slink off in different directions, looking embarrassed. N/A