Lunar Event

From Grouse House Wiki

Warning: Crowdsourcing!
This article is created largely with the help of crowdsourcing. Due to this, some information may be incomplete or not yet verified. If you find an error or missing information, feel free to submit a Contribution!

You lie down, letting the moon bask your muzzle in its blue light. Closing your eyes, you begin to doze off, feeling your body slowly relaxing. You start to feel as though you're falling down, losing your grasp on gravity with the ground crumbling away beneath your body. With a startled gasp, you open your eyes, looking at everything around you. You feel hazy, and everything appears to be covered in blue fog, glowing lights, and dissolving darkness. Are you dreaming? What is this mystical world? [1]

The Lunar Event is a recurring mini-event taking place every month! The event begins at 00:00 on the third Friday of every month, and ends at 23:59 on the following Thursday.

Event Basics

The Lunar Event focuses around exploring and battling in a special, new Dreamlands explore location. During night time in Wolvden, players can access the Dreamlands through the Events or Explore pages, and enjoy event-exclusive encounters in all biomes.

Unlike monthly events, the Lunar Event does not have community goals or tiers to unlock—instead, all event content is available immediately and throughout the whole event.

Lunar Tears are the currency collectable and useable throughout the event, and can be gained through exploring and battling in the Dreamlands. In order to explore in the Dreamlands, you must expend Lunar Essence, which can be gathered in regular explore.


The Lunar Event is a recurring event that lasts for one week every month. The event begins at 00:00 on the third Friday of every month, and ends at 23:59 on the following Thursday.

This event will occur simultaneously with month-long events. For example, during the month of November, the Lunar Event will occur on the third Friday alongside the Coigreach event - neither event will be interrupted or paused during this time, and players will be able to experience both events together. Events may affect each other, as well-for example, Coigreach-related items appear in the Lunar Shoppe during the month of November and special dateable wolves appear during the Lunar Event in February!

Upcoming Lunar Event Dates
Lunar Event #36: January 19th through January 25th
Lunar Event #37: February 16th through February 22nd
Lunar Event #38: March 15th through March 21st
Lunar Event #39: April 19th through April 25th -- Special Lunar Event
Lunar Event #40: May 17th through May 23rd
Lunar Event #41: June 21st through June 27th
Lunar Event #42: July 19th through July 25th
Lunar Event #43: August 16th through August 22nd
Lunar Event #44: September 20th through September 26th
Lunar Event #45: October 18th through October 24th

Previous Lunar Event Dates
Lunar Event #1: February 27th through March 4th
Lunar Event #2: March 19th through March 25th
Lunar Event #3: April 16th through April 22nd
Lunar Event #4: May 21st through May 27th
Lunar Event #5: June 18th through June 24th
Lunar Event #6: July 16th through July 22nd
Lunar Event #7: August 20th through August 22nd -- Special Lunar Event
Lunar Event #8: September 17th through September 23rd
Lunar Event #9: October 15th through October 21st
Lunar Event #10: November 19th through November 25th
Lunar Event #11: December 17th through December 23rd -- Special Lunar Event
Lunar Event #12: January 21st through January 27th
Lunar Event #13: February 18th through February 24th
Lunar Event #14: March 18th through March 24th
Lunar Event #15: April 15th through April 21st
Lunar Event #16: May 20th through May 26th -- Special Lunar Event
Lunar Event #17: June 17th through June 23th
Lunar Event #18: July 15th through July 21th
Lunar Event #19: August 19th through August 25th
Lunar Event #20: September 16th through September 22nd
Lunar Event #21: October 21st through October 27th
Lunar Event #22: November 18th through November 24th -- Special Lunar Event
Lunar Event #23: December 16th through December 22nd
Lunar Event #24: January 20th through January 26th
Lunar Event #25: February 17th through February 23rd
Lunar Event #26: March 17th through March 23rd
Lunar Event #27: April 21st through April 27th -- Special Lunar Event
Lunar Event #28: May 19th through May 25th
Lunar Event #29: June 16th through June 22nd
Lunar Event #30: July 21st through July 27th
Lunar Event #31: August 18th through August 24th -- Special Lunar Event
Lunar Event #32: September 15th through September 21st
Lunar Event #33: October 20th through October 26th
Lunar Event #34: November 17th through November 23rd
Lunar Event #35: December 15th through December 21st

Special Lunar Events

The Lunar Event has a unique method of releasing applicators, which you can learn more about in the #Applicators section of this page. Simply, applicators are only available for one or two months before they're retired from the event shop and replaced with new applicators. Luckily, there is a way to get old applicators you might have missed out on!

Sometimes, when a rare, moon-related event occurs in real life (life a blue moon or lunar eclipse), almost all previous applicators will appear in the Lunar Shoppe all at once!

Every base, marking, and accent applicator released in all previous, non-Special events will be available to purchase again for the same price they originally debuted at. Note that there is one exception to this rule-the Total Eclipse eye applicator is extra special, and will only return when the special Lunar Event is total lunar eclipse-themed.

Each of these special events has brought limited-time decors and/or backgrounds which were only available for that month. These items may return in the future for additional special events. It has also been teased that special Lunar Variant applicators will be released with these rare events sometime in the future.

The Dreamlands

The Lunar Dreamlands are a special new explore map full of event encounters.

You can only access this map during night time on Wolvden while the Lunar Event is occurring. Note that the current server time and your own device's time do not affect your access to the Dreamlands.

You can view what time of day it is on Wolvden on the sidebar. A moon indicates that it is currently night time and the Dreamlands will be accessible.

The time of day on Wolvden cycles every 30-100 minutes and the length of each time of day depends on the current season. When it's Winter on Wolvden, nights are longer and days are shorter. When it's Summer, days are longer and nights are shorter. During Spring and Autumn, the times of day are equal in length. You can see how long there is until the next time of day change by visiting the Cooldowns page, which you can find under your Username menu at the top of the website.

Click on this banner on the Events page to visit the Dreamlands during the night time!

Once it's night time, you can visit the Events page to access the Dreamlands. You will be able to find a Fall Asleep button on any explore page which will take you there, as well!

Click on this "Fall Asleep..." button on an Explore page to visit the Dreamlands during the night time!

Lunar Essence

In order to explore in the Dreamlands, you must collect Lunar Essence (LE). Taking one explore step in the Dreamlands requires 1 Lunar Essence. So, if you have 50 Lunar Essence, you will be able to take 50 steps in the Dreamlands.

This Lunar Essence bar appears with your wolf's stats while you're in the Dreamlands

Lunar Essence can be gathered while exploring normally during dawn, day, or dusk. It cannot be obtained while exploring in the night time. It's passively generated while exploring, creating a 50% chance per explore step that you will gather 1 Lunar Essence, no matter what you encounter in that step.

Every day, you can earn up to 100 Lunar Essence from exploring. You can keep track of how much you've collected with the indicator on the Events page.

This Lunar Essence bar on the Events page displays how much Lunar Essence you currently have. Beneath the progress bar, you can see how much Lunar Essence you've collected for the day, out of the total possible 100.

Every rollover, you will be given an extra 25 Lunar Essence. This does not count towards your 100 daily total, meaning you can use a grand total of 125 Lunar Essence every day. This is in terms of real life days/rollovers, not Wolvden days. It's important to keep in mind that you will only be granted the full 25 Lunar Essence if you do not have more than 75 Lunar Essence on hand. If you have 85 Lunar Essence going into rollover, for example, you will only get a 15 LE rollover bonus instead of 25.

In the case that you do not use all of your Lunar Essence one day or one event, it will carry between rollovers and between events.

Lunar Tears

Lunar Tears (LT) are the event's main currency, used to purchase items from the event shoppe. Lunar Tears are collected by exploring in the Dreamlands at night using Lunar Essence. Every encounter in the Dreamlands will provide the opportunity to gain at least one Lunar Tear, and you are also awarded some Lunar Tears when you win battles in the Dreamlands.

The best way to earn Lunar Tears during the event is to battle every opponent you come across in the Dreamlands, as each enemy will drop 1 or 2 Tears depending on their level. Battling in the Dreamlands does not expend any extra Essence.

The maximum amount of Lunar Tears that one can earn in one day is 250, though this requires perfect luck and is highly improbable.

You can see how many Lunar Tears you currently have by visiting the Event Shoppe or checking your event currency card in the website's sidebar. You can see how many Lunar Tears you have while the event isn't running by clicking on your SC or GC amounts to go to your currency log.

Dreamlands Visuals

Once you've fallen asleep, you will be taken to an alternate, but familiar, version of the explore map. The biomes you'll be able to explore remain the same-you cannot access any lunar biome which you do not have access to in regular explore-but they will all have special backgrounds and brand new encounters! If your scout is actively rescouting a biome, it is also unavailable in the Dreamlands until your scout returns.

You'll notice while exploring in the Dreamlands that your explore UI will have some fancy new accents! This is a purely aesthetic change, and you can still access your Healing Salves through the medicine pouch underneath the Map button. Like in regular explore, the explore eyes will match your lead wolf's!

The Dreamlands explore UI, with fancy new accents!

Lore & Easter Eggs

This event's lore is first introduced in the Lunar Event News post. The Lunar Dreamlands are full of unique creatures, characters, and species, each with their own distinct personalities and traits. The lore is invented completely by the developers, not based on any real-world mythology.

The developers intend to build upon the world slowly, thought it's always intended to be a background to the player's own stories, lore, and ideas! While the Dreamlands currently doesn't have a storyline or occurrences for the player to follow, through encounters it's easy to see how the world reacts to you, how it behaves when you aren't around, and how the local creatures function and face their own struggles.

There's a very wide range of creatures local to the Dreamlands, from those which look almost normal, to others which possess twisted and unique qualities. All creatures require essence to survive, and the moon's influence on them is strong.



Pherris creatures inhabit the northern areas of the world, and they have aggressive temperaments. Their fur is long to fight the cold and a reddish color based on iron, which they specialize in smithing by using lunar essence. It's not difficult to find evidence of the Pherris' smithing throughout the Dreamlands. The Pherris venture into the Volukros territory to claim more land, fit with battle paints and their own creatures. Per the developers, their name derives from the English word for "iron" or "ruddy."


Volukros creatures are masters of stealth, covered in feathered growths and darker tones to help them blend in with the environment. They inhabit the warm, southern parts of the world. Their search for lunar essence often puts them at odds with the Pherris, as their ventures lead them to the more northern territories. The Volukros name was inspired by French words for "flying" and "plunder".


Cnitharian creatures are visually distinct with their jellyfish-like tendrils, glowing patterns of light, and other various mutations. The Cnitharian are peaceful and neutral, inhabiting all of the Lunar Dreamlands alongside the Pherris and Volukros. They specialize in trading, music, and dancing, and you will often come across Cnitharian creatures interested in offering their wares. In fact, the shopkeepers for the event are Cnitharian themselves! Their name was derived from the Latin name for the phylum of jellyfish that inspired the designs.

Easter Eggs

In addition to established lore, the Lunar Event has commonly been used to emphasize some Wolvden community Easter Eggs.


Nobaby first appeared during Wolvden beta testing, when one tester ran into a befriendable pup while exploring. Pups aren't supposed to be befriendable -- it seems as though the wolf that was meant to be in the pup's place did not load correctly, thus defaulting to the pup stage and brown base. During testing, this befriended pup was affectionately referred to as "Broken".

Nobaby popped up again during Wolvden Early Access, when many more users befriended these broken puppies. It was during this time that they gained the name 'Nobaby', as well as their large fanbase. After the bug that caused this was fixed, all broken puppies were wiped. Since Nobaby's first appearance, she's popped up occasionally but the bugs are always fixed very quickly and all Nobabys wiped from the game.

The Nobaby lunar event encounter was inspired in part by this comic page by Kiaz (#7002), as stated by Wolvden head artist Xylax in this post. A memorial and discussion post regarding Nobaby can be found here. Additionally, if you look closely in this news post, you might be able to make out Nobaby haunting the new announcements.

Beta Testing Groups

Some users speculate that there are lunar battle encounters for every testing group that was formed during beta testing. This theory is supported by the fact that there are porcupine and beaver encounters, which don't exist normally outside the event. Each testing team and the encounter that may be associated with them are listed below.








Grouse House Lunar Grouse

Hold on... that sounds familiar! The lunar grouse encounter or 'Grouse House' encounter is simply an encounter of a grouse building a house appropriate for a grouse. The encounter is based on us, a small community of data collectors and guide makers, that has been around since Wolvden's private beta!

Event-Exclusive Explore Encounters

Encounters in Every Biome

A faint scent of something special is right down this slope...
DigYou dig into the ground excitedly. Underneath the disturbed ground, you find something cool!ONE of the below possibilities

+1 Lunar Tear
+1 Medicine: Healing Salve
+1 Charcoal
+1 Gnawing Hoof
+5 Silver Cones

You feel dizzy, perhaps from inhaling too much lunar essence. When you lie down, your body twitches like you're waking up from a dream, but you're still awake.
ShakeYou try to shake off this weird feeling. Suddenly, you immediately feel better -- your body is fully refreshed with energy. You have no idea where this came from, but you're not complaining!+10 HP
You try to shake off this weird feeling. Suddenly, you immediately feel better -- your body is fully refreshed with energy. You have no idea where this came from, but you're not complaining!+1 Lunar Tear

You lift your head to catch a scent of something familiar in this blue world. You recognise something among the bitter mushroom spores.
Tasty smell You knew that you recognised this scent! It leads you right to a deep hole, which was apparently the last thing this poor critter experienced. You drag it out, revealing a shiny spark, almost completely covered by dirt. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Muskrat Carcass
Almost certain that you smell a scent from your world, you head towards a small pile of rocks. The dirt surrounding it is freshly dug. You check it out, only to reveal a shiny spark.+1 Lunar Tear
Exciting smell You let your senses lead you. The scent is sharp, you surely won't lose it! You notice a magpie on the tree nearby. This bird isn't glowing, which further encourages you to chase it. Unfortunately, the bird is faster than you are, and it flies away as you jump after it. Thankfully, it lost something in its rush. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Magpie Feather
You let your senses lead you. The scent is sharp—you surely won't lose it! Focused and eager, you reach the river bank. This is where the scent gets noticeably weaker. Whoever was here before has either disappeared or disguised their scent perfectly. You take a moment to rest, then notice a shiny spark in the wet mud.+1 Lunar Tear
Smell of big risk You focus on the scent, following it like the perfect hunter you are. When you reach its source, you notice a pack of local wolves gathering around a dead tree. You can't see nor hear what they're hiding there, but you instinctively feel something strong that tells you to wait. The pack eventually leaves the area, but, to your frustration, they're still close nearby. They can spot you if you're not too cautious. You sneak silently to the dead tree and discover a huge treasure! You wish you could take all of it, but you don't have much time, and you can hear paws approaching behind you. Hurry! +2 Lunar Tears
You follow the scent with excitement. Your sense are so perfectly sharp, and you feel your hackles rising. You're ready for any challenge! Finally, you see the source of the scent, understanding now why it was so familiar. It's another wolf, but it doesn't seem friendly. It claims this area to be its territory. You're chased away aggressively, incurring a bite from the hostile wolf. After taking some time to rest, you sniff around and find a shiny spark in the dirt. At least something good is happening to you now! +1 Lunar Tear
-2 HP
You catch a scent so strong and unique that you instantly start to follow it. Your excitement grows as you feel yourself getting closer! In the distance, you notice an unguarded pile of shiny sparks. It's very rare to see so many in one spot. Well, it won't be abandoned for long! As you come closer, almost touching the treasure, you feel a sharp, unbearable pain on your back. A furious eagle attacks you from the air and doesn't stop, even after you start running as fast as you physically can. Eventually, you manage to hide, but you'll need time to heal your wound. You managed to steal only one object. It wasn't worth it! +1 Lunar Tear
-5 HP

Unidentified glowing orbs are circling around you. You feel uneasy.
Run away! You freeze in fear. These orbs are seriously eerie, and you cannot make out what they are. They seem to be the most lunar thing you've witnessed here so far, to the point that you suspect they may have come from the moon itself! They suddenly stop, and you twitch, worried that they may be planning something. Nope. You curl your tail between your legs and run like hell, until you drop among some glowing flowers, mushrooms, cones, and rocks. +1 Lunar Tear
+2 Silver Cones
These glowing orbs are making you seriously uneasy. Your instinct is sending all kinds of alarms through your body, which cause you to turn around and run! On your rather accidental path, you trip over something and chip a bit of it off. Thankfully, it wasn't your tooth! +1 Lunar Tear
-1 HP
Dance in circles You perk your ears. These orbs seem to be friendly, otherwise they would have already made a move... right? They seem so in-tune with this world, and you wonder if they may even be influencing it. You bark and bow playfully. They continue to follow you, so you begin to dance, twirl, and hop on your hind legs! You give them the performance of the week, and the orbs dance with you, pulsating in a rhythm and doing their own synchronised moves. This is amazing! One of them begins to spark and falls suddenly to the ground. The rest of the orbs immediately fly away to the night sky. You curiously lower your head to check out the fallen orb. Oh... Was it a gift? +1 Lunar Tear
Pounce They're probably just some insects or local critters. Nothing unusual. You hope. You jump around and try to grab one with your teeth... Oh! You did it! It burns your tongue a bit, so you spit it out. It rolls onto the ground, then stops moving completely. So, this is what the orbs turn into? What's that next to it? +2 Lunar Tears
+1 Lucky Foot
-2 HP
You make calculated jumps, considering the orbs to be your prey. These local critters take many creative shapes and forms, so this one shouldn't be any different... You manage to strike one down! You cock your head to the side in confusion. How do seemingly-alive orbs turn into these? +1 Lunar Tear

Flickering dust falls from the sky. Tiny, blue, smoky trails resemble rain in slow motion.
Stick out your tongue This is always a fun activity in the snow and rain. You aren't sure what to expect from the glowing dust, but you stick your tongue out anyway. The bitter, unpleasant taste disappoints you greatly. Seems like it's better to watch the scene instead! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Glowing Spores
Gather dust on your back The glowing dust falls slowly and accumulates on everything around you. Your fur gains a blueish shine to it, making you feel like a part of this strange world. Soon, it looks almost like the night sky is being reflected on the ground. Just before you decide to walk away, you notice something on the ground with a stronger shine than the surrounding dust. +1
+2 HP

Heavy wind picks up the lunar essence from the ground and paints beautiful swirls in the air with it.
Chase You're in a playful mood, jumping in excitement and chasing after the shimmering particles. One of them seems heavier than the others, and it slowly lands on your nose. You know you should be tired after all of your strenuous activity, but, to your surprise, you're more energised than ever! +1 Lunar Tear
+3 HP
You're in a playful mood, jumping in excitement and chasing after the shimmering particles. One of them seems heavier than the others, and it slowly lands on your nose. +1 Lunar Tear

Rain isn't that unusual, but this kind of rain... You notice the droplets are glowing. The tiny splashes spread lunar essence on the ground.
Splash around! You joyfully run across the wet ground, trying to catch the glowing droplets. Your paws and fur are coated in lunar essence. You notice your reflection in a nearby puddle, and you have to admit, you're seriously attractive with this blue shine. You wish you could try this look out on the wolves from your own world. Suddenly, you see a shine at the bottom of the puddle. +1 Lunar Tear
You run across the wet ground, coating your paws in lunar essence. You were having a good time jumping around, until you stepped on a sharp rock. Ouch. Maybe you're too old for this puppy fun. Your paw hurts, but it's nothing serious. As you walk away to rest, you notice a shine at the bottom of the nearest puddle. +1 Lunar Tear
-1 HP
You run across the wet ground, coating your paws in lunar essence. You jump from one tiny puddle to the next, feeling like a puppy again! The rain continues to fall. It's pleasantly chilly and refreshing. The glow within one puddle seems to be stronger than the others. You find something at the bottom! +1 Lunar Tear
+2 HP

This phenomenon seems... new to you. Lunar essence is everywhere in this world, but this is the first time you've seen it sparkle and emit sizzling sounds. Beautiful and unknown, it attracts you to it in an instant.
Cover yourself in 2 Lunar Oil* It might be a strange idea, but you'll never know what happens unless you try! You cover your fur with lunar oil, interested to see if it has any effect when it comes into contact with the sparks. It seems your jut feeling was right! These strange sparks are full of energy, which is now filling your body and refreshing you with a funny, tingling sensation. +1 Lunar Tear
+40% energy
Run through Mesmerised by the sight, you decide to run among the sparks, letting your fur catch a few of them. A tingling and pinching sensation runs under your skin. It doesn't feel very pleasant, but you're refreshed afterward. You know much better ways to feel energised, but this method worked very fast! +1 Lunar Tear
+10% energy
You struggle with your decision, but finally decide to run through the sparks long enough to catch some of them on your back. At first, it's fun, and the tingling sensation was nice to begin with, but it quickly turned rather painful. Best to run now before more of them land on your fur! With a short whine, you scurry off, making sure there's no trace left of the sparks on your body. Never doing that again! +1 Lunar Tear
-5 HP
You observe the sparks for a while, afraid to take a step forward. Finally, you decide to run among them, ready to retreat if anything bad happens. To your surprise, you feel nothing unusual, but that's probably a good thing. You find a shiny spark on the ground on your way back. +1 Lunar Tear
* This option will only appear if you have at least 2x Lunar Oil in your Hoard

You accidentally step on some local mushrooms, releasing a large spore cloud. It may be dangerous!
Use Cough Cure* Thankfully, you prepared for such a situation. You take the cure out as soon as you feel the urge to cough. The spore cloud is really dense, but through the cloud, you manage to spot something among the mushrooms. You quickly snatch the object, then run out of the spore cloud, taking deep breaths now that you're safe. Well, safer than you were before, anyway. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Medicine: Rich Healing Salve
Hold your breath Unfortunately, you don't have anything that would help in a situation like this, so the only thing you can do is hold your breath. You find one shiny spark within the spore cloud, but there's no further time to inspect the area any longer. Even if there's something very interesting around the mushrooms, you're not taking any chances with those spores in your current state. +1 Lunar Tear
* This option will only appear if you have at least 1x Medicine: Cough Cure in your Hoard

The flecks of snow tend to reflect the blue glow of this land, but this snow seems to have an extra sparkle to it. You notice the snowflakes are glowing with lunar essence frozen within them!
Mlem You don't care if anyone's watching, you'll do what you want! You stick your tongue out to catch some blueish snowflakes. You feel great! The blue glow disappears as soon as the flecks touch your body and the ground, though one of the snowflakes retains its glow. Oh! It's a shiny spark that fell from the sky! +1 Lunar Tear
+3 Silver Cones
You don't care if anyone's watching, you'll do what you want! You stick your tongue out to catch some blueish snowflakes. The snow keeps falling, and you close your eyes for a moment. Someone nearby giggles, and you have the sudden urge to hide. Okay, so you do care a little bit. When you find a shiny spark on the wet ground, you forget about the awkward moment. +1 Lunar Tear

What an interesting find! It's a wolf skull, but... it doesn't appear to be lifeless. The lunar essence surrounds it, making it seem like the skull's owner is calling you from the other side.
Stare at it You're entranced by the calming light. The lunar essence pulsates gently, and it almost looks as though the skull is observing you. You've completely lost track of time—you have no clue how long it's been since you stumbled upon the skull, but you're not fussed. It's actually a surprisingly pleasant feeling. You feel very relaxed, as if you've just taken a long, refreshing nap. +1 Lunar Tear
+4 HP
Touch it You creep closer, lowering your head to take a deeper look into the skull's eyes. You wonder what would happen if you took the skull...? Would its glowing essence affect you? Ultimately, you decide to take the risk. When you pick up the skull, you notice something shiny lying under its teeth. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Wolf Skull
You creep closer, lowering your head to take a deeper look into the skull's eyes. Somehow, the blue light looks conscious and alive. You gently touch the surface, feeling a chill running down your spine. +1 Lunar Tear

You stop to sniff around this fascinating spot. There are so many scents! This area is especially interesting. Which do you decide to check out?
Big crack You take a closer look at the crack. It's deeper than it looks, making you believe it would be a perfect hiding place. An object subtly shines at the bottom. It seems someone else discovered this spot before you did, but they didn't take everything. +1 Lunar Tear
+2-5 Silver Cones
You take a closer look at the crack. It's deeper than it looks and you think that it would make a perfect hiding place. You notice a shine at the bottom. It seems that someone else had the same thought. +1 Lunar Tear
Mossy growth You take a closer look at the mossy growth. Some of its scents are unfamiliar to you, which makes this spot even more interesting. You notice something is hidden among the leaves. Oh, it's an evening snack! When you pick it up off the ground, you catch a glimpse of something hidden between tiny pebbles. It's your lucky day! Or… night. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Muskrat Carcass
You take a closer look at the mossy growth. Some of its scents are unfamiliar to you, which makes this spot even more interesting. You spend some time sniffing around enthusiastically, but you find nothing exciting. As you begin to turn back, you notice a subtle shine among the leaves. +1 Lunar Tear
Soft ground Instead of the rocks, you choose to focus on the soft ground. If something fell off of these rocks, it would be here for sure! Thankfully, your eyes have acclimated to the glow of this world—you nearly missed the sparkles emanating from a shiny object, well-hidden among the small pebbles. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Mollusk Shell
Instead of the rocks, you choose to focus on the soft ground. You manage to find a small shell, but it isn't one of those strange glowing ones. Disappointment starts to creep in until the shell rattles, signifying there is something hidden within. +1 Lunar Tear

You stumble upon a very personal moment. Two Cnitharian Wolves are dancing together in the moonlight. It seems playful, but full of harmony and serenity at the same time.
Watch You're not sure if you should reveal yourself. This beautiful, harmonious dance could be a ritual. You don't know a thing about the traditions of this world, so you feel it's best not to disturb them. When the glowing wolves leave, the area becomes noticeably darker. A small, shiny spark twinkles in the grass. It seems one of the wolves may have lost it. +1 Lunar Tear
Join You hesitate for a moment, but eventually decide to join in. They are still wolves, right? Glowing and strange, but still familiar. They look surprised, but allow you to dance with them, smiling at you when you try to mimic their graceful movements. You're far from matching their harmony, but they seem to appreciate your effort regardless. Before you part ways, one of the wolves gives you something to reminder this meeting. +1 Lunar Tear
Howl You move a little closer to them and let out a long howl. In your world, every wolf understands that sound. Howls should be universal, right? It surprises you when the dancing wolves just escape without looking back. You have a feeling you've ruined something important. Before you leave, you sniff around and find a shiny spark on the ground. It seems one of the wolves may have lost it. +1 Lunar Tear

A sudden, unexpected sight has stopped you in your tracks. This baby wolf... there's something wrong with it. You're deeply unsettled by its empty gaze, but you're terrified to look away. This wolf isn't like the other creatures you've seen, and you can't find a trace of lunar essence on its plain fur. Is it phasing through the world temporarily?
Avert your gaze You look away, focusing on something on the ground. After a pause, you take a nervous peek back. There is no baby anymore. Only you and the acorns, glistening in the moonlight. Alone. +2 Lunar Tears
+5 Acorns
You hesitate for a moment, quickly looking away from the wolf in an attempt to gather your thoughts. A subtle movement in the corner of your eye catches your attention, causing you to glance back. There is no baby anymore. No reward
Keep staring You stare back, straightening your posture, determined to assert your dominance over this spooky situation. The fur along your spine stiffens. You slowly puff up, completely stressed as you stare right into the void. Tears well in your eyes, but you can't look away. Suddenly, you sneeze loudly and repeatedly—but instead of spewing slobber, lunar essence is expelled from your mouth. You notice the baby is gone. Who startled who? +1 Lunar Tear
Offer shelter You gather yourself and take a tentative step forward. It's just a baby, after all... right? You ask it where its parents are, or if it needs a temporary shelter. The closer you get, the more the world around you shifts and distorts. You're certain you started off just a few feet away from the wolf, but now... you're dozens of feet away, back up the path, and the wolf is staring straight at you from afar. Confused and upset, you try to run towards it, but end up tripping over exposed roots, and you fall, and fall, and fall... until you wake up on an empty path. It's time to explore. +1 Lunar Tear

You encounter two wolves traversing this world, much like you are. They seem to have gotten into a quarrel. Lunar essence is charging between them!
Rush in barking You puff up and trot between the wolves, then begin to bark at them. It's time to snap out of it! This negative energy could turn into a serious nightmare. The wolves huff and groan, but they do eventually part ways, leaving some charged sparks behind. +1 Lunar Tear
You rush between the wolves, barking angrily! This is no place for negative energy, it's so beautiful and special! There's enough food and shiny things for everyone! The wolves snap at you, it's none of your business what happened between them! All three of you bark at each other until the other guys roll off into the bushes, fighting. Whatever they left, is yours. +1 Lunar Tear
+2 Silver Cones
Calm them down You approach the wolves and ask them what the problem is. At first, they seem snappy, but they eventually explain the situation. You offer a solution that may not benefit them both, but it's a solution that would make everyone content. They seem pleased and offer a gift of gratitude! +1 Lunar Tear
You shake your head and wedge yourself between them, explaining calmly that there is no time to waste. This place is special and offers so much. There is no territory to claim, no den to protect -- it's a great opportunity to explore and learn about the world. The wolves whine a bit, but eventually agree, and they decide whatever they were fighting over should be yours. +1 Lunar Tear
+2 Silver Cones

You spot a familiar face in this strange world - it's Tala! She watches you for a moment, then chuckles gently, which makes you feel more than a little uneasy. Is it really her?
Call her You're not sure if it's the real Tala. Even though she has been your guide since the very beginning, it feels like it's been forever since you've seen her. Maybe she knows more about this land? You move closer to her and call her over with excitement. Tala stares at you in complete silence, standing as still as a rock... or a ghost. You call her once more, but within the blink of an eye, she disappears completely without warning. Shocked, confused, and curious, you decide to check the spot she was standing on. You find a shiny spark in the dirt... and a coyote tail. Is someone trying to pull a prank on you? Or are their intentions more sinister? +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Coyote Tail
You didn't expect to see Tala in such a strange place, but the sight of her fills your heart with joy. You remember your first meeting with her, all of her gentle and patient explanations as you asked endless questions about the place you now call home. Is it possible that she knows more about this land, too? You call her over, but she does not move. You call Tala again, only to discover that she's... not there anymore? What?! You were staring at her this whole time, how could this happen?! You start to feel dizzy, wondering if this feeling only happens if you enter the Dreamlands too often, or if someone might be doing this to you. After you recover, you notice a shiny spark on the ground, serving as the only reminder that this was not a dream within a dream. +1 Lunar Tear
Chase her A little shocked, but mostly relieved, you wag your tail in a friendly way. Tala welcomed you and introduced everything to you at the very beginning of your journey, and you believe she's about to do the same now. Soon, you'll know all the answers! But... Tala isn't approaching. In fact, she turns back and starts to run away. No! You chase her, your eyes focused on her shape, which seems to become more and more ethereal as you approach her. You were sure this was a trick of the Dreamlands, until you notice something shiny on the ground... and a wolf tail. You feel uneasy. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Wolf Tail
You suddenly feel overjoyed. It feels as though it has been forever since your last meeting with Tala, where you were just as lost then as you are now. You finally have a chance to ask about everything in this strange place. Tala knows the answers for sure! Why isn't she approaching you, though? You decide to move closer to the wolf, which suddenly causes her to run. Is she scared of something? Why is she running? Tala, stop! Your heart is pounding and the air around you feels heavy. No matter how fast you run, you can't seem to get any closer to her. In the blink of an eye, Tala disappears, leaving you confused. You can still pick up a faint trace of her familiar scent. A shiny spark on the ground is all you're able to find for now. +1 Lunar Tear

You notice a lone Cnitharian wolf in front of you. She kindly asks if you need any help and explains you can refresh and heal yourself with her products.
Trade 40 SC* You had enough cones to pay, and it was definitely worth it! You have no idea how it happened so quickly, but it's likely the mixtures of local herbs work here differently. A sudden wave of fresh energy makes you feel stronger and ready to travel further. You almost forget to take a shiny spark. +1 Lunar Tear
+10 HP
+10% energy
Trade 3 LT** As soon as you pay, you're given a strange mixture that looks and smells awful. Seeing your confused expression, the Cnitharian wolf laughs and explains it definitely tastes better than it looks. You hesitantly drink the mixture, finding out that she's right! The taste isn't bad, but the feeling that comes after is glorious. You've never felt so rejuvenated! +1 Lunar Tear
+50 HP
+50% energy
* This option will only appear if you have at least 40 Silver Cones on hand
** This option will only appear if you have at least 3 Lunar Tears on hand

It takes a while for you to realise why this wolf seems so familiar... Oh! Now you recognise her! This is a shopkeeper you occasionally buy from! She seems preoccupied, looking for interesting items to sell, but she still greets you with a warm smile that shows she recognises you as well.
Help out Full of good intentions, you offer to help out with her task. You're very focused at the start, but soon you begin to chit chat with her and pay less attention to what you're supposed to be doing. The shopkeeper kindly asks you to let her finish her job alone, though she reassures you that your assistance was a great help. She gives you two shiny sparks as a gift for your time before focusing back on her work again. +2 Lunar Tears
Without thinking twice, you decide to help, joining the shopkeeper in her task. Your assistance was a success! You helped to find more items than she had initially planned for the day. She seems relieved and mentions that you've saved a lot of her time. You don't expect anything in return for your service, but the shopkeeper insists you take a small gift anyway. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Cnitharian Tuggy Tendril
You join the shopkeeper in her task without hesitation. Two excellent noses and trained eyes shortened the otherwise tiring job significantly, and you managed to find a lot of interesting items that could be sold soon. The grateful shopkeeper invites you back to her shop, where a small gift waits for you. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Acorn

A gentle glow on a nearby hill catches your attention. After taking a few steps in its direction, you spot the ladies from the Lunar Shoppe chilling together in a blossoming grass patch. It seems they're taking some downtime to relax.
Say hello You don't want to bother the couple and had only planned on greeting them from afar, but they invite you to join them for a while. Their company is great, and you all laugh together as if you've known each other forever. It was a nice new experience to talk with them outside of their shop, and you wonder if you could become good friends with them in the future, provided there are more opportunities to chill out with this couple again. When you're about to leave, one of the ladies shows you a recipe she was planning to sell, and tells you to take it with you if you happen to be interested in it. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Lunar Recipe*
They both work so hard every day, they probably don't have many opportunities to rest like this. You decide it's best to refrain from bothering them, though you do give a short greeting from afar before turning back to your path. +1 Lunar Tear
Observe You first thought is to come closer and greet the couple, but you stop midway. They probably don't get a lot of time like this to themselves, and it wouldn't be nice o ruin their evening like that. You observe them from a distance instead, taking a moment for yourself to relax as well. The sight of a caring couple makes you feel calm. +1 Lunar Tear
+20% energy
While you really want to approach them and chat, you decide to stay where you are. These ladies work hard every day, so it's best to let them relax in peace. In fact, observing them makes you want to chill for a while, too. +1 Lunar Tear
+10 HP
* Two recipes are available randomly from this encounter, Cnitharian Frill Accents and Cnitharian Frill Accents [Purple]

You recognise this Cnitharian wolf from afar—this is someone you usually buy items from. She seems concerned, pacing back and forth restlessly. Upon noticing you, she nods slightly and immediately shares her worries. Her partner was supposed to arrive some time ago and has yet to show up.
Join the search party After waiting with her for a while, you decide to help look for the missing wolf. The shopkeeper agrees, and you both start sniffing around, trying to catch her partner's scent or find any possible clues. You find a shiny spark on the way, but there is no sign of any other wolf nearby. The longer it takes, the more tension you feel in the air. Suddenly, you hear a relieved sigh. The shape of a glowing wolf can be seen in the distance! Thankfully, the shopkeeper's partner was just late. +1 Lunar Tear
This information worries you as well, and you decide to stay with her to look for the lost wolf together. You start searching right away, not wasting any time at all as you hunt for even the smallest of clues. You find two shiny sparks on your search, but nothing more. Suddenly, the shopkeeper lights up upon tracking a familiar scent! Thankfully, her partner just turned out to be a little late. You promise to see them both at the shop later, then turn back to continue your journey now that your assistance is no longer needed. +2 Lunar Tears
You offer your help, which the shopkeeper accepts with relief. With another wolf, there's a chance to find her partner much faster. Tracking her down isn't easy, and you begin to feel anxious about the whole situation. Suddenly, a familiar scent appears in the air, and you spotted a glowing silhouette heading towards you from a distance. It seems she was just late, thankfully! You're ready to say goodbye, but the shopkeeper insists you go back to their shop with them to receive a small reward. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Medicine: Healing Salve

A lonesome fox is sitting on your path. When you approach, an essence-filled mist encircles it, whipping blue veils of dust around. The fox is offering a small game of chance, which you cannot lose. You must simply pick one of the blue, glowing orbs - once you pay a fee, of course.
Offer 10 SC* You stare intensely at the orbs, but they all look the same and aren't giving away any secrets. You decide to take a specific one that looks strangely appealing to you. The fox smiles when the glow of the orb dims to reveal four shiny sparks. Extraordinary luck! You feel like you should try this out elsewhere, too - this is your night, apparently! +4 Lunar Tears
It's a tough choice. The fox coughs, hinting that you're staring at the orbs for too long, so you finally decide. Your chosen orb becomes smaller, its glow slowly dimming to reveal three shiny sparks. You're really excited and surprised. The game was worth it! +3 Lunar Tears
You need a few seconds to make your choice. The orbs are identical, but you try to look for a clue. Never mind, let's do it! Your chosen orb dims gradually, revealing two shiny sparks. It seems you were lucky today. +2 Lunar Tears
Without hesitation, you point at one of the orbs, and the fox waits a few seconds in silence. The glow dims, revealing your reward. How cool, it's a shiny spark! The more, the better. +1 Lunar Tear
I have nothing on me... The fox nods, understanding your situation. He offers you a small, shiny spark with a smile, encouraging you to come back later. Who knows what you could win. +1 Lunar Tear
* This option will only appear if you have at least 10 Silver Cones on hand

This old, wise Lunar Fox is offering helpful advice on how to travel within this phasing world.
Listen It seems you've met the right creature at just the right moment. You have so many questions about this place, and the more you explore, the more you want to ask! It would be a shame to miss this opportunity, so you patiently sit down in silence and listen to the calming voice of the sage fox. It's impossible for you to comprehend all the mysteries of this world in one sitting, but you feel you've gained some essential knowledge about how to survive here. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Medicine: Healing Salve
Refuse Automatic battle encounter with Wise Fox

A Cnitharian Fox is preparing the area and setting up a trading post to exchange goods with wolves.
Offer 5 SC* The fox looks surprised. It's probably the first time someone has offered to pay him without buying anything. You humbly explain that you're just wishing him a good start. The fox seems touched and asks you to wait for a moment. He comes back with a gift and promises to remember you when the trading post is ready. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Rabbit Carcass
Offer Acorn** The fox looks pleased and takes the acorn with a smile. He explains there is always a high demand for them when he's trading with other creatures. He offers you something in return. You have a feeling it's worth much more than an acorn. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Glowing Spores
+1 Stoat Carcass
Offer Help The fox accepts your help with visible relief. It's an exhausting job, but the time flies fast when you work and chat together. When the trading post is ready, the fox thanks you for your effort and promises you a discount when you visit him next time! +1 Lunar Tear
* This option will only appear if you have at least 5 Silver Cones on hand
** This option will only appear if you have at least 1 Acorn in your Hoard

This raccoon-looking creature is scratching its ear. But... it has no ears... is it scratching a phantom itch? Or are the little Lunar Fleas bothering it?
Offer Fleas Remedy* You offer the remedy to the creature. It grabs the medicine in one swift movement. Though it's difficult to guess emotions from a skull, you could swear it looks relieved. +2 Lunar Tears
Offer Acorn** Without hesitating, the creature grabs the acorn. Even without an expression, you somehow get the feeling that it's satisfied. It gives you something in return. You may have had some doubts at the beginning, but now you're certain. It's definitely a raccoon. Apparently, their trading skills are the same no matter what world you're in. +1 Lunar Tear
+7 HP
Offer Help You ask the odd creature if you can help it in any way. The skull seems to look in your direction. In a husky, whispering voice, it expresses that unless you have some medicine or acorns, it's not in need of your help. Your gesture is appreciated, though. +1 Lunar Tear
+2 Silver Cones
* This option will only appear if you have at least 1x Medicine: Fleas Remedy in your Hoard
** This option will only appear if you have at least 1 Acorn in your Hoard

Hey! This raccoon appears to be infested with fleas, but he looks quite healthy! Maybe a dose of medicine could cure him fully? Unless you know some good grooming tricks...?
Offer Fleas Remedy* You don't need to think twice—this poor creature is in need! Your den has an experienced herbalist, but this raccoon might not have such luck. It will take some time for him to heal completely, but you can see the relief on the raccoon's face straight away. You're about to leave when the raccoon asks you to wait. You can't go away with empty paws. Two shiny sparks and some oil are an unexpected reward. You part ways with a smile. +2 Lunar Tears
+1 Lunar Oil
Groom it Unfortunately, you don't have any medicine that would help in this case, but you don't want to leave the raccoon in this state. You do what you can and groom him carefully. Maybe it won't heal him, but you gave him a moment of relief. Before you part ways, the raccoon places a shiny spark in front of you. You hope he'll find a cure soon. +1 Lunar Tear
* This option will only appear if you have at least 1x Medicine: Fleas Remedy in your Hoard

Jellyfish-like Cnitharian Mice are gathering supplies for the time when lunar essence is more scarce.
Steal You observe the mice for a moment. They're very busy and organised, but you notice there are times when no one is guarding the supplies. Who wouldn't take such an opportunity? +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Acorn
You observe the mice for a moment. They're very busy and organised, but you notice there are times when no one is guarding the supplies. You managed to get close, but it took you too long, and you were noticed. You're surprised at how furiously these little critters will fight for their goods! You were bitten once or twice, but you escaped with a trophy! +1 Lunar Tear
-1 HP
Help You feel a sudden hint of sympathy. Everyone is just trying to survive, no matter the place nor dimension. The mice don't trust you at first, but they are moved by your honest intentions and slowly get used to your presence. You don't want anything in return for helping them, but they insist! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Acorn
You feel a sudden hint of sympathy. Everyone is just trying to survive, no matter the place nor dimension. You do your best to help, but you're too big for their tiny piles of supplies. You've made a mess with your clumsy paws, and it took some time to gather everything back in place again. At the end, you're exhausted, but the mice appreciate your effort. +1 Lunar Tear
-1 HP

In the distance, lights dance and swirl across the hills. As the source of light moves closer, you see they are in fact glowing moths, spreading lunar dust across the lands.
Chase You dart between the moths, trying to chase and catch them. With every pounce, you feel as though you could fly away at any second! At the end, you roll down from a hill, a little tired and covered in sparkly dust. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Glowing Spores
You run after the moths, prancing and jumping about through the hills. After a while, you stop, utterly exhausted. You did not catch a moth, but you do have a whole lot of shiny dust over your body! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Glowing Spores

A mystical Lunar Bat crosses your path! The glow from its flapping wings is hypnotising.
Grab it! You stare at the strange bat, watching its movements carefully. Glowing critter or not, you're hungry! The near-silent rustle of its wings suddenly stops, just as your jaws clamp shut around the bat. Hmm... it doesn't seem to taste any different. +1 Lunar Tear
+4% hunger
+2 HP
Chase it Mesmerised by the bat's mysterious glow, you decide to chase after it as it flies away. You're hungry, yes, but you decide to wait for another opportunity with a different snack. You really want a closer look at this critter! The bat notices you, and it doesn't seem unfriendly... in fact, it's rather playful. The two of you spend some time together. After a short while, you let the bat land on your back to take a rest. The critter flies away not too long afterwards, its glow disappearing behind the trees. So otherworldly... +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Silver Cone

Beautiful butterflies with glowing patterns are investigating the luminous flowers nearby.
Investigate the flowers You approach them slowly, and, to your surprise, the butterflies do not seem to be afraid of you. The smell of these glowing flowers is so heavily sweet that you're not sure if you like it, but the mere sight of this scene makes you feel calm and refreshed. +1 Lunar Tear
+4 HP
You approach them slowly, and, to your surprise, the butterflies do not seem to be afraid of you. They fly around as you sniff the ground among the flowers. Their heavy, sweet scent makes it hard for you to focus. You notice a shiny spot right underneath your paw. You wish everything was so easy to find! +1 Lunar Tear
Investigate the butterflies You approach them slowly, and, to your surprise, the butterflies do not seem to be afraid of you. Their glowing wings are shiny enough that they illuminate the entire surrounding area. You feel them sitting on your ears and muzzle. You snap your jaws in the air. Hmm... quite tasty! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Butterfly Wing

What's that noise? You spot a nearby branch, which seems to be emanating crackling sounds and... high-pitched yelps? Oh, it's a nest! Instead of birds, you find baby moth-wolves!
Feed them Touched by their tiny squeaks, you quickly rush to find something edible for them. A small rat was an easy catch for you, but as you return to feed the babies, you hear growling. A wary mother has come back to her nest and is very protective over her babies. Alright, the snack is yours, then. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Rat Carcass
Touched by their tiny squeaks, you quickly rush to find something edible for them. A small rat was an easy catch for you, and, with a few skilled gnaws, you tear the carcass into tiny, bite-sized pieces. It's feeding time for the babies! The mother will have a nice day to herself to rest. +1 Lunar Tear
+2 Silver Cones
Play with them You pick up a fallen feather from off the ground, but as you return to play with the babies, you hear growling. A wary mother has come back to her nest and is very protective over her babies. Alright, the feather is yours, then. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Owl Feather
You pick up a fallen feather from off the ground and entertain the little moth-puppies with its tickly tip. They grab it, bite it, and wiggle their teeny paws at it. Awww... adorable. +1 Lunar Tear
+2 Silver Cones

Wow! What is that creature? Is it a bird or a cat? Or... both? Nothing can surprise you in this world anymore.
Pounce No matter what the creature is, it resembles animals you'd consider as prey, and you are pretty hungry. You pretend to walk by, taking the glowing catbird by surprise. It tries to fly away, but you're faster! The taste of the animal confuses you, and you're not sure whether it was delicious or repulsive. As you start to leave, you notice a shiny spark on the ground, likely fallen from the creature's feathers. +1 Lunar Tear
+10 HP
+10% hunger
Focused and prepared, you jump before the creature is able to notice you. However, you severely underestimated its speed and agility. After a quick and chaotic chase, the catbird spreads its wings and flies away, losing a shiny spark from its fur in the process. Tired and a bit impressed, you decide to rest for a while before continuing on with your journey. +1 Lunar Tear
+5% energy
The glowing creature looks so innocent that its fierce fight genuinely surprises you. It was supposed to be easy, effortless prey, but you end up wounded and tired. The catbird eventually escapes, losing a shiny spark from its fur. Better this than nothing, you suppose. +1 Lunar Tear
-5 HP
Play The more you discover about this land, the weirder it becomes. You approach the creature curiously and notice that it isn't afraid of you at all. The catbird rubs against your legs, and its tail shakes with excitement. It's kind of cute when it tries to catch the tip of your tail! When you two part ways, you notice a shiny spark in the dirt and a couple of feathers nearby. You wouldn't have guessed what creature the feathers belonged to if you hadn't met the catbird beforehand. +1 Lunar Tear
+10 HP
+2 Owl Feathers
When you move closer, you notice the creature is rather young and in a playful mood. It may be the strangest thing you've ever seen in your life, but joy and curiosity are pretty universal! The catbird pretends to be mighty hunter and chases you around. When it grabs you, the pain is real-it forgot to hide its sharp claws. The catbird is too cute for you to be upset for long. You receive a shiny spark from its fur as a farewell gift before it decides to fly away. +1 Lunar Tear
-2 HP
You approach the catbird, sniffing it curiously. When it realises your intentions are not malicious, it allows you to come up close, then invites you to play! You bow playfully, letting the creature jump around you. The act is so similar to playing with pups that you find yourself instinctively licking its glowing fur. The bitter taste is awful, and you find something is now stuck beneath your tongue, but you don't say a word to the catbird about it. When you two part ways, you notice a shiny spark that fell from its feathers. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Glowing Spores

A few feathered Volukros Rats are scurrying around, sniffing every nook and cranny as if they were searching for something.
Growl and dig You've been observing the rats for a while. They're searching intently. Based on their nervousness, you can tell it's something important. Perhaps valuable, too. You deserve it more, of course. You creep out, growling at the rats, but they don't want to leave! You need to fight for this ground. You're left with painfully bitten ankles, but the treasures are yours! +1 Lunar Tear
+10 HP
+4 Silver Cones
You've been observing the rats for a while. They're searching intently. Based on their nervousness, you can tell it's something important. Perhaps valuable, too. You deserve it more, of course. You creep out, growling at the rats, which causes them to flee quickly! You're not sure anymore if digging around here is really worth it after all. Perhaps there's nothing here, anyway? You decide to check a few spots just to be safe, which reveals a few shiny objects buried under the rock. +1 Lunar Tear
-4 HP
Help out The rats are so nervous and engaged in their rummaging that they do not notice you. They're clearly searching for something important to them. You generously offer them your help. Your paws are bigger, of course, so you're going to spare them a lot of time. Moved by your gesture, the glowing rats thank you for your hard work. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Turkey Egg
The rats are so nervous and engaged in their rummaging that they do not notice you. They're clearly searching for something important to them. You generously offer them your help. Your paws are bigger, of course, so you're going to spare them a lot of time. You quickly find a treasure buried under the rock. Its shine is strong, and you've never seen so many valuable trinkets in one place! Before you leave, the rats allow you to take a small part of their treasure as a reward for your help. +1 Lunar Tear
+4 Silver Cones

A loud screech causes you to halt and look intensely at an indentation in the rugged terrain. A large, reddish Pherris Rat is aggressively trying to taunt you!
Pounce You pounce at the rat, successfully scaring it! It tries to hide within the small hollow of a nearby tree. Such easy prey... It surprises you by fighting back aggressively, but it wasn't a challenge for you. When you drag its carcass out of the tree, you spot a shiny sparkle on the ground. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Rat Carcass
-1 HP
Growl You bare your teeth and snarl at the rat, causing it to go into a battle stance and scratch at your face! This infuriates you—with a quick snap, half of the rat is gone. +1 Lunar Tear
+5% hunger
-1 HP

A flock of Lunar Ravens is feeding on glowing fruit found among the branches of a withered tree.
Bark You look up at the ravens curiously. Their glowing feathers are a hypnotising sight. You wonder if the shining fruits they're consuming would be poisonous to you. The ravens begin to quarrel for the best spot on the branches, and the noise is too much for your ears. You bark at them to make it stop! As they take off in fear, you notice something falling from the branches. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Acorn
You look up at the ravens curiously. Their glowing feathers are a hypnotising sight. You wonder if the shining fruits they're consuming would be poisonous to you. You've never seen a tree like this one, and you want to investigate it in peace. You bark at the ravens to scare them off, causing them to take off in a hurry and leave everything they had in their beaks behind. The taste of the glowing berries is very sweet, and they fill you up more than you expected. Suddenly, you spot something shiny falling from the branches. +1 Lunar Tear
+10% hunger
Sniff around You look up at the ravens curiously, deciding not to disturb them. The glowing fruits are interesting, but not nearly as interesting as the scents around the tree are! You find something buried under a twisted, protruding tree root. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Lucky Foot
You look up at the ravens curiously, deciding not to disturb them. You sniff around the tree, finding a small, almost unnoticeable hollow. You were about to turn away, but a subtle shine from within the hollow catches your eye. +1 Lunar Tear

A quirky Lunar Crow is observing your movements. It circles around you from time to time.
Snarl The crow's blue glow irritates your eyes. It really doesn't help that it keeps approaching you, then flying away, almost on a loop. How annoying. Doesn't it realise you have more important things to focus on? It approaches you once more, and you let out a vicious snarl. A feeling of satisfaction creeps over you as the bird suddenly disappears off into the night sky, startled by your outburst. Before you lose sight of it, you notice that it's knocked something off of a nearby branch. +2 Lunar Tears
Play This may be an entirely different world, but even here, some things remain unchanged—crows are just as curious as they have always been. You bow down, inviting the bird to come closer. It gleefully joins you! You chase the crow around playfully, and it pretends to charge right back at you. Finally, it's time for you to part ways. You give one last adoring glance to the lunar essence that glows gently between its feathers, then turn away, feeling completely refreshed. +20 HP

You stop suddenly to observe a Lunar Shrike on a vicious hunt!
Chase What a beautiful sight! Even the most mundane tasks look like rituals, thanks to the local creatures' glow and unusual shapes. After a moment of delight, your primal needs take over. You snap your jaws, but the shrike is fast and escapes quickly! You've lost a snack, but the bird lost something, too. Two shiny sparks fall gently down to the ground. +2 Lunar Tears
What a scene! This bird is very determined. With the Dreamland's aura, the shrike's hunt looks like an enchanting dance. After some time of watching in silence, your instinct calls upon you to act. You start to chase the bird with all the energy you can muster, hoping that it tired itself out from its own hunt. Unfortunately, it managed to outsmart you—before you realise it, the bird is too far away to continue your chase. You're tired, but at least the bird lost something of its own, too. +1 Lunar Tear
-5% energy
Watching this small, graceful predator is very inspiring, but you don't want to miss a perfect moment when it isn't paying attention to its surroundings. A smirk involuntarily appears on your muzzle just before you attack. Apparently, the glowing shrike is faster and more aware than you thought! It manages to escape, but leaves a part of its prey behind. As it flies off, you notice a shiny spark fall from its feathers. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Butterfly Wing
Watch This special show might be interesting, so you decide not to disturb the shrike. These innocent-looking birds are skilled and brutal hunters who have a strange habit of impaling their prey. With this world's dreamy glow, the hunt looks both beautiful and cruel. You feel inspired and relaxed. After the bird is gone, you notice it lost a shiny spark during its hunt. +1 Lunar Tear
+3 HP

A Lunar Horned Lark is passing by on its way to gather food. It seems surprised by your presence!
Catch it! Pretending to mind your own business, you try to approach it closer... and closer... almost there... now! Darn it... you missed. Next time, you'll have to focus more. You notice a shiny spark that fell from the bird's feathers. At least you won't be leaving with empty paws. +1 Lunar Tear
You weren't originally planning on it, but... this bird looks like easy prey. It would be a shame if you didn't even try. You approach it in silence, focused and prepared. It just had to be a success! Proud of your hunter skills, you rest for a while, feeling refreshed within seconds. You find something among the bird's feathers that may be useful for your future travels. +1 Lunar Tear
+5 HP
+5% energy
Follow it! You watch your steps carefully as you follow the bird, being cautious to move as silently as possible. The hiding spot you eventually find is hidden among dead shrubs. It seems fresh, and there isn't much inside, other than one meagre shiny spark. With all the effort you put in, you feel greatly disappointed afterward. +1 Lunar Tear
Your first thought was simple and driven by instinct, but you've reconsidered your options. It's better to follow the bird and see if there's something more valuable you could take. That's much smarter than a simple 'catch-and-kill'. You manage to discover the bird's hiding spot among the shrubs, and it was worth it! A short digging session yields a shiny spark and something that may be helpful in harder times. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Medicine: Healing Salve

You're startled by a loud fluttering noise. A Lunar Robin has flown up close to check you out!
Bark You don't pay any attention to the bird at first. The constant sight of glowing feathers and strange shapes have become familiar to you. Displeased with your lack of attention, the bird flies in closer, which only serves to annoy you. You don't have time to play with this curious creature! You bark at the bird to make it fly away. Surprised by your loud voice, the bird drops the trinkets it was holding and leaves you alone. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Acorn
You normally spend a lot of time discovering the wonders of this strange land, including the fauna and flora hidden within. However, you're not in the mood right now. It would be better if this annoying creature just left you alone! You bark at the bird to make it fly away. The robin looks both disappointed and scared as it flies off. As it leaves, you see a shiny spark falling from its glowing feathers. +1 Lunar Tear
Play You're in an excellent mood and you'd love to share it with everyone! This little bird likely picked up on that vibe. You bow playfully, and the robin follows you. You admire how it shines beautifully against the starry sky. The bird lands on your fur, and you feel it place something between your ears. You shake your head, a bit scared of what it could have done, but thankfully it wasn't what you expected. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Lucky Foot
Your excellent mood and joyful thoughts must be contagious, because this little bird shows no fear! You wag your tail in a friendly way and bark at the bird softly, inviting it to play. Chasing each other in the otherworldly glowing silence felt just like it should, almost like a dream. At the end of your session, the bird leaves a shiny spark between your paws, just before it suddenly flies off. It seems you both had a good time. +1 Lunar Tear

This Lunar Finch's song is so loud, vibrant, and clear, you can visibly see the sound vibrating in the air by its glowing essence trail. Suddenly, you hear a horrible break in the song. Then another one. The bird seems to be sick.
Offer Cough Cure* Your ears are in pain, but you also want to help somehow. While searching through your belongings, you find a spare cough medicine. It was prepared for wolves, but you hope it can help the bird, too. The song stops as the lunar finch approaches you with gratitude. He asks you to wait for a moment, then comes back with a shiny spark and a small gift that may be useful in your den. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Growth Chunk
Howl of sympathy You can't help but feel deeply sympathetic for the lunar finch's situation. By letting out a long, sad howl, you let the bird know that you support him. The song stops suddenly and shortly after that, a shiny spark falls down from the tree. +1 Lunar Tear
* This option will only appear if you have at least 1x Medicine: Cough Cure in your Hoard

A very chatty Lunar Warbler is singing a tale of a nest made of wonderfully scented yarrow for his princess.
Give Yarrow* The story is really charming and absorbs you completely. This little bird's powerful enthusiasm surely is contagious. Suddenly, an idea pops up in your mind. You want to be a part of this story by offering some of your own yarrow supply! The warbler almost jumps in joy and gives you something in return. A shiny spark for your... princess, and a few healing herbs in case she doesn't accept it. What a thoughtful creature. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Medicine: Healing Salve
Listen You listen carefully. The story was a bit amusing at first, but you ended up admiring this little bird's dedication. You were sure you had some spare yarrow somewhere, but you realise that it was probably used up by your herbalist. You wish the bird all the best with his significant other, and the warbler seems to be moved by your words. Before you turn back, he brings you a small gift. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Charcoal
* This option will only appear if you have at least 1x Yarrow in your Hoard

Horned Larks are gathering on a twisted tree, interested in something hidden from your eyes. Dark blue essence resembles smoke, but nothing is burning. There's a little hole in the trunk from where the mist is coming from. You could put something in or take something out.
Offer Acorn* Observing the birds has inspired you to change your plans. They might be hiding something there, so you decide to be nice and offer them a gift. One of the horned larks approaches you hesitantly and takes the acorn quickly. Surprised that you weren't trying to catch it, the bird disappears for a moment into the hole, then brings you a shining flower you've never seen before. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Medicine: Flickering Flower
Shove your nose in Without a single thought, you put your nose in, scaring the larks away. The blue smoke has no smell and nothing special happens, but you can feel something cold on your nose. When you look into the hole, you spot a small, shiny spark inside. +1 Lunar Tear
* This option will only appear if you have at least 1x Acorn in your Hoard

It's not unusual that crows are curious about everything, but this one is starting to cross the line of your patience. You try your best to ignore the bird, but it won't stop flying around you, sitting on your head, and making noises. That's enough!
Growl You let out a loud warning growl. To your surprise, it works. Whether the bird really was scared, or it just grew bored, it finally flies away, losing a small shiny feather. Ahh, sweet silence. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Essence-Covered Feather
Chase You've been patient for too long. With a short bark, you jump at the crow, chasing it with genuine anger. The bird realises fun time is over and tries to escape, but it was too slow to avoid your jaws. Well, now it certainly won't bother you anymore. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 HP

An intense shine catches your attention. Upon approaching the shine, you notice a lunar raven carefully arranging various items, as if putting them on display. You might be able to find something useful here.
Offer 1 Charged Core* Curiosity shines in the raven's eyes when you offered them the charged core. They carefully place three shiny sparks in front of you, and the two of you spend a while chatting about the wonders of the Dreamlands. Once you realise you've lost track of time, you hurriedly end the conversation with a promise to com back soon. Just before you can leave, the raven offers you something resembling a glowing pebble and encourages you to taste it. You're not sure at first, but it ends up tasting surprisingly sweet. You feel relaxed and ready to explore more than you had planned for today. +3 Lunar Tears
+20% energy
Offer 5 Glowing Spores** The raven cautiously takes the glowing spores before looking through their shimmering trinkets. The process takes some time, so you decide to ogle all the eye-pleasing goods while you wait. Even if you might not make another purchase, it's fun to look at everything for sale. The items are almost hypnotising. Finally, the raven gives you two shiny sparks and a tiny potion with an intense blue glow. You hesitate to try it, but the raven assures you that you'll like the result. Not only is the potion tasty, you also feel stronger and refreshed! +2 Lunar Tears
+20 HP
Check out the wares You haven't made your mind up yet. Your gaze travels from one shiny trinket to another, looking for something that would catch your attention. The raven observes you calmly, noticing your struggle to make a decision. They offer you a shiny spark as a gift to encourage you, but you get the feeling their actual intentions were to get you to leave and make room for other potential customers. +1 Lunar Tear
* This option will only appear if you have at least 1x Charged Core in your Hoard
** This option will only appear if you have at least 5x Glowing Spores in your Hoard

You approach the stone slowly. You've never seen anything like this, even in this strange world. Odd, mystic signs are glowing from the inside as if the stone is a source of unknown power.
Touch Despite not knowing the nature of the magic dwelling inside the stone, you somewhere feel it won't harm you. You feel an instant wave of fresh energy fill your muscles as soon as you touch it. Your body seems to pulse with strength, and you feel as if you can take on any enemy. What a rush! +1 Lunar Tear
+100 HP

A small lunar cat crosses your path, completely confident and calm despite your size and unfamiliar look. In its mind, it sees itself as a mighty hunter and ferocious predator, but to you it's just a glowing furball you want to touch.
Offer Acorn* You want so badly to take a closer look that you stop the cat without the faintest idea of how to interact with it. The cat's expression tells you that it's busy and not very happy about the meeting, but it cracks a smile after seeing your gift. An acorn! From a wolf, no less. You watch as its mood changes at and it starts rubbing against your legs, purring loudly. As suddenly as it starts, the cat leaves you without a word, leaving behind a small gift. +1 Lunar Tear
+10% energy
Play The cat looks genuinely confused when you present a playful bow and an inviting bark. You're not something it usually comes across, and the cat is hesitant at first. You eventually convince it to play with your pup-like energy and friendly smile, spending some time chasing each other and trying to catch lunar lights. One of them turns out to be a shiny spark that you decide to take. +1 Lunar Tear
* This option will only appear if you have at least 1x Acorn in your Hoard

Fluttering dragonflies appear to be dancing. You hear the susurrus of their metallic wings, rhythmically creating faintly audible melodies.
Try to catch one Chasing insects never gets old. You loved it as a puppy and you love it now. You run and jump after the dragonflies until you eventually catch one. The taste is different, unfamiliar but not unpleasant. After one really long jump, you land on a soft flowerbed. Lunar essence and a heavy, sweet scent surrounds you. You can't resist taking one of the lovely flowers with you. (+3 LE) +1 Lunar Tear
+3 Lunar Essence
+1 Flickering Flowers
Tap dance with your paws Watching the dragonflies makes you want to join them. Running in circles, you find a rhythm and start to dance in harmony with the lunar insects, feeling connected with them and with the surroundings in a dreamlike, peaceful way. You move forward, following the shiny dragonflies until you trip over something. It makes you lose the inner melody you were dancing to but you find something interesting laying in the dirt. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Medicine: Healing Salve

You find a glowing rat, hopping in slow motion as if gravity does not hold it to solid ground like it does to you.
Chase Too easy! What an insult to your hunting skills. Laughter bubbles in your chest at such an easy catch. If only everything always went so smoothly! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Rat Carcass
You snap your jaws at the rat, expecting to make an easy meal of it. You take a deep breath before the final bite and begin to feel dizzy. Something is different and the feeling takes over your body long enough for you to lose interest in the strange rat. No meal is worth this strangeness! +1 Lunar Tear
+2 HP
You jump at the rat with snacktime on your mind but as soon as you take a deep breath, you start to feel peaceful and united with everything around you. How can you even think about killing anything in such a blissful state? You let the creature go, smiling gently. +1 Lunar Tear
+2% energy
You let out a snarl of shock when you miss your prey. You try again, but the rat hovers far away from you in the air. A trick of the lunar realm? Something shiny falls down from its fur, and you grab it before it starts to hover, too. +1 Lunar Tear

Encounters in Multiple (but not all) Biomes

This encounter is available in the Grasslands, Deciduous Forest, Mountains, Riparian Woodland, Prairie, and Coniferous Forest
A tiny chickadee is watching you from its tiny branch on a spot that's hard to reach.
Tackle the trunk! If the bird thought that the tree would stop you, it was wrong. You're far too good for such simple prey. You shook the tree only slightly, but was enough for the bird to lose its balance. What a perfect moment! A shiny spark also happened to fall from its feathers. Double win. +1 Lunar Tear
+10% energy
You thought that it would be easy, but no matter how much strength you put into your effort, the bird doesn't move. Not only this, but it seems like it's having fun. A bit annoyed, you try one last time. You end up knocking something shiny off the tree. +1 Lunar Tear
Jump and grab a branch! Your smirk revealed your intentions but chickadee probably believed it was out of reach no matter what. You were so quick that it didn't have time to even think about taking off. +1 Lunar Tear
+15% hunger
This is the type of challenge you like. You try to reach for the bird several times but the branch is too high. The chickadee stares at you and you could swear its gaze is provoking. You decided for one last jump, missing the bird again but you knocked something off the tree. +1 Lunar Tear

This encounter is available in the Grasslands, Deciduous Forest, Mountains, and Riparian Woodland
An incredibly fluffy striped chipmunk is checking you out, curious about your exotic looks. It seems interested and wonders if you're hiding anything as special as you!
Offer Acorn* This little fella is just too cute! You immediately decide you'd do anything for this critter. You kindly offer him a spare acorn, which makes him smile. You've got his full trust and attention! He doesn't want to let you go without giving a small souvenir in return. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Lunar Recipe***
Play You lower your head to poke the chipmunk gently with your nose. He jumps at you and climbs on top of your head, where he seems to be having great fun. You don't mind this at all. You would let him do just about anything! Before you go, the chipmunk wants you to take a look at something you may find interesting, and insists you take it as a gift. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Turtle Eggs
Even if you were the busiest wolf in the world, you'd stop for him anyway. This chipmunk is so darn cute, he reminds you of the puppies in your den. You invite him to play, letting him touch your fur, ride on your back, and do just about whatever he wants. At some point, you consider taking him with you, but it wouldn't be wise. Before you part ways, the chipmunk thanks you for the good fun with a gift. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 cave-building material**
* This option will only appear if you have at least 1 Acorn in your Hoard
** Cave-building materials include Large Branch, Large Leaf, and Large Rock.

*** Nine recipes are available randomly from this encounter, Charged Eyes, Lunar Butterflies, Lunar Fur Dust, Lunar Glowing Claws, Cozy Nest, Flickering Meadow, Gathering Lunar Butterflies, Gem Cave, and Mushroom Path

This encounter is available in the Grasslands, Deciduous Forest, Mountains, and Riparian Woodland
Ah! A Lunar Crossbill just flew by, carrying a large cone in its beak! You trace the essence trail from its wings and focus on the spot where it landed.
Wait and sniff around You noticed the cone, and you're certain that the crossbill hides its goods somewhere nearby. Instead of catching the bird, you'd rather let it go and make a note to check this place more often. You have no idea why the crossbill was so mysterious this time, but you didn't find anything, not even its cone. You give up and rest for a little while to gather your thoughts. +1 Lunar Tear
+10 HP
Pounce You hoped it would be easy prey, but the bird surprised you, predicting your move before you jumped. You stare angrily at the bird as it flies away, until fresh claw marks on the ground catch your attention. The spot looks like it's used often. Perhaps there's something there... +1 Lunar Tear
+1 cave-building material*
The bird seems to be focused on his task entirely, so you try to take advantage of this situation. Unfortunately, you missed, and the crossbill was too fast for another take. You're upset at first, but then you notice that it probably tried to hide its cone here. There is a small spot between your paws that looks like it's used often. You must check it. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Acorn
* Cave-building materials include Large Branch, Large Leaf, and Large Rock.

This encounter is available in the Grasslands, Deciduous Forest, Mountains, Coniferous Forest, and Taiga
A quiet caw causes you to look up. A Lunar Magpie, covered in glowing essence dust, is trying to get your attention. The branch's leaves rustle gently in the wind, reflecting light in a flickering manner.
Bark You try to bark gently at the bird, but it comes out aggressively. You didn't mean that! The shiny magpie flies away so fast that it leaves behind some feathers and a shiny spark. You feel misunderstood. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Mapgie Feather
You try to spot the energetic magpie among the leaves, but it's not easy when everything is covered in this shiny dust. You bark at the bird in your most friendly tone. It manages to drop something right into your eye. Well, hello to you, too... +1 Lunar Tear
Howl You come closer and howl at the magpie, surprising the bird and causing it to stare at you for a moment. You suddenly feel tiny objects falling onto your head from above. It seems like the bird didn't appreciate your performance too much, and it just wants you to shut up. Oh, well! This is an easy enough way to get some interesting trinkets. You plan to try this trick out on other animals soon. You might just get rich! +1 Lunar Tear
+4 Silver Cones
You let out a deep, beautiful howl, surprising yourself with how lovely your own voice sounds. The glowing bird listens to it in silence, and even takes a seat on a lower branch to see you better through the leaves. When you finish, the bird drops a shiny spark from above. It lands next to your paws. Apparently you have some serious talent, and you need to share it with this world! +1 Lunar Tear

This encounter is available in the Grasslands, Deciduous Forest, Mountains, Riparian Woodland, Prairie, Coniferous Forest, Desert, Swamp, and Rainforest
Oh, no! A Lunar Skunk is dragging a blue cloud behind him. Your gut suggests it would be best to avoid this critter.
Play You've always avoided the skunks from your own world, after several bad encounters. This one seems different enough, and you wonder if it would be okay to check him closer. You hold your breath and smile, hoping he won't notice, then playfully wag your tail to show your intentions. The skunk looks very happy and assumes you come from a more friendly world, because the other animals here tend to avoid approaching him. He gives you a couple of shiny objects afterwards, then asks you to come visit again! +1 Lunar Tear
+5 Silver Cones
Despite having unpleasant memories about the smell, the glowing skunk looks so fascinating that you just cannot resist! You hold your breath and smile, hoping he won't notice, then wag your tail in a friendly way to invite the skunk to play. The two of you spend some time together, but he notices you're struggling to breathe and that there are tears welled in your eyes. He smiles at you and confesses you've made it further than the other animals that usually avoid his presence. He gives you a shiny spark to remember this moment. You're sure you will, because this spark is smelly, too. +1 Lunar Tear
Grab the tail The bushy, glowing tail of the skunk tempts you, and the urge to touch it wins over the risk of entering the cloud of its foul stench. You lower your head and grab the soft fur. The bitter taste makes you immediately release it. It's even worse than the smell! You notice it left something on your tongue. Through coughs and snorts, you almost overlooked a shiny spark falling from the clumps of glowing fur! +1 Lunar Tear
+4 Silver Cones
Being subtle isn't your strong point today. You grab the soft fur quickly. The creature jumps in fear, releasing his smell in defence. You can barely see through your tears, and you hold your breath while walking away. You're not sure, but it seems the skunk lost something shiny that fell from his fur. +1 Lunar Tear
Observe You spend some time observing before you decide to approach. You have to admit that the skunk looks somewhat different from the skunks of your world, and much more mystical. Maybe its smell won't be that bad? Or maybe it doesn't smell at all? Your curiosity takes over and you move closer to see that the skunk is absorbed by consuming eggs from the nest it had found. You're surprised when it asks you to try some. You've even got a small gift that may be useful in your journey through this mysterious land. +1 Lunar Tear
+1% hunger
The skunk looks busy and absorbed so you have some time to take a closer look at it. You admit that despite its reputation, it's kind of pretty with this glow. You hesitate at first, afraid of the smell, but your curiosity takes over. Now you see that the creature found a huge nest with glowing eggs inside and it invites you to try some. You spend some good time eating and talking. You feel refreshed afterwards and wish the skunk the best on its way and it gives you a shiny spark as a souvenir. Maybe you'll meet again. +1 Lunar Tear
+4 HP

This encounter is available in the Grasslands and Deciduous Forest
You spot movement on the lower branches of a tree. Approaching carefully, you observe Lunar Chipmunks gathering nuts. The way they jump makes you think of how gravity works on the moon. Their leaps are so tall and dream-like!
Beg for nuts You sit under the branch and stare at the critters intently. Every time they look at you, you wag your tail and perk up. Oh, they understand you! But they won't share their nuts. Boo. They toss some twigs your way, some attached to fruits while others are covered in debris. +1 Lunar Tear
+4 HP
You sit down and put on your best begging face. The chipmunks just ignore you. Watching them is really fun, and you wonder how it would feel to jump like they do. You try to jump on the tree, but gravity works normally for you. The chipmunks giggle and clap, showering you in glowing confetti for your silly performance! Oh, now they see you?! +1 Lunar Tear
Search for scraps They seem to be too high up for you to even bother. You sniff around the base of the tree and dig your paws into the ground, full of shells, sticks, and dry leaves. You discover some useful trinkets within the fallen detritus! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Lucky Foot
Being subtle isn't your strong point today. You grab the soft fur quickly. The creature jumps in fear, releasing his smell in defence. You can barely see through your tears, and you hold your breath while walking away. You're not sure, but it seems the skunk lost something shiny that fell from his fur. +1 Lunar Tear

This encounter is available in the Grasslands and Coniferous Forest
A very polite Bumblebee is approaching a glowing flower. It's having trouble aiming at the flower with its huge, fluffy body. Fascinated, you watch the whole scene unfold.
Roll in the flowers The bumblebee must know the secrets of this world! You take note and begin to roll in the flowers, wiggling side to side carelessly. Hey, it looks like you bumped into something! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Whitetail Carcass
You are a bumblebee, too! You rub your head into the flowers and roll all over them. Once you're done, you lie there, watching the sparks first lift up into the air, then gently fall and cover you. What a serene moment. +1 Lunar Tear
Nudge it You gently nudge the bumblebee with your nose, giving it just the right boost to land properly onto the flower! After its business is done, you continue to watch the little critter. It ends up bumping into something useful! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Medicine: Healing Salve

This encounter is available in the Grasslands and Coniferous Forest
You find something tiny curled up in the grass. It's a Spotted Lunar Chipmunk, sleeping soundly in a cozy nest.
Offer Acorn* You carefully place an acorn next to the sleeping chipmunk. It's too cute! You don't want to leave just yet, so you stay a while and stare at the critter. After some time, the chipmunk opens his eyes slowly. Your presence startles him at first, but he calms down once he notices the acorn. He's grateful for your gift and gives you something in return, then asks if you could let him continue his nap. You know, in peace. Without you there to watch over him. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Lunar Recipe**
Nudge You lower your head to take a closer look. It's so cute, you just can't resist! You poke the chipmunk with your nose gently, but it only curls up more tightly. Staring at it made you realise that you're a bit tired, too. You decide to rest for a while next to it. As you doze off, you notice a shiny spark tucked into the nest. +1 Lunar Tear
+10 HP
Poking the chipmunk gently didn't wake him up at all. You stare at him a little longer, but eventually, you decide to check the nearby area. When you finish, the little creature is still sleeping, but you manage to find something interesting. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Bone
* This option will only appear if you have at least 1 Acorn in your Hoard
** Nine recipes are available randomly from this encounter, Charged Eyes, Lunar Butterflies, Lunar Fur Dust, Lunar Glowing Claws, Cozy Nest, Flickering Meadow, Gathering Lunar Butterflies, Gem Cave, and Mushroom Path

This encounter is available in the Grasslands and Deciduous Forest
This Lunar Pheasant seems unfazed by everything that approaches it, including a wolf. It must have a thick skull to survive with such a thick brain.
Not today! You rarely see such bravery... Or foolishness. It's better for you, as you won't even get tired from chasing it. You take a free meal... and a shiny object that you find among the bird's feathers. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Pheasant Rooster Carcass
You rarely see such bravery... Or foolishness. You start to chase the glowing bird, but it notices your intentions quickly and manages to escape unharmed. It left something behind, though! +1 Lunar Tear
+2 Silver Cones
Let it be The bravery of this glowing bird fascinates you to the degree that you've forgotten about chasing it. You approach it carefully, checking the limits of its careless attitude. It allows you to come so close that it would be a shame not to catch it. The bird likely has the same thought, because it flees suddenly in a panic, dropping something shiny on its way. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Owl Talon
The bravery of this glowing bird fascinates you to the degree that you've forgotten about chasing it. You observe it from a distance. After a short time, you notice the pheasant hides something among the rocks, then checks to see if it is being watched. You only need to wait until the bird walks away. +1 Lunar Tear
+2 Silver Cones

This encounter is available in the Grasslands, Deciduous Forest, Mountains, and Riparian Woodland
With a quiet flutter, a Crested Lunar Jay perches on an odly shaped rock. It seems to be catching glowing spores to feed.
Herd the spores! The more you look at this scene, the more interesting it seems to be. You start herding the spores to help the bird, but you scare it off by emerging so quickly out of nowhere. It disappears into the dark sky, leaving a single feather behind. A bit disappointed, you look at the gathered spores. There is a shiny spark among them. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Essence-Covered Feather
You approach slowly, careful with your moves. You don't want to disturb the bird, you only want to gather some glowing spores, too. You're much bigger, which makes it easy for you. You don't mind sharing some with the blue jay, which probably saves the bird a lot of time. Grateful for your kind heart, the bird gives you a shiny spark and shows you an interesting item it found nearby. You could definitely use it in your den. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 cave-building material
* Cave-building materials include Large Branch, Large Leaf, and Large Rock.

This encounter is available in the Grasslands, Deciduous Forest, Mountains, and Riparian Woodland
What an unusual pattern for a bird! This Striped Lunar Jay doesn't seem to be aware of your presence yet.
Poke it! The urge is too strong to resist. You poke the bird as gently as you can, but the jay is startled anyway. He's gone before you can even open your mouth. A glowing blue feather and a shiny spark are all that remain. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Essence-Covered Feather
You know that even the tiniest movement can destroy this moment. Observing the bird from a distance can be entertaining, too. Its beautiful glow looks calming, and the unusual pattern is fascinating. You have no idea how long you were looking at the lunar jay, but it was long enough to feel refreshed. The bird eventually flies away and you notice a shiny spark falling down from the tree branch. +1 Lunar Tear
+10 HP
You try to approach the bird in silence to take a closer look. Unfortunately, you trip over something sticking out of the ground, making a terrible noise that scares off the lunar jay. A little upset, you look under your paws and discover a bone. At least this could be useful in your den... You take it and notice that the jay lost something of its own while flying away. Well, it looks like you surely won't be leaving with empty paws now. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Bone

This encounter is available in the Deciduous Forest, Mountains, Coniferous Forest, and Taiga
A Lunar Squirrel is hopping around, looking for some food.
Offer Acorn* The little glowing rodent looks quite nervous, which touches you somehow. Helping it out doesn't cost you anything. You didn't need that acorn, anyway. The squirrel seems excited and leads you to its hiding place, where you notice quite a lot of shiny objects. The squirrel confesses that it has never used them, and they only take up space. You're free to take everything. +1 Lunar Tear
+6 Silver Cones
Pounce With a smirk, you offer your help in finding more supplies. Either your malicious thoughts were too visible, or the squirrel somehow found out its potential fate. It quickly escapes! At least you were able to see where its hiding spot it. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Acorn
With a slightly suspicious smirk, you offer your help in finding more supplies. The trustful rodent leads you to its hiding spot to explain what it would need. You smile wider. Now you're richer and less hungry. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Squirrel Carcass
* This option will only appear if you have at least 1 Acorn in your Hoard

This encounter is available in the Deciduous Forest and Swamp
This southern-looking Winged Possum is prepping dinner... upside down!
Possum is dinner! You observe the possum for a moment. Will it taste like a bird? You have to find out. The creature drops everything it holds in its paws as you grab it greedily. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Opossum Carcass
You observe the possum for a moment. Will it taste like a bird? You are close to finding out, but the creature notices you a second before you snap your jaws. It offers you a shiny spark it has in its tiny paws and you agree to leave the possum alone. It still looks delicious though. +1 Lunar Tear
Beg You make a sad, whimpering sound and look at the possum with big, shiny eyes. The critter chuckles and throws something it held in your face. This leftover might be a nice toy for a big wolf like you! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Gnawing Hoof
You whimper audibly and sit down impatiently under the branch, looking at whatever the possum is holding with utmost desire. The critter eats slowly, lapping with a smile to make you suffer longer. When it's done, you get thrown whatever it is it couldn't eat. Eh. Okay. +1 Lunar Tear

This encounter is available in the Deciduous Forest and Taiga
A fallen log gives shelter to many tiny Lunar Critters. The growth transforms the essence into a tiny, edible cave for a multitude of creatures.
Gnaw You start to gnaw on the soft log, pulling parts of it away to uncover air pockets full of tiny worms and other cool-looking things! +1 Lunar Tear
+3 Silver Cones
You bite off parts of the log, but it's all soft wood and fungus. No, wait! You almost chipped your tooth on something shiny! +1 Lunar Tear
Dig Not wishing to disturb the ecosystem, you decide to dig underneath the log instead. There are quite a few treasures overgrown by the roots! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Medicine: Healing Salve
You use your paws to scratch underneath the moss and dig out some dirt, roots, and glistening rocks! +1 Lunar Tear
Sniff around You sink your paws into the moss, watching tiny glowing critters scatter. You don't want to disturb this place and carefully check every nook and cranny for some natural trash. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Owl Talon
You put your nose low to the ground and try to find a significant smell. A faint scent leads you to a shiny glow inside an empty stump. +1 Lunar Tear

This encounter is available in the Mountains, Prairie, Coniferous Forest, and Taiga
It looks like a Lunar Grouse is building a nest under a bush. A beautiful Grouse House, so to speak.
Help You approach the noble grouse, offering your help by gathering big, heavy sticks and digging deeper holes. The bird seems very flattered that you want to build something with it and shares what it has in gratitude, even if it's a part of itself. +1 Lunar Tear
+2 Grouse Feathers
You approach the bird and offer help in building the nest. Your mouth can carry so much more than a tiny beak! The grouse agrees, but all the sticks you've found were just too big or too oddly-shaped. Alas, you're not too much help to the bird after all. The noble bird appreciates your time just as much, and gives you something in return. +1 Lunar Tear
Ambush You lick your lips. A grouse has such a delicate taste. You start running. The longer you run, the further the bird seems to be, which makes you nervous. You jump, suddenly landing on both the bird and the nest with your rump! Your teeth quickly finish the job, and your paws swiftly check the ruined nest for whatever it is that was glowing inside. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Grouse Carcass
You excitedly wag your tail. This is such easy prey! You confidently rush towards it, trampling its nest as you close in, but the bird spots you just in time and manages to escape. Well, at the very least, it looks like there was something hidden between the woven sticks! +1 Lunar Tear

This encounter is available in the Riparian Woodland, Prairie, Desert, and Rainforest
A glowing line of zig zags crosses your path. Inside, you spot a rabbit, who has paused to nibble on something.
Sneak You quietly make a move and grab the rabbit easily, silencing its screams with a quick snap. Your hunting team should learn from you! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Rabbit Carcass
You sneak low to the ground, but you were spotted just in time. Agh! What was the rabbit nibbling on, anyway? You should check it out. +1 Lunar Tear
+3 Silver Cones
You get a little too quick on your feet and make a loud noise before you even assume the starting position. You furiously check the place where the rabbit was nibbling just moments ago. Thankfully, you manage to pull out a tiny object from the brush. +1 Lunar Tear
Hop about You playfully prance around, then bow down and ask the rabbit if it wants to play or race. It cautiously agrees to a race, so long as a safe distance is kept between the two of you. You win! The rabbit pulls out something from its dust-adorned fur to reward you with. Wow, what a convenient stashing place. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Rattle
You playfully approach the bunny, hopping suggestively. You're eager to play, but the rabbit considered you too much of a threat. It launches towards the hills, leaving everything it was nibbling on behind. +1 Lunar Tear
+1-3 Silver Cones

This encounter is available in the Riparian Woodland, Swamp, and Tundra
Gentle quacks echo in the night. A duck out of water seems like a nice midnight snack.
Ambush! You assume a prowling position and move in quickly, confidently, and effectively. One jump, and the duck is... gone?! You spit out the essence-covered feathers. You were so sure you grabbed something more than just the tail! +1 Lunar Tear
+2 Duck Feathers
You assume a prowling position and move swiftly. One jump and you feel its soft, feathery body between your teeth! The bird struggled, so some of the meat is ruined. You gather what you can. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Meat Chunks [Small]
You run quickly, taking the chance—you have the advantage of complete surprise! Unfortunately, the duck was able to take off just in time, and you cannot catch up. You growl out into the air and dig at the ground furiously. Oh, look! You've disturbed something in the soil! +1 Lunar Tear
Sniff around You decide to wait until the duck swims away, and you focus on its scent instead. Your nose didn't fool you. You find a duck's nest nearby! You take out the egg, proud of your well-balanced diet. A gentle shine at the bottom of the nest tells you there's more to take. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Silver Cone
+1 Duck Egg

This encounter is available in the Riparian Woodland and Swamp
A very energetic Lunar Otter is playing around on the sandy slope. It seems quite curious about you!
Join There seems to be a mutual fascination between the local creatures and yourself. They're just as curious about you as you are towards them! You bow down, wagging your tail playfully. The glowing otter looks unusual, but as you start to chase each other around and roll on the ground together, you feel a sense of familiarity. You even pretend to lose a wrestling match with them. The otter comments that you would need a lot of luck in this land so you can win the next match! It apparently didn't understand the play, but hey! A gift is a gift. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Lucky Foot
There seems to be a mutual fascination between the local creatures and yourself. They're just as curious about you as you are towards them! You approach slowly, sniffing the otter's fur curiously. It definitely smells differently than the other otters you know. The creature investigates your fur in return, surprised that you're not glowing. It gently places a shiny spark onto your back so you can have your own shine, too. You don't know how much time you've spent together, but you don't feel tired anymore. +1 Lunar Tear
+5 HP
The otter looks excited when you approach it, and it doesn't show any sign of fear. It also seems quite young, and wants to know more about you! It joyfully runs between your legs, asking questions about your world. One question after another. You try both playing with the otter and answering its questions, but it's not easy! This little creature absorbs more energy than a dozen pups from your den. Before you part ways, the otter gives you something shiny to take back to your world. +1 Lunar Tear
Join You don't have any time for running around and playing right now. You feel overwhelmingly exhausted throughout your entire body. You need a rest! This sandy slope looks like a perfect place. You bark at the otter to scare it away. Surprised and disappointed, the glowing creature leaves and doesn't bother you anymore. As you relax on the sand, you notice something is shining just below the surface. +1 Lunar Tear
+2 Silver Cones
+2 HP

This encounter is available in the Riparian Woodland and Swamp
You smell something intense. You lower your head and spot a strong glow in the understory. A small Lunar Frog is sitting under the leaves, absorbing some night-time moisture full of lunar dust.
Bap the leaves You poke at the leaves gently with your paw, disturbing the whole understory. Not only did the frog jump off, but some mice did, too! They all seem to have left behind items they were carrying. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Acorn
You poke at the leaves gently with your paw, rustling them and causing dew to spray all around. The frog hops away, revealing that it was sitting on something shiny. +1 Lunar Tear
You poke at the leaves gently to distract the frog, but it gets upset instead and swallows air to appear much larger than it really is. It gets very, very round, and you're excited to hear some adorable angry froggy sounds... until it spits on you. What?! The spit burns a little, too! You wipe off your nose and watch the frog jump away. Once it's gone, you notice it was sitting on something shiny. +1 Lunar Tear
-1 HP
Bap the frog You gently poke at the frog with the tip of your claw. The frog croaks at you, then jumps on top of a big mushroom. The mushroom breaks under its weight. While the frog hops away, unamused at the situation, the missing mushroom cap reveals a tiny treasure that was hidden from your eyes! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Bone
Very gently, you poke at the frog with your paw. It burns! How can such a tiny creature make you feel this way?! You snort at it, causing the frog to lazily crawl away. Once it's gone, you notice it was sitting on something shiny. +1 Lunar Tear
-1 HP

This encounter is available in the Riparian Woodland and Swamp
A quiet splash reveals a spot where a Lunar Heron is catching food in the shallow water.
Splash You interrupt the heron's hunt quite loudly. Even the water seems to have its own blueish shine... Or maybe it's just a reflection of the heron's feathers. The surprised bird flies away, leaving its prey behind. You notice a shine within the mud. Double the luck! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Dead Fish
You interrupt the heron's hunt quite loudly. Even the water seems to have its own blueish shine... Or maybe it's just a reflection of the heron's feathers. The surprised bird flies away, but manages to keep its prey. You notice a shine within the mud. Either way, you won't be leaving with empty paws. +1 Lunar Tear

This encounter is available in the Riparian Woodland and Swamp
A cormorant is resting, letting its wings dry slowly in the damp air. The essence seems to help the water evaporate faster. It looks like there are some leftover fish around—perhaps the meal time is over.
Bark at the bird If this spot is so full of tasty fish, you want to try it too, before this bird takes the best ones! At least, you're convinced it would. A loud bark scares the cormorant effectively, allowing you to wade in the water and check for yourself. Unfortunately, there isn't anything to eat this time, though you did find something else... +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Acorn
Sniff around When you enter the shallow water, the bird doesn't even look at you. It's either very confident or very asleep. It doesn't matter either way, because you don't plan on bothering it. You don't know whether it's the water or the essence, but you feel better and refreshed. Places like this are usually full of treasures, and you hope to find something. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 herb
+2 HP
When you enter the shallow water, the bird doesn't even look at you. It's either very confident or very asleep. It doesn't matter either way, because you don't plan on bothering it. You don't know whether it's the water or the essence, but you feel better and refreshed. Places like this are usually full of treasures, and you hope to find something. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 cave-building material*
+2 HP
* Cave-building materials include Large Branch, Large Leaf, and Large Rock.

This encounter is available in the Prairie and Desert
There isn't any sunlight, so this lizard must be... moonbathing? Soaking in the essence?
Poke it You approach the lizard closer, studying it from every angle. It doesn't seem bothered by you, nor does it seem like it even notices you're there. You sniff it curiously, then gently poke at it with your paw. The lizard's eyes open slowly as it releases an annoyed hiss at you. In absolutely no rush at all, it walks away, revealing a small crack it was sitting on. When you peek inside, you notice a glow. +1 Lunar Tear
+3 Silver Cones
You approach the lizard closer, studying it from every angle. It doesn't seem bothered by you, nor does it seem like it even notices you're there. You sniff it curiously, then gently poke at it with your paw. The lizard's eyes open slowly and it walks away, completely unfazed by you. Now that it's gone, you can see it was sitting on a shiny spark from this world. You wonder if it was absorbing essence through it. +1 Lunar Tear
Catch it You sniff the lizard carefully. It doesn't care about you at all. At first, you just want to watch it, but it's no fun when it isn't moving. Before you can realise what happened, it's gone in the blink of an eye. Did it run away? You notice something that was under the lizard's belly. It seems that other reptiles like to converge here, too. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Rattle
You sniff the lizard carefully. It doesn't care about you at all. You move forward to catch it, but the glowing creature wakes up from its strange meditation and nimbly escapes your jaws. There was something shiny hiding under its belly. +1 Lunar Tear

This encounter is available in the Coniferous Forest and Taiga
An adorable crested chipmunk is digging around, probably looking for food.
Offer Acorn* These tiny paws will probably need to dig the whole day just to find something. You share your spare acorn kindly, noticing genuine happiness on the chipmunk's face. It wants to hide the food, but to do so, it needs to get rid of some stuff, which you are more than willing to take. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Lunar Recipe**
Dig You wanted to check this area, too, so you offer your assistance. The chipmunk agrees, seeing your strong paws. He looks for food while you try to find other useful goods. There was a shiny spark deep in the ground, but nothing more than that. A bit tired after work, you stay to rest and gather your strength, planning your next steps. +1 Lunar Tear
+10 HP
* This option will only appear if you have at least 1 Acorn in your Hoard
** Nine recipes are available randomly from this encounter, Charged Eyes, Lunar Butterflies, Lunar Fur Dust, Lunar Glowing Claws, Cozy Nest, Flickering Meadow, Gathering Lunar Butterflies, Gem Cave, and Mushroom Path

This encounter is available in the Coniferous Forest, Taiga, Tundra, and Glacier
A Lunar Stoat is trying to climb a rocky formation to investigate something interesting! Perhaps you can cooperate?
Help it out You observe the struggle of the tiny glowing creature with sympathy and offer your help. The formation is nothing to you, but it towers over the stoat. You let it reach its destination on your head, which it seems to enjoy! It skitters away for a moment, then leaves something next to your paw. Before you can say anything, it's gone. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Lucky Foot
You wonder why the stoat is so desperate about this spot. Whatever interesting thing is there, you just have to find out! You offer your help, and the stoat promises you won't regret it. You make sure that its way up is safe and smooth, letting it use your body as a fast shortcut to its destination. The stoat fulfilled its part of the promise, too, and showed you something that can be very useful in your den! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 cave-building material
You observe the struggle of the tiny glowing creature with curiosity and offer your help. You make sure that the stoat's way up is safe, and you assist it when your help is needed. In return, it checks the area for you! You'd never be able to take this shiny spark out with your wide paws. You consider teamwork for the future. +1 Lunar Tear
* Cave-building materials include Large Branch, Large Leaf, and Large Rock.

This encounter is available in the Desert and Rainforest
A slight movement between nearby stones catches your eye. You see a gecko, leaving tiny glowing footprints on the rocky surface.
Search the rocks You aren't that interested in the gecko itself. The place that it came from smells far more interesting. You end up demolishing an entire rock formation, but it was worth it! Not only did you find a shiny spark, but you've also uncovered something you can use in your den. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 cave-building material
Catch it You grab the tiny creature, getting ready to eat it. It looks at you in fear and begs for mercy. When it realises it's going to be hard to change your mind, it lowers its voice to a whisper, promising to show you a treasure if you let it go. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Tortoise Shell
You grab the tiny creature, getting ready to eat it. It looks at you in fear and begs for mercy. When it realises it's going to be hard to change your mind, it offers you something valuable in exchange for its life. Well... You weren't that hungry, anyway. +1 Lunar Tear
* Cave-building materials include Large Branch, Large Leaf, and Large Rock.

This encounter is available in the Swamp and Rainforest
What's that? A chipmunk with tiny, glowing horns... It looks curiously at you from the tree trunk.
Sniff around the tree At first, you want to lure the chipmunk down somehow, or try to catch it in a different way, but a familiar scent reaches your nose and catches your attention. You find something valuable within. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Bone
Quick calculations make it clear that you wouldn't reach the chipmunk, and you're too tired to try to lure it down. It's better to look for something interesting nearby. You're sure that some scents here seemed familiar. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Large Rock
Headbutt the trunk You wonder how you can force the chipmunk to get out of there so you can have a closer look... Or maybe even taste it. You take a few steps back to headbutt the trunk. The chipmunk only giggled, still hidden among the leaves. It comes a bit closer, giving you a better look. Well, this is part of what you wanted, so you stay for a while and chat with the creature, who is quite satisfied that you decided not to eat it. Time flies fast in good company! Relaxed and ready to continue your journey, you discover a shiny spark hidden in your fur. It probably fell from the trunk. +1 Lunar Tear
+10 HP

This encounter is available in the Swamp and Rainforest
Watch out! It looks like a Horned Lunar Jay is startled by your presence, but it's not willing to just fly away. Maybe it's protecting something?
Chase When the subtle methods don't work, you decide to chase the bird away. It stands its ground at first, but seeing you rushing at it causes the bird to fly away at the very last moment. Convinced that there must be something valuable, you take a peek at the protected spot. Just a glowing feather and one shiny spark. Not much, but better than nothing. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Essence-Covered Feather
At first, you bark from afar. When that does nothing, you growl at the bird, but it seems unfazed. Admittedly, you kind of respect its determination, but you need this little guy to go now. You rush at the blue jay with your scariest face, snapping your jaws, which finally worked. You take a look at the protected goods. You expected more, but it's good enough. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 herb
Harass The easiest way to get what you want is the brutal way. You growl at the bird, trying to show your scariest side. When it doesn't work, you're ready to really use your jaws, which convinces the bird that you're serious. It eventually flies away, revealing its small treasure. Not bad! A shiny spark and silver cones are nice loot for today. +1 Lunar Tear
+3 Silver Cones
The easiest way to get what you want is the brutal way. You growl at the bird, trying to show your scariest side. When it doesn't work, you're ready to really use your jaws, which convinces the bird that you're serious. It eventually flies away, revealing its small treasure. Not bad! A shiny spark is nice loot for today. +1 Lunar Tear

This encounter is available in the Tundra and Glacier
A Wattled Lunar Jay is flying around and chattering with its mates, spreading lunar dust unknowingly.
Bark All you wanted was some silence, and the sound of chattering starts to annoy you gradually. Enough! You bark at the blue jay, scaring it and its mates away within a second. Watching them flying away was a pleasant sight. You notice a hint of lunar shine falling to the ground. Just a shiny spark and a feather. Maybe not much, but always useful. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Essence-Covered Feather
It's impossible to rest while this loud chirping is going on. Annoyed, you bark at the birds, chasing them for a few seconds to make sure they won't come back. The sky fills up with the sound of wings flapping in a rush. A shiny spark falls from above, landing a few steps away from you. When you check the spot, you notice a fresh bone. Something nice for a change! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Bone

This encounter is available in the Tundra and Glacier
You find a wattled chipmunk defending a mound of dirt from a butterfly. It's not going to hurt you, buddy!
Dig into the mound The little creature fears the butterfly only because he had never met anyone like you before. You really want to check what kind of treasure could be there. You love surprises! When you start digging, the chipmunk hides nearby and stares at you in horror as you take his valuable goods out. +1 Lunar Tear
ONE of the below possibilities

+1 Acorn
+1 herb
+1 cave-building material*
You weren't sure at first if you should react at all - the whole situation was really funny to look at! However, the more you look at this chipmunk, the more you are curious about his hidden goods. There is no other way than to check it. The little creature looks at you in horror and hides when he notices you approaching the mound. After a while, you dig out a shiny spark and something that seems to be a plant. Really? Just that? You dig further but there's nothing more. This chipmunk's true treasure must be somewhere else. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 herb
Chase the butterfly You know that the butterfly is harmless, but the chipmunk protects his mound with a very serious attitude. You offer your security services for free, clearly having fun in this situation. The chipmunk, however, is far from enjoying any of this. Feeling great relief from your presence, he offers a shiny spark as your payment. You accept it and decide to rest here for a while. +1 Lunar Tear
+15 HP
* Cave-building materials include Large Branch, Large Leaf, and Large Rock.

This encounter is available in the Tundra and Glacier
A Spotted Lunar Jay is walking around, looking for treats on the ground.
Play You bow excitedly, inviting the bird to play. You chase each other with joy and the jay lands on your head from time to time. Suddenly, it drops an acorn on your head, acting like it was a great joke. Your unimpressed face must have done its job, because the jay offers you a shiny spark immediately after, along with an apology. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Acorn
The bird is so tiny and so pleasant to look at! You try to invite it to play with the most friendly attitude you can muster. To your surprise, the lunar jay joins you, and you spend some time chasing each other. The bird wants to share some of its treasures with you and offers a small, shiny spark just before it flies back. You notice that it lost one of its beautiful, glowing feathers. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Essence-Covered Feather
Sniff The bird is so focused on finding its food that it makes you hungry too. You start sniffing the ground in the hope to find something interesting. Feeling uneasy with your presence around, blue jay offers to show a place nearby where you could eat something else than him. Skeptical at first, you allow the bird to lead you and, to your surprise, this spot was really inviting, with a fresh carcass lying on the ground. You decide to eat and rest a bit. Was this some sort of wish-granting creature? You received more than you wanted. +1 Lunar Tear
+10% hunger

This encounter is available in the Tundra and Glacier
A flock of Lunar Gulls loudly squawks in this area. You think they may be protecting something cool they've found, but they don't know how to extract it.
Choose stealth You crouch, quietly placing your paws against the cold ground, then begin to move forward like a snake. Every time you pause, your body solidifies like a stone. Step by careful step, you finally reach the perfect distance away from the gulls. You hide stealthily behind a rocky cover to disguise yourself, then... Pow! Right in the neck! You managed to catch another gull in the air as they all struggled to escape. Winner, winner, gull for dinner! +1 Lunar Tear
+2 Gull Carcasses
-5 HP
You sneak up close to the flock, but the gulls easily spot you from above! They arrange a mass attack at your face. Your ears have never been pecked at so much! You run, almost blinded by the flapping wings, and bump into a rocky formation. Gathering yourself, you lick your wounds and glimpse around this is an interesting place you haven't been to yet… There are some shiny things here. Hm. A consolation prize for the loser. +1 Lunar Tear
+4 Silver Cones
-3 HP
Choose rampage You howl and run between the gulls like an angry boar! You snap your jaws as the birds flee in panic, managing to grab a few feathers, and maybe even a leg... And an eye? Or was it your own eye that got pecked at by a beak? Oh, well, it was totally worth the thrill! +1 Lunar Tear
+2 Gull Feathers
-3-5 HP
You charge at the birds, barking and snapping at the panicking flock! They quickly and easily figure out how to dive bomb at you with their beaks. You manage to back off and find a safe position to lick your wounds. Not this time, warrior! Something shiny catches your eye among the lichens, causing you to stop mid-lick with your tongue out. What's this? +1 Lunar Tear
+4 Silver Cones
-3 HP

This encounter is available in the Tundra and Glacier
A beautiful Lunar Albatross is trying to land, but the weather is very windy. Its feathers are full of lunar dust that clung to its body during its flight.
Grab it This is your only chance. The bird is perfectly vulnerable to any predators. You take your chance and run with it directly to the spot you think the bird will land at. What absolute perfection! The crowd is cheering for you as you tear into its feathery flesh! Wait, what crowd? You look around to find gulls and skuas waiting to scavenge whatever you leave behind. They creep closer towards you, unfazed by your irritated growls. You grab a big piece of meat coated in lunar dust and run away! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Large Bird Meat
You run towards the bird, aiming your jaws at its wings, but the bird manages to lift off again! Its flapping wings drop lunar dust all over you as the albatross flies away into the night. +1 Lunar Tear
Watch it Your paws tap nervously in place as you watch the bird land in the crosswind. Wow! What a sight. You wish there was a cool strip to watch the biggest birds take off and land all day long. Once the bird walks off to its favourite spot to rest, you get up and investigate its landing area. Ew. There's a lot of bird poop, some feathers, and... Oh! Shiny things! +1 Lunar Tear
+5 Silver Cones
You sit down and watch the bird swoop in the wind. The gusts are so strong, the poor bird just keeps getting swept away. Not this time, though! It changes its flight path over the sea to land on the waves instead. What a pity. Although, you did notice the wind gusts picked up some debris on the rocky ground... Better check it out! +1 Lunar Tear

This encounter is available in the Tundra and Glacier
You startled a poor Lunar Puffin! Its feathers swirl in the air as it flies away!
Gather feathers You slide on the ice, trying to gather up all the shiny feathers into one big pile. They get blown away by the wind, but that's okay, because one of the feathers just landed on something you wouldn't have noticed before! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Medicine: Healing Salve
You pounce in the air, trying to grab the feathers! They seem to dissolve in your mouth, leaving a funny yet amazing aftertaste. You feel elated afterwards. You're not even mad that one of the feathers turned out to be solid and almost chipped your tooth. Wait... That's not a feather! +1 Lunar Tear
+6 HP
You try to chase after the feathers, but they're immediately blown away by the wind. You run after their trail, and, after a little while, you find a feather cluster under a cliff nearby. No, wait! Those aren't feathers! +1 Lunar Tear

Grasslands-exclusive Encounters

Lunar Mice are gathering around a mushroom growth spurt. There's so much food and lunar essence!
Sniff around You sniff around the mushrooms, causing them to sway sideways. Oops, it looks like something dropped on the ground. Oh, well, it's yours now! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Acorn
You don't want to disturb the mice or their food, you're just here for the things you can take back home! The mice notice you sniffing and begin to search with you, putting their little noses and tiny bodies to good use. Eventually, you see them rolling some items toward you. What a bunch of kind critters! +1 Lunar Tear
+4 Silver Cones
You stick your nose straight onto the ground and audibly sniff around the growth. Before you know it, you've spent way too much time here. This one little trinket you've found is good enough. +1 Lunar Tear
Dig underneath You start to dig under the growth and find something very large stuck in the ground! With a grunt, you pull and release the large object, causing many roots and shiny things to tumble out! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 cave-building material*
You gently woof and start to dig under the growth. The mice gather at the edges of the mushrooms to curiously watch you at work. They're very excited about all the neat things you end up uncovering. Look at all those roots, grubs, and seeds! There are some things for you to take, too! +1 Lunar Tear
+4 Silver Cones
You scratch at the hardened ground. All of the roots, rocks, and soil make it hard for you to dig deep! Your claws manage to dislodge one tiny trinket, at least. +1 Lunar Tear
* Cave-building materials include Large Branch, Large Leaf, and Large Rock.

You stumble upon many cobwebs woven by local spiders in the shape of a circle.
Check the silk cocoons The webs are sticky and unpleasant to touch, but you really want to check what's inside. You hoped for a spider's prey that you could eat, but instead, you find an acorn and a shiny spark. How did this stuff get inside? Never mind, you'll take it anyway. It's better not to ask, really. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Acorn
Dig in the middle You enter the circle carefully, trying to not destroy anything. After digging in the soft ground for a few seconds, you find a shiny spark, but nothing more. Not only does this spot look magical, but it feels magical as well. You decide to stay for a while and rest. As soon as you laid down, you could feel something resembling a soft tingling sensation. Odd, but not unpleasant. There must be some sort of energy field here. +1 Lunar Tear
+10 HP
You walk in carefully, trying not to touch the sticky webs. The ground nearby looks inviting. It's soft and easy to dig, so you try your luck. You had no real expectations, so it was a very nice surprise to discover something there. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 cave-building material
* Cave-building materials include Large Branch, Large Leaf, and Large Rock.

You hear violent hissing nearby. Fearing it may be a snake, you check out where the sound is coming from. The source is a feral cat, whose eyes glow stronger with every angry hiss it releases.
Bark You're very spooked by these lights. Among everything in this world, they don't seem that unnatural, but you have a gut feeling they're the cause of all of this. You back off, hyper fixated on the orbs and sparrows, until you end up slipping down a slope and rolling into something massive. Your whimpers and yelps of pain startle all the lights away. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Rattle
You growl and bark viciously at this annoying pest. It's a tough situation to dominate. The feral cat is very brave and tries to smack your nose a few times. All it takes is one scary, toothy snap that was a little too close to its face for comfort, and the cat dashes off between the bushes, leaving whatever it was guarding behind. +1 Lunar Tear
-1 HP
Whimper You lower your ears, your rump, and your tail as you make a peaceful whining noise. The cat does a sideways walk towards you, its fur all puffed up, then smacks your head twice. You wag your tail gently until the cat finally relaxes its body. You try to play with it to show your good intentions, but your large size is too rough for the little kitty. It runs away nervously, leaving today's hunt behind. Ah, well. You tried. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Rabbit Carcass
You lie down on your side to avoid towering over the cat, then begin to pant in the most friendly way possible, wagging your tail and all that friendly nonsense. This earns you a good dozen smacks to the muzzle before the cat finally dashes away into the bushes. You continue to lie there, confused, defeated, and upset that your nose stings so much. From your current perspective, you manage to spot something shiny in the grass! This almost makes up for the pain you endured. +1 Lunar Tear
-1 HP

A group of Lunar Sparrows is chasing lunar orbs. Is this their food, or are they bullying some mystic creatures? You aren't quite sure.
Chase orbs You hop right in, getting dizzy from all the swirling around you. With a few jumps, you separate and herd the sparrows away. The orbs are now yours to chase! They dash around you, circle you, swiftly dodge you, and... dive into the ground! What happened? You dig at the ground they disappeared into, trying to find them, but all you manage to pull out is a dead rat. Hm. There seems to be a faint glowing object inside of it. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Rat Carcass
You throw yourself into the commotion and start running around after the lights, trying to grab something in your maws. You did it! It's... very solid! You spit it out. Can these things fly? You push it with your paw, but it just lays there. Huh. The sparrows seem just as confused for a moment, but quickly lose interest and fly away. +1 Lunar Tear
Back off Frankly, you're a little spooked by these lights. The sparrows are familiar, and you've seen glowing insects before, but these... shapeless flying beings are just too much for your instincts to take. You back away and hide under a low rocky arch, cloaked under the shadows. A glimpse around you reveals something shiny is hiding with you. +1 Lunar Tear

The pleasing sound of a lone bird lures you to this location from far away. You discover a lunar meadowlark on a dry branch. The bird is engrossed in singing, putting his whole heart into it.
Compliment In the total silence of the Dreamlands, the meadowlark's sound is clear and soothing. You share your thoughts with the bird, who looks surprised, yet pleased. He shyly explains that he expected a female of his kind to show up, and your presence could be somewhat discouraging to other birds. You understand and wish him well. The bird gives you a shiny spark before you leave. +1 Lunar Tear
Information missing +1 Lunar Tear
+2 Silver Cones
You listened in silence at first, but you couldn't keep your thoughts to yourself. Maybe it's the charm of the moment, or it's just your mood, but the song was really pleasant and calming. You share your opinion with the meadowlark. Encouraged, he comes closer and confesses that it's a special song for a special female. In order to attract her, there can't be any wolves around. You understand and turn to depart. Before you leave, the bird asks you to take a small gift as a token of appreciation for building up his confidence. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Medicine: Healing Salve
Listen Information missing +1 Lunar Tear
You approach the bird as closely as you can while remaining unnoticed. Your presence would surely distract the bird, and you only want to listen to these soothing sounds. You relax and curl up on the ground, losing track of time. The song stops abruptly and the bird leaves in the blink of an eye. Something else startled him off. You feel refreshed despite your short rest, and as you get ready to leave, you notice a shiny spark the meadowlark lost in his rush. +1 Lunar Tear
+5% energy

You hear the hushed sound of flapping wings nearby. A Lunar Cardinal is flying by in a hurry, and it does not seem to be aware of your presence.
Observe You don't pay much attention to the bird, though you do like the blue glow of the animals within the Dreamlands. Upon noticing you, the lunar cardinal changes its course in a panic, dropping everything that it was holding in its talons. You pick up one shiny spark and a herb for your den's herbalist. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 herb
Interested, though just barely, you observe the bird until it disappears into the dark sky. The blue glow of these critters is always pleasing to your eyes. Something shiny falls to the ground, and you decide it's worth checking. +2 Lunar Tears
Chase Information missing +2 Lunar Tears
You originally planned on ignoring the bird, but when it flashes right in front of your eyes, your wolfy instincts take over. You reach the bird with one perfect jump and one perfect jaw snap. It's tasty, but it doesn't fill you up. Oh, well. At least this shiny spark will be useful later! +1 Lunar Tear
+5 HP
Without hesitation, you excitedly chase after the bird. The joy might not be mutual, but hey, you're only exercising—it's not like you're planning on eating anyone! Visibly upset, the lunar cardinal flies away. When you turn back, you notice a shiny spark on the ground. It's always nice to have more of them. +1 Lunar Tear

You almost stepped on a clump of moving grass! It's a Knoll Raccoon, overgrowth with grass to blend in with its surroundings. It asks if you were looking for something in the grass.
Offer 3x Quail Carcass* You decide to give away your midnight snack, curious if the raccoon has something interesting to offer in return. Everything related to this world seems fascinating, even the smallest things. With a silent nod, the raccoon asks you to follow it to a place where it keeps special offers for special customers. You're surprised that three small birds are a worthy exchange for an entire horse, but you don't plan on arguing about it. You could feed at least a few wolves in your pack with this! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Horse Carcass
Offer 20 SC** When you hand your silver cones over, the raccoon smiles, satisfied with the amount. In return, it gives you two shiny sparks. The first spark is familiar to you, whereas the second appears slightly bigger with a different glow. The creature encourages you to eat it, which you do after a slight moment of hesitation. You're overwhelmed with an intense feeling of relaxation and refreshment. This is something you'd like to feel again soon! It's clear to you now why this was so expensive. It was totally worth it. +1 Lunar Tear
+10% energy
+10 HP
Offer Acorn*** You nudge an acorn towards the critter, confidently smiling as you answer that you were looking for someone to trade with! A curious expression appears on its face, and it approaches you with increased interest. The raccoon's strange appearance is so fascinating that you cannot stop staring at it. It notices your gaze and scoots closer to give you something in return. You're not sure if this was a normal trade or if the raccoon felt pressured, but the goods you receive sure are... interesting. You're given a shiny spark and a body part from a local creature. What exactly are you supposed to do with this? Oh, it's just a toy? Err... quite realistic. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Cnitharian Tuggy Tendril
* This option will only appear if you have at least 3x Quail Carcasses in your Hoard
** This option will only appear if you have at least 20 Silver Cones on hand
*** This option will only appear if you have at least 1 Acorn in your Hoard

Tiny, glowing forms hover around a tall, beautiful flower. They land on the flowers and drink the lunar nectar that floats from their centers like dust, taking turns going to each. They appear to be dancing, and never seem to get in the way of each other.
Roll If the bees can get lunar nectar so easily from the flower, maybe you can, too! You roll ontop of it, scattering the bees and crushing the flower under your body. The bees begin to swarm angrily and fly at your face. Ouch! You scramble to your paws and run away. They pursue you for a while before finally backing off, and you flop on the ground, panting heavily. Phew! That was close. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Essence-Covered Feather
You roll onto your back on the soft grass and watch the bees for a while. They scatter at first, but drift back once they realize you aren't a threat. They continue to absorb the essence and occasionally come near you to buzz around your head, as if inspecting you. The floating dust and the humming of the bees is soothing. Soon, they fly away, on the lookout for another flower. +1 Lunar Tear
Lick the nectar You watch the bees for a while and wait until a flower is unoccupied. Sticking out your tongue, you give the center of it a small lick, making the plant tremble and the bees hover in place for a moment. They don't seem particularly bothered, and go back to their business as you feel a tingling all through your body. It's not unpleasant, and a warm rush through your bones makes you feel like you could take on any enemy that gets in your way. What a rush! +1 Lunar Tear
+4 HP

A tiny nest built in the high grass catches your attention. It looks abandoned at first glance but you notice a gentle blue glow upon going closer. There is a small mouse inside, looking at you with fear.
Mark scent to protect Information missing +2 Lunar Tears
The little rodent is following your every move and a blue glow is shining in its eyes, making them appear even bigger. This creature has a lot to be afraid of but this time it's not going to be you. You mark the spot with your scent to ward off any potential danger. This should stop any hungry predator, at least for a short while. The mouse looks relieved and offers you a small gift before you go. +1 Lunar Tear
Ransack You just can't pass up an opportunity like this. The nest is surely a hiding spot for all the trinkets that rodents like to gather. You shove your nose in, sniffing aggressively and scaring the mouse away. You've destroyed the nest completely now and find only one shiny spark. You can almost feel the growing rage of the mouse as it hides close by. It's almost cute. +1 Lunar Tear

An odd creature lands on your path. Is it an owl, or a skunk?
Growl You have to blink several times to make sure it's not an illusion. Everything you thought you knew evaporated. Why did this creature have the smell of both an owl and a skunk? There's only one way to find that out. You bare your teeth, jumping at the creature but you forget it can fly. You can't let it go! After a quite tiring hunt, you manage to outsmart the creature and catch it firmly. The bigger the challenge, the bigger the joy afterward. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Large Bird Meat
+2% energy
-2 HP
Play The creature looks different from everything you've ever seen but it was also kind of cute and appears harmless. Harmless enough to want to play with it! You tilt your head slightly and the creature repeats this gesture, accepting the invitation. You spend some time together, wrestling and running playfully. When you stop to rest for a while, the creature generously shares some of its valuable stuff with you. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Blue Skin

Deciduous Forest-exclusive Encounters

This Lunar Woodpecker drills glowing patterns in the tree. Instead of eating insects, it licks off the sap with swirling essence.
Follow the sap You look up and notice there's glowing sap on many trees. There are more animals trying to lick it, but they're all too far up to reach. You trip over something... you wouldn't notice it if it wasn't for the woodpecker! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Doe Carcass
You notice there are quite a few trees with dripping sap, and a few other birds and squirrels trying to feed on it. You bark at them, hoping they'd share. hey throw some unattractive, hard bits at you. Ah! +1 Lunar Tear

A peaceful Lunar Dove is flying between the branches and the ground. Perhaps it's building a nest.
Dig around You've decided to check out the materials in the ground, finding some useful items! The dove seems quite upset that you've buried all the tiny sticks. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 cave-building material*
Help it out You dig around for tiny sticks, gathering them into a pile to help the dove. It looks like you've found a little something extra! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Medicine: Healing Salve
You scratch around, pushing many sticks and blades of grass into one big pile. A shiny object catches your eye, making you forget all about the dove. +1 Lunar Tear
* Cave-building materials include Large Branch, Large Leaf, and Large Rock.

A bright blue orb is bothering a Lunar Oriole. No matter where it sits, the orb follows.
Chase the orb You planned to chase the bird at first, but this orb looks more interesting. It floats gently in the air, not fast at all, but when you try jumping at it, it always manages to just narrowly escape you. You're about to give up when the orb settles on the ground and vanishes. Upon checking the spot, you find a shiny spark that wasn't there before. You decide to sniff around a little longer, which ends up being a great decision as you found something to take home for your den, too. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Large Branch
Chase the bird The orbs look cool and otherworldly, but you're in the mood for a hunt, not some innocent play. You stalk the bird in silence, trying to ambush it, but it noticed you earlier. You chase it anyway, trying all the tricks you know. Unfortunately, the lunar oriole manages to escape, leaving everything it had been protecting here. It's not much, but you can take it now. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Acorn

This little fox squirrel seems to be guarding something that you cannot see. Its long, glowing tail looks like a blue flame.
Back off! You approach the squirrel with your most intimidating look, causing it to turn tail faster than you expected. Upon checking out the small mound it left behind, you now understand the squirrel and its lack of motivation. Only one shiny spark was hidden in the ground. +1 Lunar Tear
Wait Though you could chase the squirrel away at any moment, you're more curious about what it could be defending here in this calm spot. After some time, the creature, of its own volition, leaves. You decide to take the opportunity to poke around the tiny mound it was protecting. Is the treasure inside really so precious? You feel disappointed upon discovering just one shiny spark, but at least all this time you spent waiting made you feel more energetic and refreshed. +1 Lunar Tear
+3 HP

A blue glow shines through the leaves. Following closer, you see a lunar doe with a fawn following her every step.
Don't mind me With an evil plan in mind, you smile and tell the doe to stay calm, explaining that you're not interested in a midnight snack. She doesn't believe a single word and flees as fast as she can, protecting her fawn the entire way. The only thing they leave behind is a small shiny spark. +1 Lunar Tear
You follow the doe in silence for a while, waiting for the best opportunity to attack. You were really close... probably one step too close. The doe becomes aware of you and escapes so quickly, you can't even spot her in this ubiquitous blue glow. You turn back to check the area where you found the deer. To your surprise, they left something behind. +1 Lunar Tear
With as friendly of a smile as you can put on, you formulate a plan of attack. Pretending to mind your own business, you make your way closer to determine if they're alone or not. The doe somehow senses your intentions and escapes before you can even think to chase her. Even the fawn is surprisingly agile. Discourage, you decide to check the area anyway. Maybe it's just a feeling, or there really is some kind of energy spot here, but you feel slightly more energised. You find a shiny spark as well. +1 Lunar Tear
+5% energy
Follow Your hunter instincts are as sharp as ever. You start to follow the doe, trying to remain undetected; however, the blue glow is not so easy to focus on when everything around you is shining. You don't know how it happened, but you lost them! The shiny spark you find on the way back isn't enough to cheer you up. +1 Lunar Tear

A raccoon covered in bark is observing you curiously from an open spot. It blends in well with the surrounding forest, making you wonder how many other raccoons are hidden in plain sight.
Offer Walrus Pup Carcass* Curious about the local raccoon's wares, you offer something rather unusual in this region. You've already noticed that the creatures in this world are just as curious about you as you are about them. This knowledge will open up new opportunities. The raccoon looks at your offer with a smile and asks you to follow it to a nearby place, where it keeps its bigger belongings. You have a feeling that you've earned more than you've given away. You're given a shiny spark as a bonus! Trading in this land sure seems promising. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Elk Bull Carcass
Offer 20 SC** You've been promised something special for this price, and you're very curious about what it might be! The raccoon shows you a familiar shiny spark, and... a piece of bark. What? So that's all? Is this a joke?! The raccoon encourages you to eat it. You're suspicious, but you follow the advice. Wow, now you understand! A feeling of relaxation and a wave of fresh, new energy fills your body with a pleasant sensation. You don't regret the high price at all! +1 Lunar Tear
+10% energy
+10 HP
Offer Acorn*** You give away an acorn, wondering if the raccoon would be able to grow it on its own body. Is it partially a tree, or is this just its way of blending in? You're about to ask, but a shine within the raccoon's tiny fingers distracts you. It places down this shiny spark, as well as a long toy that resembles a tendril from a local creature. You can't wait to gnaw on this toy! You're so excited that you almost forget to take the spark with you. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Cnitharian Tuggy Tendril
* This option will only appear if you have at least 3x Quail Carcasses in your Hoard
** This option will only appear if you have at least 20 Silver Cones on hand
*** This option will only appear if you have at least 1 Acorn in your Hoard

Your instincts never fail you, despite this being a strange world. The shape of a rabbit catches your attention despite the oddity of its appearance. When you come closer, the glowing rodent disappears into its burrow, and you can't help but think that it looks way more appealing than the option of trying to catch a late-night snack.
Dig While you can no longer see the rabbit, you definitely feel it deep in the burrow. It surely won't take long to get it out. You start digging but suddenly you find something different and really useful. It's enough for you to lose interest in the hiding rodent. Today is its lucky day. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 cave-building material
You try to get the rabbit out but the burrow is surprisingly well-designed. It isn't a simple hole in the ground and the creature has enough time to hide beyond your reach. You don't want to give up so soon but when you notice something shiny in the ground, you decide to take it and leave. Better this than nothing. +2 Lunar Tears
* Cave-building materials include Large Branch, Large Leaf, and Large Rock.

A pretty, glowing bird sits calmly on a branch, observing you with curiosity. You recognize the species after taking a second glance. It's definitely a cuckoo and it's probably equally surprised by the sight of a wolf without any blue sparks on its fur.
Bark You observe the bird with a tilted head and the cuckoo repeats your movement, trying to have a deeper interaction. Suddenly, you start barking aggresively without any warning, scaring the bird away. That's the fun you like. Your flying friends never understand it, though. Something shiny falls down from the cuckoo's feathers. +1 Lunar Tear
Howl You've always found the sound of a cuckoo a bit annoying. The fact that the lunar cuckoos sound exactly the same as the ones you know disappoints and upsets you at the same time. You let out a long, deep howl. Your own voice sounds a lot better, there is no doubt. Suddenly, you see a rain of glowing sparks that turn out to be spores. Apparently, the cuckoo is trying to get rid of you but you don't go away until a shiny spark falls down to the ground. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Glowing Spores
You don't mind the bird at first but the repetitive cuckoo sounds are grating on your last nerve. You had hoped that the voice of the bird would be as pretty as its lunar glow but unfortunately, it's exactly the same as its normal counterpart. You let out a long howl, showing the cuckoo who's boss. After a while, something shiny falls from above, landing in front of your paws. You continue, expecting more to come, but the cuckoo has had enough of you and flies away. +1 Lunar Tear

This creepy, chuckling bird reminds you of a jackal. It calls you names, taunting you to come closer.
Tease back! It's as amusing as it is irritating. If this joke of a bird wants to provoke you, it's certainly doing its job. With a low growl, you approach the creature, staring at it intensely. You don't wait long before attacking. The battle is intense—your enemy's hard beak is painful, but you left some marks on its body that won't be healing any time soon. The creature manages to flee, but you feel victorious anyway, because you managed to steal something valuable from it before it could fly off. +2 Lunar Tears
-10 HP
Punch it! Information missing Information missing

Mountains-exclusive Encounters

You spot a wolf from afar. It's howling at the moon. It exhales blue lunar essence, forming a reflection in the sky.
Howl You lift your head up and join the howl. As your own voice vibrates inside of you, you begin to feel dizzy, and you swear you're floating away from your body. When you close your eyes, you can't feel your paws beneath your legs anymore. It's an amazing sensation, until your throat starts to feel itchy. You stop the song to cough something out. +1 Lunar Tear
+6 HP
You take a deep breath and join in on the howl! The low vibrato echoes inside your chest and fills you with a refreshing energy. You cease singing when you feel something stuck in your throat, and you take a moment to hack out a shiny object. +1 Lunar Tear
+3 HP
You howl excitedly, but out-of-tune. The other wolf looks at you with concern. You sigh and stop howling, which causes the stranger to approach you, place something shiny in front of you, and pat you on the head before they leave. +1 Lunar Tear

You find some Lunar Sheep gathering on these dreamy pastures. You're trying to count them, but the process makes you dizzy.
Count the sheep You sit down and count the sheep. One... three... twenty... You're getting a little lightheaded. Twenty-five... forty... Wait, haven't you already counted that sheep? You bonk your head on the fence in an attempt to snap yourself out of your trance. Oh, look! Something fell down from one of the posts! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Lucky Foot
You count the sheep... Well, there's only four of them. You take some time to sniff around the fences. You see some messages, a couple advertisements... and a shiny object! +1 Lunar Tear
Chase the sheep The scenery is so calm and dreamy, it's causing you to feel detached, almost like an out-of-body experience. You try to shake off the feeling, when you suddenly remember the best solution for such a situation. It's time for some exercise! The sheep aren't enjoying it as much, especially when you manage to take one of them down. After your workout, you find a shiny spark in the grass. This will surely bring you luck! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Dall Sheep Carcass
The scenery is so calm and dreamy, it's causing you to feel detached, almost like an out-of-body experience. You feel the need to refresh and clear your mind. What better way to accomplish this than a good run? You chase the sheep and feel your energy creeping back! Their panicked bleating fully wakes you up, and you finally slow down, satisfied. You notice a gentle light shining on your paw. This trinket probably fell out of one of the sheep's wool. +1 Lunar Tear

A pudgy Lunar Quail is patrolling this path. It could be looking out for dangers... Or it may just be looking for a partner.
Ambush The glowing thing on its head is so enticing... You stage an ambush using the uneven environment to your advantage. These birds run fast, but you can jump and stride much faster. Aha! You manage to detach the shiny bit from the bird! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Quail Carcass
You wiggle around the rocks for a bit, but the quail spots you before you can find a good place to hunt from. Drat! You scratch at the rocks in anger, and somehow manage to uncover something shiny. +1 Lunar Tear
Search the area If there's one bird around, there must be more, which means lots of cool nests nearby! You sniff around the bulging terrain features, finding some neat spots with many leftover objects from a landslide that occurred a long time ago. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 cave-building material
Curious about potential nearby nests and bird feeding grounds, you sniff around the bigger rocks and hills, taking any opportunity to scratch at loose rocks and stones. You only find a single lonesome treasure. Off in the distance, you see a group of shiny dots in the hills move towards an open plain further back. It seems that the quails have spotted you. Sad. It's time to move on. +1 Lunar Tear
* Cave-building materials include Large Branch, Large Leaf, and Large Rock.

A curious lunar marten sniffs around, most likely looking for food.
Chase off You observe the marten at first, but quickly realise there has to be something interesting in this spot. Of course, it would be better if it was yours, right? With a loud growl, you scare the marten away. It doesn't take you long to find two shiny sparks in the grass. You expected more, but this is good, too! +2 Lunar Tears
Observing the marten is fun at first, but it's clearly on the hunt for something—it keeps checking the same spot over and over. If there's something valuable, it will be yours. You reveal yourself, baring your teeth and snarling, which scares the marten away. The only thing you end up finding is a shiny spark among the small rocks. You're sure there's something more, and you make a note to check this area again sometime. +1 Lunar Tear
Search the area Looking at the marten, its adorable elongated body and puppy-like face put you in a playful mood. You approach the creature, showing your friendly side and wagging your tail. You spend a while running around with the marten on your back, when it suddenly asks you to stop. It spots something among the rocks, and when you move closer to check it, you notice a shiny spark and a Cnitharian tendril. The marten doesn't seem interested in this stuff, so it's all yours! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Cnitharian Tuggy Tendril
When you approach the marten, it looks shocked and ready to run, but your friendly expression helps calm it down. You bow playfully, sniffing its glowing fur and inviting the creature to play. You spend some time running and chasing each other under a clear sky. When you both get tired, the marten shows you something hidden under small rocks nearby: a local herb and a shining spark for you to take. It's known to everyone that visitors from another world like to collect these things. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 herb
You come closer, assuring the marten that your intentions are pure. Indeed, it's too cute to harm. You play for a while, letting the marten mess with your fur as much as it wants. This was a good break before the next step in your journey. When the marten leaves, you find a shiny spark on the ground. This was probably what the marten was looking for. You take it and quickly set off. +1 Lunar Tear

An adorable, long-tailed lunar ground squirrel is busy looking for something in the grass. It's so focused on its task that it ignores everything around it.
Watch The creature is both adorable and interesting, so you decide to watch and see if it finds anything. The tiny, glowing creature spends quite a long time in this spot, running here and there frantically with no success. After the squirrel leaves, you check the area and find a shiny spark without even trying. Really? +1 Lunar Tear
Help A sudden wave of empathy makes you take a step towards the squirrel. It looks as though it's searching for something important. Though scared at first, it hesitantly accepts your help. With your excellent nose, you find a small hole covered with leaves, grass, and small pebbles. A smile of relief brightens the squirrel's face. To show its gratitude, it decides to share the hidden treasure with you. +1 Lunar Tear
+3-4 Silver Cones
Information missing +1 Lunar Tear
+2 HP

A Crag Raccoon with rock-like growths on its back is trying to break open a stone containing glowing essence. It notices you, and asks if you'd like to share your wolf strength.
Offer 2x Gull Carcass* You come closer, sharing some of your food with the raccoon. It excitedly studies the bodies of the gulls, and it becomes clear to you that the gulls are unknown creatures in this area. The raccoon seems most interested in the fact that the bodies do not have any ethereal shine. Eventually, the raccoon shows you the place where it keeps its bigger items. To your surprise, you receive a lot more than you gave away—at least, in your opinion. You start to see the future of trading between your worlds. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Bighorn Sheep Ram Carcass
Offer 20 SC** The price seems high, but the raccoon assures you that it will be worth every silver cone. It gives you two shiny sparks. One looks familiar to you. The other is bigger and shines differently. The raccoon encourages you to eat it. After a few seconds, you couldn't agree more that it was worth the price. The instant wave of fresh energy feels wonderful! +1 Lunar Tear
+10% energy
+10 HP
Offer Acorn*** It takes a good minute before you can pull your eyes away from this strange raccoon. It doesn't seem bothered by your gaze. Most likely, it's used to odd visitors like yourself. It grabs the acorn quickly, hiding it so fast that you're unable to tell where it keeps them. Completely convinced that all outsiders want to take a part of this land as a souvenir, the raccoon gives you a shiny spark and something that resembles a tendril of a local creature. It's a toy, but it looks so realistic that you expected a weird taste when you started chewing on it. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Cnitharian Tuggy Tendril
* This option will only appear if you have at least 2x Gull Carcasses in your Hoard
** This option will only appear if you have at least 20 Silver Cones on hand
*** This option will only appear if you have at least 1 Acorn in your Hoard

A very friendly lunar coyote pup is playing alone among the rocks. You don't see its parents or siblings anywhere but the pup doesn't seem to feel abandoned. What's more, it starts to run towards you!
Play The sight of an innocent and energetic pup is too cute not to stop for a while. You can stop for a moment; your plans won't be ruined by a small break. You invite the pup to play with a joyful bow and spend some time wrestling with it and initiating a digging contest. You win not only by digging a deeper hole, but you also find something useful in it. +1 Lunar Tear
+2 Bones
You feel an instant bond with the pup. Its excitement and pure joy are contagious to the point of losing track of the time. While you roll in the grass, you find a small shiny spark. It will be a nice reminder of this innocent fun. +1 Lunar Tear
Howl a duet Maybe it's still a pup and it's not a wolf, but you know that you both share at least a few things in common. It should be enough for the pup to understand you. You let out a loud, long howl and the little coyote joins you almost immediately. You knew you wouldn't be disappointed! When you finish, you spot something shiny under your paws. +1 Lunar Tear

A hoary marmot perches on a neaby rock, sniffing the air and peering around like its on the lookout for something. It turns and looks at your with beady eyes, going very still.
Search the rock The marmot looks like it's hiding something. You approach it, trying to peer among the rocks for anything interesting. The marmot squeaks and puffs up aggressively, looking as threatening as an idiotic ball of fluff challenging a wolf can. Its bravery has convinced you that whatever it's hoarding, it should be left alone. Something glitters as you turn away, and you scoop it up as a consolation prize. +1 Lunar Tear
Eat it The little furball should know better than to freeze in front of you. It's like it wants to get eaten! You lunge and kill it effortlessly, happy for the snack. +1 Lunar Tear
+30% hunger

With a loud tweet, a brilliant lunar mountaingem bird perches in front of you, curious about an unusual guest. You can't take your eyes off of its shiny growths!
Admire Information missing +1 Lunar Tear
Catch it! Information missing +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Essence-Covered Feather
-3 HP

Riparian Woodland-exclusive Encounters

Beautiful glowing dragonflies are racing along the river bank.
Watch You observe the dragonflies in silence, almost holding your breath. You approach as close as you can, admiring their little, shiny wings. Lost in thoughts, you come too close, scaring them away. With a sigh, you walk back along the river bank. Looking down can be beneficial too. You've found something useful for your den with a shiny spark attached to it! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 cave-building material
Chase Information missing +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Medicine: Healing Salve
Without hesitation, you run after the dragonflies. You don't want to lose them out of your sight as they gracefully dance in the air. They're so fast! You slow down after a while, watching them from a distance. After they disappear behind the trees, you continue to see something glowing in the corner of your eye. You come closer and discover a shiny spark in the grass. +1 Lunar Tear
* Cave-building materials include Large Branch, Large Leaf, and Large Rock.

A Lunar Swallow darts in front of you, leaving a smoky blue trail behind. The trail still hovers in the air, even after the bird turns and swoops over the water.
Run along the bank! Mesmerised by the blue shine, you run after the swallow. You don't plan to catch it, you simply want to enjoy the run and this otherworldly sight. Suddenly, a strong scent catches your attention, making you forget about the glowing bird completely. You turn back, noticing a familiar-looking beaver on the shore. It doesn't move, and there is a shining spot on its fur. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Beaver Carcass
Mesmerised by the blue shine, you run after the swallow. You don't plan to catch it, you simply want to enjoy the run and this otherworldly sight. When the bird lowers its flight, you jump joyfully, which scares it away. You had hoped for a longer run. As you turn away, you notice that the swallow dropped something to the ground. +1 Lunar Tear

A blue glow shines within the murky water of a small, dark pond. It resembles a fish, but when you take a closer look, you notice tiny limbs attached to a snake-like body. The creature is so bizarre that you can't stop staring.
Poke it What a funny creature. It's like a helpless little snake with tiny legs. You poke at the mudpuppy when it appears close to the surface, causing it to be startled off. You had no idea it could swim so fast. With the blue shine gone, you can see clearly to the bottom of the shallow pond. There's something down there. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 herb
Catch You leap into the pond with a loud splash and try to catch the creature, but it's much faster than you thought. Well, it seems you won't be trying any local foods today. At least you spent a few minutes in the water and relaxed before continuing on with new challenges! +1 Lunar Tear
+4 HP

Visibly in pain, a kingfisher unsuccessfully tries to remove something from its wing.
Offer your help You try to convince the kingfisher to let you check out his wing, but his eyes are full of distrust. You can see a large thorn stuck between the feathers, just out of the bird's reach. When you take a step closer, he flies away, clearly struggling. He lands on a higher branch and tries to deal with the problem himself. Well, you tried. You decide to rest under the tree and plan your next move. +1 Lunar Tear
+15% energy
You notice a large thorn among the glowing feathers. It takes some time to convince the bird you really aren't hungry, and eventually he realises there's no way he can deal with this thorn alone. When you remove the thorn, the bird thanks you, though cautiously moves to a higher branch... just to be safe. After a moment, when you're about to leave, he playfully throws a shiny spark at you and tries to start up a casual conversation asking about your world. You're not in any hurry to leave, so you sit and answer a few questions. It was certainly a nice break, and you feel refreshed. +1 Lunar Tear
You move closer and ask the bird about the situation. Though he is hesitant at first, his pain is clearly stronger than his fear. You notice a large thorn in his wing, just out of the bird's reach. You gently remove it, to the surprise of the kingfisher who thought you were surely going to eat him. Relieved and grateful, the bird insists you accept a small reward. +1 Lunar Tear

With a loud splash, a Fluvial Raccoon jumps out of the water to greet you! It whips its watery tail around, eagerly waiting for you to decide if you're interested in some riverine wares.
Offer 3x Quail Egg* The blueish shine within the raccoon's eyes tells you that these eggs are not often found in this area. The raccoon seems to consider them to be more precious than you do. Your guess seems to be correct when you're given a shiny spark and a huge, fresh swan in return. You're going to have a nice feast tonight. You need to bring more items from your world next time! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Swan Carcass
Offer 20 SC** The raccoon smiles and gives you two tiny objects. The first looks like a familiar shiny spark. The other object resembles a huge frozen water drop. Seeing your confused look, the raccoon encourages you to lick the drop. To your surprise, you feel refreshed and full of energy within seconds! +1 Lunar Tear
+10% energy
+10 HP
Offer Acorn*** This is a peculiar creature indeed, even in this land! The raccoon looks so graceful that, for a brief moment, you forgot what it was that you came here for. Ah, yes, the trade! You exchange an acorn for a shiny spark and a nice, long toy that looks like a Cnitharian tendril. It's very realistic, and it appears to have a glow, too. The pups in your den will be surprised! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Cnitharian Tuggy Tendril
* This option will only appear if you have at least 3x Quail Eggs in your Hoard
** This option will only appear if you have at least 20 Silver Cones on hand
*** This option will only appear if you have at least 1 Acorn in your Hoard

A spiny blue lunar toad sits neaby, its tongue flinging out as it snatches bugs from the air. As it devours the bugs, sparks of blue light up its throat as it consumes the lunar essence that the bugs are full of. Cool!
Find more insects Watching the toad is mesmerizing, and you sit nearby for a while and watch as it eats. It's not long before the poor thing has run out of bugs, and with it your entertainment. Maybe you could find some more? You search around, and find a chunk of rotted log sunken into the ground. You dig at it, and manage to pop it out. It releases small glowing gnats into the air, and you watch as they fly near the toad and immediately get eaten. Success! +1 Lunar Tear
Devour it The toad is practically glowing with essence, and you're sure it would give you a nice boost. You pin it as it tries to jump away, and swallow it in one bite. As the essence flows through you, you feel refreshed! +1 Lunar Tear
+4 HP

A large branch waves through the air in front of you, causing you to stop abrupty and stare. What on earth? It comes closer, and you realize it's being held by a muskrat lumbering along without a care in the world.
Find a fallen tree Information missing +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Large Rock
The muskrat must be building itself a shelter! You let it go on its way, following a bit behind to see if it will lead you somewhere. After a bit, you come upon what looks to be an in-progress building project tucked against a fallen tree. Branches and other foilage are scattered about, some halfway plastered together while others sit on the ground, unused. You wait for the muskrat to drop the branch off and hurry away again before moving in. There's a plethora of useful things here! You take something that looks to have been discarded so that you don't mess up its project. +1 Lunar Tear
You watch it struggle to pull the branch where it needs to go, wondering just how long something like this will take the creature. You follow it, intending to help, but it stops abruptly at a larger fallen branch, nearly double the size of the one it currently has. It appears to be a small tree sapling that fell in a recent storm. The muskrat inspects it, but seems to realize its too big for it to carry. It continues on its way, and you nudge the tree. It doesn't seem so heavy! You yank on it, and with somewhat of a struggle you pull it towards where the muskrat disappeared. You come upon the spot where it's working, and as you drop the tree the muskrat turns and looks at you with wide eyes. It chitters excitedly, and pulls something out from one of the nearby piles and hands it to you gratefully. +1 Lunar Tear
Pounce The muskrat will be such easy prey that even a pup could succeed! You lunge, but the muskrat sensed your intentions before you made a move and quickly throws the branch your way and races away. It smacks you on the head with a thunk and you're left dazed. Did a muskrat just beat you up? +1 Lunar Tear
+4 HP
Information missing +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Muskrat Carcass

Ah! From a distance, you thought this creature was an eel, but up close it resembles a grebe. It slithers its long, slimy neck into the water to grab some shiny fish.
Pounce It takes you a while to get used to the sight of this creature. Its form is odd, but the smell is pleasantly familiar and makes you hungrier than ever. You can't decide if the creature is a bird or a fish, so tasting it would certainly tell you more. You jump into the cold water with a loud splash, taking the creature by surprise. The meat ends up tasting both birdy and fishy at the same time, giving you no answers at all, but it sure is delicious either way! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Meat Chunks [Small]
Dive While the creature is an interesting sight on its own, you somehow feel there could be something more intriguing hidden underneath the water's surface. Creatures like this one may collect food or treasures, so you decide to check for a stash before attacking. You hold your breath and snatch up everything you can. In the end, you don't leave empty-pawed, but the items you picked up seem outrageously normal. Oh, well. They're still useful! +1 Lunar Tear
+2 Acorns
+1 Bone

Prairie-exclusive Encounters

A Lunar Jackrabbit stops gracefully to observe you from a safe distance. Gentle blue smoke is rising from its ticked fur.
Chase it! You love a challenge! Immediately, you spring into action, chasing after the jackrabbit for a bit. When you grab its leg, you fall into some brush and lie there, a foot in your mouth and dust on your nose. Erm... where is the body? +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Lucky Foot
You let out a small yelp of excitement and rush after the jackrabbit! You run after it, but after a few minutes, you get the feeling you're running in place, kicking up shiny dust and not moving much. +1 Lunar Tear
Look for the den Aha! That means there may be some burrows nearby. You use your great nose for this task and find a few shallow holes filled with tiny treasures. You also discover a den containing tiny babies, but you decide not to disturb them. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Acorn
Hmm! There are a few partially-started burrows around, but digging up the dirt yields nothing too interesting. You grab what you can. +1 Lunar Tear

A bright blue light dashes in front of you! A Lunar Hawk is hunting here.
Follow! You're just so curious! You follow the hawk's flying path and eventually find a place where many small critters congregate. Within this area, you discover an awesome carcass, with everything still attached! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Donkey Carcass
You wander around for a while, watching the hawk hunt. On your journey, you check out the miscellaneous burrows and holes owned by critters that are fleeing the hawk's keen eye. You manage to find a small treasure. +1 Lunar Tear

A Lunar Gopher is digging a new burrow! It's so focused on its task that it hasn't noticed you yet.
Help out! You hop towards it, happy for any opportunity to dig a hole! Whether you're in a blue world or your normal universe, digging is simply FUN. You manage to find something buried underneath the grass! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 cave-building material
You scoot over and begin to furiously dig. An interesting scent infiltrates your nose. You shove your snoot into a small hole, sneezing out the soil only to find a snake den! Yummy eggs and shiny shells, what else could a wolf ask for? +1 Lunar Tear
+4 HP
You excitedly join in, always ready to dig. Your face ends up coated in dirt and debris, but it was SO worth it! +1 Lunar Tear
* Cave-building materials include Large Branch, Large Leaf, and Large Rock.

A Pocket Gopher is peeking out from its burrow. When the moon is up, it's time to gather food.
Dig out the burrow Without even trying to start any form of discussion, you dig in the gopher's burrow, despite its anger and swearing. The more it yells, the more you are convinced that there must be something valuable inside. You finally dig out something, and the gopher looks devastated. +1 Lunar Tear
ONE of the below possibilities

+1 cave-building materials
+1 herb
Bap its head You're in the mood for some fun, but the gopher doesn't share your feelings. Your paw lands on its head clumsily. The creature would give you anything to make you go away. Are an acorn and a shiny spark enough? Maybe... +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Acorn
Your paw lands on the gopher's head, which pisses him off more than you could ever imagine. He bites you painfully and hides in his burrow to wait until you're gone. You notice a blink of light in the dirt. There is no point in waiting, so you continue your journey. +1 Lunar Tear
-5 HP
* Cave-building materials include Large Branch, Large Leaf, and Large Rock.

A Lunar Ferret is hopping around between many burrow, playing out in the open plains.
Dig around! You dig excitedly, sinking your paws deep into the soil. Your strong paws hit something hard! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Medicine: Healing Salve
You scratch and sniff at a few burrow entires, eventually spotting something nice to take back with you! +1 Lunar Tear
Play You start off playful, but end up hunting together after rolling into a burrow full of bunnies! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Rabbit Carcass
You join in, excited to goof around with the snake-cat. The two of you play hide-and-seek, but you end up finding more than just a happy ferret! +1 Lunar Tear
+3 Silver Cones
The two of you play whack-a-gopher together among the burrows for a while, having tons of fun. Eventually, the gopher pops up, presenting a shiny gift in his paws. He begs for you to stop as he's getting a migraine, and to please take this instead. You don't have to be asked twice! +1 Lunar Tear

A lone lunar bison calf is grazing calmly. Its glowing fur is visible from afar, and you cannot see any others of its kind nearby. What a great opportunity!
Look for the mother first You carefully scout the area first before making any bold moves toward the calf. Unfortunately, you discover that its mother and the rest of its herd are close enough to hear the calf's cry. Being alone here, you wouldn't stand a chance if they confronted you. With a sigh, you decide to rest a bit and think about your next goal. +1 Lunar Tear
+6% energy
It wouldn't be wise to hunt without knowing your surroundings first. You're glad you decided to scout the area first. Not only is the mother close, the rest of the herd is as well. Disappointed, you turn back, though you end up finding a shiny spark in the grass. +1 Lunar Tear
Approach You feel safe enough to move close to the calf. If you can see a calf that well, surely you'd spot an adult if it was nearby, right? Apparently your hunger blinded your judgement—when you notice a large mass of bison fur with an angry face towering above you, the only thing you can do is run and hope you're fast enough. After a short but intense sprint, you decide to rest and gather your thoughts before your next step. When you get up to leave, you find a shiny spark right under your paw. Well! Maybe your luck is coming back. +1 Lunar Tear
+4 HP
Lowering yourself to the ground, you slowly move through the tall grass and approach the calf. When you're close enough, you notice some useful herbs growing around the area. You reach out for one, but the calf notices you, cries out, and takes a few steps back. You have no idea where she came from, but the mother suddenly appears and is ready to defend her child. The only thing you could do is retreat while it's still possible. You have your herb and your shiny spark, but you knew everything would have played out differently if you hadn't been so greedy. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 herb

You see a clump of grass swimming among the waves of tall grass. Suddenly, a Plains Raccoon emerges to check you out!
Offer 3x Delicate Meat* You approach the raccoon, sharing food of the highest quality from your world. With the face of an expert, the raccoon agrees that the new, delicious scent is worth quite a lot here. It leads you to a place nearby, where its bigger objects are kept. You definitely need to learn what the local creatures consider to be valuable—it may benefit you in the future! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Pronghorn Doe Carcass
Offer 20 SC** You've been promised something special for this price, and you're very curious about what it might be! The raccoon shows you a familiar shiny spark, and... a piece of bark. What? So that's all? Is this a joke?! The raccoon encourages you to eat it. You're suspicious, but you follow the advice. Wow, now you understand! A feeling of relaxation and a wave of fresh, new energy fills your body with a pleasant sensation. You don't regret the high price at all! +1 Lunar Tear
+10% energy
+10 HP
Offer Acorn*** You wait a moment while the raccoon searches for the item it wanted to give you in exchange. A loud squeak attracts your attention. What a nice toy! You start to think about the pups in your den, and how they would be delighted over this toy. After a while, though, you decide to keep the item to yourself. It's way too cool! The shiny spark the raccoon also offered may come in handy, too. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Volukros Squeaky Toy
* This option will only appear if you have at least 3x Delicate Meat in your Hoard
** This option will only appear if you have at least 20 Silver Cones on hand
*** This option will only appear if you have at least 1 Acorn in your Hoard

Two grackle fly and hop around in the sweet, essence-filled air among the grass. They chirp and forage for insects, occasionally flying up and settling on a new spot. Their carefree nature gives you a warm feeling, and you decide to approach.
Search for insects The grackle initially fly away as you come near, but their curious nature gets the better of them as they watch you dig around the roots of a nearby bush and shove a heavy rock over, revealing the soft dirt underneath as it wriggles with glowing insects. Chittering happily, they make quick work of the bugs before disappearing into the grass. As you turn to leave, they reappear, each holding something. How nice of them! +1 Lunar Tear
+5 Silver Cones
Chase away predators As the birds enjoy themselves, you hear alarm calls in the distance. They freeze, and you sniff the air. Fox! You track it quietly, circling around until you spot it hiding behind a bush, eyeing the grackle. You pounce on it with a snarl, and wrestle with it before kicking it away. Free from your grasp, it leaps to its feet and races away. You look over and notice the grackle have flown farther away, but after some time they resume their foraging and seem relieved to be out of danger. +1 Lunar Tear

A majestic hawk swoops down low next to you, then flies back up in the air. Essence streaks from its tail, creating a beautiful trail as it flies. It's circling you, observing you with intelligent eyes.
Ask for food The hawk seems to be waiting, and you notice a hint of blood on its talons. Had it been hunting? Maybe it has a kill nearby it would consider sharing with you! It's embarassing asking a hawk for food, but being opportunistic is what lets you survive. The hawk tilts its head, as if mulling over your request, and flies away. At first you think you're out of luck, but then the hawk comes back with something in its talons and drops it at your feet. A rabbit! This will fill your rumbling belly. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Rabbit Carcass
Ask for a toy You watch the hawk fly for a bit, expecting it to get bored and fly away after a while. It doesn't, and continues to circle. It shrieks and swoops close to your head, seemingly impatient. Does it want something? Birds are good at retrieving things...on a whim, you ask it for a toy. It promptly flies away and returns mere moments later with a glowing feather. It releases it from its talons and then disappears. Sweet! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Essence-Covered Feather

The sight of a fox with snake-like features causes a chill to run down your spine. It notices you, slowly turning its big, reptilian eyes towards you.
Yipe! You've seen many odd things in your life, but your gut feeling tells you to disappear from this as fast as possible. Those eyes can probably see your thoughts... and who knows what else?! You trip over something hard while running away and end up discovering a huge pile of bones. You can only guess that these are the remains of this strange creature's victims, and you barely managed to escape becoming one yourself. With a sigh of relief, you take some bones with you. You need something to lift your spirits up, right? +1 Lunar Tear
+3 Bones
Growl This creature is certainly odd and even a bit scary, but it won't stop you from showing who the boss is. There's no turning back. With a sudden surge of adrenaline, you launch yourself at the creature, using your size and weight to your advantage before the fox can outsmart you. It doesn't take long to defeat the creature. As you catch your breath, you can't help but wonder if the fox was venomous. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Snake Meat

Coniferous Forest-exclusive Encounters

A glowing paw print on a tree might be a warning from the local wolves to turn back.
Put your paw on it You stand on your hind legs and stretch out along the tree trunk. You put your paw on the print and feel a sudden surge of energy. Maybe it's not a warning sign, but a path guide instead! +1 Lunar Tear
+5 HP
You reach out as far as you can, but the paw print is too high up. Whatever left it there must have been very big! You scratch at the bark and manage to grab a shiny object for yourself. +1 Lunar Tear
Mark scent Heh, right! You sniff around and find the best spot to leave your mark as well. You're just passing through! As you scratch the ground around you with a proud smile, you discover something shiny within the dirt! +1 Lunar Tear

Ack! This massive, glowing cobweb blends in so well with the flickering and glowing environment. You almost walked right into it! It's a great idea to set a trap like this... It's so big.
Wait for the spider You sit down and observe the cobweb for a while. You see a critter get curious about you and watch it descend from a branch to check you out... Straight to its demise! You restrain yourself from helping. The circle of life is at work, as the weasel struggles in the web. A big, glowing spider descends to envelop the prey in a cocoon. When it's nearly through, it notices you, and decides to give you the carcass-you lured it! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Weasel Carcass
You sit down and admire the cobweb from various angles. You watch little droplets fall from leaves and touch the strings. How beautiful. A big, glowing spider crawls down, pleased you did not destroy its hard work. You receive a reward for being such a connoisseur. +1 Lunar Tear
Take it down You shiver and rip down the cobweb with a few bites. Thankfully it isn't that sticky when it melts in your mouth! Phooey! You spit out something that was entangled in the strings. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Bone
You shiver, imagining the size of the spider responsible for this. You take everything down, including a shiny object residing in the middle. That's yours now. +1 Lunar Tear

You find yourself at the center of a hunt. A lunar hare dashes in front of your eyes, followed closely by a bobcat. Neither of them pay any attention to you. You observe them for a brief moment before deciding to make the best of this situation.
Chase the hare Observing the situation from afar gave you an advantage. You skilfully cross the hare's path and grab it before the bobcat can. Your days of training are paying off! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Hare Carcass
You jump after the hare with lightning speed, but the bobcat is a split second faster and grabs it first! You turn back, ready to leave, but a shiny spark in the dirt catches your eye. +1 Lunar Tear
Chase the bobcat You ignore the hare, choosing instead to follow the bobcat. With a growl, you run towards him, knowing that your fresh energy will make you faster. You're so close to victory when the bobcat effortlessly climbs up a tree to get away from you. It seems you forgot that cats can climb trees. Oh, well. You decide to rest in this very spot as you're a bit tired now. A small spark falls down from the tree, and you briefly wonder if it was knocked down by the bobcat before deciding you don't care, you're no longer interested in chasing him anyways. +1 Lunar Tear
+6% energy
Information missing +1 Lunar Tear
Ignore You're not hungry, and you're not in the mood to fight. You simply relax and watch the chase like it's a performance prepared just for you. You silently root for the hare, but the bobcat catches it at the last moment. As you turn to leave, you notice a gentle shine under a nearby leaf and find a small spark hidden below. +1 Lunar Tear
+6 HP

A small, fern-covered raccoon rolls out from the forest underbrush and sits in front of you. It asks if you're looking for hidden treasures.
Offer Agouti Carcass* With a mysterious smile, you answer that it's you who has a hidden treasure to trade. The raccoon looks at your offer and nods slowly in agreement. You didn't expect to receive something much bigger and, in your opinion, more valuable, but you don't say a word. Maybe the raccoon had the same thought, because it suddenly becomes awkwardly silent. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Doe Carcass
Offer 20 SC** You've been promised something special for this price, and you're very curious about what it might be! The raccoon shows you a familiar shiny spark, and... a piece of bark. What? So that's all? Is this a joke?! The raccoon encourages you to eat it. You're suspicious, but you follow the advice. Wow, now you understand! A feeling of relaxation and a wave of fresh, new energy fills your body with a pleasant sensation. You don't regret the high price at all! +1 Lunar Tear
+10% energy
+10 HP
Offer Acorn*** What kind of question is that? Of course you're looking for hidden treasures! What you receive in return is far better than some silly acorn. As you excitedly run after the ball, you feel like a pup again. Its glow attracts your attention, and you feel like you could play with it for hours! You almost forget to take a bonus shiny spark with you. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Pherris Rolling Ball
* This option will only appear if you have at least 1x Agouti Carcass in your Hoard
** This option will only appear if you have at least 20 Silver Cones on hand
*** This option will only appear if you have at least 1 Acorn in your Hoard

A small mink runs by, a small rodent in its mouth. The rodent is still alive, and and squirms in the animal's mouth, trying desperately to get free. The mink stops and drops it on the ground, tearing the little creature apart and making a nice meal before noticing you. Eesh!
Forage together The mink stands on its hind feet, sniffing at you curiously, then darts away to a neaby tree and begins to dig around the roots. You decide to join it, and together you stir up a small family of mice that had been nesting among the roots. The mink pounces on one and you easily capture two more. The creature seems delighted, and when you push the mice you caught towards it, it dances around happily. It hands you a glowing tear in return for your hunting skills. +1 Lunar Tear
Hunt ducks It eyes you for a moment before turning and bounding away towards a clearing. You follow it, and come upon a small pond. You see the reeds at the edge wave, and the mink jumps out, persuing a duck! The duck is making a racket, and is unable to fly away as the mink attaches itself to its foot and refuses to let go. It's obviously quite the capable little thing, but you decide to help it out and dispatch the duck with ease. It goes limp, and the mink darts around you happily. It goes back into the reeds and returns a moment later, carrying a duck feather and a tear. Your good nature has paid off! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Duck Feather

You hear a loud call reverberating through the trees. Following it, you come upon a young moose calf. It seems to have become separated from its mother. It looks at you warily as you approach.
Dig together You notice deep gouges in the earth near the base of a tree, as if the calf had been digging. Was it looking for food? You spot the stems of some glowing mushrooms poking out of the dirt, freshly eaten. That must be what it's looking for! You cautiously approach a different tree and begin to dig around the roots and underneath the pine needles. Soon, you reveal some small glowing mushrooms and back away to let the calf eat them. You move on to another tree, and then another, and soon the calf joins you in your digging spree. Your paws grow tired after a while and the calf decides to curl up for a nap, its belly full. You hear brush snap under heavy hooves, and with a start you spin around and come face to face with the calf's mother. You scramble backwards. leaving her plenty of room to check on her baby. She sniffs him and peers at you, and after a moment she tips her large head down, letting a tear roll from her antlers and land at your feet. +1 Lunar Tear
You notice deep gouges in the earth near the base of a tree, as if the calf had been digging. Was it looking for food? You spot the stems of some glowing mushrooms poking out of the dirt, freshly eaten. That must be what it's looking for! You cautiously approach a different tree and begin to dig around the roots and underneath the pine needles. Soon, you reveal some small glowing mushrooms and back away to let the calf eat them. You move on to another tree, and then another, and soon the calf joins you in your digging spree. Your paws grow tired after a while and the calf decides to curl up for a nap, its belly full. +1 Lunar Tear
Chase it Well, its mom is nowhere nearby, so you may as well have a bit of fun! You lunge at the calf and start up a game of chase. Weaving through the trees on the soft pine needles is a rush. You don't want to hunt the calf, but the poor thing doesn't know that. Your running stirs up a Peasant Hen from some nearby brush, and it flies into your face in a flurry of feathers. Your hunting instincts take over and you snatch the bird, killing it easily. This will make a nice meal! You look up and see that the calf has disappeared. There's no use trying to catch up to it now. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Pheasant Hen Carcass
Well, its mom is nowhere nearby, so you may as well have a bit of fun! You lunge at the calf and start up a game of chase. Weaving through the trees on the soft pine needles is a rush. You don't want to hunt the calf, but the poor thing doesn't know that. You start to feel winded after a bit and slow, letting the calf get ahead of you. Suddenly a large shape emerges in the trees up ahead, and you skid to a stop. The mother! It snorts and paws the ground, lowering its antlers threateningly. Time to go! +1 Lunar Tear

That's one big tree sparrow, alright! Instead of living on a tree, this bird is a living tree itself!
Run! Information missing +1 Lunar Tear
+3 Acorns
Mark it with your own scent! Information missing +2 Lunar Tears
-10 HP

Desert-exclusive Encounters

You observe a Lunar Tortoise. Its shell holds an intricate pattern that glows in a mesmerising rhythm.
Follow You follow the old lady for a while, carrying on a slow-paced conversation. It's a wonderful time for self-reflection and admiring the sights around you. If you hadn't taken a moment to stop and smell the roses, you wouldn't have noticed a delicious carcass hiding near the patchy rocks! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Bovine Carcass
You trot with the old lady for a while. She tells you of a time when the moon did not shine over this world. As you near the end of your journey, the two of you part ways. She seems grateful for your company and gives you a token of appreciation for listening to her tale. +1 Lunar Tear
Harass Information missing +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Medicine: Healing Salve
You sniff around the shell furiously, but the tortoise is hidden inside quite well. You manage to scratch something shiny off the shell's surface. You suppose that's enough for today. +1 Lunar Tear

You spot something creeping on nearby rocks. That's... a lot of legs. You're only mildly relieved that it isn't a gigantic Lunar Tarantula. Just a normal-sized one that happens to be WAY too close to your face for comfort.
Check out the rocks You spy something shiny between the rocks... You try to approach it from another angle and gently push the pebbles away. NO! There are SO. MANY. SPIDERS! You jump back, slipping away from the rocks as you watch the spiders skitter away. After a very, very long while, you muster up a crumb of courage and sneak back for another look at the rocks. Now that all the hairy, leggy beasts are gone, you find a hidden shiny stash! +1 Lunar Tear
+4 Silver Cones
-3 HP
Deciding it's better to be safe than sorry, you sniff around the rocks from a safe distance. After turning over a few rocks, you find an empty spider den with something shiny hidden inside. +1 Lunar Tear

An entire tiny ecosystem is growing on top of this cactus in the desert. This spot must be great for luring in lunar essence within the underground water canals. You wonder if you can thrive off of it.
Nibble You try to stand on your hind legs, sizing up the cactus, but alas, the fruit and flowers seem to be too high. You grab a stick and use it to poke at the cactus, hoping something would fall... and it does! +1 Lunar Tear
Dig around The needles are not worth the risk. You decide to dig around to find what the cactus is growing on. You manage to disturb the hard soil just enough to find some food and treasure buried by critters. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Acorn
You definitely do not want to take any chances with needles. You scratch at the ground, but it's dry and hard. Resolving to turn the rocks over, you finally find something worth your while. +1 Lunar Tear
Chase critters The needles, the hard soil... It's all too much effort. All these critters, though? It's free real estate. You find a good spot from which to ambush a rabbit, and tumble with it down the slop into some shiny rocks. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Rabbit Carcass
There are so many critters here, it's only healthy for the ecosystem that you remove one of them from the picture. You try to catch a rabbit, but they all manage to hide in their rock-hard burrows. After a few tries, you end up with something inanimate, but shiny. +1 Lunar Tear

This huge, skittering Lunar Centipede is easy to notice, thanks to the glowing trail left behind it. Its undulating legs and wiggly antennae are making you horribly uneasy. Why is it so BIG?!
Dig around You take a minute to sniff out some good hiding places for critters like this and manage to find a few objects that fell into shallow cracks! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Lucky Foot
You step back cautiously, then begin to sniff around, not daring to stick your nose into dark holes that could be full of centipedes. With a few digs into a safer patch of dirt, you find more than just roots and rocks. +1 Lunar Tear
Search the rocks You put your strength into it and push away a few stones. It seems as though there were a few small earthquakes not too long ago, which caused the stones to bury a peccary! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Peccary Carcass
You try to push away a few rocks but only manage to move the smaller ones. At least you aren't leaving empty pawed! +1 Lunar Tear

What's this...?! A literal Tarantula Moth! A flying spider?! Help!
Run No. Absolutely not. You don't even want to imagine coming any closer. As soon as you noticed this abomination, you started running in the opposite direction. You only stopped once you were tired and you were sure the moth was nowhere to be seen. You finally take a moment to relax on a nearby rock, noticing a soft light between the pebbles. It's a shiny spark and a herb! It seems that someone hid them here and forgot about them. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 herb
Information missing +1 Lunar Tear
+1 cave-building material
Attack An attack is the best defense. Well, at least, it is sometimes, and now definitely seems to be the case! You jump towards the moth, trying to catch it and get rid of it with one bite. You end up chasing it for a while with increasing anxiety. You manage to catch it, but you are completely sure that this creature will follow you into your nightmares. Suddenly, something bright and flickering among the rocks catches your attention. You stop to check it out, only to discover a small treasure. What a nice change after this terror! +1 Lunar Tear
+4 Silver Cones
The sooner it's gone, the better. You want to get rid of the moth as fast as you can, but it's determined to do the same to you, and chases you around with its nasty long legs much too close to your face. You give up. The flying spiders are too much for you! With the intent to retreat, you trip over a rock, which ends up scaring the moth away... whew. +1 Lunar Tear
-5 HP
* Cave-building materials include Large Branch, Large Leaf, and Large Rock.

A Lunar Kangaroo Rat is foraging among nearby shrubs.
Forage as well Having less experience than your herbalist, you sniff around with some doubts. Are these plants poisonous? Which ones could you take home? You ask the kangaroo rat for help, and it patiently explains what you've looked at. Not only were they edible, but they were tasty, too! It almost seemed as though the glowing berries filled you up more than they would within your own world. You also find a shiny spark and an acorn. It seems many animals tend to visit this spot! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Acorn
+10% hunger
You're not so experienced in foraging, and your knowledge may have some weak spots. You find some familiar-looking plants. Some of them look like tasty berries, but it's better to ask the creature if they are edible. The kangaroo rat moves closer and explains what can be eaten now, and what you could process into mixtures. You also find a shiny spark hidden among the leaves. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 herb
+10% hunger

A giant mantis rests on a rock, just as still as everything else around it is. If not for the gentle movements of its antennae, you'd guess it was a statue.
Poke Poking the insect gently has no effect. You try again and again—finally the mantis reacts, but it's too much! It jumps at you with its arms spread, resembling a spider for a brief moment. With a quick snap, you get rid of the strange creature. Surprisingly, it had a nice taste. You notice a shiny spark on the rock where the mantis was sitting. Was the mantis guarding this for some reason? +1 Lunar Tear
+2 HP
It takes a few attempts to make the insect move, but when it does, it disappears quickly. Disappointing! There's no fun to be had with these guys. When the mantis is gone, you notice it was sitting atop a crack in the rock. There's enough room for you to shove your nose in and inspect it! +2 Lunar Tears
Snap The insect is so still, it seemed to ignore everything around it, so you didn't expect it to jump away so quickly when you attempted to grab it. You'll have to work on your speed. Now that the mantis moved, you can see it was sitting on top of a large crack in the rock, which is just big enough for you to check if there's something inside. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 herb
You sniff the insect first, checking out its glowing body. Suddenly, it aggressively turns back to you, raising its legs and spreading them out in a threatening manner. Something about this view gives you chills, so it's best to put that to an end. One quick snap of your jaws is enough! The mantis is tastier than it looked. You notice it was sitting on something shiny, so you take that, too. +1 Lunar Tear
+8 HP

A hog-nosed skunk wanders around with confidence. Its glowing fur looks very pretty, and you briefly wonder about its scent.
Intimidate You approach the skunk with a smirk, towering above him. With nowhere to hide nor escape, you both know the skunk has no chance against you. He tries his best to convince you to leave him alone and offers you something else to chew on. You kindly agree and walk off with your new toy. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Gnawing Hoof
You let out a growl and approach the skunk slowly. He looks around in a panic, but there isn't anywhere for him to hide. Escaping is out of the question, too. As a last resort, he offers you everything he has. It isn't much, but you weren't planning on eating him, anyway. +1 Lunar Tear
Be friendly When the skunk notices you, you can sense the panic in his eyes. He knows you can do anything you want, but, to his surprise, you don't want to do anything bad. You sniff him for a while and realise that his fur is, in fact, very fluffy and nice to touch. There's also a shiny spark hidden in his soft hair! Seeing your friendly attitude, the skunk relaxes a bit and the two of you spend some time chatting away. +1 Lunar Tear
+5% energy

The long, flowing tail of this Sand Raccoon crumbles in the wind like the edge of a dune, but it doesn't seem to actually dissolve. With a melancholy look in its eyes, the creature asks if you need anything.
Offer 3x Duck Eggs* The raccoon quickly hides the duck eggs, visibly excited about a treat from a different world. It seems that food from your home is valued highly in the Dreamlands. In exchange, you are given a shiny spark and five huge vulture eggs, which surprises you a bit. They don't look any different from the ones you know, but you're curious about the taste. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Vulture Eggs
Offer 20 SC** The price seems high, but the raccoon assures you that it will be worth every silver cone. It gives you two shiny sparks. One looks familiar to you. The other is bigger and shines differently. The raccoon encourages you to eat it. After a few seconds, you couldn't agree more that it was worth the price. The instant wave of fresh energy feels wonderful! +1 Lunar Tear
+10% energy
+10 HP
Offer Acorn*** The raccoon's tail seems to have almost-hypnotic properties—you simply cannot take your gaze away. A loud sound distracts your thoughts, however, and you look at the strange item with curiosity. It's definitely a local object, and you can even figure out which type of creatures usually play with it. You receive a shiny spark, too, but it's the toy that makes you smile the most. It is a fantastic souvenir from this land. You want to show it to everyone in your den. Only show. No share. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Volukros Squeaky Toy
* This option will only appear if you have at least 3x Duck Eggs in your Hoard
** This option will only appear if you have at least 20 Silver Cones on hand
*** This option will only appear if you have at least 1 Acorn in your Hoard

A fast-moving trail of blue glow catches your attention in the dark. It's hard to focus your eyes on it but when you succeed, you recognize a lunar road runner. There's no way you're passing this challenge up.
Try to catch it There is no time to think about the strategy. You jump after the bird on instinct, trying your best, but it easily outsmarts you. When it's obvious that you won't catch the bird, you stop mid-step, saving the rest of your energy for better things. You decide to rest and plan your next destination. +1 Lunar Tear
+6 HP
You jump after the bird with lightning speed, counting on your great hunting skills and and quick action. You get so close to reaching the road runner but unfortunately, it knows the area way better than you and disappears in the blink of an eye. A bit upset, you continue your journey with increasing hunger. You come across a small shiny spark in the dirt. It's a good sign! Maybe you'll have more luck next time. +1 Lunar Tear

Bright blue with violet spikes running down its spine make this lizard both highly noticeable and send off alarm bells in your head--brightly colored animals can be poisonous! The lizard knows it, too; it doesn't even bat an eye at your approach.
Grab a quill You have an odd desire to touch the quills and see if they're anything like a porcupine's. Reaching toward the end of the tail where the quills are smaller, you're close to touching them when the lizard whips its tail into your paw, stabbing it painfully. With a yelp, you retreat, knowing that a sore paw is the best outcome this could have. The lizard crawls away quickly and disappears into the nearby rocks. +2 Lunar Tears
You get closer and sniff at the lizard, poking a paw at the quills, and leap back in surprise as it makes an odd hissing noise and raises the quills on its back threateningly. It's like a lizard and a porcupine combined! You decide it's not worth getting those nasty things stuck in you, and you back away from the lizard until it scurries away. Freaky! +1 Lunar Tear
Chase it The twitchy way that the lizard moves tugs at your prey drive, and in a flash you find yourself leaping at it and chasing it with glee as it races across the sand. The lizard is terrified, but you're having fun, and that's all that matters. It's much faster, and soon it seeks peace between the crevices of a rock formation. With a huff, you sniff around and manage to come across something useful. This will make for a good den! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 cave-building material
* Cave-building materials include Large Branch, Large Leaf, and Large Rock.

It's quite hot in the desert, but the heat doesn't seem to bother this peccary. Its collar is big and fluffy. Perhaps the fluff helps with cooling it down?
Attack! You approach the creature, led by curiosity. The closer you get, the stronger your instinct pushes you toward the inevitable. You attack swiftly, but the peccary somehow avoids you and escapes, leaving only shimmering dust behind. All you're left with is a clump of its fur and a small shiny object, tangled within the fur strands. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Essence-Covered Fur Clump
Inquire An opportunity like this might not happen again! Your strong curiosity takes the lead as you peer closer at its fantastic collar, wondering if you can do something similar with your own fur. Is it even possible? To your surprise, the peccary eagerly shares its beauty tips, basking in the pride of its efforts being noticed. You learn about the fur-growing cycle and the importance of proper care. The secret of the fluff, however, is hidden in the properties of the mysterious lunar oil. You're truly excited to get a sample and can't wait to try it out! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Lunar Oil

Taiga-exclusive Encounters

This magnificent Horned Owl is observing all who pass through this place. As you seem to be an outsider, you're asked about the destination of your travels.
You're not sure yourself You express how unsure you are of this place and its secrets, as well as how nervous you are with every step. Everything you know seems to have a different side here. The owl nods and shows you around this part of the forest. A gift for the road is included within your tour! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Swan Carcass
You eagerly explain that you're just exploring. You're a newcomer to these lands, after all. The owl gives you a token for good luck. +1 Lunar Tear
Nobody's business You growl that the path you take is your own business. The owl hoots in laughter at you, then flies away after dropping something on your head. +1 Lunar Tear
Learning about this world You excitedly describe how inspired you are about everything around you and how much different everything is from your daily life. The owl hoots at you to calm you down, then drops something for you to continue with an even greater eagerness. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Opossum Carcass
Sitting down, you begin to express how amazed you are about this world, and how much you want to learn about all its secrets, the harmony, and its threats. The owl nods, agreeing that this place indeed lightens up when visitors appear. It gives you something to continue on your journey with a full stomach. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Opossum Carcass

You stumble upon two Lunar Lynx Cubs playing on a path between large conifers. They notice you and take a few steps back.
Bully You chuckle and approach the cubs, asking what they're doing out here in the open. With every step you take towards them, they step back and stutter about this being their favourite spot... Until they bump into something warm and shiny. With a huge jump and a loud meow, they run away in panic. It's just a dead bird. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Quail Carcass
You snarl at the cubs, scaring them away with huffs and bites in the air. They try to hiss and paw at you, but they're just too tiny to have an impact. You nudge them away with your foot and check out what they were playing with. +1 Lunar Tear
Play You wag your tail, smile widely, and bow down as an invitation for the cubs to play. While they were a little shy at first, the playful kittens eventually find themselves rolling around with you and climbing your fur. What a refreshing little break! +1 Lunar Tear
+4 HP
You roll on the ground, inviting the cubs to play. They're a little shy, but your wagging tail is too tempting, and they play with it for a while. A small growl in the forest makes them stop and leave everything behind as they rush between the trees to their impatient mother. +1 Lunar Tear

Looks like a grosbeak is foraging for useful sticks. It's carrying a branch, shaking off some little critters from between the leaves.
Grab the branch After a short observation, you can see that this method really works. You decide to take the branch without any question, telling the annoyed bird that you're just borrowing it. The grosbeak watches you with increasing curiosity and giggles, but this doesn't discourage you — not only did you find some tasty critters, you also discovered a shiny spark and a herb! You will definitely come back here again. +1 Lunar Tear
+3% hunger
+1 herb
Chase the critter It seems that the grosbeak is making it easier for you. There isn't much for you to snack on, but you chase all the critters you can spot. There are even more interesting things hidden among the leaves! A shiny spark falls close to your paws, and you regret that you can't climb this tree to check if there's more. +1 Lunar Tear
+3% hunger

An extremely cute lunar pika sits on a trunk, gathering small, unfamiliar glowing flowers. How adorable.
Play The creature looks surprised at first, but it quickly opens up to you after seeing you're in a friendly mood. When it starts to decorate your forehead and ears with flowers, you aren't sure if you could handle any more cuteness—you're about to explode! You don't care how it looks, you feel amazing. Surely it has something to do with the flower's scent, or perhaps their essence? One of the flowers even has a shiny spark inside! +1 Lunar Tear
+4 HP
The pika seems busy, but it stops gathering flowers as soon as it notices your stare. Though hesitant at first, it giggles when you poke at it gently with your nose. You would never dare to say this to your pack, but the pika is cuter than some pups! You aren't sure if it's the essence of the flowers or just your good mood, but you feel really energised. When you pick a flower with a shiny spark inside, your heart melts completely. Awwww. +1 Lunar Tear
+2% energy
+2 HP
Help It surely isn't typical for a wolf to offer help to its potential snack. The pika is surprised, but not hesitant. It allows you to help and shows which flowers it needs the most. Perhaps it was the sweet scent of the flowers, or it was their essence, but you feel energised! When you smell one, a shiny spark sticks to your nose. +1 Lunar Tear
+2% energy

A lazy Moss Raccoon is resting in your way. It's not interested in moving when an outsider like you appears on the path. When you ask if it has any wares to offer, it sighs. "Yeah, sure, if you insist."
Offer 2x Opossum Carcass* You share your snack, curious about the value it could have here. The raccoon opens its eyes slowly, appearing uninterested, perhaps even disappointed, or... maybe something else? You can't really guess. Apparently, you interpreted its expression completely wrong, because what you receive in return exceeds your expectations. The wolves in your den will have quite the surprise. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Moose Cow Carcass
Offer 20 SC** The price seems high, but the raccoon assures you that it will be worth every silver cone. It gives you two shiny sparks. One looks familiar to you. The other is bigger and shines differently. The raccoon encourages you to eat it. After a few seconds, you couldn't agree more that it was worth the price. The instant wave of fresh energy feels wonderful! +1 Lunar Tear
+10% energy
+10 HP
Offer Acorn*** When you place your offer in front of the raccoon's paws, you're not sure if it's interesting enough for the creature to even look at it. A long time passes before the raccoon gets up. Eventually, it brings you a shiny spark and a round, glowing object that turns out to be a toy. You start running after the ball almost immediately, while the raccoon looks exhausted merely watching your endless energy. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Pherris Rolling Ball
* This option will only appear if you have at least 2x Opossum Carcasses in your Hoard
** This option will only appear if you have at least 20 Silver Cones on hand
*** This option will only appear if you have at least 1 Acorn in your Hoard

A large big horned sheep blocks your path. It has a beautiful set of wings spread wide and imposing. It's different than the sheep you've seen, but it smells the same and you wonder if it tastes the same, too.
Try to hunt it It smells like food, it's bound to be food! You crouch low, and the sheep looks at you with an uninterested expression. With a leap you try and grab it, but the sheep easily jumps out of the way. Tucking its wings against its side, it runs easily across the terrain as you tire yourself trying to keep up. After a while it opens its wings and takes to the air, floating gracefully and looking down at you without a care in the world. Right...wings. With a sigh you continue on your way, stomach rumbling. +1 Lunar Tear
Follow it The sheep observes you for a while, and you stare back. You have a feeling that even if you tried, you wouldn't be able to hunt it. It would likely fly away before you had a chance to pounce. Growing bored, it turns and goes on its way. You decide to follow it, curious to see if it lives like the sheep you know back home. It leads you to a sheltered nest tucked against a cliff face, and it looks just like a bird's nest would except that it's on the ground. It sniffs around it, and pulls something out and gives it to you. With a pointed look, it raises its wings and postures at you, indicating that unless you want to get trampled, it's time to leave. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Large Leaf
The sheep observes you for a while, and you stare back. You have a feeling that even if you tried, you wouldn't be able to hunt it. It would likely fly away before you had a chance to pounce. Growing bored, it turns and goes on its way. You decide to follow it, curious to see if it lives like the sheep you know back home. It leads you to a sheltered nest tucked against a cliff face, and it looks just like a bird's nest would except that it's on the ground. Turing, it raises its wings and postures at you, indicating that unless you want to get trampled, it's time to leave it alone. You're not welcome at its nest. You back away quickly and leave the animal in peace. +1 Lunar Tear

You find three small fox kits huddled together, drawn to their location by their crying. You can't smell an adult nearby. They must have been left alone so their mother could hunt. As you approach they cower together in fear.
Play together You decide to cheer them up a bit. Bowing playfully, you wag your tail and whine, encouraging them to play. They hesitate at first, but slowly start to trust you and come out of their terrified state. They pounce on you and each other, and you roll together with soft squeaks and yips. It's not long before they tire and begin to get sleepy. You stay with them until they curl up in a pile and drift off, content that they'll be quiet and safe until their mother returns. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Glowing Spores
Find their mom These kits need their mom. They'll stay put, so you begin to track her. She's quite a distance away, and when you find her, she's just made a fresh kill. She bushes out her fur and snarls as you approach, but you lower yourself in front of her and show her you mean no harm. With a quiet word you tell her you found her kits crying, and lead her back to them. The kits are overjoyed to see their mother, and the mother seems grateful. She touches your nose with her own, and you feel a rush of energy ripple through your body. Your aches from the day have vanished! +1 Lunar Tear
+4 HP

Information missing

Swamp-exclusive Encounters

For a moment, you thought this was a big, tropical flower, but... it's a bird! This Lunar Flamingo is resting in the quiet underbrush.
Ambush You prowl in the bush, but your wolfy paws are just not soft enough for the tropical underbrush. You make too much noise and end up scaring the bird away. Frustrated and grumpy, you furiously scratch at the roots of the bush, only to find something that cheers you up. +1 Lunar Tear
Sniff around You have to admit, this is a rather nice, quiet place. You search the area to discover what other critters come through here. There's just so much stuff they've left behind! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Medicine: Healing Salve
You wonder if this is a good meeting spot for various critters. Catching a faint scent of some recent visitors, you follow the smell and find something left in the messy understory. +1 Lunar Tear

A Lunar Jacana walks carefully across the water's surface. Its long toes, creeping with essence, help it stay afloat on the gentle foliage covering the waters of this swamp.
Wade in the water You try to walk on the water, but your paws sink so fast! It looks like you disturbed something shiny in the muddy bottom. +1 Lunar Tear
+5 Silver Cones
You walk in the shallow waters for a bit. Avoiding the dangerous reptiles was a challenge! You end up taking home the only thing that was easy to notice among all the foliage. +1 Lunar Tear
You walk around in the shallow water and stumble upon some loose objects. Nice! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Cave-building material*
* Cave-building materials include Large Branch, Large Leaf, and Large Rock.

This odd snake has tiny hands and a goofy face! It looks like this is a Lunar Amphiuma, and it dwells in water. Does it breathe air? How can it fly? What does it eat?
Offer Acorn* You stare at the amphiuma and it stares back at you in silence. It starts to become awkward after a while, so you offer the creature the first spare thing you could manage to give away, curious about what it would do with it. The amphiuma takes an acorn slowly and disappears under the shimmering surface, only to come back with a small gift for you a moment later. You will remember to have more when you come here next time. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Lunar Recipe**
How does it taste? If this creature is as tasty as it is strange, it should be delicious. You try it without hesitation, but you're somewhat disappointed. It was... good. Just good. Ready to go, you notice a blink of light just below the water's surface. +1 Lunar Tear
+15% hunger
* This option will only appear if you have at least 1 Acorn in your Hoard
** Nine recipes are available randomly from this encounter, Charged Eyes, Lunar Butterflies, Lunar Fur Dust, Lunar Glowing Claws, Cozy Nest, Flickering Meadow, Gathering Lunar Butterflies, Gem Cave, and Mushroom Path

A large lunar turtle approaches you from the air. Wait, what? It's flying! How is that even possible?! The growths on his shell resemble an underwater forest. Whatever they are, they almost appear to be pulsating with an otherworldly shine. The creature lands a few steps ahead of you.
Inspect the growth Upon closer inspection, you have to admit the growth covering the turtle's shell really looks amazing. It's shiny, shimmery, colourful... it's practically inviting you to take a bite. Just a little one. The thought that it could be poisonous doesn't even cross your mind. Taking a small nibble from a flying turtle is a great story to tell, anyway. Either you had good luck or your intuition was on point—you feel great after eating some of the plant-like growths! The turtle stares at you in disbelief, unsure of how to process what just happened before he slowly moves away from you. Hmm. He sure does look awkwardly normal when he's down there on the ground... +1 Lunar Tear
+4% energy
You have a feeling you could recognise some of the species of growth covering the turtle's shell. Apparently, though, the lunar realm has its own laws, and those species can grow outside of the sea here. Hmm. Is this stuff edible? You sniff it carefully, but you don't dare take a bite. The growth is dense and inviting, and you're tempted into snuffling around for some trinkets in there, just as long as the turtle doesn't mind you poking his shell. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 herb
Talk There aren't many opportunities for you to get close to such a majestic creature–even in your world, turtles aren't a frequent sight, and this one is definitely extraordinary! You have so many questions to ask, but the turtle isn't interested in a conversation. You clearly disturbed his plans to relax. As a last ditch effort, you stretch your legs out next to him, trying to start up a chat once or twice without any success. Sighing deeply, you leave after a few minutes, but not before snatching a shiny spark from the turtle's shell. It's not like he'll miss it, he didn't even notice you anyway. +1 Lunar Tear
+2% energy

With a soft splashing sound, a lunar coypu travels along the river shore as it inspects the area. Its long, glowing, raised tail looks fascinating. It lures you over to the creature.
Join You follow the coypu eagerly, interested in what it's looking for. You ask a few questions, but the creature is either too focused or annoyed with your presence. After finding only one shiny spark and nothing else, you decide to give up. It's time to go back. Your time is precious! +1 Lunar Tear

A slimy creature, dripping in dark water, approaches you with a nasty expression. This Bog Raccoon might cheer you up, but only if you have something interesting to offer.
Offer 1x Stoat Carcass* You scoot closer to give the raccoon your part of the trade. Feeling your paws slowly sinking into the muddy ground, you hope for a fast transaction. Though the conditions are not pleasant, the nice, fresh food you receive in return erases all discomfort. You even got a shiny bonus! You can highly recommend this seller. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Swine Carcass
Offer 20 SC** The raccoon smiles and gives you two tiny objects. The first looks like a familiar shiny spark. The other object resembles a huge frozen water drop. Seeing your confused look, the raccoon encourages you to lick the drop. To your surprise, you feel refreshed and full of energy within seconds! +1 Lunar Tear
+10% energy
+10 HP
Offer Acorn*** You're not sure whether to give the raccoon something, or if you should just carry on with your journey. Its expression certainly isn't inviting upon first glance, but you eventually start to make out something that could be interpreted as a smile, if you squint hard enough. You take the toy and the shiny spark from the raccoon's wet paws, holding your breath all the while to block the intense scent of the mud. It was worth it! The toy looks exotic, and you can't wait to show it to the pups in your den. Or... maybe you'll keep it to yourself. You'll decide later. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Volukros Squeaky Toy
* This option will only appear if you have at least 1x Stoat Carcass in your Hoard
** This option will only appear if you have at least 20 Silver Cones on hand
*** This option will only appear if you have at least 1 Acorn in your Hoard

Splashing sounds lead you to the sight of lunar bittern wading in the shallow water, but it's doing so carefully as if it's looking for something. The more you observe the bird, the more curious you become.
Forage in the water If there wasn't anything interesting in the water, the bird would have lost its interest a long time ago. Surely there's something valuable in there, and you'll be the one to get it. You enter the water, barking at the bittern to make sure it stays away. No matter how well you search, you only manage to find just one shiny spark. +1 Lunar Tear
Wait There's no need to interrupt. These birds are experts in hunting or finding things in the water. Whatever is there, you don't have to move a single toe to get it. It takes a while but finally, you notice the bird hiding something in the grass and wait until it leaves. Checking the hiding spot only confirms that your patience has paid off! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Medicine: Healing Salve
The best way to get something is when others do it for you without even realizing it. There is no doubt that the murky water hides something valuable and you have some time to spare so you decide to wait. Finally, the bittern comes ashore again, hiding something in the lush thicket. It's almost upsetting to discover that the bird hid just one shiny spark and nothing more. Maybe you should look for trinkets yourself next time. +1 Lunar Tear

A graceful, glowing egret looks ethereal and beautiful beyond words as it struts before you. In your world, you'd probably look at such a bird with the urge to catch it, but as it wades through the shimmering water you find yourself entranced by its beauty.
Invite to dance As soon as this idea pops into your mind, you enter the water slowly, approaching the egret carefully. It understands your body language somehow and accepts your invitation, spreading its wings and circling you in a silent, dreamy dance. You try to copy the graceful jumps but they end up with a loud splash each time. The bird, however, doesn't seem affected by it and continues the performance. You enjoy yourself, and feel refreshed afterward. +1 Lunar Tear
+4 HP
Check fish remains The majestic bird doesn't seem to appreciate your presence when it notices your hypnotized gaze. As soon as you make the first step towards it, the egret walks away as if it you've offended it. A bit disappointed, you check the remains of its last meal to see if there's anything worth taking. That, too, leaves you disappointed. It's just not your day, is it? +1 Lunar Tear

Information missing

Tundra-exclusive Encounters

A scary Lunar Skua is patrolling the icy shores. Watching the lights flicker underneath the water from the sky must be mesmerising.
Run along You curl up, then sprint along the shore with incredible speed! You catch up to the skua and jump high enough to grab it by the tail. Falling onto the rocks, you spit out the feathers, victorious to a degree. Unfortunately, the bird flew away! +1 Lunar Tear
+2 Skua Feathers
You wiggle your butt and dash towards the bird, running along the shore! The bird flies just far enough for you not to reach it, then drops something for you as a request to leave it be and let it hunt in peace. +1 Lunar Tear

You find a Northern Brant and a Sparrow cuddling together for warmth. They haven't noticed you yet. What an odd and vulnerable pair.
Cuddle You approach and sit down, offering your body as a shelter from the wild. The birds nervously accept, but every time you move, they twitch and the brant hisses at you. It wasn't a very peaceful moment, but at least all of you are warmed up enough to move on. The sparrow hops towards you and leaves you a gift of gratitude, apologising for the protective goose. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Acorn
You let out a soft yelp and wag your tail to show you're approaching with peaceful intentions. You lie down and let the birds cuddle up to your soft fur, which they appreciate, though they do not let their guard down around you. That soft, warm moment is enough to make you feel refreshed. Once everyone gets up to move on, the brant leaves you a treat. +1 Lunar Tear
+5 HP
You approach, trying to join the cuddle pile, but the birds get spooked and fly away. It looks like they were sitting on something warm—it's yours now! +1 Lunar Tear

A Lunar Lemming is nervously scurrying around, gathering essence-covered foliage for supplies during the darker nights.
Forage You nod your head. This means there's a lot of great stuff right here. Instead of disturbing the lemming, you search the foliage for treasures! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Whale Rib Bone
Dig Your ears perk up when you realise there must be some good stuff buried all over by these critters! You take a few minutes to dig and find objects they probably won't need later, but you will for sure! +1 Lunar Tear
+4 Silver Cones
You scratch and sniff at the softer ground under the lichen-covered slopes. A lemming buried something nice here! +1 Lunar Tear

A big Lunar Gannet is landing right in front of you—a perfect, vulnerable moment!
Pounce A great hunter like you would never miss such an opportunity, especially now that you've started to get hungry anyway. You catch the bird flawlessly! The pups in your den should see that and learn. You notice a shiny spark falling from the bird's feathers. +1 Lunar Tear
+15% hunger
A great hunter like you would never miss such an opportunity, especially now that you've started to get hungry anyway. You catch the bird flawlessly! The pups in your den should see that and learn. You notice a shiny spark falling from the bird's feathers. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Yarrow
Chase it The bird notices you, but it doesn't stop you from trying. The gannet attempts to outsmart you by changing directions and speed, but it doesn't work for long. You catch it with a smile. Before the meal, you remove a shiny spark from its feathers. +1 Lunar Tear
+15% hunger
The gannet is faster than you had expected and takes off before you can catch it. This didn't initially discourage you as you believed in your skills, but this time, you lost the bird and couldn't even trace its scent. A little annoyed, you sniff around in the hopes that you could at least trust your nose and find something. To your joy, you find an interesting object hidden casually under a pile of rocks. Someone was either in a rush or really bad at hiding things. Well, it's yours now. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Cave-building material
* Cave-building materials include Large Branch, Large Leaf, and Large Rock.

A lunar muskox calf wanders around, looking lost. It's a very tempting sight for a hungry wolf.
Hunt This is way too easy to be true. You expected a furious herd to run after you, but the calf really is alone. You don't even have to put any effort into this hunt. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Muskox Calf Carcass
You made the wrong judgement by assuming the calf is too young to escape, or that it can't run long enough to hide behind its mother. If it was truly alone here, then this situation wouldn't have happened. Unfortunately for you, this calf's mother was close by, hidden behind rocks. You didn't even have time to check if the rest of the herd was present too, because you needed to leave and save your skin. You manage to flee and even find a shiny spark on the way, but you have to give up trying to hunt here today. +1 Lunar Tear
Look around It would be nice if the calf is really alone here. Not that it doesn't happen, but it's quite rare for a calf to be on its own. You decide to wait a bit and observe the situation. Shortly after, a large herd appears from behind the nearby rocks. You'd probably be dead by now if you tried to hunt the calf. You feel refreshed by the mere thought that you decided to stay. Before you leave, you notice a shiny spark between the pebbles. +1 Lunar Tear
+4% energy
There are times when you make a mistake only to regret it strongly afterward. This isn't one of those times. You decide to check the area before attacking the calf, which definitely saved your hide. Its herd is large and closer than you thought, you just weren't able to see them from your former location. You can't do this hunt alone. You turn back, finding a shiny spark on your way. +1 Lunar Tear

A lunar surfbird walks slowly along the rocky shore. It doesn't seem to be in a rush; in fact, it almost looks as though it's sightseeing, rather than looking for food or scouting.
Stalk You have time to spare, so instead of killing the bird on the spot, you follow it for a while. The surfbird stops suddenly, revealing its small hiding spot in the area. You accidentally make a noise and end up startling the bird. Its treasure isn't very impressive, but at least the view is pleasant. You decide to rest here for a moment. +1 Lunar Tear
+ 4 HP
Chase You're waiting for the best opportunity to jump, but unfortunately, you miss! You don't even feel the feathers in your mouth. The lunar surfbird flies away with a flapping sound, but apparently it loses something in its haste. +2 Lunar Tears
Information missing +1 Lunar Tear

This very fluffy and grumpy Alaskan Marmot climbs onto a rock just to sit down and yell at things. Maybe you can do something nice for him today?
Offer Acorn* You think the marmot looks kind of cute when he's so grumpy, but you should probably try to cheer him up. An acorn might not be much, but you offer it with a friendly attitude. The marmot looks at you and takes it without changing his expression. Not even a hint of a smile can be seen as he gives you a shiny spark in return. He moves to the side in silence so you can join him and rest. After a moment, he begins to complain again. Well, you tried. At least you feel refreshed now and a bit amused. +1 Lunar Tear
+50 HP
">Play You feel puzzled by looking at this creature. His attitude amuses you slightly, but you also feel a touch of sympathy. You bow playfully, wagging your tail, despite the marmot's grumpy face. It doesn't seem to work at first, but you gradually convince him to at least try to have some fun. Reluctantly, he joins you, and you swear you can see just a hint of a smile under his fluff. A bit uplifted and much more friendly now, the marmot wants you to take a look at his hidden treasure and offers you a part of it. +1 Lunar Tear
You are confused when you look at the marmot, feeling both amused and sorry for him. You convince him to play, surprised that he even agreed to move. You see a hint of a smile under his thick fluff after a while. Unfortunately, you're too energetic and you end up slipping on a rock, which makes the marmot giggle. Noticing your displeased look and the new small wound you're sporting, he makes an attempt to appease you with a small gift. These items will be useful, and you appreciate the gesture. You part ways in a good mood. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Yarrow
-3 HP
* This option will only appear if you have at least 1x Acorn in your Hoard

A Lichen Raccoon mom is showing her kit how to map a path to their home on the horizon. You're noticed by the kit, and the nervous mother asks if you're interested in some extra bonus offers, as she's about to move her shop soon.
Offer 2x Turkey Tom Carcass* The raccoon seems pleased with the turkey haul and offers you something special. Moving her shop is touch work, and she's not able to take everything with her, especially not the larger items. With a smirk, she asks if you'd help her out by taking a bonus object. Of course you will! This is the best discount you've had in a while. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Caribou Cow Carcass
Offer 20 SC** When you hand your silver cones over, the raccoon smiles, satisfied with the amount. In return, she gives you two shiny sparks. The first spark is familiar to you, whereas the second appears slightly bigger with a different glow. The creature encourages you to eat it, which you do after a slight moment of hesitation. You're overwhelmed with an intense feeling of relaxation and refreshment. This is something you'd like to feel again soon! It's clear to you now why this was so expensive. It was totally worth it. +1 Lunar Tear
+10% energy
+10 HP
Offer Acorn*** You don't want to bother the raccoon for too long, so you quickly show your offer. When she takes out a pretty, glowing ball, you're sure it's her kit's toy—but no, it's for you! The kit doesn't even seem that interested. It probably plays with them all the time in its mom's shop. You're relieved, because you certainly don't feel like sharing this toy! It's way too pretty. You've also received a shiny spark, included in the price! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Pherris Rolling Ball
* This option will only appear if you have at least 2x Turkey Tom Carcasses in your Hoard
** This option will only appear if you have at least 20 Silver Cones on hand
*** This option will only appear if you have at least 1 Acorn in your Hoard

A lunar murre flies over your head like a small shooting star, leaving a trail of a blue glow behind. It's a good chance to test your speed.
Chase it It takes seconds to shorten the distance significantly. The bird is still out of reach, yet annoyingly close at the same time. You bark loudly out of frustration but it doesn't help. You only scare the murre enough to make it fly even more quickly, but in its hurry it drops something on the ground right in front of your paws. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Acorn

A handsome buzzard sits proudly on a branch, its eyes scanning the area for any movement of prey. Lunar essence pours off of its feathers and as you approach, its intense eyes seem to stare right through you and into your soul.
Hunt seagulls Gulls cry in the distance in the direction of the shore, and the buzzard immediately takes flight. Its expression is intent, and it looks down at you with a long, hard stare. Is it asking you to follow? You run below as it flies, and soon you are cresting a rise and the shoreline is spread beore you. Seagulls have amassed, and you yelp with joy as you dash into the group, attempting to catch one. They fly up out of your reach, but the buzzard is waiting and manages to catch one in its talons it flies off, leaving you. How rude! At least one of the feathers that the gulls dropped will be useful. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Gull Feather
Invite to a race You bark at the bird, causing it to fly up with a shriek. You dart forward a few paces, then turn and bow, inviting the bird to race with you. It seems to understand, and with a few powerful strokes of its wings the buzzard begins to streak across the landscape. You race underneath, stretching yourself to the limit and letting the the blood flow through your limbs. It feels glorious! The hawk easily outpaces you, but it's nice to just have a run. +1 Lunar Tear

Information missing

Rainforest-exclusive Encounters

You come across some squabbling toucans. They appear to be fighting over essence-charged fruit laying around the area.
Grab the fruit Nobody will notice if you grab just one... You gently pick up the fruit in your mouth and slowly walk away. Smooth! +1 Lunar Tear
+4 HP
You quickly rush to grab the fruit and run away when the toucans swoop at you! Ah, drat. In your hurry, you grabbed everything but the fruit! +1 Lunar Tear
Grab the bird Where two dogs are fighting for a bone, the third one can benefit... by eating the bird! You launch yourself from a low, curled branch and grab one of the toucans in the air. Epic! You salvage some of the meat, then find something that was embedded in its beak. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Meat Chunks [Small]
You run first before you jump, but you miss the bird entirely! You end up falling into some soft foliage. Something shiny lands on your forehead. +1 Lunar Tear
Sniff around You decide not to disturb the locals and instead stick your nose to the ground. After a few minutes, you find some stray objects that no other critters seemed to be interested in. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Acorn
This quarrel is between them. You have better things to do at your current ground level. Some vicious sniffing in the underbrush yields you a neat, shiny reward. +1 Lunar Tear

You startle a Lunar Margay, who was trying to stalk some birds in the thicket.
Tease You smirk at the feline. Awww, is it still learning? Is mommy bringing food home for it after a failed hunt? The margay hisses and smacks you, and you return the action. The two of you squabble for a second, until the cat estimates your size to be in favour of winning the scuffle. It runs up a tree, disturbing some objects in the underbrush with its paws. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Lucky Foot
-3 HP
You laugh at the cat's technique. It jumps on a tree and yells profanities at you from afar. What a coward! You bark at it, and the two of you make a lot of noise, until some other creatures throw glowing stones at you to scare you off. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 HP
Help You smirk at the cat. You express your superior technique at hunting birds by just merely describing all the incredible critters you've caught in your lifetime, and how incredible your ambush ideas were. The cat stopped believing you after the twentieth duck hunt tale. It throws some objects at you to make you shut up and go away. Alright, jeez. +1 Lunar Tear
+6 Silver Cones
-3 HP
You waltz in uninvited and offer help, showing that the wind direction is not working in the cat's favour. The margay starts to get angry because, frankly, who asked? It smacks you. Before you can bite back, you sneeze from the dust and bark falling in your eyes as the feline escapes up the tree. +1 Lunar Tear
-1 HP

The long, elegant fur of this Lunar Anteater leaves a glowing trail of lunar essence on the ground. Various insects gather around it to grab what they can. You realise the strange animal is feeding off of the bugs with this simple lure.
Ambush Why can't you try the same trick with the anteater? While it's busy eating, you take the chance to attack it! Killing it was a struggle—it was tough to bite through all that fur, especially while lunar dust got into your eyes. You made a mess, but you are victorious! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Meat Chunks [Large]
You try to ambush the creature, but its massive hair is too much for your teeth! You end up spitting out chunks of fur and a shiny object, while the anteater runs off into the thicket. +1 Lunar Tear
Watch You sit down next to the anteater, watching it feed on the tiny critters. When it's done, you mention a cool anthill you passed on your way over, right below the escarpment with three fallen trees. The anteater seems to recognise the area and gives you a token of appreciation before it leaves. +1 Lunar Tear

A graceful Lunar Jaeger seems to be circling around some nests that were destroyed by a rockslide.
Chase it Information missing Information missing
Dig around Focusing on the bird, you observe where it's about to land, and you make sure to get there first to dig around. It doesn't take long for the treasure to emerge. A shiny spark and something useful for your den were hidden in a shallow hole, easy to find. You're not sure, but you think you'd heard some nasty curse words muttered just above your head. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Large Rock
Watch You sit down next to the anteater, watching it feed on the tiny critters. When it's done, you mention a cool anthill you passed on your way over, right below the escarpment with three fallen trees. The anteater seems to recognise the area and gives you a token of appreciation before it leaves. +1 Lunar Tear

An Armadillo is waddling through the forest. You spot massive growths on its back. It looks like a microforest for insects traveling through a glowing universe.
Take a bite You jump toward the armadillo, causing it to squeak in surprise. You manage to grab only a tiny tip of the growth before it runs away. Ah, it's hard, but shiny! +1 Lunar Tear

It was almost too easy to miss the movement on a nearby upturned root. A Lunar Oncilla is stalking its prey, but your arrival seems to have scared it off. It looks at you, a little upset.
Offer Acorn* You feel somewhat awkward under the oncilla's stare. Maybe you could help to lure its next prey? An acorn should work as bait to spark interest in any nearby rodents. The oncilla is eager to try. In exchange for your useful advice, you receive a gift of a shiny spark and a recipe that may be useful later. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Lunar Recipe**
Find new prey together Feeling a bit responsible for the oncilla's lost hunt, you suggest working together to find something else to catch. The oncilla seems a bit hesitant at first, but ultimately accepts your offer, and you manage to catch even better prey than the one which escaped earlier. Before you leave, the oncilla wants to thank you for your effort. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Large Leaf
The oncilla seems upset when you try to explain yourself, but its face lights up when you offer your skills for the next hunt. You spend some time stalking a new prey together. This unusual collaboration ends with a huge success! You decide to rest and talk a bit longer to exchange your hunting experience. Once you feel refreshed and more energetic, you get up to leave. Before you go, the grateful oncilla gives you a small shiny spark, wishing you many successful hunts in the future. +1 Lunar Tear
+10 HP
* This option will only appear if you have at least 1 Acorn in your Hoard
** Nine recipes are available randomly from this encounter, Charged Eyes, Lunar Butterflies, Lunar Fur Dust, Lunar Glowing Claws, Cozy Nest, Flickering Meadow, Gathering Lunar Butterflies, Gem Cave, and Mushroom Path

An adorable Lunar Brocket is quite nervous to be feeding around you, but the plants growing in this area are too delicious to pass up.
Hunt It's time to take a chance and prowl! This is what makes you the lead wolf: a good sense of opportunity and the ability to plan ahead. With some precise stalking and positioning, you take down the prey with little effort! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Meat Chunks [Medium]
You hide and stalk your prey, but you aren't too familiar with this area. One loud crack under your foot and the deer decides it isn't worth the risk anymore. You watch it jump away, then take a look under you foot. What made that noise? +1 Lunar Tear
Forage The overgrowth in this area seems very attractive indeed. You observe many various species feeding in the foliage, so you decide to dive in as well, opening up several new rotting logs full of worms for others to feed on. You didn't find any fruit, but the local birds left some trinkets behind! +1 Lunar Tear
+2 Parrot Feathers
You shove your nose into a few hollow tree stumps. After several minutes, you end up bumping your head with the brocket, and let out a nervous chuckle in realisation. Thankful for your peaceful attitude, the deer drops something for you, then goes back to eating the flowers. +1 Lunar Tear

Wow! At first, you only heard a song, but then a whole overgrown tapir appeared! It prances about while raising its nose, singing into the night.
Pounce The song catches your attention at first, but the more you stare at the tapir, the more you are interested in its growth. Maybe it's rude, but the urge to touch it is stronger than your will. You jump towards the tapir, causing it to stop singing immediately and instead start running away. Well, it looks like you managed to knock something off this mysterious body formation. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 herb
Everything about this creature is fascinating. Maybe its voice isn't its strongest side, but the whole image just fits the vibe of these lands, where everything is different from what you would expect. You could swear that there was something moving within the tapir's body growth. Surprisingly agile, the tapir jumps to the side when you run towards it. You knock something off its growth before it could escape! You find a long, light blue, glowing... thing... that doesn't resemble a body part and left no wound on the tapir. Upon inspection, you can't decide if the glowing structure is a plant, a mushroom, or something different. When you take a bite, you discover that, despite the unusual taste, it fills you like a regular meal. You take a shiny spark, too. +1 Lunar Tear
+20% hunger
Sing along This meeting feels so strangely surreal—it's different even here in the Dreamlands. You decide to join, giving the best performance you possibly could. It's great fun, even if the surroundings became totally silent for a while, with all nearby animals either running away or giving you a confused gaze. You don't care, you're a perfect duo! When the song is over, the tapir offers you a small souvenir to remember this meeting. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Acorn

You're entering Volukros territory... Blue feathers hang on the branches above. Despite their decorative appearance, you know it signifies that going further ahead could be dangerous. However, with some luck, you could benefit from this...
Risk There isn't any way to check the level of danger within the camp, but you trust your instinct anyway. Thankfully, the forest is thick, and it's easy for you to hide even when you hear something nearby. Right before the eyes of the Volukros guards, you manage to steal four shiny sparks. You make it safely to the exit, very proud of yourself... until you realise that you could have stayed longer and grabbed more treasure before leaving. 4 Lunar Tears
The thick forest and blue glow make a good cover for you... or so you thought. The Volukros guards know the area much better than you do and can spot an intruder sooner than you had expected. You make a mad dash for the exit, leaving their territory without a single scratch, though you did manage to snag a nice treasure! In all, you've got three shiny sparks for yourself. +3 Lunar Tears
The camp seems silent and calm, but you know it's foolish to go too far. It definitely isn't empty, and you're currently a thief in their territory. You sniff everywhere, putting your nose in every place you can, but you only manage to find two shiny sparks. Still, better that than nothing at all. +2 Lunar Tears
Slowly, step by step, you enter the camp. You try to remain as hidden as possible as you search for something interesting to grab and take home. You don't know the area well, and you're terrified of Volukros guards seeing you before you see them. Luckily, you're fast enough to make it to the exit, but not without paying a painful price. You'll have to heal your wounds soon. The only thing you end up finding is a small, shiny spark. +1 Lunar Tear
-10 HP
Check the surroundings You made plans to go inside, but your gut instinct told you to limit your trip to the edge of the Volukros camp. You just know you wouldn't have a chance in this unknown area. You sniff every plant and every rock around until you find a well-covered hiding spot, filled with dried leaves and moss. You take everything out and run away before anyone can notice. Better safe than sorry! 1 Lunar Tear
+1 Volukros Squeaky Toy

A very playful Jungle Raccoon slides down a vine to take a closer look at you. Instead of giving you upside-down kisses, it offers you some tropical wares!
Offer 3x Turkey Egg* You share your snack with the raccoon, who grabs the eggs greedily with a wide smile. It asks you to follow it, then shows you a place where the bigger things for sale are being kept. Everything looks fresh, and the tapir carcass is of the finest quality possible. You receive a shiny bonus, too! A fast transaction, great delivery, five lunar stars! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Tapir Carcass
Offer 20 SC** When you hand your silver cones over, the raccoon smiles, satisfied with the amount. In return, it gives you two shiny sparks. The first spark is familiar to you, whereas the second appears slightly bigger with a different glow. The creature encourages you to eat it, which you do after a slight moment of hesitation. You're overwhelmed with an intense feeling of relaxation and refreshment. This is something you'd like to feel again soon! It's clear to you now why this was so expensive. It was totally worth it. +1 Lunar Tear
+10% energy
+10 HP
Offer Acorn*** Wagging your tail in a friendly way, you approach the raccoon. It's so cheerful that, when you receive a toy, you want to invite it to play with you. Instead, you cough nervously and pull yourself together. Business is business! You leave with a formal attitude, but as soon as you're alone, you start gnawing on the toy vigorously. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Volukros Squeaky Toy
* This option will only appear if you have at least 3x Turkey Eggs in your Hoard
** This option will only appear if you have at least 20 Silver Cones on hand
*** This option will only appear if you have at least 1 Acorn in your Hoard

Bright blue moss hangs from a tree in front of you, stirring gently in the wind. It shifts and then--it moves! Two glowing eyes open and stare at you. Shaking your head to clear it, you look again and realize it's not moss at all. It's a sloth!
Shake the branch You wonder if the sloth has any goodies to share. You shake the branch, rattling the poor creature, but it stays firmly attached to the branch. After shaking the branch some more, you finally grow bored and search around the base of the tree for anything useful to take back with you. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 cave-building material
You wonder if the sloth has any goodies to share. You shake the branch, rattling the poor creature, and watch as flecks of lunar light drift down from its pelt. They collect and form a tear, glinting at your paws. Despite shaking the tree more, the sloth doesn't move and glares down at you for disrupting its nap. Well, at least you got something! +1 Lunar Tear
Information missing The sloth looks so relaxed and peaceful, and the lunar lights dancing around the tree almost hypnotize you. The base of the tree is inviting, and you decide to curl up for a small nap among the roots. After a while you decide to head on, and collect the spores that the tree shed on your pelt while you slept. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Glowing Spores
* Cave-building materials include Large Branch, Large Leaf, and Large Rock.

A tiny ball of glowing fur on a thick leg turns out to be a squirrel, using its tail to reach the sparks of lunar light floating slowly in the air. It looks like innocent fun and the squirrel is completely absorbed, ignoring everything around it.
Harass The squirrel is so focused on having fun that it doesn't notice you even when you appear right behind it, covering the little rodent with your shadow. A low growl coming from your throat finally causes a reaction. The squirrel runs away with pure fear in its large eyes, abandoning its game. It doesn't leave behind much, but it will be useful. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Acorn
Find its stash Information missing +2 Lunar Tears
The squirrel isn't the most interesting thing in this situation. You know that it must have a stash or other hiding spot somewhere near. After sniffing around for a while, you catch a familiar scent and find something in a small hole in the ground. It's not much, but you'll take what you can get. The squirrel is either very poor at finding stuff or its main treasure is somewhere else. +1 Lunar Tear

The dark, elongated shape of a lunar spider monkey swings on lianas, but you can tell the creature is observing you cautiously. Its glowing eyes give it a slightly scary appearance, though it seems to be playful and is interested in you.
Bark You're not really in the mood for playing, especially when the monkey begins to touch your fur and tease you. You growl, and when that isn't enough to scare off the monkey, you start barking in hopes of chasing it off. Unfortunately, it didn't stop there, and you're now dealing with various things being tossed at you. Most of the stuff is trash, but there's also a shiny spark and some herbal candy with minor healing properties. Your body feels stronger, but you're exhausted mentally after the ordeal. +1 Lunar Tear
+5 HP
Play You're as interested in this monkey as it is in you! Feeling a lack of danger, the creature jumps down, approaches you, and begins to play with your fur. After some time, it jumps onto your back, holding your ears and hugging you. It's a little annoying, but the monkey is surprisingly gentle, so you don't mind it too much. You feel something being placed on your forehead just before the monkey jumps back to its spot above you. This didn't last long, but you feel relaxed anyway. +1 Lunar Tear
+10% energy

Information missing
Snarl The lizard stuns you, but not for long. You also have some teeth to show off! With a low growl, you approach the creature that made the mistake of attacking you. Even when taken by surprise, you're still stronger and more experienced to free yourself from the painful grip of its maw. The battle is intense, but worth the struggle. There are some trinkets for you to take! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Venom Gland
+2% energy
Wag tail Why so angry? Despite the unwelcoming attitude, you wag your tail peacefully, showing your pure intentions. It works, and the lizard stops hissing at you in an instant. Its expression changes to one of excitement, giving you a look as though it wants to show you something. After a short while, it shows you a huge root, which is apparently blocking the entrance to the lizard's den. It's impossible for the creature to remove it, but it only takes you a second of effort. The lizard doesn't need these objects, so you decide to take them as they may be useful for your pack. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Growth Chunk
+1 Growth Root

Glacier-exclusive Encounters

You find a world made of ice... or just mushrooms and flowers coated in it. The glow coming from the inside is hypnotising.
Gnaw You bite into the ice, withstanding the sharp pain when you spot this amazing-looking bone inside! A few cracks later, it falls directly into your paws! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Whale Rib Bone
You bite and gnaw at the ice, but only manage to grab a glowing chunk of it out of all the icy shards you chipped off. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Glowing Spores
You make a whimpering sound as your teeth sink into the cold ice. You crack it just a little, getting enough shards full of glowing objects to make it worth the time it takes to melt it all down. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Glowing Spores

A massive crab, overgrown with glowing mushrooms and foliage, is crawling on the surface. Does the underwater world look the same as this place, full of glowing fish and seaweed?
Chase You rush to the crab and snatch it up easily! They're so slow on the snow. You bite off a huge leg and some glowing bits before it bonks you with its pincer and crawls away. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Crab Legs
You start to chase the crab, but it slides on the ice faster than you would expect! During the chase, some glowing bits fall off of it, and you decide it's worth it to slow down and grab at least one. Alas, the crab ended up hopping into an ice hole. +1 Lunar Tear

There are some mushrooms here, covered in ice. Perhaps they were able to grow during a warmer day, but for now, they're trapped in time.
Break it You bite away an extra shiny-looking chunk of ice, and an acorn rolls between your paws. You squint at the dark shapes within the ice, and you swear that you can see tiny squirrel paws sticking out. Were they holding the acorn? Eh, whatever. It would be too hard to grab the frozen creature as well. This acorn is good enough! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Acorn
Using your paws and teeth, you break the ice. What a huge success! Many shiny chunks broke off. +1 Lunar Tear
+4 Silver Cones
You pull away some of the frozen mushrooms and find a glowing object they were growing on. Nice! +1 Lunar Tear

A massive, whale-shaped Lunar image is drawn onto the sky, almost like a very dynamic, moving part of the aurora borealis. You can almost hear the whale's call echoing across the sky.
Howl You gasp and take a step back. What a beautiful sight! It fills you with something... something that trembles inside and yearns to come out. You let out a long, somber howl. Alongside your howl, you hear an echo... or perhaps, the whale has answered. It feels incredible. +1 Lunar Tear
+10 HP
Observe You gasp and sit down, watching this otherworldly scene for a few minutes, until everything dissolves into the clouds. Was it just an aurora reflecting in the ocean, or was it something truly dream-like? As you ponder, you wag your tail so viciously that it uncovers something under the snow. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Silver Cone

You can just barely spot a resting petrel among the grass and mushrooms up ahead.
Offer Acorn* You almost miss the resting bird. You move closer, intrigued. Is it okay? Is it moving? You poke it gently, then offer it something to eat. This is an unfriendly area, after all. You didn't expect anything in return, so when the bird gives you a gift, you're genuinely surprised and appreciative. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Lunar Recipe
Ambush You don't need to think twice—this is a perfect moment. The bird is completely unaware of your presence, right until the very last moment. After your meal, you find a shiny spark nearby. It probably belonged to the petrel, so it's yours now. +1 Lunar Tear
+20% hunger
The bird notices you just before you approach close enough to grab it. Unexpectedly, it starts to fight back quite fiercely. Trying to hide before its beak pecks you, you ultimately decide to retreat. The last thing you could do was to grab a small shiny spark you spottted flickering on the ground. +1 Lunar Tear
-5 HP
Dig around Trying not to disturb the bird, you circle around the spot, checking to see if there's something interesting nearby. A few familiar scents reached your nose—you knew you'd find something sooner or later! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 herb
+5% hunger
* This option will only appear if you have at least 1 Acorn in your Hoard
** Nine recipes are available randomly from this encounter, Charged Eyes, Lunar Butterflies, Lunar Fur Dust, Lunar Glowing Claws, Cozy Nest, Flickering Meadow, Gathering Lunar Butterflies, Gem Cave, and Mushroom Path

You can't believe your eyes. You'd say you're dreaming, but you are, in fact, in a Dreamland, so anything is possible. There are no words to properly describe this creature. You'd never imagine a cross between a bear and a moth.
Come closer It seems the creature is here alone, but you want to be sure, so you stealthily follow it for a while. When it notices you, it flies away with a silent flutter, visibly scared. It drops something from its muzzle. Well, you have no idea if you'll ever meet such a strange being again. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Arnica
You have to admit, the creature looks quite cute. It would be different if it was bigger, though. You approach closer, sniffing it carefully. It sniffs you back, but beyond that, it minds its own business. You notice a few shiny sparks attached to its fur, so you take one before going further. +1 Lunar Tear
Avoid There is no way to cross paths with this creature. You're sure it's just a cub with a more intimidating parent roaming nearby. You find a cover behind the rocks and wait it out until the path is clear. At least there's one good outcome of this experience—you find a shiny spark in the ice. +1 Lunar Tear
+5% energy
The strange creature looks harmless, but you have a feeling there could be more of them nearby. Bigger and more aggressive ones, perhaps. A regular bear is already a problem, but a flying one is just a disaster! You change your path completely, trying to avoid the moth bear. You find a shiny spark a few steps further ahead, so you go in that direction. The further away from that creature, the better! +1 Lunar Tear

You've just discovered an entrance to the Pherris forge. Lunar fire silently dances, casting a mosaic of shadows on the shimmering snow. The view is both beautiful and dangerous. It's a rare opportunity to explore such a place.
Risk With all the courage you can find in your heart, you enter the forge, encouraged by its complete stillness. As silently as possible, you check every corner, trying not to leave too many signs of your visit. When you find a bunch of shiny sparks, you decide not to explore any further. This luck surely wouldn't last forever. As you approach the exit, you hear voices behind you. Thankfully, you're already gone when the Pherris guards arrive! +4 Lunar Tears
You didn't plan on going too far ahead, but the silence and complete lack of movement encourages you. You're ready to flee at any moment, but, to your surprise, you end up spending quite some time in the forge, sniffing out every corner. You find a few shiny sparks, making unnecessary noise while taking them out. The sudden sound of nearby steps scares you so much, you almost forget about the sparks, but you manage to escape undetected. +3 Lunar Tears
The forge seems quiet; if not for the fire, you would believe it to be abandoned. You aren't alone, though, and you know this. Each step must be carefully calculated. You don't want to go too far—it could be dangerous. After finding two shiny sparks, you decide it would be best to return before it's too late. +2 Lunar Tears
You enter the forge carefully, minding each step you take. The longer you spend here, the more confident you feel, thinking there can't be anyone else around. One careless move is all it took to knock something off a wall and make a noise. A storm of red closes in on you as Pherris guards appear from nowhere, barreling towards you. You manage to escape, but not without earning a wound from their sharp teeth. The worst thing is that you only managed to steal one lone shining spark. +1 Lunar Tear
-10 HP
Check the surroundings There's no need to risk too much. Pherris warriors could appear at any moment, and it would be impossible to escape from the center of their territory. Instead of inspecting the area deeper, you decide to check the surroundings carefully. The small hiding spot you find was difficult to discover with all of this snow around, but it was worth the stress. You take everything and run off before anyone could detect an intruder. +3 Silver Cones

A spiky-looking Ice Raccoon chatters its teeth at you, asking if you're looking for something. It's not a threat, the critter is just very cold!
Offer 3x Chicken Eggs* You're afraid that the eggs you've given away are already frozen, but the raccoon doesn't seem to mind. It leads you to a small cave nearby, where it keeps the big stuff for customers like you. You expected a nice trade, but you'd never think that four eggs are worth so much here! You need to stop by more often. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Muskox Calf Carcass
Offer 20 SC** The raccoon smiles and gives you two tiny objects. The first looks like a familiar shiny spark. The other object resembles a huge frozen water drop. Seeing your confused look, the raccoon encourages you to lick the drop. To your surprise, you feel refreshed and full of energy within seconds! +1 Lunar Tear
+10% energy
+10 HP
Offer Acorn*** Shivering from the cold, you place an acorn in front of the raccoon's paws. What you receive in return is pretty, shiny, and looks like a lot of fun, but you can't use it now. It's too cold! You can't wait to return to a warmer climate and try this thing out. Even the shiny spark you receive as a bonus looks frozen! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Pherris Rolling Ball
* This option will only appear if you have at least 3x Chicken Eggs in your Hoard
** This option will only appear if you have at least 20 Silver Cones on hand
*** This option will only appear if you have at least 1 Acorn in your Hoard

You hear a voice from the water calling to you. A cnitharian wolf with a beautiful fishtail adorned with glowing frills is swimming nearby, playing in the waves. This world never ceases to amaze you.
Swim Together You aren't sure if it's a good idea at first but who knows if you'll have this opportunity in the future. You jump into freezing waves, holding your breath. The wolffish is very supportive, taking care of you and staying close at all times. You're certain that you'll never forget such a unique experience. +1 Lunar Tear
Wrestle This meeting is a good opportunity to test your abilities in more difficult conditions. You jump into the freezing water, inviting the wolffish to have some fun with you. You wrestle and tussle together but you can feel your opponent's experience and strength outweight your own. When you are given a healing salve as a gift, it feels like a review of your performance. You will have to practice more if you want to be a formidable opponet in the water. +1 Lunar Tear
+1 Medicine: Healing Salve
The inviting smirk of the wolffish sends a thrill through you; you know that this meeting will be a unique experience. You jump into the water, trying to get used to the freezing waves. The wolffish attacks you playfully, but for you, it isn't just fun. It's a good opportunity to test your skills in less friendly conditions. While the wolffish is obviously more experienced and prepared, you are not far behind. If it this had been a real fight, you might have had a chance at winning. +1 Lunar Tear

The sight of a flock of guillemots lifts your mood considerably. Their presence usually means that the area has an abundance of food, which is a rarity in this unfriendly land.
Scavenge for nearby nests You are uninterested in the birds themselves. Their nests are way more tempting. Even if the guillemots try to attack you or defend the nests, it won't stop you from taking what you want. Luckily, you manage to snatch something before they notice! +1 Lunar Tear
+1 cave-building material
The guillemots aren't as interesting as their nests. Nothing is going to stop you from checking them one by one, ready to take whatever they offer. To your disappointment, there's almost nothing that is useful. You expected a lot more, but a shiny spark is better than coming back empty-pawed. +1 Lunar Tear
Forage for fish remains The closer you get, the more intense the scent becomes. These birds usually mean that there will be a chance to enjoy some fish without having to worry about wet fur. You're in luck! You don't have to spend a lot of time searching or digging before you uncover some delicious remains. What's more, the temperature and snow has kept the fish quite fresh so you enjoy every bite. +1 Lunar Tear
+4 HP
* Cave-building materials include Large Branch, Large Leaf, and Large Rock.

Information missing

Dreamlands Battling

The Lunar Dreamlands are full of unique creatures, startled by your appearance and looking for a fight!

Battling opponents in the Dreamlands still requires Energy and HP, but it does not take any extra Lunar Essence than normal encounters. Lunar battle encounters also heal you more often than normal battle encounters.

Every single battle in the Dreamlands drops at least 1 Lunar Tear when won, regardless of the level of the opponent. Opponents that are Level 15 or higher will drop 2 Lunar Tears if you beat them!

In addition to normal lunar opponents, there are also bosses which appear when you are at a high level. These bosses are more difficult to defeat, but may drop better rewards. Every Charged opponent is considered a boss opponent, as well as some other assorted, rare creatures.

Every lunar opponent has a chance to drop an assortment of trophy items, some unique to the Lunar Event and others also found during typical battles!

Event-Specific Trophies

Lunar opponents can drop a variety of event-specific items that cannot be obtained during other times of the month! Some of these can be used in crafting recipes, while others are just meant to be fed, played with, or sold. Some of the items serve no purpose at all, but it could be a good idea to hang on to them in case they're added to a crafting recipe in the future. Other items can also be exchanged with animals in the Dreamlands exploring for rewards!

Blue Skin
Battle Trophy
Charged Core
Battle Trophy
Charged Eyeball
Battle Trophy
Essence-Covered Egg
Battle Trophy
Essence-Covered Feather
Battle Trophy
Essence-Covered Fur Clump
Battle Trophy
Flickering Flower
Battle Trophy
Frozen Pearl
Battle Trophy
Glowing Blubber
Battle Trophy
Glowing Claw
Battle Trophy
Glowing Fang
Battle Trophy
Glowing Talon
Battle Trophy
Glowing Tongue
Battle Trophy
Growth Chunk
Battle Trophy
Growth Root
Battle Trophy
Iron Scrap
Battle Trophy
Lunar Chitin
Battle Trophy
Lunar Oil
Battle Trophy
Pherris Fur Tuft
Battle Trophy
Pherris Rolling Ball
Battle Trophy
Volukros Feather
Battle Trophy

Lunar Shoppe

The Lunar Shoppe, found on the Events page, opens with the Lunar Event. Here, you can exchange your hard-earned Lunar Tears for decorations, backgrounds, and applicators! There are no special requirements for entering the shop-anyone can visit at any time, as long as the Lunar Event is running. After the event ends, the shop will not be available until the next month's Lunar Event.

Lunar Shopkeepers
You walk into a large cave converted by crafty and skilled paws into an impressive marketplace adorned with many crystals and trinkets. There are quite a few wolves just like yourself wandering around, browsing the wares displayed on rocky shelves, hanging strings, and curled tree roots. In the darkness, everything is illuminated by the lunar essence. Its blue light creates a water-like ripple effect on the cave's stone walls.

In the most visible area, you find two Cnitharian wolves who are busy organising and trading. It's safe to assume these ladies are in charge of this place.

"Hello! Let us know if you're interested in purchasing anything. We accept all Lunar Tears, as long as they aren't cracked!" The wolf's excited voice makes you feel very welcomed.

"We just might accept coyote tears, too," adds the other wolf, chuckling gently as she combs her jellyfish-like veils.

Since the Lunar Shoppe returns every month, it has a lot of content. This shop is also unique in that some items are not available each time the event returns. Most decorations and backgrounds remain in the shop each event and do not retire or switch out with each rerun. Each biome has a variety of items exclusive to just that biome. In addition, some decorations and backgrounds can only be found under specific weather conditions, times of day, or seasons. While most of these items remain consistent, some special decorations and backgrounds might be released during unique Lunar Events which are only available when specific conditions are met. If an item is limited like this, it will be noted in the item catalogue below.

Shop Content

Available in All Biomes

Lunar Diamond Dust
2 LT
Only available during Wolvden winter

Lunar Rain
2 LT

Lunar Blizzard
3 LT
Only available during Wolvden winter when your home biome's weather is Snow
Lunar Ice Storm
3 LT
Only available when your home biome's weather is Snow

Lunar Lightning
3 LT
Only available when your home biome's weather is Rain
Lunar Wisp
3 LT

Blue Eye Discharge
4 LT

Lunar Sparks
4 LT

Purple Eye Discharge
4 LT
Purple Lunar Sparks
4 LT
Blue Bubbles
5 LT
Massive Blue Flame
5 LT
Massive Purple Flame
5 LT
Purple Bubbles
5 LT
Gentle Lunar Makeup
6 LT
Lunar Tears
6 LT
Lunar Mushroom Overgrowth
8 LT
Lunar Orb Ring Anklet
8 LT
Lunar Orb Ring Bracelet
8 LT
Tears from the Moon [Blue]
8 LT
Tears from the Moon [Purple]
8 LT
Bodypaint: Crescent Moon [Lunar]
8 LT
Bodypaint: Crescent Moon [Purple]
8 LT
Bodypaint: Glowing Moon Stripes [Lunar]
8 LT
Bodypaint: Glowing Moon Stripes [Purple]
8 LT
Bodypaint: Moon Swirls [Lunar]
8 LT
Bodypaint: Moon Swirls [Purple]
8 LT
Dreamland Branch Overgrowth [Back Legs]
9 LT
Dreamland Branch Overgrowth [Front Legs]
9 LT
Dreamland Branch Overgrowth [Head]
9 LT
Dreamland Branch Overgrowth [Neck]
9 LT
Dreamland Branch Overgrowth [Rump]
9 LT
Dreamland Branch Overgrowth [Tail]
9 LT
Lunar Gentle-Gem Anklets
9 LT
Lunar Gentle-Gem Bracelets
9 LT
Lunar Gentle-Gem Earring
9 LT
Lunar Gentle-Gem Necklace
9 LT
Lunar Gentle-Gem Tailwrap
9 LT
Swirling Energy Headband
9 LT
Swirling Energy Necklace
9 LT
Blue Twisting Essence
10 LT
Elbow Tufts [Blue]
10 LT
Elbow Tufts [Dark Blue]
10 LT
Elbow Tufts [Dark Green]
10 LT
Elbow Tufts [Lavender]
10 LT
Elbow Tufts [Light Blue]
10 LT
Elbow Tufts [Pink]
10 LT
Elbow Tufts [Purple]
10 LT
Elbow Tufts [Turquoise]
10 LT
Elbow Tufts [Tyrian Purple]
10 LT
Pearl Earring
10 LT
Purple Twisting Essence
10 LT
Essence Flame [Ankles]
11 LT
Essence Flame [Ears]
11 LT
Essence Flame [Elbows]
11 LT
Essence Flame [Eyelids]
11 LT
Essence Flame [Tail]
11 LT
Flaming Beads [Arms]
11 LT
Flaming Beads [Chest]
11 LT
Flaming Beads [Head]
11 LT
Flaming Beads [Rear]
11 LT
Lunar Body Smoke [Blue]
11 LT
Lunar Body Smoke [Purple]
11 LT
Lunar Dream Bracelet
11 LT
Lunar Dream Strip Earring
11 LT
Lunar Moon Ear Plug
11 LT
Lunar Star Dream Earring
11 LT
Purple Essence Flame [Ankles]
11 LT
Purple Essence Flame [Ears]
11 LT
Purple Essence Flame [Elbows]
11 LT
Purple Essence Flame [Eyelids]
11 LT
Purple Essence Flame [Tail]
11 LT
Teal Wispy Eyes
11 LT
Blue Glowy Feather Bodywear
12 LT
Blue Glowy Feather Headwear
12 LT
Blue Glowy Feather Rumpwear
12 LT
Essence Pendant [Blue]
12 LT
Essence Pendant [Purple]
12 LT
Lunar Decorative Orchid
12 LT
Purple Glowy Feather Bodywear
12 LT
Purple Glowy Feather Headwear
12 LT
Purple Glowy Feather Rumpwear
12 LT
Glowing Lichen Flower Bodywraps
13 LT
Lunar Flora Horns
13 LT
Lunar Sparkling Dust
13 LT
Lunar Spore Cloud
13 LT
Purple Lunar Sparkling Dust
13 LT
Purple Lunar Spore Cloud
13 LT
Swirling Energy Bodywraps
13 LT
Glowing Death Skullcap
14 LT
Lunar Deer Mushrooms
14 LT
Lunar Fly Agaric
14 LT
Lunar Polyporus Mushrooms
14 LT
Lunar Sansevieria
14 LT
Lunar Storm Fog
14 LT
Purple Lunar Storm Fog
14 LT
Lunar Layered Tree
15 LT
Lunar Long-Leaved Bush
15 LT
Lunar Storm Discharge
15 LT
Lunar Tulips
15 LT
Purple Lunar Storm Discharge
15 LT
Lunar Storm Clouds
16 LT
Moon Leaf Garland [Body]
16 LT
Moon Leaf Garland [Head]
16 LT
Moon Leaf Garland [Tail]
16 LT
Purple Lunar Storm Clouds
16 LT
Lunar Dream Tail Rope
17 LT
Blue Glowing Ground Fog
18 LT
Blue Swirls
18 LT
Glowing Chanterelle
18 LT
Glowing Spores Decor
18 LT
Lunar Blewit Log
18 LT
Lunar Haze
18 LT
Lunar Meadow Foreground
18 LT
Lunar Wood Ear Fungi
18 LT
Purple Glowing Ground Fog
18 LT
Purple Haze
18 LT
Purple Swirls
18 LT
Rolling Lunar Fog
18 LT
Rolling Purple Fog
18 LT
Blue Fog
19 LT
Blue Mist
19 LT
Lunar Detritus
19 LT
Lunar Dust
19 LT
Lunar Fog
19 LT
Lunar Mist
19 LT
Lunar Wind
19 LT
Moonlight Rays
19 LT
Purple Lunar Detritus
19 LT
Purple Lunar Wind
19 LT
Windswept Spore Dust
19 LT
Circling Orbs
20 LT
Glowing Moonwort Plants
20 LT
Lunar Meadow Backdrop
20 LT
Gentle Cnitharian Accents [Chest]
21 LT
Gentle Cnitharian Accents [Elbow]
21 LT
Gentle Cnitharian Accents [Head]
21 LT
Gentle Cnitharian Accents [Hind Legs]
21 LT
Gentle Cnitharian Accents [Tail]
21 LT
Lunar Striped Scarf [Blue]
21 LT
Lunar Striped Scarf [Purple]
21 LT
Tendril Harness
21 LT
Glowing Eyes [Lunar]
22 LT
Glowing Paws [Lunar]
22 LT
Lunar Breath
22 LT
Lunar Unihorn
22 LT
Purple Glowing Eyes [Lunar]
22 LT
Purple Glowing Paws [Lunar]
22 LT
Purple Lunar Breath
22 LT
Spore Ears [Blue]
22 LT
Spore Ears [Purple]
22 LT
Gentle Cnitharian Tendrils [Elbows]
23 LT
Gentle Cnitharian Tendrils [Head]
23 LT
Gentle Cnitharian Tendrils [Hind Legs]
23 LT
Gentle Cnitharian Tendrils [Tail]
23 LT
Lunar Snailshell Bodydangles
23 LT
Lunar Snailshell Necklace
23 LT
Lunar Orb Anklets
24 LT
Lunar Orb Bracelets
24 LT
Lunar Orb Headband
24 LT
Lunar Orb Tailband
24 LT
Pendant [Lunar Tear]
24 LT
Spore Growth Log
24 LT
Spore Growth Rock Arch
24 LT
Spore Growth Rock Formation
24 LT
Spore Growth Stones
24 LT
Lunar Dream Cape
26 LT
Lunar Pearl Strings
26 LT
Moon Berry Branch Wrap
26 LT
Moon Flower Bodywrap
26 LT
Lunar Tear Bodywraps
27 LT
Moon Strings [Blue]
27 LT
Moon Strings [Purple]
27 LT
Purple Lunar Tear Bodywraps
27 LT
Cnitharian Wolf Pups
30 LT
Lunar Chickadee
30 LT
Lunar Butterfly Migration
35 LT
Lunar Forest Fog
35 LT
Lunar West Coast
35 LT
Moonkissed Arizona Mountains
35 LT
Unnvering Devil's Tower
35 LT
Bulbous Lunar Flowers
36 LT
Hollow Essence Tree
36 LT
Lunar Wolf Friend
36 LT
Hunting Lunar Owl
40 LT
Lunar Barn Owl
40 LT
Lunar Crow Friend
40 LT
Lunar Raven Friend
40 LT
Essence-Filled Ice Cave
60 LT
Only available during Wolvden winter
Fluorescent Cave
60 LT
Frozen Forest
60 LT
Only available during Wolvden winter
Giant Mushrooms
60 LT
Lunar Bridge
60 LT
Lunar Howling Rock
60 LT
Lunar Rockies
60 LT
Lunar Ruins
60 LT
Moonlit Beach
60 LT
Soft Lunar Cave
60 LT

Grasslands-Exclusive Items
These items will only appear in your Lunar Shoppe if your home biome is the Grasslands.

Blue Grass Overgrowth
20 LT
Glowing Flowers
35 LT
Lunar Chipmunk
35 LT
Lunar Sparrows
35 LT
Lunar Blue Grass Hills
60 LT
Lunar Grasslands
60 LT
Moonlit Meadow Path
60 LT

Deciduous Forest-Exclusive Items
These items will only appear in your Lunar Shoppe if your home biome is the Deciduous Forest.

Glowing Fungi Tree
20 LT
Glowing Sapling
35 LT
Lunar Deer Mouse
35 LT
Lunar Opossum
35 LT
Fungus Forest
60 LT
Lunar Deciduous Forest
60 LT
Twinkling Forest Path
60 LT

Mountains-Exclusive Items
These items will only appear in your Lunar Shoppe if your home biome is the Mountains.

Glowing Rock Growths
20 LT
Glowing Mushroom Cluster
35 LT
Lunar Quail
35 LT
Lunar Squirrel
35 LT
Lights Over Water Trail
60 LT
Lunar Cumberland Plateau
60 LT
Lunar Mountains
60 LT

Riparian Woodland-Exclusive Items
These items will only appear in your Lunar Shoppe if your home biome is the Riparian Woodland.

Lunar Branch Arch
20 LT
Glowing Mushroom Growth
35 LT
Lunar Newt
35 LT
Lunar Rabbit
35 LT
Hidden Passage in Watkins Glen Park
60 LT
Lunar Riparian Woodland
60 LT
Shining Waterfall
60 LT

Prairie-Exclusive Items
These items will only appear in your Lunar Shoppe if your home biome is the Prairie.

Tall Lunar Grass
20 LT
Glowing Butterflies
35 LT
Lunar Magpie
35 LT
Lunar Prairie Chicken
35 LT
Flickering Misty Prairie
60 LT
Lonely Lunar Tree
60 LT
Lunar Prairie
60 LT

Coniferous Forest-Exclusive Items
These items will only appear in your Lunar Shoppe if your home biome is the Coniferous Forest.

Hidden Ferns
20 LT
Glowing Ferns
35 LT
Lunar Beaver
35 LT
Lunar Weasel
35 LT
Lunar Coniferous Forest
60 LT
Nocturnal Meadows
60 LT
Snowdust Forest
60 LT

Desert-Exclusive Items
These items will only appear in your Lunar Shoppe if your home biome is the Desert.

Dry Lunar Shrub
20 LT
Glowing Shrubs
35 LT
Growth Lizard
35 LT
Lunar Rattlesnake
35 LT
Lunar Desert
60 LT
Magic of Monument Valley
60 LT
Nocturnal Flowering Cactus
60 LT

Taiga-Exclusive Items
These items will only appear in your Lunar Shoppe if your home biome is the Taiga.

Glowing Waterfall
20 LT
Frozen Cobweb
20 LT
Glowing Mossy Rocks
35 LT
Lunar Rattlesnake
35 LT
Lunar Taiga
60 LT
Old Humming Pier
60 LT
Shining Night Forest
60 LT

Swamp-Exclusive Items
These items will only appear in your Lunar Shoppe if your home biome is the Swamp.

Lunar Wetland Vines
20 LT
Glowing Vines
20 LT
Lunar Anole
35 LT
Lunar Toad
35 LT
Lunar Swamp
60 LT
Serene Swamp
60 LT
White Alligator
60 LT

Tundra-Exclusive Items
These items will only appear in your Lunar Shoppe if your home biome is the Tundra.

Lunar Mossy Boulders
20 LT
Glowing Boreal Flowers
20 LT
Glowing Lichen Rocks
35 LT
Lunar Marmot
35 LT
Glowing Alaska Stream
60 LT
Lunar Tundra
60 LT
Moonlit Aurora
60 LT

Rainforest-Exclusive Items
These items will only appear in your Lunar Shoppe if your home biome is the Rainforest.

Glowing Palm Leaves
20 LT
Glowing Vegetation
20 LT
Lunar Capybara
35 LT
Lunar Hummingbird
35 LT
Glowing Jungle
60 LT
Lunar Cenote
60 LT
Lunar Rainforest
60 LT

Glacier-Exclusive Items
These items will only appear in your Lunar Shoppe if your home biome is the Glacier.

Glowing Icy Growths
20 LT
Glowing Ice
20 LT
Lunar Lemmings
35 LT
Lunar Puffin
35 LT
Floating Lunar Peaks
60 LT
Lunar Glacier
60 LT
Sleeping Giant
60 LT

Limited-time Decorations and Backgrounds

Some items are only available in the Lunar Shoppe during one specific run of the event to celebrate a real life lunar occurrence or other notable event. Each item has a different schedule of return, with some being so far out that they can't be expected until an announcement from the developers is made.

Solar Eclipse Gliding Fish School
10 LT
Available in the Lunar Shoppe from April 21st to 27th, 2023. May return in the future with a special event of the developers' choosing.
Eclipse Penguin
20 LT
Available in the Lunar Shoppe from December 17th to 23rd, 2021, and will show up again only during lunar events happening over Antarctica. Next expected in December 2039, but will likely return sooner.
Lunar Fawn
20 LT
Available in the Lunar Shoppe from July 15th to 21st, 2022, and is expected every time a Supermoon occurs in July.
Total Lunar Eclipse Beaver
20 LT
Available in the Lunar Shoppe from May 20th to 26th, 2022, and is next expected in 2023.
Total Lunar Eclipse Jaguar Cub
20 LT
Available in the Lunar Shoppe from November 18th to 24th, 2022, and will be distributed through community raffles and very special Lunar events of the developers' choice.
Supercharged Buck
30 LT
Available in the Lunar Shoppe from July 15th to 21st, 2022, and is expected every time a Supermoon occurs in July.
Solar Eclipse Shark
40 LT
Available in the Lunar Shoppe from April 21st to 27th, 2023. May return in the future with a special event of the developers' choosing.
Antarctic Eclipse
60 LT
Available in the Lunar Shoppe from December 17th to 23rd, 2021, and will show up again only during lunar events happening over Antarctica. Next expected in December 2039, but will likely return sooner.
Antarctic Moonlight
60 LT
Available in the Lunar Shoppe from December 17th to 23rd, 2021, and will show up again only during lunar events happening over Antarctica. Next expected in December 2039, but will likely return sooner.
Beaver Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse
60 LT
Available in the Lunar Shoppe from November 18th to 24th, 2022, and will be distributed through community raffles and very special Lunar events of the developers' choice.
Buck Supermoon
60 LT
Available in the Lunar Shoppe from July 15th to 21st, 2022, and is expected every time a Supermoon occurs in July.
Lunar Sturgeon Supermoon
60 LT
Available in the Lunar Shoppe from August 18th to 24th, 2023, and is next expected in August 2024.
Ningaloo Solar Hybrid Eclipse
60 LT
Available in the Lunar Shoppe from April 21st to 27th, 2023. May return in the future with a special event of the developers' choosing.
Seasonal Blue Moon
60 LT
Available in the Lunar Shoppe from August 20th to 26th, 2021, and will show up again only during a lunar event with a seasonal Blue Moon. Next expected in August 2024.
Super Flower Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse
60 LT
Available in the Lunar Shoppe from May 20th to 26th, 2022, and is next expected in 2023.


Unlike decorations and backgrounds, Lunar Event applicators have a consistent schedule of retirement. Applicators are distributed through this event in two-month phases. Some applicators will be available for the whole two months, while other applicators will only be available for one month before they are retired.

So, how do you tell which applicators will be available in a certain Lunar Event?

Base Applicators are released every other month and are in the event shop for two months at a time. For example, if a base is released in the February event, it will be available for purchase during the February and the March events.

Each base applicator has a corresponding set of markings, claws, and leathers (skins and noses). The first month that a base applicator is released, the claw and leather applicators will accompany it. Claw and leather applicators will be available for two months alongside the base applicator. The second month that the base is available, the corresponding marking applicator is released. The marking applicator will only be available for one month.

Eye applicators are separate from the base applicator set. Each eye applicator is only available for one month before it is retired.

An example schedule of applicator releases is outlined below.

Month 1: New base applicator, new claw applicator, new skin applicator, new nose applicator, new eye applicator.

Month 2: Same base applicator, same claw applicator, same skin applicator, same nose applicator, new eye applicator, new marking applicator

Month 3: New base applicator, new claw applicator, new skin applicator, new nose applicator, new eye applicator

After the applicators have been in the lunar shoppe for their month or couple of months, they will be retired and they will not show up in normal event shoppes in the future.

All Previous Applicators

February 2021

Base Applicator [Selene]
500 LT

Claw Applicator [Selenite]
80 LT

Nose Applicator [Selenite]
80 LT

Skin Applicator [Selene]
80 LT

Eye Applicator [Violet]
200 LT

March 2021

Markings Applicator [Selene]
250 LT

Eye Applicator [Indigo]
200 LT

April 2021

Base Applicator [Luna]
500 LT

Claw Applicator [Lunar]
80 LT

Nose Applicator [Lunar]
80 LT

Skin Applicator [Lunar]
80 LT

Eye Applicator [Purple]
200 LT

May 2021

Markings Applicator [Luna]
250 LT

Eye Applicator [Azure]
200 LT

June 2021

Base Applicator [Losna]
500 LT

Claw Applicator [Lusxnei]
80 LT

Nose Applicator [Lusxnei]
80 LT

Skin Applicator [Lusxnei]
80 LT

Eye Applicator [Lux]
200 LT

July 2021

Markings Applicator [Losna]
250 LT

Eye Applicator [Lumino]
200 LT

August 2021
During this Special Lunar Event, every previous applicator returned, so only an eye applicator was introduced.

Eye Applicator [Saeculorum]
200 LT

September 2021

Base Applicator [Moonlight]
500 LT

Claw Applicator [Noctiluca]
80 LT

Nose Applicator [Noctiluca]
80 LT

Skin Applicator [Noctiluca]
80 LT

Eye Applicator [Nightglow]
200 LT

October 2021

Markings Applicator [Moonlight]
250 LT

Eye Applicator [Bioluminescent Indigo]
200 LT

November 2021

Base Applicator [Turquoise]
500 LT

Claw Applicator [Verdigris]
80 LT

Nose Applicator [Verdigris]
80 LT

Skin Applicator [Verdigris]
80 LT

Eye Applicator [Biomluminescent Teal]
200 LT

December 2021
During this Special Lunar Event, every previous applicator returned, so only an eye applicator was introduced.

Eye Applicator [Bioluminescent Blue]
200 LT

January 2022

Markings Applicator [Turquoise]
250 LT

Eye Applicator [Sapphire]
200 LT

February 2022

Base Applicator [Airglow]
500 LT

Claw Applicator [Moonbow]
80 LT

Nose Applicator [Moonbow]
80 LT

Skin Applicator [Moonbow]
80 LT

Eye Applicator [Moonglow]
200 LT

March 2022

Markings Applicator [Airglow]
250 LT

Eye Applicator [Somnium]
200 LT

April 2022

Base Applicator [Caelum]
500 LT

Claw Applicator [Sacer]
80 LT

Nose Applicator [Sacer]
80 LT

Skin Applicator [Sacer]
80 LT

Eye Applicator [Insomnium]
200 LT

May 2022
During this Special Lunar Event, every previous applicator returned, so only an eye applicator was introduced.

Eye Applicator [Selenelion]
200 LT

June 2022

Markings Applicator [Caelum]
250 LT

Eye Applicator [Saros]
200 LT

July 2022

Base Applicator [Artemis]
500 LT

Claw Applicator [Apollo]
80 LT

Nose Applicator [Apollo]
80 LT

Skin Applicator [Apollo]
80 LT

Eye Applicator [Electric Blue]
200 LT

August 2022

Markings Applicator [Artemis]
250 LT

Eye Applicator [Moonshine]
200 LT

September 2022

Base Applicator [Diana]
500 LT

Claw Applicator [Dius]
80 LT

Nose Applicator [Dius]
80 LT

Skin Applicator [Dius]
80 LT

Eye Applicator [Electric Pink]
200 LT

October 2022

Markings Applicator [Diana]
250 LT

Eye Applicator [Moonlight]
200 LT

November 2022
During this Special Lunar Event, an extra unique eye applicator was added, which will only return when another Total Lunar Eclipse occurs.

Eye Applicator [Total Eclipse]
200 LT

December 2022

Base Applicator [Nightchill]
500 LT

Claw Applicator [Chill]
80 LT

Nose Applicator [Chill]
80 LT

Skin Applicator [Chill]
80 LT

Eye Applicator [Cold]
200 LT

January 2023

Markings Applicator [Nightchill]
250 LT

Eye Applicator [Frost]
200 LT

February 2023

Base Applicator [Cynthia]
500 LT

Claw Applicator [Cynthius]
80 LT

Nose Applicator [Cynthius]
80 LT

Skin Applicator [Cynthius]
80 LT

Eye Applicator [Electric Green]
200 LT

March 2023

Markings Applicator [Cynthia]
250 LT

Eye Applicator [Nox]
200 LT

April 2023
No new applicators were released during this Special Lunar Event.

May 2023

Base Applicator [Biform]
500 LT

Claw Applicator [Duorum]
80 LT

Nose Applicator [Duorum]
80 LT

Skin Applicator [Duorum]
80 LT

Eye Applicator [Electric White]
200 LT

June 2023

Markings Applicator [Biform]
250 LT

Eye Applicator [Lunisolar]
200 LT

July 2023

Base Applicator [Penumbra]
500 LT

Claw Applicator [Penumbral]
80 LT

Nose Applicator [Penumbral]
80 LT

Skin Applicator [Penumbral]
80 LT

Eye Applicator [Astrum]
200 LT

August 2022
During this Special Lunar Event, every previous applicator returned, so only an eye applicator was introduced.

Eye Applicator [Blue Moon]
200 LT

September 2023

Markings Applicator [Penumbra]
250 LT

Eye Applicator [Halo]
200 LT

October 2023

Base Applicator [Umbra]
500 LT

Claw Applicator [Umbral]
80 LT

Nose Applicator [Umbral]
80 LT

Skin Applicator [Umbral]
80 LT

Eye Applicator [Vision]
200 LT

November 2023

Markings Applicator [Umbra]
250 LT

Eye Applicator [Horizon]
200 LT

December 2023

Base Applicator [Antumbra]
500 LT

Claw Applicator [Antumbral]
80 LT

Nose Applicator [Antumbral]
80 LT

Skin Applicator [Antumbral]
80 LT

Eye Applicator [Moonbeam]
200 LT

January 2024

Markings Applicator [Antumbra]
250 LT

Eye Applicator [Stellaris]
200 LT

Lunar Crafting Recipes

During the Lunar Event, certain encounters may drop event-exclusive crafting recipes! These recipes function the same as any other crafting recipe, but they require some lunar items to craft.

Lunar recipes are represented by a blue, glowing scroll.

There are a few ways that recipes can be obtained while exploring. Some are obtained when offering Acorns to certain animals, others drop from making certain choices, and even more drop after finished battles.

List of Lunar Crafting Recipes


Blue Lunar Backline Fluff [Body]
x1 Charged Core
x2 Charged Eyeball
x10 Essence-Covered Fur Clump
x15 Glowing Spores
Occasionally dropped from battles against Charged Lunar opponents in the place of trophies.

Blue Lunar Backline Fluff [Head]
x1 Charged Core
x2 Charged Eyeball
x10 Essence-Covered Fur Clump
x15 Glowing Spores
Occasionally dropped from battles against Charged Lunar opponents in the place of trophies.

Blue Lunar Backline Fluff [Tail]
x1 Charged Core
x2 Charged Eyeball
x10 Essence-Covered Fur Clump
x15 Glowing Spores
Occasionally dropped from battles against Charged Lunar opponents in the place of trophies.

Charged Eyes
x2 Charged Eyeball
x20 Glowing Spores
Found while exploring from offering Acorns to various animals in the Lunar Dreamlands during the Lunar Event.

Cnitharian Frill Accents
x5 Aloe
x5 Charcoal
x20 Glowing Spores
x3 Growth Root
x5 Remnant: Essence-Covered Feather
Found while exploring from Saying Hello to the Cnitharian Pair in the Dreamlands.

Cnitharian Frill Accents [Purple]
x5 Aloe
x5 Charcoal
x20 Glowing Spores
x3 Growth Root
x5 Remnant: Essence-Covered Feather
Found while exploring from Saying Hello to the Cnitharian Pair in the Dreamlands.

Lunar Butterflies
x20 Butterfly Wing
x10 Glowing Spores
Found while exploring from offering Acorns to various animals in the Lunar Dreamlands during the Lunar Event.

Lunar Charged Mane
x5 Charged Core
x5 Charged Eyeball
x15 Pherris Fur Tuft
Occasionally dropped after losing a battle in the Dreamlands.

Lunar Essence-Covered Feather Earring
x5 Glowing Spores
x2 Pherris Fur Tuft
x10 Remnant: Essence-Covered Feather
Occasionally dropped after losing a battle in the Dreamlands.

Lunar Essence-Covered Tail Wrap
x5 Glowing Spores
x2 Pherris Fur Tuft
x10 Remnant: Essence-Covered Feather
Occasionally dropped after losing a battle in the Dreamlands.

Lunar Flickering Flower Pin
x8 Flickering Flower
x5 Glowing Spores
x3 Remnant: Growth Chunk
Occasionally dropped after losing a battle in the Dreamlands.

Lunar Fur Dust
x15 Essence-Covered Fur Clump
x10 Glowing Spores
Found while exploring from offering Acorns to various animals in the Lunar Dreamlands during the Lunar Event.

Lunar Glowing Claws
x5 Glowing Claw
x15 Glowing Spores
Found while exploring from offering Acorns to various animals in the Lunar Dreamlands during the Lunar Event.

Lunar Glowing Talon Necklace
x10 Essence-Covered Fur Clump
x5 Glowing Spores
x5 Glowing Talon
Occasionally dropped after losing a battle in the Dreamlands.

Pherish Fur Body
x2 Charcoal
x10 Essence-Covered Fur Clump
x10 Glowing Spores
x10 Pherris Fur Tuft
Occasionally dropped from battles against Pherris opponents in the place of trophies.

Pherish Fur Head
x2 Charcoal
x10 Essence-Covered Fur Clump
x10 Glowing Spores
x10 Pherris Fur Tuft
Occasionally dropped from battles against Pherris opponents in the place of trophies.

Purple Lunar Backline Fluff [Body]
x1 Charged Core
x2 Charged Eyeball
x10 Essence-Covered Fur Clump
x15 Glowing Spores
Occasionally dropped from battles against Charged Lunar opponents in the place of trophies.

Purple Lunar Backline Fluff [Head]
x1 Charged Core
x2 Charged Eyeball
x10 Essence-Covered Fur Clump
x15 Glowing Spores
Occasionally dropped from battles against Charged Lunar opponents in the place of trophies.

Purple Lunar Backline Fluff [Tail]
x1 Charged Core
x2 Charged Eyeball
x10 Essence-Covered Fur Clump
x15 Glowing Spores
Occasionally dropped from battles against Charged Lunar opponents in the place of trophies.

Volukros Gentle feathers [Body]
x2 Charcoal
x10 Glowing Spores
x10 Remnant: Essence-Covered Feather
x10 Volukros Feather
Occasionally dropped from battles against Volukros opponents in the place of trophies.

Volukros Gentle feathers [Head]
x2 Charcoal
x10 Glowing Spores
x10 Remnant: Essence-Covered Feather
x10 Volukros Feather
Occasionally dropped from battles against Volukros opponents in the place of trophies.


Cozy Nest
x5 Turmeric
x15 Remnant: Essence-Covered Feather
x15 Large Branch
Found while exploring from offering Acorns to various animals in the Lunar Dreamlands during the Lunar Event.

Flickering Meadow
x10 Dandelion
x10 Flickering Flower
x15 Large Leaf
Found while exploring from offering Acorns to various animals in the Lunar Dreamlands during the Lunar Event.

Gathering Lunar Butterflies
x15 St. John's Wort
x15 Butterfly Wing
x15 Large Leaf
Found while exploring from offering Acorns to various animals in the Lunar Dreamlands during the Lunar Event.

Gem Cave
x10 Glowing Spores
x1 Charged Core
x15 Large Rock
Found while exploring from offering Acorns to various animals in the Lunar Dreamlands during the Lunar Event.

Mushroom Path
x5 Growth Chunk
x1 Growth Root
x15 Large Leaf
Found while exploring from offering Acorns to various animals in the Lunar Dreamlands during the Lunar Event.


  1. "Lunar Event News", 26 Feb. 2021,