From Grouse House Wiki
Exploring is one of the primary means of progressing in the game, collecting items, and gaining new wolves! Accessible from the Crossroads page, the Explore map contains a variety of unique biomes that your lead wolf can explore. You'll unlock more explore content as you keep playing and participating in events.
Table of Contents |
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Exploring Basics |
Optional Encounters |
Battle Encounters |
Befriendable Wolves |
Event Exploring |
Biomes |
Exploring Basics
Exploring Basics
You can access exploring from the Crossroads page, selecting the Explore token. This token will bring you to your explore map, where you can find all biomes currently available to explore.
Exploring is an RNG-based mechanic, meaning that it is based on randomization and there is no guarantee for what you will get. It operates on a unit called a "step", defined as one press of the Explore button. One step takes 1% energy from your lead wolf and rolls one random explore result. The result could be an optional encounter, a befriendable wolf encounter, a battle encounter, or filler text. There is no way to guarantee a certain result from an explore step, and results may only be influenced by items. Currently, one item, the Aniseed, increases the probability of rolling a befriendable wolf encounter.
Exploring utilizes lead wolf Energy. In order to explore, your lead wolf must have at least 1% energy. You can find your lead wolf's current energy in the sidebar menu or on your wolf's page. Taking one step (pressing the Explore button one time) will remove 1% energy from your lead wolf's energy bar. Energy is restored slowly over time at a rate of 10% every 7.5 minutes for lead wolves and 5% every 7.5 minutes for pack wolves.
Once you're ready to explore, select a biome from the biome map! Biomes on the map are separated by a faint white line and hovering over each biome will cause it to glow. You can only explore in biomes that are fully discovered by your scouts, which will be in full color. There are 12 available biomes, but each must be unlocked through Scouting before they can be explored.
The exploring interface background changes based on the biome you are exploring in, with each biome having its own unique background. The interface itself has a few parts labeled with letters in the image above. We'll describe each part of the interface here!
A. Current Weather: In the top right of the interface, you'll find the current weather. This is specific to the biome you are currently exploring in. Moving to explore in a different biome will change the weather status. A biome's current weather affects what encounters you may run into and what the biome art looks like.
B. Medicine Pouch: On the left of the interface, you'll find a medicine pouch button. Clicking on this button will open your Medicine: Healing Salve storage, from which you can easily apply Medicine: Healing Salves and Medicine: Rich Healing Salves directly to your lead wolf while you're exploring to restore HP on the go. On Healing Salves may be applied through this menu.
C. Map Button: Clicking on this button on the left of the interface will bring you back to the biome map.
D. Lead Wolf Eyes: The eyes in your explore interface change with your lead wolf's eyes! If your lead wolf has Green eyes, for example, the eyes in the interface will be green. You can view every eye color in the explore interface on the Eye Genetics page.
E. Explore Button: The most important part of the interface, the explore button, is on the right side of the screen! Clicking on this button will initiate one explore "step", utilizing 1% energy to randomly roll one encounter.
F. Explore Menu: The lower part of the interface is where you can find information about what you run into with every explore step. Clicking the Explore button one time will change the content of this menu. The result may be an optional encounter, a battle, or filler text. Depending on the encounter, one or more buttons may appear in this menu, available for you to press to further the encounter.
Optional Encounters
Optional Encounters
One possible result of an explore step is an optional encounter. These encounters present you with a prompt, such as an animal or object you've come across, and one or more options for interacting with the prompt for a reward. Depending on the option you select, you may be given a different reward. Selecting an option during one of these encounters does not expend additional lead wolf energy-it's only the clicking of the Explore button itself that takes 1% energy per explore step.

There are lots of possible encounters, and those available to you will differ based on the biome you're exploring in, the season, the time of day, the weather, and more! Some encounters are also event-exclusive, meaning that they will only appear during specific months or during certain event storyline moments. We'll link to event-specific explore encounters in the Event Exploring section of this page.
Battle Encounters
Battle Encounters
Some explore steps may result in a battle encounter. These encounters feature one enemy, a random animal influenced by the biome you are exploring in, and give you the option to enter a battle with them! You don't have to battle every enemy you come across, as you may choose to just take another explore step. If you do choose to battle, you're enter the battling interface with the enemy you encountered! You can learn all about battling on the Battling page.

The enemies available for you to encounter depend on the biome that you are exploring in. Each enemy has its own unique traits, from battle advantages to trophy drops!
Befriendable Wolves
Befriendable Wolves
While exploring, you may come across wolves available to be befriended. If you have an open territory space, you can enter a befriending minigame for the chance to welcome the wolf into your pack. If you'd prefer not to befriend the wolf, you are also presented with the option to battle them, instead! The chance of coming across a befriendable wolf while exploring is small, but can be increased using an Aniseed item. You can learn about befriending on the Befriending page.

Event Exploring
Event Exploring
On-site Events add a little bit of flair to your exploring, with new encounters and unique rewards! Each monthly event adds new explore encounters and battles encounters to every biome for that month only. These event-exclusive encounters typically drop event currency or event-related rewards! Click on the buttons below to navigate to the respective pages for each event's encounters.
The Lunar Event differs from month-long events in that it adds a whole, new explore map to enjoy! During nighttime in game while the week-long event is running, players may access the Dreamlands, an alternate version of the regular explore map entirely full of event encounters and enemies. Instead of energy like regular explore, exploring in the Dreamlands requires an event energy, Lunar Essence.
There are a total of 12 biomes available to unlock and explore, but they're not all available immediately. In order to unlock every biome, you must send your scout to undiscovered areas until they are fully revealed. If you're beginning at the middle of the biome map, you must scout your way outwards in order. You will not have access to the farthest biomes until you have fully scouting the biomes closest to the center of the map! You can only explore in biomes that you have fully scouted.

Each biome provides multiple exploring differences. The background of the exploring interface changes depending on what biome you are in. Unique encounters are available in specific biomes, while some battle enemies may only be found in certain biomes.
In order from top to bottom and left to right, all 12 biomes are as follows. Click on the biome's name to jump to all explore encounters exclusive to that biome.