Welcome to Wolvden!
From Grouse House Wiki
Are you brand new to Wolvden- planning to create an account, or just starting with a new account? We're excited to have you! The Grouse House Wiki is a player-created wiki for Wolvden, and we hope that you'll find it helpful in getting started. There's not an official Wolvden wiki, but its playerbase is full of knowledgeable guides. Wolvden can be overwhelming when you're just beginning, but we're here to help!
Table of Contents |
Links not working? Sections must be expanded to jump to a subheader within them! |
What is Wolvden? |
Opening Sequence |
Important Mechanics |
Rollover |
Exploring |
Currency |
Useful Wiki Pages |
What is Wolvden?
What is Wolvden?
Wolvden is a free-to-play browser game created by Lioden Ltd, the same people who brought you Lioden back in 2013! With an emphasis on breeding and genetics, and full of beautiful artwork, Wolvden lets you take the role of the leader of your own wolf pack. You'll be able to raise, train, and breed a whole pack of wolves, all while collecting dozens of items, interacting with other players, and building a fortune!
If you're coming from Lioden, you might be able to catch on to the gameplay a bit easier, but keep in mind that many of Wolvden's mechanics are very different than Lioden's! When it comes to hunting, breeding, and more, what you understand about Lioden will not apply here. Don't fret- we have a page just for you. If you'd like a summary of how Wolvden's major mechanics differ from Lioden's, check out the Wolvden vs Lioden page!
Wolvden was released to the public in October 2020, after being official announced in March 2019 and following months of closed beta testing. Since then, it's been in active development, with new development updates every few months, and events with new content happening monthly!
Opening Sequence
Opening Sequence
When first creating your account, you will be tasked with creating a wolf. This will be your lead wolf, and you will be stuck with them until they retire. Don't worry - you'll have plenty of opportunity to customize this wolf with items you gain later on!
In Wolvden, you have the opportunity to choose between a male or a female lead wolf. Both sexes have their benefits, but it's also important to consider the drawbacks. Female lead wolves, if pregnant, will have slower energy regeneration than normal. This means that, if you plan on breeding your female lead wolf, you'll have some periods where exploring might be a bit slower. However, you will be able to have puppies! On the other hand, male lead wolves, if assigned the Breeding Male role, can be bred at basically no cost except for a little bit of energy. So, when choosing a lead wolf, consider whether you plan on breeding them and whether or not you care about slowed energy regeneration.
After you've made your account, you'll be greeted by Tala, a helpful and passionate guide. You'll see Tala many times throughout the game, so keep your eye out!
Tala | ||
An enthusiastic guide, Tala will instruct you through the creation of your pack and work alongside you in learning the game. She's a friendly neighbor who you'll encounter multiple times throughout the game, whether that be while wandering around in explore, seeking help from the archives, or even... dating! |
Wolf |
she/her |
The next thing Tala asks of you is to select your first home biome, the place that you'd like your pack to reside. All biomes have their benefits and it's recommended you just choose the one you like the most! It doesn't really matter which one you choose in the start as it's easy to move around later on. We recommend you choose based on aesthetic! Each biome has its on set of artworks, decorations, and backgrounds which make them enjoyably unique. You can view biome-specific details of each on the Biome Differences page.
After this, Tala will introduce you to your companion wolf who you're also able to customize. Then, she'll point you in the direction of the Questing Snake, where you can pick up some additional tutorial quests to learn more about the game and start unlocking mechanics.
Important Mechanics
Important Mechanics
There are a few large mechanics that are important to underneath before you get too far in the game! These drive the game and contribute to your progression. This isn't everything though... for other important, but more detailed, mechanics, check out the next section of this guide: Helpful Wiki Pages for Beginners.
In order to progress game time, Wolvden utilizes a daily rollover. Every day at exactly 00:00 (midnight) Wolvden time, everything on Wolvden moves one day forward (1/2 month in Wolvden time). Unsure when that would occur for you? Wolvden uses Mountain Standard Time all year round, and never observes Daylight Savings, so you can convert your timezone to MST to find out when rollover will happen.
You don't have to rollover your account at exactly midnight. Logging in any time after midnight will also prompt you to rollover. You cannot play for multiple days in a row without rolling over your account. If the game has rolled over since you last logged in, you must rollover your own account as well. Rolling over for multiple days in a row will provide you streak rewards, and even a grand prize every time you rollover 29 days in a row!
Rolling over your account will result in many changes occurring! Every rollover, your wolves will become hungry and will require amusement. Pups might be born from pregnant wolves, wolves may contract illnesses, and wolves could even die if they are elderly. Since all of this is controlled by your account's rollover, however, failing to rollover means that nothing will change on your account. If you need to take a break from the game, simply stop rolling over for as long as you need! Your pack will be exactly the same as you left it once you get back.
You can learn more about rollover and all of the changes that it brings daily on the Rollover and Dailies page.
Exploration is a primary way for you to collect items, find new wolves, earn currency, and level up! One of Wolvden's primary mechanics, you won't get too far if you're not exploring! You can start exploring by clicking the first token, the Explore token, on the Crossroads page.
Once on the Explore page, you can select the specific biome that you would like to explore in. Wolvden has 12 biomes that can be unlocked through Scouting. You can only explore in biomes which you have fully scouted. Select a biome to be brought to the exploring interface! In the example below, icon A. is the explore button- click or tap on this to take an explore step. To return to the map, click or tap on the Map button represented by B. Finally, to use healing items, you can click or tap on the medicine bag represented by C.!
Exploring requires energy which is gained passively over time. Your lead wolf gains 10% energy every 7.5 minutes. Taking one step in Explore uses up 1% of your lead wolf's energy. To start exploring, click or tap on the explore paw on the right side of the interface! Each step has a few possible outcomes. You may get a filler step, with filler flavor text and no gain. You may get an explore encounter, in which you can select a specific option for a reward. You may also get a battle encounter, where your lead wolf can battle an enemy and gain experience from winning!
You can learn more about exploring on the main Exploring page. To learn more about exploring possibilities, check out Explore Encounters, Battling, or the Battle Enemy Masterlist!
Wolvden has two primary currencies and a handful of supplemental event currencies! Silver Cones (SC) are the common currency used for many mechanics and earned through basic gameplay. You can earn
Silver Cones quickly through completing Daily Quests, trading with other players in the Player Interaction#Trading Center, playing mini-games. and selling items to Raccoon Wares, but there are many other ways to gain the currency as well.
Gold Cones (GC) are Wolvden's premium currency. They can be purchased using real life money from the Grove. If you can't spend real money, you can also gain
Gold Cones through interaction with other players! The only way to earn
Gold Cones through gameplay is through achievements: one difficult achievement, "Enemies to Lovers", will reward
10 GC upon completion. Besides this,
Gold Cones can only enter the market when purchased by a player.
Each event on Wolvden has its own exclusive currency, which can only be earned and spent when that event is happening! You can view all of your current event currency on the Currency Log page even when the event is inactive. Event currency, unlike cones, cannot be traded between players.
You can learn more about Wolvden's different currencies, including all method to earning cones and each event's exclusive currency, on the Currency page.
Useful Wiki Pages for Beginners
Useful Wiki Pages for Beginners
We hope that you'll find this wiki helpful as you're learning about the game, and even once you've gotten a hang of the basics! The Beginner information category of this wiki contains all of the pages that we think will be helpful for a new player. These go over the most basic of information, like the interface, rollovers, and important mechanics. You may choose to work down this list in order to build up your knowledge, or bounce around to what seems interesting. If you want to see everything that this wiki has to offer, you can check out All Pages.
Below, we'll highlight a few select recommended pages to get started with.
Useful Beginner Wiki Pages |
Befriending |
Breeding |
Frequently-Asked Questions |
Genetics and Appearance |
Glossary |
Interface |
Personality |
Questing |
Rollover and Dailies |
Wolf Tasks |