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<td style="width: 20%;">Approach</td>
<td style="width: 20%;">Approach</td>
<td style="width: 50%;">You approach the couple and after a startled introduction, you've ruined the moment and the couple looks at you awkwardly. As the silence stretches on, one of them noses a small bundle your way. They've had their fill; they want to share it with you! It's a good tactic to get you to leave, too, and you get the hint, scooping it up and leaving them in peace..</td>
<td style="width: 50%;">You approach the couple and after a startled introduction, you've ruined the moment and the couple looks at you awkwardly. As the silence stretches on, one of them noses a small bundle your way. They've had their fill; they want to share it with you! It's a good tactic to get you to leave, too, and you get the hint, scooping it up and leaving them in peace..</td>
<td style="width: 30%;">+1 [[File:icon-lovebug.png]] Lovebug<br>+1 Critter Bundle<br>+1 Recipe: Siskiyou Iris & Sunstone Hills!<br>+10 HP</td></tr>
<td style="width: 30%;">+1 [[File:icon-lovebug.png]] Lovebug<br>+1 Critter Bundle<br>+1 Recipe: Siskiyou Iris & Sunstone Hills</td></tr>

Revision as of 19:49, 16 February 2025

Warning: Crowdsourcing!
This article is created largely with the help of crowdsourcing. Due to this, some information may be incomplete or not yet verified. If you find an error or missing information, feel free to submit a Contribution!

Welcome to the 2025 Matchmaker event!
Excuse the mess! We’re adding new information as we discover it, we appreciate your patience! If you find anything that we're missing, please let us know!

Table of Contents
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Date Item Encounters
Encounters in Every Biome
Encounters in Multiple Biomes

This page contains a list of every explore encounter available to find in explore during the February The Matchmaker event. The encounters may drop the event currency, Lovebugs, as well as event-exclusive items.

Click on the time of day icons to view the encounter during different times of day.

Date Item Encounters

Date Item Encounters

These encounters are guaranteed to give you an event-exclusive flower or gem item. These items can be used as gifts for dateable wolves!

Flower Encounters

Flower Encounters

Flower encounters are biome-specific. You can only find one type of flower in each biome.

A bright orange spot stands out and attracts your attention from afar. It's hard not to notice this flower.
Pick flower You have no idea if it will be useful or not but it sure is pretty. +1 Golden Poppy
This encounter is available in the Grasslands

Just one more step and you'd unknowingly pass these beautiful clusters of tiny, blue flowers if you weren't looking for them. Their heads nod gently in the light breeze.
Pick flower As gently as possible, you bite the stem, collecting the flowers carefully. +1 Virginia Bluebells
This encounter is available in the Deciduous Forest

You almost step on an elegant flower with pale petals that open like tiny yellow wings. How interesting!
Pick flower The smell of this flower isn't as attractive as its appearance but you still want to have it. +1 Siskiyou Iris
This encounter is available in the Mountains

This white, open flower with large petals is growing in the middle of the path and can't be ignored.
Pick flower The peculiar shape and interesting smell are enough for you to take it. Maybe it has some hidden properties? +1 Tulare Lavender Iris
This encounter is available in the Riparian Woodland

A delicate purple flower on a long, thin stem sways gently in the wind.
Pick flower The flower looks very fragile, and you make sure to be extra careful with it. +1 Purple Cornflower
This encounter is available in the Prairie

This tall, ornamental flower looks radiant with its snow-white flowers against the dark background.
Pick flower A faint but pleasant smell reaches your nose as you lower your head to pick the flower. +1 Phantom Orchid
This encounter is available in the Coniferous Forest

The vivid color of the small, pink flower cluster encourages you to check it out.
Pick flower You don't know if the flower has any useful properties but you pick it anyway. +1 Fireweed
This encounter is available in the Taiga

This tall flower on a long, thin stem attracts your attention with its unusual shape.
Pick flower You pluck it easily. What should you do with it now? +1 Scarlet Ladies' Tresses
This encounter is available in the Desert

A small ray of light filtering through the trees illuminates a delicate pink flower.
Pick flower Gently does it... +1 Snakemouth Orchid
This encounter is available in the Swamp

Tiny, white flowers are growing close to the ground, making this harsh environment a bit less empty.
Pick flower You have no idea if it will be useful or not but it sure is pretty. +1 Arctic Draba
This encounter is available in the Tundra

An enormous flower hangs just above you from a vine. A faint waft of rotting hits you and immediately you begin to feel queasy.
Pick flower Eugh.. It smells vile. You have no idea why anyone would want this. +1 Pelican Flower
This encounter is available in the Rainforest

These delicate, red flowers look exceptionally beautiful in this unfriendly land. They would be hard to notice in a forest but in such an open area, they scream with color.
Pick flower It will come in handy sooner or later. You're sure about that. +1 Mossy Saxifrage
This encounter is available in the Glacier

Gem Encounters

Gem Encounters

Gem encounters can be found in any biome, but differ based on time of day and weather.

A purple stone you find on the ground looks almost mystical with its deep shade and elegant shine.
Take gemstone You don't think twice. It's far too pretty to leave it behind. +1 Amethyst
This encounter is available in any weather at Dawn

A beautiful yellow stone is shimmering between the pebbles, looking like a hidden treasure.
Take gemstone It looks like a valuable trinket and makes you wonder if you could trade it for something cool. +1 Citrine
This encounter is available in Sunny/Clear Sky weather at any time of day

At first you think you've stumbled across an oddly shaped piece of ice, but it turns out to be a stone. So strange! You've never seen one so clear.
Take gemstone You take the stone, already mesmerized by it's clear surface. +1 Diamond
This encounter is available in Snow weather at any time of day

You spot something green sticking out of the ground. When you dig it out, you discover an interesting stone.
Take gemstone You take the stone carefully, wondering what to do with it. +1 Emerald
This encounter is available in Sleet or Hail weather at any time of day

Ouch! You step on something sharp and look down to see, pressed into the earth, a glimmering white stone.
Take gemstone It's cool and rugged to the touch. +1 Moonstone
This encounter is available in any weather at Night

Something shiny catches your attention. Upon going closer, you discover a tiny stone, glimmering with various shades of blue, resembling a piece of a sky trapped within.
Take gemstone It's pleasantly cool when you touch it. +1 Opal
This encounter is available in Fog or Wind weather at any time of day

You notice a red shine and think it's blood at first, it but it turns out to be a tiny stone covered partly with dirt.
Take gemstone You worked too hard to dig it out, you're not going to leave it here just like that. +1 Ruby
This encounter is available in Heatwave weather at any time of day

You find a tiny blue stone in the middle of your path as if it's been waiting for you. With all this rain, it appears even more shiny and precious.
Take gemstone If it's as valuable as it looks, you are a lucky wolf. And even if it's not, it's pretty to keep anyway. +1 Sapphire
This encounter is available in Rain or Sleet weather at any time of day

From a distance, you spot something glinting in the sunlight. As you approach, you see that it's a sunstone lodged in the ground.
Take gemstone It's warm from the rays of sun. +1 Sunstone
This encounter is available in any weather in Daytime

A bright, almost golden shine makes you stop mid-step and investigate. It's a small but pretty stone, reflecting the last rays of the sun.
Take gemstone You'll make good use of this! +1 Tiger's Eye
This encounter is available in any weather at Dusk

Encounters in Every Biome

Encounters in Every Biome

Two wolves are snuggled together, murmuring soft words and looking shyly at one another. It looks like you've come across a happy dating pair!
Approach You trot up to them and they look quite startled to see you. Had they been that focused on one another? When you ask how their date is going, they both beam and tell you that it's going very well. They radiate happiness, and you bid them farewell. No need to be a third wheel! +1 Lovebug
+1 event flower
Observe It's best not to interrupt their date. After all, you don't want to spoil the mood! You watch them from afar, noting how happy they both seem. It must mean their date is going well, and you move on before they spot you. +1 Lovebug
+1 event gemstone

You come across a group of wolves interacting warmly with each other. They seem close, like mates, and look very happy.
Say hello You approach the group, curious as to the nature of their relationship. At first they are wary, but quickly overcome their shyness and explain that they are all mates. They make room for you to sit for a while and enjoy each other's company. How nice! +1 Lovebug
+2% energy
Watch They seem entirely focused on one another, and you feel like you shouldn't interrupt. You watch them for a few moments, smiling at the happiness on their faces and their tender gazes at one another. What a warm, inviting group they seem to be! They certainly love each other very much. You decide to move on as you begin to draw their attention, and leave them in peace. +1 Lovebug
+1 event gemstone
+1 Bone

A lone wolf stands forlornly, casting glances around them as if they are waiting for someone. They look so sad! Have they been stood up?
Ask what is wrong You approach them and ask what's wrong. They explain that they were supposed to meet a wolf for a date, but it's long past the time the other wolf was supposed to show. They fear they've been stood up. Well, that won't do! You tell them that the matchmaker can set them up on a better date, and they look hopeful as they trot away to see the matchmaker. +1 Lovebug
+2% energy
+1 event gemstone
Offer to be their date No one is going to be stood up on your watch! You trot up to them and offer to be their date. They hesitate at first, but then agree. You go on a nice walk together and keep them talking about their interests. After a while they seem much, much happier. Success! +1 Lovebug
+3% energy
+1 HP
Console You sit by them and console them, assuring them that there is someone else out there for them. This wolf who didn't show clearly wasn't the one for them! They seem encouraged by your words and vow to go and see the matchmaker to find someone new. That's the spirit! +1 Lovebug
+1% energy
+4 HP

This wolf is unmistakable. It's Eranthis! They're relaxing with a soft smile. Could they be escaping the responsibility of matchmaking for a short time?
Leave them be You hesitate a moment, but decide not to interrupt. Everyone needs a bit of peace with their own company from time to time. You watch them for a time, admiring their beautiful coat and enjoying the atmosphere of serene stillness. +1 Lovebug
+5 HP
Greet There's no time to waste. They're so busy, you're hardly able to spend any time with them. Unsure what to expect, you approach Eranthis, asking if it was possible to rest together. To your surprise, you are accepted with a cheerful smile. Not only do you end up having a nice chat but you even get a small gift. +1 Lovebug
+1 event flower
+1 event gemstone

You come across an amusing sight: a wolf is trotting boldly in the opposite direction of the matchmaker, looking confident with a bundle of pretty flowers clutched in their jaws. Where did they think they were going?
Hey, wait! You call out to them and they stop, looking confused. When you ask where they're going, they excitedly tell you that they're on their way to the matchmaker to get matched. You explain that they're going the wrong way, and with wide eyes they quickly change their direction of travel. They insist they can find it on their own when you offer to accompany them there, and that they knew where they were going all along. +1 Lovebug

Raised voices and snarls reach your ears, and you see two wolves arguing up ahead. They both look angry and hurt. Uh oh… a date gone wrong?
Growl You let out a low growl, and they both turn in surprise. If they insist on ruining a perfectly good day with their bickering, they can do it somewhere else! They both skulk away in embarrassment. +2 Lovebugs
Intervene You interrupt them with a sharp word, and they fall silent. There's no need for loud arguing on a date. You encourage them to both work it out in a calmer and more understanding manner. They quickly deflate and their anger dissipates. You leave them to work things out. +1 Lovebug
+6% energy

You could hear the voice long before you see its source. A lone wolf is howling into the sky with its eyes closed and a dedicated expression on its face.
Listen You don't want to interrupt. This wolf clearly wants to be alone right now, so there is no need to reveal yourself. Instead, you stay for a while to listen. While you hear it often and howl yourself every now and then, this sound is extra powerful and pleasant to listen to. It fills you with energy! +1 Lovebug
+3% energy
Join The more you listen, the stronger the urge to join becomes. This sound resonates with your heart, and adding your own voice is simply necessary to feel satisfied and unified with everything around you. As you finish, you exchange smiles with the other wolf. That felt amazing. +1 Lovebug
The instinct is so strong that it's hard not to join right away. You can't resist, and in fact, you don't have to because the other wolf seems to welcome your presence. Adding your deep howl feels amazing. As you finish, the other wolf smiles at you, giving you a small gift and mentioning that howling may heal the soul, but you should also take something to heal the body when the time comes. +1 Lovebug
+1 Medicine: Healing Salve

This male must have been watching too many bird displays. He does wild gestures and moves as he performs in front of a female, clearly trying to get her attention.
Interrupt Your appearance makes the wolf stop abruptly with the beginnings of a snarl forming on his lips. When you ask him what on earth those moves were, he rudely snaps that it's none of your business and pushes the female away. They disappear without a backward glance. The male was so wrapped up in keeping the female away from you that he forgot his recent kill. Such a shame...for him. +1 flamingo carcass
Observe Will his strange moves work? There's only one way to find out! You wait patiently, and soon it's rewarded: the female seems smitten, and she follows the male as he leads her to a more secluded area. Well how about that! +1 Lovebug

With eyes only for each other, these two wolves don't even realize that you've stumbled upon them in the middle of their flirting attempts.
Ignore Luckily for them, you don't mean them harm, nor do you want to get involved with whatever it is they're doing. Hopefully, whatever they're after, they'll get. You've got to keep exploring! +2 Lovebug
Watch Curiosity killed the cat...or in this case, wolf. You can't seem to turn away, so you rest nearby, watching to see if anything comes of their flirting. From grand announcements of love to playing together, these two do it all. Eventually, they wander off, pelts brushing and warmth coming from both of them. Looks like it was a success! Guess the show is over now, and it's time for you to move on.
+2% Energy
+10 HP
Approach You approach the couple and after a startled introduction, you've ruined the moment and the couple looks at you awkwardly. As the silence stretches on, one of them noses a small bundle your way. They've had their fill; they want to share it with you! It's a good tactic to get you to leave, too, and you get the hint, scooping it up and leaving them in peace.. +1 Lovebug
+1 Critter Bundle
+1 Recipe: Siskiyou Iris & Sunstone Hills

Soft paw steps sound behind you, and you turn to see a wolf following you. They approach until they're just a few paces away, looking all flustered and unsure. Despite this, they're unable to tear their gaze away from yours, almost as if they can't help themselves.
Invite for a walk You wag your tail and approach them, asking if they'd like to join you for a walk. Seeming overjoyed, the wolf agrees and you pad side by side companionably for a while. The wolf is nice company, and you enjoy getting to know them. Eventually the wolf takes their leave, insisting you take a gift. What a funny-looking toy! +1 Lovebugs
+1 Old Doll
You wag your tail and approach them, asking if they'd like to join you for a walk. Seeming overjoyed, the wolf agrees and you pad side by side companionably for a while. The wolf is nice company, and you enjoy getting to know them. Eventually, the wolf takes their leave, and before heading on their way, they snatch up a nearby flower as a token for you. How sweet! +1 Lovebug
+1 Event Flower
Greet There's no need to be shy! You're not that scary. Well, at least you don't think so. The wolf is wary at first but soon relaxes and you sit with them companionably for a while. They tell you of a recent successful hunt, and comment on how they're looking for a mate. After a bit you prepare to head back out on your trek, and they pull out a lovely gem, insisting that you give it to someone worthy as a gift. +1 Lovebug
+1 Event Gem

The heartwarming sight of a couple in love catches your attention. With a start, you realize that only one of the lovers is a wolf. Does the wolf even know their companion is a coyote? Love must be blind indeed...
Interrupt You jump at the unusual couple with a loud bark, startling them both. The wolf looks furious at your interruption. As they turn to leave in a huff, both lovers yell at you for your lack of tact and consideration. You could hear their upset voices even from far away. Maybe you shouldn't have interrupted... +1 Lovebug
+1 Acorn
This is unacceptable. This poor wolf is surely being deceived and you have to do something about it! With a warning growl, you stand between the lovers, chasing the coyote away. The wolf is too shocked to say anything and just runs after their lover, trying to stop them somehow. You watch them disappear, and something crunches under your paws. Yours now! +1 Lovebug
+1 Recipe*
Ridicule This can't be happening! What wolf would date a coyote? Ridiculous! You approach the couple, commenting on their poor taste in choosing a future mate. The more you ridicule them, the more the tension grows. A sharp, sudden bite on your side causes you to jump back in surprise. You watch as the glaring couple trots away from you. What the hell was that for? +2 Lovebug
-4 HP
Watch curiously This is certainly new. You approach the couple without them noticing, and watch from a distance. Their date is full of sweet words, affection, and smiles. Apparently, love is something that can cross all known boundaries and expectations. You learn something new every day! +1 Lovebug
+1 Medicine: Healing Salve
* Two recipes are available randomly from this encounter, Canine Fang Necklace and Owl Talon Necklace

At first, the form before you looks like a wolf, but as you focus on the silhouette you realize it's only a coyote. It's carrying gems and flowers in its mouth and trotting determinedly ahead. How peculiar! You hurry to catch up and block their path.
Snatch You have no doubt that the pretty things in the coyote's mouth are stolen. There's no way it got all of this on its own! Stealing from the thief isn't a crime, is it? +2 Lovebugs
+1 event flower
Ambush The gems and flowers are useful for dating - this coyote doesn't need them! With bared teeth, you jump at the coyote and take it by surprise. It drops its treasure with a yelp and runs off, tail between its legs. Score! +1 Lovebug
+2 event flowers
-1 HP

A pair of geese are resting, preening each other tenderly. They must be taking a short break from their migration.
Attack As silently as you can, you creep up on the geese. Success is all but certain! Lost in your thoughts, you make a dreadful mistake as a dry branch cracks under your paws. The birds are fully aware as you jump toward them, and you know your chance is gone. They posture aggressively, not willing to go down without a fight. They bite at your face, and you quickly back off in frustration. So not worth it! +1 Lovebug
-1 HP
They are so focused on each other that it's easy enough to take them by surprise and get a tasty snack. Yum! +1 Lovebug
+1 Goose Leg
The birds are just a jump away from you, completely unaware. This is almost too easy! Your skills earn you a nice reward +1 Lovebug
+1 Large Bird Meat
Interact Usually, these birds would offer an easy meal. The way they're showing such tenderness with one another makes you pause, however. It seems love between species is all the same! Feeling a desire to enjoy the moment, you rest nearby and watch them contentedly. +1 Lovebug
+2 HP

A sudden movement in the corner of your eye catches your attention. Two rats are trying to hide something, but it's too late. They have a huge stash of lovebugs!
Steal Stealing from these little creatures will be a piece of cake! They pose no threat to you. As you attempt to take the bugs they begin to fight back, nipping at your paws fiercely. Pff! They can keep their hoard if they want it that badly. You swipe two from the edge of the pile on your way out. +2 Lovebugs
-1 HP
Approach As soon as you get closer, you watch as the rats try to cover as much of their stash as they can. When they realize you've seen it all, they offer you one lovebug for free if you let them keep the rest. +1 Lovebug
You approach the rats, pretending to be interested in how they managed to get so many bugs. They sense your shady intentions, and keep their distance. They offer you a gift in exchange for leaving them alone. +1 Lovebug
+1 recipe*
* ANY recipe is available from this encounter

Encounters in Multiple Biomes

Encounters in Multiple Biomes

Two inseparable swans are sitting on the ground, looking at each other with passion. There's no doubt that they are meant for each other, blissfully unaware of anything but each other.
Attack The fact that the birds aren't paying attention works greatly in your favor. In fact, they let you get so close that when they finally realize the danger, you're close enough to catch them both. Score! +1 Lovebug
+2 swan carcass
You have the perfect strategy and the fact that the birds aren't paying attention works in your favor. Their lack of focus gives you the opportunity to get really close, and by the time they realize it, it's already too late. For one of them, at least. +1 Lovebug
+1 Swan Carcass
You decide to use the swans' ignorance to your advantage. You jump silently, pouncing nearly on top of one! Your desperation made you clumsy this time, and all you're left with is a feather between your teeth. +1 Lovebug
+1 Swan Feather
You try to approach the swans as efficiently as you can, but you accidentally step on a branch that makes a sharp snapping noise. The birds have more than enough time to just fly away and leave you there, frustrated and hungry. +1 Lovebug
Join You move closer with one purpose in mind: to join the swans in their tender moment. You completely ignore the fact that they are not interested in your company. They let you stay, however, probably amused by your presence. It doesn't last long; laying around isn't very interesting. +1 Lovebug
+6% Energy
You approach the swans with a wide smile. The swans are so into their own world that they don't pay much attention at first, but when you approach them, sitting close as if you belong there, they look at you as if you are offending them. You just want to sit and enjoy their company! +1 Lovebug
+2% Energy
What a lovely moment! You move to sit as close as you can, as if you mean to join them on their date. The birds look at you with sincere concern in their eyes and quickly waddle further away from you. Well, that message couldn't be clearer +1 Lovebug
Mountains, Riparian Woodland, Tundra, Swamp, Glacier, and Rainforest

A sweet, chirping voice lures you closer to a spot where you notice three bluebirds, engaged in their own activities so much that they fail to notice you until you're practically on top of them.
Admire You move a bit closer, tilting your head slightly. The sound of the birds calms your mind and you decide to listen for a while. The birds don’t mind at first but the longer you watch, the more anxious they become, eventually flying away. They're unsure if your interest is genuine or if you were just waiting for an opportunity to eat them. Can't both be true? +1 Lovebug
You sit under the branch, watching the birds with a tilted head. Their sound calms your mind and you feel yourself feeling sleepy. The longer you watch, the more tension can be felt in the air around the birds. Suddenly, one of the birds offers you a small fruit snack, apparently to keep your hunger at bay so that you don't attack them. You don't mind at all; an art performance where they feed you is the best kind of show. +1 Lovebug
+2 HP
Tilting your head a bit, you listen carefully to the birds, finding their presence and sound quite soothing. They seem to appreciate your attention, and soon their casual chat transforms into a little show that you begin to enjoy. Surprisingly, you even receive a small gift afterward! Shouldn't it be the other way around? +1 Recipe: Fireweed & Moonstone Cliffs
Interrupt You listen to the birds for a while but the more you listen to it, the more annoying it becomes. Eventually, your patience reaches its limit, and you rush at the birds with a loud bark. They fly away within seconds, but your irritation doesn't fade away quite so quickly... +2 Lovebugs
Deciduous Forest, Grasslands, Coniferous Forest, Prairie, Desert, and Taiga