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! Table of Contents
| class="disclaimer | ''Links not working? Sections must be expanded to jump to a subheader within them!''
| class="mtocl1" | [[Hunting#Hunting_Basics|Hunting Basics]]
| class="mtocl1" | [[Hunting#Hunting_Party_Components|Hunting Party Components]]
| class="mtocl2" | [[Hunting#Party_Roles_and_Stats|Party Roles and Stats]]
| class="mtocl2" | [[Hunting#Proficiency|Proficiency]]
| class="mtocl2" | [[Hunting#Synergy|Synergy]]
| class="mtocl2" | [[Hunting#Personalities|Personalities]]
| class="mtocl1" | [[Hunting#Seasonal_Effects|Seasonal Effects]]
| class="mtocl1" | [[Hunting#Scars|Scars]]
| class="mtocl1" | [[Hunting#Hunting_Successfully|Hunting Successfully]]
| class="mtocl1" | [[Hunting#Biome_Hunting_Trails|Biome Hunting Trails]]
| class="mtocl1" | [[Hunting#All_Possible_Prey_Items|All Possible Prey Items]]
Besides trading and exploring, hunting is one of the best ways to collect food for you pack. If you have a skilled hunting team, or multiple, feeding your wolves is easy! Hunting is unlocked after completing the associated [[Tutorial Quests|tutorial quest]], "Time to Hunt". After this, it is accessible through the [ Hunting] token on the [ Crossroads].
<h2 class="c-header active">Hunting Basics</h2>
<h2 class="c-header active">Hunting Basics</h2>
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== Hunting Basics==
== Hunting Basics ==

Hunting is one of the best ways to collect food for your pack, other than through trading or exploring. Hunting is unlocked after completing the associated tutorial quest, "Time to Hunt". After this, it is accessible through the [ Hunting] token on the [ Crossroads].
In order to start hunting, you will need to assign some of your wolves as '''Hunters'''. This role is unlocked during the Time to Hunt tutorial quest. There is no limit to the amount of hunters that you have in your pack, nor hunting parties you can make with them, but you will never be able to use more than four hunting parties concurrently.



After you've assigned a wolf the Hunter role in the Settings section of their page, you must create a '''hunting party'''. Wolves cannot be sent out to hunt unless they are in a hunting party. This can be done on the [ Create Hunting Party tab] at the top of the Hunting page. Here, you can select up to five hunters to create a hunting party with. Once the party is built, you can view its stats on the [ Hunting Parties] page. We'll further explain each of the values listed on this page, profiencies and synergy, in the [[Hunting#Hunting Party Components|Hunting Party Components]] section of this page.

To get started, you must first select the biome which you would like to hunt in. <b>You have the ability to hunt in any biome which you have fully scouted (meaning that you are able to explore in it with your lead wolf). </b>


Hunts take longer in biomes that are further away from your home territory. Each border of land that your hunting party must cross in order to get to the biome they are hunting in adds +15 minutes to the total hunt time. For example, if you are located in the Grasslands and sending a hunt to the Prairie, the hunt will take 45 minutes rather than the usual 30 minutes.

A hunting party may have fewer than five members, but single wolves will be required to double up on party roles, expending more energy each hunt. For the highest rate of success, make sure your hunting parties have five wolves in them. Each hunter is able to go on 10 hunts each rollover, and you can keep track of how many each wolf has gone on for the day on the Hunting Parties page.

<p class="text-center"><img src=""></p>

Once you're all set with a hunting party, you are able to hunt in any biome that you have fully discovered through scouting. After you've reached 100% in the scouting progress bar for the biome, and it becomes explorable for your lead wolf, you will be able to send a hunting party there, as well! In order to get a hunt started, you must select the biome that you want to hunt in from the list presented on the Hunting page.

<b>The amount of hunting parties that you are able to have out at one time is dependent on your territory size.</b> The more adult wolf slots you have, the more parties you can send out at a time, with a maximum of four. Note that this is dependent only on territory size, and not how many adult wolves you actually have at the time.


The hunting party limit increases every 25 territory slots:

'''Hunts take longer in biomes that are further away from your home territory'''. Each border of land that your hunting party must cross in order to get to the biome they are hunting in adds +15 minutes to the total hunt time. For example, if you are located in the Grasslands and sending a hunt to the Prairie, the hunt will take 45 minutes rather than the usual 30 minutes. The list of biomes on your Hunting page will provide the travel time extensions for each available biome.

1-24 slots: 1 hunting party<br>
25-49 slots: 2 hunting parties<br>
50-74 slots: 3 hunting parties<br>
75+ slots: 4 hunting parties

The banner at the top of the Hunting page keeps track of how many hunts you currently have in progress. <b>The amount of hunting parties that you are able to have out at one time is dependent on your territory size.</b> The more adult wolf slots you have, the more parties you can send out at a time, with a maximum of four. Note that this is dependent only on territory size, and not how many adult wolves you actually have at the time. So, you could have a pack size of 75, with only 30 adult wolves, and still be able to send out 4 hunting parties at once. This value does not determine how many hunting parties you can have, as you can have an unlimited number of parties. Rather, it only determines how many parties you can have hunting at once. You can only send one hunting party to each biome at any given time.

A single wolf has the ability to participate in ten hunts a day. You can view how many hunts a wolf has left by visiting the Hunting Parties tab of the Hunting page.



The hunting limit increases every 25 territory slots, with the maximum amount of concurrent hunts possible being four.

Before starting a hunt, you must assign your hunters into five different positions. The positions/roles in a hunting party are detailed later in this guide.

<table class="tableA" style="width: 50%; margin: auto;">
<th>Territory Adult Slots</th>
<th>Possible Concurrent Hunts</th>
<th>1-24 slots</th>
<td>1 hunting party</td>
<th>25-49 slots</th>
<td>2 hunting parties</td>
<th>50-74 slots</th>
<td>3 hunting parties</td>
<th>75+ slots</th>
<td>4 hunting parties</td>

Every hunt, your wolves will find one to four scent trails. You must pick one of the scent trails for them to follow. The size of the scent trail directly affects how difficult the hunt will be and what prey your hunting could bring back. The biome that you hunt in will also determine which prey your wolves will bring back.

Before starting a hunt, '''you must assign your hunters into five different positions''': one stalker, three chasers, and one finisher. Each role directly affects the outcome of the hunt in different ways. The Stalker's role is to find scent trails. Having a higher stat stalker will allow the party to find larger trails and therefore larger prey. The party's chasers will tire out the prey, but the hunt may fail if they lose track of the trail. Finally, the finisher must land the final blow on the prey, and it's up to their strength to make sure it doesn't get away. Each role requires '''specific stats''', which are explained in the [[Hunting#Party_Roles_and_Stats|Party Roles and Stats]] section of this page.

<p class="text-center"><img src=""></p>

Every hunt, your wolves will find one to four scent trails. You will be able to pick one scent trail for the team to follow, the size of which will determine how difficult the hunt will be and what prey the team may bring back.The pool of possible prey is affected by the size of the trail, the location of the trail in the biome, and the biome itself. A list of prey for every trail and biome is provided in the [[Hunting#Biome_Hunting_Trails|Biome Hunting Trails]] section of this page. Before selecting a hunting trail, you can view the percent chance that your hunting party has to succeed if you were to choose this trail. This percent chance is based on the stats of your hunting party in relation to biome and trail difficulty, as well as their synergy and proficiency, and the current season. The maximum success chance in Summer and Autumn is 90%. In Spring, the maximum success chance is 100%, while it drops down to 75% in the Winter.

Each size of hunting trail comes in a few different shapes, but the shape does not affect what your hunters can catch, it is purely cosmetic.


Critter hunting trails are green, and they will contain prey items with 4 uses or less.
<table style="width:100%;text-align:center;"><tr><td style="width:50%;">[[File:critter1.png]]</td><td style="width:50%;">[[File:critter2.png]]</td></tr></table>

Each size of hunting trail comes in a couple different shapes, but the shape does not affect what your hunters can catch, it is purely cosmetic. If you find yourself with a [[Questing|daily quest]] or [[Melvin's Missions|Melvin mission]] to send your wolves on a specific size of hunt, you will be looking for a trail of the sizes below.

Small hunting trails are blue, and they will contain prey items with between 8 and 10 uses.
<table style="width:100%;text-align:center;"><tr><td style="width:50%;">[[File:small1.png]]</td><td style="width:50%;">[[File:small2.png]]</td></tr></table>

'''Critter''' hunting trails are green. These are the easiest hunts, and therefore provide the lowest EXP gain. They will result in prey items with 4 uses or less.

Medium hunting trails are purple, and they will contain prey items with between 10 and 16 uses.
<table style="width:100%;text-align:center;"><tr><td style="width:50%;">[[File:medium1.png]]</td><td style="width:50%;">[[File:medium2.png]]</td></tr></table>

'''Small''' hunting trails are blue. They will result in prey items with between 8 and 9 uses.

Large hunting trails are pink, and they will contain prey items with between 16 and 30 uses.
<table style="width:100%;text-align:center;"><tr><td style="width:50%;">[[File:large1.png]]</td><td style="width:50%;">[[File:large2.png]]</td></tr></table>
Before selecting a hunting trail, you can view the percent chance that your hunting party has to succeed if you were to choose this trail. This percent chance is based on the stats of your hunting party in relation to biome and trail difficulty, as well as their synergy and proficiencies, and the current season.

'''Medium''' hunting trails are purple. They will contain prey items with between 10 and 16 uses.


'''Large''' hunting trails are pink. These are the most difficult hunts, which will provide the highest EXP gain. They will contain prey items with between 16 and 30 uses.

The result of any given hunt could be either successful or unsuccessful. If the hunt is successful, your hunters will bring back a prey item and will gain EXP.

There are three possible results for each hunt. If the hunt is successful, your wolves will bring back a prey item corresponding to the scent trail size and will gain a larger amount of EXP. If the hunt is unsuccessful, your hunters will gain a lower amount of EXP and they will not return a prey item corresponding to the scent trail. However, every unsuccessful hunt provides a '''33% chance of bringing back a critter carcass''' as a consolation prize, not matter what size of trail they were originally hunting!

If the hunt is unsuccessful, your hunters will not bring back a prey item, but they will still earn EXP. However, the EXP earned from a failed hunt is less than from a successful hunt. In the case of a failed hunt, your hunting party also has a 33% chance of bringing back a critter carcass as a consolation prize, no matter what size of trail they originally were hunting!

Hunters also have a small chance of contracting an illness after a hunt, whether successful or unsuccessful. There is a higher chance that your wolves will get an Open Wound if they are hunting a large trail, and there are other illnesses or ailments that your wolves could get, as well. More details about illnesses can be found on the [[Illnesses]] page.

Hunters also have a small chance of contracting an illness after a hunt, whether successful or unsuccessful. There is a higher chance that your wolves will get an Open Wound if they are hunting a large trail, and there are other illnesses or ailments that your wolves could get, as well. More details about illnesses can be found in [[ this guide]].

<h2 class="c-header active">Hunting Party Components</h2>
<h2 class="c-header active">Hunting Party Components</h2>
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== Hunting Party Components==
== Hunting Party Components ==
You can have an unlimited amount of hunting parties! Each party can have up to five wolves, but parties with fewer than five will expend energy quicker as one wolf will have to double up on roles. You can view all of your hunting parties on the [ Hunting Parties] page.
<h3 class="c-header active">Hunting Roles & Stats</h3>
<h3 class="c-header active">Party Roles and Stats</h3>
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=== Hunting Roles & Stats===
=== Party Roles and Stats===
There are five different positions that must be filled in a hunting party -- 1 Stalker, 3 Chasers, and 1 Finisher. <b>Luckily, you don't need five wolves to fill all five party positions.</b> One wolf can fill multiple positions in a party, which can be helpful for new players who may not have five wolves yet. However, each position that a wolf fills up will take 20% of their energy, for a maximum expenditure of 100% of their energy if they take on all five positions. Additionally, they will only earn proficiency for the first position that they fill. For example, if a wolf acts as both a Chaser and a Finisher, they will only earn proficiency for the Chaser position.
There are five different positions that must be filled in a hunting party -- '''one stalker''', '''three chasers''', and '''one finisher'''. '''You don't need five wolves to fill all five party positions''', as wolf can fill multiple positions in a party, which can be helpful for new players who may not have five wolves yet. However, each position that a wolf fills up will take 20% of their energy, for a maximum expenditure of 100% of their energy if they take on all five positions. Additionally, '''they will only earn proficiency for the first position that they fill'''. For example, if a wolf acts as both a chaser and a finisher, they will only earn proficiency for the chaser position. With this in mind, it's highly recommended that you make sure your hunting parties have five wolves to guarantee the highest success rates.

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Each position in a hunting party uses a certain stat, and a wolf with a high amount of this stat will do better in that role than a wolf with a lower amount of that stat. When considering which wolf to assign to each position, you should look at which of their stats are the highest.
'''Each position in a hunting party uses certain stats to determine role competancy'''. A wolf with a high combined amount of the stats required for their hunting role will perform better in the role than a wolf with lower stats. Each role only uses these one or two specific stats, and will not pull any influence from other stats. For example, chasers will only use Speed and Agility, and will have no influence from Smarts. Stats hold a larger weight over hunting success than proficiency and synergy, so you will notice greater changes in success when stats change over when other values change. When considering which wolf to assign to each position, you should look at which of their stats are the highest. You can assign their [[Stats#Priority Stats|priority stats]] to match their hunting role, as well, to guarantee that the stats they're using are continually increasing the most.

<b>Stalkers</b> require high <b>Smarts</b> and <b>Wisdom</b>.<br>
<table class="tableA" style="width: 50%; margin: auto;">
<b>Chasers</b> require high <b>Agility</b> and <b>Speed</b>.<br>
<b>Finishers</b> require high <b>Strength</b>.<br>
<th>Hunting Party Role</th>
<th>Stats Used</th>
<td>'''Smarts''' and '''Wisdom'''</td>
<td>'''Agility''' and '''Speed'''</td>

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<h3 class="c-header active">Proficiency</h3>
<h3 class="c-header active">Proficiency</h3>
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=== Proficiency ===
=== Proficiency ===
'''The more a wolf hunts, the more proficient they will become that the position in the hunting party they've been placed in'''. A wolf can be proficient in more than one hunting party position, but will only actively gain proficiency for the first position they've been assigned to (with stalker being looked at first in the order, followed by chaser and finished). Stalking proficiency, chasing proficiency, and finishing proficiency are all separate values which do not interact with each other nor affect the two other roles with which they are not associated.

The more a wolf hunts, the more proficient they will become that the position in the hunting party they've been placed in. A wolf can be proficient in more than one hunting party position, but will only actively gain proficiency for the first position they've been assigned to.
For every hunt, each wolf will gain one proficiency point, unless they're at 100 proficiency. The only thing that will make proficiency increase is hunting continually. '''Proficiency is not affected by stats or party synergy'''. '''Proficiency also decays by one point every rollover''', so your wolf's proficiency will only increase each day if they are completing more than one hunt a day.

For every hunt, each wolf will gain one proficiency point, unless they're at 100 proficiency.
The more proficiency a wolf is in their hunting role, the more successful they will become in performing that role, with 100% proficiency providing the largest boost.

<h3 class="c-header active">Synergy</h2>
<h3 class="c-header active">Synergy</h2>
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=== Synergy ===
=== Synergy ===
Hunting party synergy, which also contributes largely to the success of the party, increases the more a specific party hunts together. It also decreases a small margin every day.

'''Hunting party synergy''', which also contributes largely to the success of the party, '''increases the more a specific party hunts together'''. It decreases by a small margin every day, so keep sending your party on hunts together to guarantee synergy increase.

<b>Party synergy is not affected by wolf personalities despite common conception.</b> It is only based on how much a certain party hunts together, and personality plays no effect in how much synergy a party can gain.
Synergy is gained on an individual wolf level, not a whole-party level. The synergy of the party is completely dependent on the individual synergies of the wolves. When you send a wolf hunting, as long as they're in a party with two or more wolves, they will gain synergy points. From there, the synergy of the party is calculated in the following manner, where 'WS' equals Wolf Synergy. With each hunt, the wolves in a hunting party of two or more wolves will gain 2-5 synergy points.


<p class="text-center">(WS + WS + WS + WS + WS) / 5 = Party Synergy</p>

'''Party synergy is not affected by wolf personalities despite common conception'''. It is only based on how much a certain party has hunted together. Personality plays has no affect on how much synergy a party can gain.

The amount of the wolves in the hunting party can fluctuate, but the total synergy of the party will remain the average of the synergies of the wolves within it.

Synergy is gained on an individual wolf level, not a whole-party level. The synergy of the party is completely dependent on the individual synergies of the wolves. When you send a wolf hunting, as long as they're in a party with two or more wolves, they will gain synergy points. From there, the synergy of the party is calculated as the average individual synergy of all of the wolves in the party. With each hunt, the wolves in a hunting party of two or more wolves will gain 2-5 synergy points each. There is no way to see each wolf's individual synergy value, but it can be theorized based on how frequently the same wolves have been hunting together uninterrupted.

If a single wolf with 0% synergy were to join a party of two wolves, each with 50% synergy, the total party synergy would be calculated as follows: 50 + 50 + 0 / 3 = approx. 33%.

<p class="text-center">'''Party Synergy = Average of Individual Wolf Synergies'''</p>

Due to the nature of this formula, if you consistently leave a wolf out of hunting in a five-wolf hunting party, you will only ever be able to get up to about 80% synergy, because the left-out wolf will have a much lower synergy than the rest (100 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 0 / 5 = 80).

The amount of the wolves in the hunting party can fluctuate, but the total synergy of the party will remain the average of the synergies of the wolves within it. If a single wolf with 0% synergy were to join a party of two wolves, each with 50% synergy, the party's synergy would drop from 50% (50 + 50 / 2) to approximately 33% (50 + 50 + 0 / 3). Due to the nature of this formula, if you consistently leave a wolf out of hunting in a five-wolf hunting party, you will only ever be able to get up to about 80% synergy, because the left-out wolf will have a much lower synergy than the rest (100 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 0 / 5 = 80).

When a wolf is taken out of a hunting party, its individual synergy is reset back to 0%. It's a common thought that removing a wolf from a hunting party will lower the party's synergy. However, this is mostly only true for parties which have been hunting together for a while. There is also a possibility that your party could actually gain a bit of synergy when a wolf is taken out of it. For example, a party of 5 wolves, each with the synergies of 100, 100, 75, 20, and 35, could increase in synergy if you take the last two wolves out of it, because their low synergies will no longer be dragging the average down.

'''When a wolf is taken out of a hunting party, its individual synergy is reset back to 0%'''. It's a common thought that removing a wolf from a hunting party will lower the party's synergy. However, this is mostly only true for parties which have been hunting together for a while. There is also a possibility that your party could actually gain a bit of synergy when a wolf is taken out of it. For example, a party of 5 wolves, each with the synergies of 100, 100, 75, 20, and 35, could increase in synergy if you take the last two wolves out of it, because their low synergies will no longer be dragging the average down.

The formula above can provide a good estimate, however the synergy amounts themselves fluctuate a bit when wolves join and leave a hunting party, so their actual synergy may end up being a few percentage points off of what the formula would give you.
The formula above can provide a good estimate, but the synergy amounts themselves fluctuate a bit within a small range when wolves join and leave a hunting party, so their actual synergy may end up being a few percentage points off of what the formula would give you.

<h3 class="c-header active">Personalities</h2>
<h3 class="c-header active">Personalities</h2>
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=== Personalities ===
=== Personalities ===
You should also take note of the personalities of the wolves in a hunting party, as clashing dispositions may cause arguments mid-hunt, which can result in a loss of prey and an injury for one or more of your wolves. At the moment, <b>Friendly wolves will fight with Aggressive wolves and Romantic wolves will fight with Stoic wolves.</b> Friendly and Romantic wolves get along, while Aggressive and Stoic wolves get along, as well as any other combination of personalities which don't fall into the above clashing groups.
The [[Personality|personalities]] of the wolves in your hunting party of very important! If the wolves do not get along, a hunt with 100% success chance could fail, just because the wolves got into a disagreement. If the personalities of two or more wolves in your hunting party are incompatible, a fail chance will be rolled on top of the success chance, which could cause a hunt to fail even when success previously seemed to be a guarantee. There is one benefit to pairing wolves with incompatible personality- hunts which fail due to disagreements can reward [[Scars]]!
<table class="tableB" style="width: 70%; margin:auto;">
<td class="scaleA0">Hunters with these dispositions '''will disagree'''!</td>
<td>[[File:disposition aggressive.png]] '''Aggressive''' and [[File:disposition friendly.png]] '''Friendly'''</td>
<td>[[File:disposition romantic.png]] '''Romantic''' and [[File:disposition stoic.png]] '''Stoic'''</td>
<table class="tableB" style="width: 70%; margin:auto;">
<td class="scaleA100">Hunters with these dispositions '''will get along'''!</td>
<td>[[File:disposition aggressive.png]] '''Aggressive''' and [[File:disposition romantic.png]] '''Romantic'''</td>
<td>[[File:disposition aggressive.png]] '''Aggressive''' and [[File:disposition stoic.png]] '''Stoic'''</td>
<td>[[File:disposition friendly.png]] '''Friendly''' and [[File:disposition romantic.png]] '''Romantic'''</td>
<td>[[File:disposition friendly.png]] '''Friendly''' and [[File:disposition stoic.png]] '''Stoic'''</td>
If you're unsure whether or not your hunting party personalities are compatible, the [ Personality Snake] can assess your team for [[File:icon-sc.png]] 50 Silver Cones. It will tell you which wolves disagree, if any, so you know which personalities you'll have to change!
<h2 class="c-header active">Seasonal Effects</h2>
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== Seasonal Effects ==
Throughout the Wolvden year, you'll notice your hunting party's success rates fluctuating. This is because success rate is strongly affected by the current season! Hunting in the Summer and Autumn is considered the standard and your hunters will be at their base success rate. In the Winter, this base rate is decreased by 15% in easier biomes, and a little bit less than 15% in more challenging biomes. In Spring, this base rate is increased by 10%, a 25% increase over the Winter rates. With these changes in mind, the maximum hunting success rate is also keeped at 90% in the Summer and Autumn, 75% in the Winter, and 100% in the Spring.
<table class="tableA" style="width: 50%; margin: auto;">
<th>Effect on Success Rates</th>
<th>Success Cap</th>
<th style="text-align: center;">Spring<br>[[File:icon-season-spring.png]]</th>
<td>+10% success</td>
<th style="text-align: center;">Summer<br>[[File:icon-season-summer.png]]</th>
<td>+0% success</td>
<th style="text-align: center;">Autumn<br>[[File:icon-season-autumn.png]]</th>
<td>+0% success</td>
<th style="text-align: center;">Winter<br>[[File:icon-season-winter.png]]</th>
<td>-15% success (<15% in challenging biomes)</td>

For more specific information about personalities, check out [[ this guide]]!
<h2 class="c-header active">Scars</h2>
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== Scars ==
There is a small chance that your wolves will receive [[scars]] from hunts failed due to personality clashes. These scars will be automatically sent to your Hoard after the hunt results are collected.
The pool of possible scars is listed below.
<div class="itemgrid">
{{Decor|Scar: Abdomen|/images/s/ss/Scarabdomen.png| |Hunting personality disagreements| | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{Decor|Scar: Cheekbone [Left]|/images/s/ss/Scarcheekboneleft.png| |Hunting personality disagreements| | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{Decor|Scar: Cheekbone [Right]|/images/s/ss/Scarcheekboneright.png| |Hunting personality disagreements| | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{Decor|Scar: Eye - Long [Left]|/images/s/ss/Scareyelongleft.png| |Hunting personality disagreements| | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{Decor|Scar: Eye - Long [Right]|/images/s/ss/Scareyelongright.png| |Hunting personality disagreements| | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{Decor|Scar: Ear Notch [Left]|/images/s/ss/Scarearnotchleft.png| |Hunting personality disagreements| | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{Decor|Scar: Ear Notch [Right]|/images/s/ss/Scarearnotchright.png| |Hunting personality disagreements| | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{Decor|Scar: Dorsal Scratch|/images/s/ss/Scardorsalscratch.png| |Hunting personality disagreements| | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{Decor|Scar: Hock [Left]|/images/s/ss/Scarhockleft.png| |Hunting personality disagreements| | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{Decor|Scar: Hock [Right]|/images/s/ss/Scarhockright.png| |Hunting personality disagreements| | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{Decor|Scar: Scratched Back|/images/s/ss/Scarscratchedback.png| |Hunting personality disagreements| | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{Decor|Scar: Scratched Shoulder [Left]|/images/s/ss/Scarscratchedshoulderleft.png| |Hunting personality disagreements| | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{Decor|Scar: Scratched Shoulder [Right]|/images/s/ss/Scarscratchedshoulderright.png| |Hunting personality disagreements| | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{Decor|Scar: Scratched Hing Leg [Left]|/images/s/ss/Scarscratchedhindlegleft.png| |Hunting personality disagreements| | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{Decor|Scar: Scratched Hind Leg [Right]|/images/s/ss/Scarscratchedhindlegright.png| |Hunting personality disagreements| | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{Decor|Scar: Snout|/images/s/ss/Scarsnout.png| |Hunting personality disagreements| | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{Decor|Scar: Stop|/images/s/ss/Scarstop.png| |Hunting personality disagreements| | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{Decor|Scar: Thigh Swipe [Left]|/images/s/ss/Scarthighswipeleft.png| |Hunting personality disagreements| | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{Decor|Scar: Thigh Swipe [Right]|/images/s/ss/Scarthighswiperight.png| |Hunting personality disagreements| | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{Decor|Scar: Trieps Scratch [Left]|/images/s/ss/Scartricepsscratchleft.png| |Hunting personality disagreements| | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{Decor|Scar: Triceps Scratch [Right]|/images/s/ss/Scartricepsscratchright.png| |Hunting personality disagreements| | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{Decor|Scar: Wrist [Left]|/images/s/ss/Scarwristleft.png| |Hunting personality disagreements| | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{Decor|Scar: Wrist [Right]|/images/s/ss/Scarwristright.png| |Hunting personality disagreements| | | | | | | | | | | | | }}
{{Decor|Scar: Throat|/images/s/ss/Scarthroat.png| |Hunting personality disagreements| | | | | | | | | | | | | }}

<h2 class="c-header active">Hunting Successfully</h2>
<h2 class="c-header active">Hunting Successfully</h2>
<div class="c-content" style="display: block;">
<div class="c-content" style="display: block;">
Line 163: Line 356:

As early on in the game as you can, try to get your hunting party as you'd like it to be for a while. That is, put the wolves in the party that you'd like to keep in that party, and try not to move them in and out of the party too much. Keeping the hunting party consistent will allow the party's synergy to grow steadily and not drop.
'''Try to solidify your hunting party early on''', adding all five wolves and avoiding removing any. Give every wolf a set role in the party based on their stats, and make sure that they're sticking to that role every hunt. This will allow your party to gain synergy and role proficiencies quickly! You will also want to keep in mind that '''more difficult biomes will present more challenge when hunting'''. Hunting in one of the three starter biomes (Mountains, Deciduous Forest, or Grasslands) will help your success rate stay high while your hunting party is growing. Sending the hunting party to a more difficult biome may help them gain EXP quicker, but their success rate will be drastically lower.

As your wolves complete more hunts and gain more proficiency and synergy, they will grow more successful.  
Proficiency and synergy will only get you so far. Eventually, if you'd like guaranteed chances for catching prey, or the ability to catch prey in more difficult biomes, your wolves will need higher stats. Pay close attention to the stats associated with each of your wolves' hunting party roles. Your stalker will need high Wisdom and Smarts, your chasers will need high Speed and Agility, and your finisher will need high Strength. The amount of stats that they need in order to scent and catch prey in more difficult biomes increases with the difficulty of the biome. In order to have the chance to find larger prey in more difficult biomes, it is your stalker's stats that must increase. Then, the rest of your party must have similarly high stats in order to have a decent chance at catching the prey.

However, proficiency and synergy will only get you so far. Eventually, if you'd like guaranteed chances for catching prey, or the ability to catch prey in more difficult biomes, your wolves will need higher stats. The amount of stats that they need in order to scent and catch prey in more difficult biomes increases with the difficulty of the biome. In order to find larger prey in more difficult biomes, it is your Stalker that needs higher stats. Specifically, your Stalker needs higher Smarts and Wisdom in order to sniff out large trail sizes. Then, the rest of your party must have similarly high stats in order to have a decent chance at catching the prey.

<h2 class="c-header active">Biome Hunting Trails</h2>
<div class="c-content" style="display: block;">
== Biome Hunting Trails ==

Specific stat caps for trail sizes in every biome are currently unknown, however we plan to collect data about this in the future.
Each hunting biome is separated into four separate quandrants, or trails. When sending out a hunt, each scent will be located in one of the four trails. The possible prey from each hunt is dependent on the trail that the scent was located in.

Seasons also affect hunting. Hunting in the Summer and Autumn is the base hunting chance and the normal hunting rates of your hunting party. In the Winter, this base rate is decreased by 15% in easier biomes, and a little less than 15% in challenging biomes. In the Spring, this base rate is increased by 10% (or a 25% increase from the Winter rates). Additionally, hunting success is capped at 90% during Summer and Autumn, 75% during Winter, and 100% during Spring. Overall, hunting is much easier in the Spring!
{{CustomNotice|Warning: Crowdsourcing!|This section of this page is heavily crowdsourced. Prey may be incorrect, incomplete, or missing entirely. If your experience does not match up with what's written in this section, please [[Contribute|let us know!]]}}

<table style="width: 60%;">
<table class="tableB">
<th colspan=4>Grasslands</th>
<th class="trailimage" colspan=4>[[File:grasslandstrails.png]]</th>
<table class="tableB trailprey">
<tr class="trailnames">
<td style="width: 25%;">Fields</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Rangelands</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Oak Savanna</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Hills</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #a5ffa5; color: black; text-align: center;">Critter Prey</th>
<td>[[File:pheasantfemale.png]]<br>Pheasant Hen</td>
<td>[[File:pheasantfemale.png]]<br>Pheasant Hen</td>
<td>[[File:pheasantfemale.png]]<br>Pheasant Hen</td>
<td>[[File:pheasantfemale.png]]<br>Pheasant Hen</td>
<td>[[File:pheasant.png]]<br>Pheasant Rooster</td>
<td>[[File:pheasant.png]]<br>Pheasant Rooster</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #8aa9ff; color: black; text-align: center;">Small Prey</th>
<td>[[File:smalldoe.png]]<br>Small Doe</td>
<td>[[File:smalldoe.png]]<br>Small Doe</td>
<td>[[File:turkey.png]]<br>Turkey Tom</td>
<td>[[File:turkey.png]]<br>Turkey Tom</td>
<td>[[File:turkeyhencarcass.png]]<br>Turkey Hen</td>
<td>[[File:turkeyhencarcass.png]]<br>Turkey Hen</td>
<td>[[File:turkey.png]]<br>Turkey Tom</td>
<td>[[File:turkeyhencarcass.png]]<br>Turkey Hen</td>
<td style="width: 20%;">
<th colspan=4 style="background: #ed8dff; color: black; text-align: center;">Medium Prey</th>
<p class="text-center">[[File:icon-season-spring.png]]</p>
<td style="width: 80%;">
<b>Spring</b>: +10% hunting rates, 100% cap
<td style="width: 20%;">
<p class="text-center">[[File:icon-season-summer.png]]</p>
<td style="width: 80%;">
<b>Summer</b>: Base hunting rates, 90% cap
<td style="width: 20%;">
<p class="text-center">[[File:icon-season-autumn.png]]</p>
<td style="width: 80%;">
<b>Autumn</b>: Base hunting rates, 90% cap
<td style="width: 20%;">
<p class="text-center">[[File:icon-season-winter.png]]</p>
<td>[[File:pronghorndoecarcass.png]]<br>Pronghorn Doe</td>
<td style="width: 80%;">
<b>Winter</b>: -15% hunting rates, 75% cap (this debuff is lessened in challenging biomes)
<td>[[File:pronghorndoecarcass.png]]<br>Pronghorn Doe</td>
<td>[[File:pronghorndoecarcass.png]]<br>Pronghorn Doe</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #fea4c6; color: black; text-align: center;">Large Prey</th>

<h2 class="c-header active">Prey Items</h2>
<table class="tableB">
<div class="c-content" style="display: block;">
== Prey Items ==
<th colspan=4>Deciduous Forest</th>
Below is a list of every prey item available in game. The Trail Size column lists which size of trail is required to hunt in order to get this prey item. The Biomes column lists all of the biomes which you must hunt in to give you the chance of obtaining the item.
<th class="trailimage" colspan=4>[[File:deciduoustrails.png]]</th>
<table class="tableB trailprey">
<tr class="trailnames">
<td style="width: 25%;">Ancient Woodland</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Meadows</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Rocky Waterfall</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Overgrown Valley</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #a5ffa5; color: black; text-align: center;">Critter Prey</th>
<td>[[File:pheasantfemale.png]]<br>Pheasant Hen</td>
<td>[[File:pheasantfemale.png]]<br>Pheasant Hen</td>
<td>[[File:pheasantfemale.png]]<br>Pheasant Hen</td>
<td>[[File:pheasantfemale.png]]<br>Pheasant Hen</td>
<td>[[File:pheasant.png]]<br>Pheasant Rooster</td>
<td>[[File:pheasant.png]]<br>Pheasant Rooster</td>
<td>[[File:pheasant.png]]<br>Pheasant Rooster</td>
<td>[[File:pheasant.png]]<br>Pheasant Rooster</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #8aa9ff; color: black; text-align: center;">Small Prey</th>
<td>[[File:smalldoe.png]]<br>Small Doe</td>
<td>[[File:turkey.png]]<br>Turkey Tom</td>
<td>[[File:turkeyhencarcass.png]]<br>Turkey Hen</td>
<td>[[File:smalldoe.png]]<br>Small Doe</td>
<td>[[File:smalldoe.png]]<br>Small Doe</td>
<td>[[File:turkey.png]]<br>Turkey Tom</td>
<td>[[File:turkeyhencarcass.png]]<br>Turkey Hen</td>
<td>[[File:turkeyhencarcass.png]]<br>Turkey Hen</td>
<td>[[File:turkey.png]]<br>Turkey Tom</td>
<td>[[File:turkey.png]]<br>Turkey Tom</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #ed8dff; color: black; text-align: center;">Medium Prey</th>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #fea4c6; color: black; text-align: center;">Large Prey</th>
<td>[[File:elkbull.png]]<br>Elk Bull</td>
<td>[[File:elkbull.png]]<br>Elk Bull</td>
<td>[[File:elkbull.png]]<br>Elk Bull</td>
<td>[[File:elkbull.png]]<br>Elk Bull</td>
<td>[[File:elkcow.png]]<br>Elk Cow</td>
<td>[[File:elkcow.png]]<br>Elk Cow</td>
<td>[[File:elkcow.png]]<br>Elk Cow</td>
<td>[[File:elkcow.png]]<br>Elk Cow</td>

<b>Biome Key</b><br>
<table class="tableB">
<table style="width: 100%;"><tr><td>DF: Deciduous Forest</td><td>Gr: Grasslands</td><td>M: Mountains</td></tr><tr><td>CF: Coniferous Forest</td><td>P: Prairie</td><td>RW: Riparian Woodland</td></tr><tr><td>De: Desert</td><td>Ta: Taiga</td><td>S: Swamp</td></tr><tr><td>Tu: Tundra</td><td>Gl: Glacier</td><td>Ra: Rainforest</td></tr></table>
<table style="width:100%;text-align:center;">
<th colspan=4>Mountains</th>
<tr style="background:#3a5f70;color:#fff;">
<td style="width:25%;border:1px solid #000;">
<th class="trailimage" colspan=4>[[File:mountainstrails.png]]</th>
<td style="width:25%;border:1px solid #000;">Item & Uses</td>
<td style="width:25%;border:1px solid #000;">Trail Size</td>
<td style="width:25%;border:1px solid #000;">Biomes</td>
<table class="tableB trailprey">
<tr class="trailnames">
<td style="width: 25%;">Mountains</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Forest</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Lakes</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">High Plains</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #a5ffa5; color: black; text-align: center;">Critter Prey</th>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:bat.png]]
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Bat</b>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #8aa9ff; color: black; text-align: center;">Small Prey</th>
<td>[[File:smalldoe.png]]<br>Small Doe</td>
<td>[[File:smalldoe.png]]<br>Small Doe</td>
<td>[[File:smalldoe.png]]<br>Small Doe</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #ed8dff; color: black; text-align: center;">Medium Prey</th>
<td>[[File:bighornsheepewe.png]]<br>Bighorn Sheep Ewe</td>
<td>[[File:bighornsheepewe.png]]<br>Bighorn Sheep Ewe</td>
<td>[[File:bighornsheepewe.png]]<br>Bighorn Sheep Ewe</td>
<td>[[File:bighornsheepewe.png]]<br>Bighorn Sheep Ewe</td>
<td>[[File:bighornsheepram.png]]<br>Bighorn Sheep Ram</td>
<td>[[File:bighornsheepram.png]]<br>Bighorn Sheep Ram</td>
<td>[[File:bighornsheepram.png]]<br>Bighorn Sheep Ram</td>
<td>[[File:mountaingoat.png]]<br>Mountain Goat</td>
<td>[[File:mountaingoat.png]]<br>Mountain Goat</td>
<td>[[File:mountaingoat.png]]<br>Mountain Goat</td>
<td>[[File:muledeer.png]]<br>Mule Deer</td>
<td>[[File:mountaingoat.png]]<br>Mountain Goat</td>
<td>[[File:muledeer.png]]<br>Mule Deer</td>
<td>[[File:muledeer.png]]<br>Mule Deer</td>
<td>[[File:pronghorndoecarcass.png]]<br>Pronghorn Doe</td>
<td>[[File:pronghorndoecarcass.png]]<br>Pronghorn Doe</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #fea4c6; color: black; text-align: center;">Large Prey</th>
<td>[[File:elkbull.png]]<br>Elk Bull</td>
<td>[[File:elkbull.png]]<br>Elk Bull</td>
<td>[[File:elkbull.png]]<br>Elk Bull</td>
<td>[[File:elkbull.png]]<br>Elk Bull</td>
<td>[[File:elkcow.png]]<br>Elk Cow</td>
<td>[[File:elkcow.png]]<br>Elk Cow</td>
<td>[[File:elkcow.png]]<br>Elk Cow</td>
<td>[[File:elkcow.png]]<br>Elk Cow</td>

<table class="tableB">
1 use</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<th colspan=4>Riparian Woodland</th>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<th class="trailimage" colspan=4>[[File:ripariantrails.png]]</th>
<table class="tableB trailprey">
<tr class="trailnames">
<td style="width: 25%;">Great Lakes</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Flood-Meadow</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Bosque</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Giant River</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #a5ffa5; color: black; text-align: center;">Critter Prey</th>
<td>[[File:pheasantfemale.png]]<br>Pheasant Hen</td>
<td>[[File:pheasantfemale.png]]<br>Pheasant Hen</td>
<td>[[File:pheasantfemale.png]]<br>Pheasant Hen</td>
<td>[[File:pheasant.png]]<br>Pheasant Rooster</td>
<td>[[File:pheasant.png]]<br>Pheasant Rooster</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #8aa9ff; color: black; text-align: center;">Small Prey</th>
<td>[[File:smalldoe.png]]<br>Small Doe</td>
<td>[[File:smalldoe.png]]<br>Small Doe</td>
<td>[[File:smalldoe.png]]<br>Small Doe</td>
<td>[[File:smalldoe.png]]<br>Small Doe</td>
<td>[[File:turkeyhencarcass.png]]<br>Turkey Hen</td>
<td>[[File:turkeyhencarcass.png]]<br>Turkey Hen</td>
<td>[[File:turkeyhencarcass.png]]<br>Turkey Hen</td>
<td>[[File:turkeyhencarcass.png]]<br>Turkey Hen</td>
<td>[[File:turkey.png]]<br>Turkey Tom</td>
<td>[[File:turkey.png]]<br>Turkey Tom</td>
<td>[[File:turkey.png]]<br>Turkey Tom</td>
<td>[[File:turkey.png]]<br>Turkey Tom</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #ed8dff; color: black; text-align: center;">Medium Prey</th>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #fea4c6; color: black; text-align: center;">Large Prey</th>
<td>[[File:elkbull.png]]<br>Elk Bull</td>
<td>[[File:elkbull.png]]<br>Elk Bull</td>
<td>[[File:elkbull.png]]<br>Elk Bull</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:groundsquirrel.png]]
<td>[[File:elkcow.png]]<br>Elk Cow</td>
<td>[[File:elkcow.png]]<br>Elk Cow</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Ground Squirrel</b>
<td>[[File:elkcow.png]]<br>Elk Cow</td>
<td>[[File:elkbull.png]]<br>Elk Bull</td>

1 use</td>
<table class="tableB">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<th colspan=4>Prairie</th>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:lemming.png]]
<th class="trailimage" colspan=4>[[File:prairietrails.png]]</th>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Lemming</b>
<table class="tableB trailprey">
<tr class="trailnames">
<td style="width: 25%;">Pine Barrens</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Great Plains</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Pothole Wetlands</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Shrub Steppe</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #a5ffa5; color: black; text-align: center;">Critter Prey</th>
<td>[[File:milksnake.png]]<br>Milk Snake</td>
<td>[[File:milksnake.png]]<br>Milk Snake</td>
<td>[[File:milksnake.png]]<br>Milk Snake</td>
<td>[[File:milksnake.png]]<br>Milk Snake</td>
<td>[[File:pheasantfemale.png]]<br>Pheasant Hen</td>
<td>[[File:pheasantfemale.png]]<br>Pheasant Hen</td>
<td>[[File:pheasantfemale.png]]<br>Pheasant Hen</td>
<td>[[File:pheasant.png]]<br>Pheasant Rooster</td>
<td>[[File:pheasant.png]]<br>Pheasant Rooster</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #8aa9ff; color: black; text-align: center;">Small Prey</th>
<td>[[File:smalldoe.png]]<br>Small Doe</td>
<td>[[File:smalldoe.png]]<br>Small Doe</td>
<td>[[File:smalldoe.png]]<br>Small Doe</td>
<td>[[File:smalldoe.png]]<br>Small Doe</td>
<td>[[File:turkeyhencarcass.png]]<br>Turkey Hen</td>
<td>[[File:turkeyhencarcass.png]]<br>Turkey Hen</td>
<td>[[File:turkey.png]]<br>Turkey Tom</td>
<td>[[File:turkey.png]]<br>Turkey Tom</td>
<td>[[File:turkey.png]]<br>Turkey Tom</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #ed8dff; color: black; text-align: center;">Medium Prey</th>
<td>[[File:pronghorndoecarcass.png]]<br>Pronghorn Doe</td>
<td>[[File:pronghorndoecarcass.png]]<br>Pronghorn Doe</td>
<td>[[File:pronghorndoecarcass.png]]<br>Pronghorn Doe</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #fea4c6; color: black; text-align: center;">Large Prey</th>
<td>[[File:elkbull.png]]<br>Elk Bull</td>
<td>[[File:elkbull.png]]<br>Elk Bull</td>
<td>[[File:elkbull.png]]<br>Elk Bull</td>
<td>[[File:elkcow.png]]<br>Elk Cow</td>
<td>[[File:elkcow.png]]<br>Elk Cow</td>
<td>[[File:elkcow.png]]<br>Elk Cow</td>

1 use</td>
<table class="tableB">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<th colspan=4>Coniferous Forest</th>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:woodpecker.png]]
<th class="trailimage" colspan=4>[[File:coniferoustrails.png]]</th>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Woodpecker</b>
<table class="tableB trailprey">
<tr class="trailnames">
<td style="width: 25%;">Northwoods</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Aspen Parkland</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Rapids</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Redwood Forest</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #a5ffa5; color: black; text-align: center;">Critter Prey</th>
<td>[[File:pheasantfemale.png]]<br>Pheasant Hen</td>
<td>[[File:pheasantfemale.png]]<br>Pheasant Hen</td>
<td>[[File:pheasant.png]]<br>Pheasant Rooster</td>
<td>[[File:pheasantfemale.png]]<br>Pheasant Hen</td>
<td>[[File:pheasant.png]]<br>Pheasant Rooster</td>
<td>[[File:pheasantfemale.png]]<br>Pheasant Hen</td>
<td>[[File:pheasant.png]]<br>Pheasant Rooster</td>
<td>[[File:pheasant.png]]<br>Pheasant Rooster</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #8aa9ff; color: black; text-align: center;">Small Prey</th>
<td>[[File:smalldoe.png]]<br>Small Doe</td>
<td>[[File:smalldoe.png]]<br>Small Doe</td>
<td>[[File:smalldoe.png]]<br>Small Doe</td>
<td>[[File:smalldoe.png]]<br>Small Doe</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #ed8dff; color: black; text-align: center;">Medium Prey</th>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #fea4c6; color: black; text-align: center;">Large Prey</th>
<td>[[File:elkbull.png]]<br>Elk Bull</td>
<td>[[File:elkbull.png]]<br>Elk Bull</td>
<td>[[File:elkbull.png]]<br>Elk Bull</td>
<td>[[File:elkbull.png]]<br>Elk Bull</td>
<td>[[File:elkcow.png]]<br>Elk Cow</td>
<td>[[File:elkcow.png]]<br>Elk Cow</td>
<td>[[File:elkcow.png]]<br>Elk Cow</td>
<td>[[File:elkcow.png]]<br>Elk Cow</td>
<td>[[File:moose.png]]<br>Moose Bull</td>
<td>[[File:moose.png]]<br>Moose Bull</td>
<td>[[File:moose.png]]<br>Moose Bull</td>
<td>[[File:moose.png]]<br>Moose Bull</td>
<td>[[File:moosecow.png]]<br>Moose Cow</td>
<td>[[File:moosecow.png]]<br>Moose Cow</td>
<td>[[File:moosecow.png]]<br>Moose Cow</td>

1 use</td>
<table class="tableB">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<th colspan=4>Desert</th>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<th class="trailimage" colspan=4>[[File:deserttrails.png]]</th>
<table class="tableB trailprey">
<tr class="trailnames">
<td style="width: 25%;">Shrubland</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Mesa</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Canyons</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Desert</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #a5ffa5; color: black; text-align: center;">Critter Prey</th>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #8aa9ff; color: black; text-align: center;">Small Prey</th>
<td>[[File:smalldoe.png]]<br>Small Doe</td>
<td>[[File:smalldoe.png]]<br>Small Doe</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #ed8dff; color: black; text-align: center;">Medium Prey</th>
<td>[[File:bighornsheepewe.png]]<br>Bighorn Sheep Ewe</td>
<td>[[File:bighornsheepewe.png]]<br>Bighorn Sheep Ewe</td>
<td>[[File:muledeer.png]]<br>Mule Deer</td>
<td>[[File:pronghorn.png]]<br>Pronghorn Buck</td>
<td>[[File:bighornsheepram.png]]<br>Bighorn Sheep Ram</td>
<td>[[File:pronghorndoecarcass.png]]<br>Pronghorn Doe</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:Jacana.png]]
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Jacana</b>
<td>[[File:muledeer.png]]<br>Mule Deer</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #fea4c6; color: black; text-align: center;">Large Prey</th>
<td>[[File:elkbull.png]]<br>Elk Bull</td>
<td>[[File:elkbull.png]]<br>Elk Bull</td>
<td>[[File:elkcow.png]]<br>Elk Cow</td>
<td>[[File:elkcow.png]]<br>Elk Cow</td>

2 uses</td>
<table class="tableB">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<th colspan=4>Taiga</th>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<th class="trailimage" colspan=4>[[File:taigatrails.png]]</th>
<table class="tableB trailprey">
<tr class="trailnames">
<td style="width: 25%;">Mossy Cliffs</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Lichen Woodland</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Creek</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Larch Forest</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #a5ffa5; color: black; text-align: center;">Critter Prey</th>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:merlin.png]]
<th colspan=4 style="background: #8aa9ff; color: black; text-align: center;">Small Prey</th>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Merlin</b>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #ed8dff; color: black; text-align: center;">Medium Prey</th>
<td>[[File:bighornsheepram.png]]<br>Bighorn Sheep Ram</td>
<td>[[File:muledeer.png]]<br>Mule Deer</td>
<td>[[File:bighornsheepewe.png]]<br>Bighorn Sheep Ewe</td>
<td>[[File:bighornsheepram.png]]<br>Bighorn Sheep Ram</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #fea4c6; color: black; text-align: center;">Large Prey</th>
<td>[[File:moose.png]]<br>Moose Bull</td>
<td>[[File:caribou.png]]<br>Caribou Bull</td>
<td>[[File:elkbull.png]]<br>Elk Bull</td>
<td>[[File:elkbull.png]]<br>Elk Bull</td>
<td>[[File:moosecow.png]]<br>Moose Cow</td>
<td>[[File:cariboucowcarcass.png]]<br>Caribou Cow</td>
<td>[[File:elkcow.png]]<br>Elk Cow</td>
<td>[[File:moose.png]]<br>Moose Bull</td>
<td>[[File:moose.png]]<br>Moose Bull</td>
<td>[[File:moosecow.png]]<br>Moose Cow</td>

<table class="tableB">
2 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<th colspan=4>Swamp</th>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<th class="trailimage" colspan=4>[[File:swamptrails.png]]</th>
<table class="tableB trailprey">
<tr class="trailnames">
<td style="width: 25%;">Mangrove Forest</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Salt Marsh</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Cypress Basin</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Temperate Swamp</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #a5ffa5; color: black; text-align: center;">Critter Prey</th>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #8aa9ff; color: black; text-align: center;">Small Prey</th>
<td>[[File:smalldoe.png]]<br>Small Doe</td>
<td>[[File:smalldoe.png]]<br>Small Doe</td>
<td>[[File:turkey.png]]<br>Turkey Tom</td>
<td>[[File:turkeyhencarcass.png]]<br>Turkey Hen</td>
<td>[[File:turkey.png]]<br>Turkey Tom</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #ed8dff; color: black; text-align: center;">Medium Prey</th>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:Milksnake.png]]
<th colspan=4 style="background: #fea4c6; color: black; text-align: center;">Large Prey</th>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Milksnake</b>
<td>[[File:elkbull.png]]<br>Elk Bull</td>
<td>[[File:elkcow.png]]<br>Elk Cow</td>
<td>[[File:elkbull.png]]<br>Elk Bull</td>
<td>[[File:elkcow.png]]<br>Elk Cow</td>

2 uses</td>
<table class="tableB">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<th colspan=4>Tundra</th>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<th class="trailimage" colspan=4>[[File:tundratrails.png]]</th>
<table class="tableB trailprey">
<tr class="trailnames">
<td style="width: 25%;">Timberline</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Highlands</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Heathlands</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Coast</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #a5ffa5; color: black; text-align: center;">Critter Prey</th>
<td>[[File:groundsquirrel.png]]<br>Ground Squirrel</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #8aa9ff; color: black; text-align: center;">Small Prey</th>
<td>[[File:muskoxcalf.png]]<br>Muskox Calf</td>
<td>[[File:muskoxcalf.png]]<br>Muskox Calf</td>
<td>[[File:muskoxcalf.png]]<br>Muskox Calf</td>
<td>[[File:muskoxcalf.png]]<br>Muskox Calf</td>
<td>[[File:sealpup.png]]<br>Seal Pup</td>
<td>[[File:sealpup.png]]<br>Seal Pup</td>
<td>[[File:sealpup.png]]<br>Seal Pup</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #ed8dff; color: black; text-align: center;">Medium Prey</th>
<td>[[File:cariboucalf.png]]<br>Caribou Calf</td>
<td>[[File:cariboucalf.png]]<br>Caribou Calf</td>
<td>[[File:cariboucalf.png]]<br>Caribou Calf</td>
<td>[[File:cariboucalf.png]]<br>Caribou Calf</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #fea4c6; color: black; text-align: center;">Large Prey</th>
<td>[[File:dallsheep.png]]<br>Dall Sheep</td>
<td>[[File:caribou.png]]<br>Caribou Bull</td>
<td>[[File:caribou.png]]<br>Caribou Bull</td>
<td>[[File:caribou.png]]<br>Caribou Bull</td>
<td>[[File:moose.png]]<br>Moose Bull</td>
<td>[[File:cariboucowcarcass.png]]<br>Caribou Cow</td>
<td>[[File:cariboucowcarcass.png]]<br>Caribou Cow</td>
<td>[[File:cariboucowcarcass.png]]<br>Caribou Cow</td>
<td>[[File:moosecow.png]]<br>Moose Cow</td>
<td>[[File:dallsheep.png]]<br>Dall Sheep</td>
<td>[[File:moose.png]]<br>Moose Bull</td>
<td>[[File:moose.png]]<br>Moose Bull</td>
<td>[[File:moosecow.png]]<br>Moose Cow</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:Mink.png]]
<td>[[File:moosecow.png]]<br>Moose Cow</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Mink</b>

2 uses</td>
<table class="tableB">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<th colspan=4>Rainforest</th>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<th class="trailimage" colspan=4>[[File:rainforesttrails.png]]</th>
<table class="tableB trailprey">
<tr class="trailnames">
<td style="width: 25%;">Tropical Coast</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Broadleaf Forest</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Jungle River</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Highlands</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #a5ffa5; color: black; text-align: center;">Critter Prey</th>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #8aa9ff; color: black; text-align: center;">Small Prey</th>
<td>[[File:smalldoe.png]]<br>Small Doe</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #ed8dff; color: black; text-align: center;">Medium Prey</th>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:Woodcock.png]]
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Woodcock</b>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #fea4c6; color: black; text-align: center;">Large Prey</th>

<table class="tableB">
2 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<th colspan=4>Glacier</th>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<th class="trailimage" colspan=4>[[File:glaciertrails.png]]</th>
<table class="tableB trailprey">
<tr class="trailnames">
<td style="width: 25%;">Moraine</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Fjord</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Coast</td>
<td style="width: 25%;">Sea Ice</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #a5ffa5; color: black; text-align: center;">Critter Prey</th>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #8aa9ff; color: black; text-align: center;">Small Prey</th>
<td>[[File:muskoxcalf.png]]<br>Muskox Calf</td>
<td>[[File:muskoxcalf.png]]<br>Muskox Calf</td>
<td>[[File:sealpup.png]]<br>Seal Pup</td>
<td>[[File:sealpup.png]]<br>Seal Pup</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #ed8dff; color: black; text-align: center;">Medium Prey</th>
<td>[[File:cariboucalf.png]]<br>Caribou Calf</td>
<td>[[File:cariboucalf.png]]<br>Caribou Calf</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:jackrabbit.png]]
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Jackrabbit</b>
<td>[[File:walruspup.png]]<br>Walrus Pup</td>
<td>[[File:walruspup.png]]<br>Walrus Pup</td>
<th colspan=4 style="background: #fea4c6; color: black; text-align: center;">Large Prey</th>
<td>[[File:caribou.png]]<br>Caribou Bull</td>
<td>[[File:cariboucowcarcass.png]]<br>Caribou Cow</td>

3 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<h2 class="c-header active">All Possible Prey Items</h2>
<div class="c-content" style="display: block;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
== All Possible Prey Items ==
Below is a list of every prey item available in game. Some of these items can also be obtained through specific explore encounters, but each can be hunted in the right conditions.
{{CustomNotice|Warning: Crowdsourcing!|This section of this page is heavily crowdsourced. Prey may be incorrect, incomplete, or missing entirely. If your experience does not match up with what's written in this section, please [[Contribute|let us know!]]}}
<table class="tableA">
<th>Prey Item</th>
<th style="width: 30%;">Uses</th>
<th colspan=3 style="background: #a5ffa5; color: black; text-align: center;">Critter Prey</th>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:Raccoon.png]]
<th>Bat Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>1 use</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Raccoon</b>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Grasslands (All trails)<br>
Taiga (Trails unknown)</td>
3 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<th>Ground Squirrel Carcass</th>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td rowspan=2>1 use</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Tundra (Timberline)</td>
<th>Lemming Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>1 use</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Glacier (Trails unknown)</td>
<th>Woodpecker Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>1 use</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Mountains (All trails)</td>
<th>Jacana Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>2 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Swamp (Trails unknown)</td>
<th>Merlin Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>2 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Coniferous Forest (All trails)</td>
<th>Milk Snake Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>2 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Prairie (All trails)</td>
<th>Mink Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>2 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Taiga (All trails)<br>Tundra (Trails unknown)<br>Glacier (Trails unknown)</td>
<th>Woodcock Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>2 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Deciduous Forest (Ancient Woodland)<br>Deciduous Forest (Overgrown Valley)<br>Deciduous Forest (Rocky Waterfall)</td>
<th>Jackrabbit Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>3 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Desert (Canyons)</td>
<th>Raccoon Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>3 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Riparian Woodland (All trails)</td>
<th>Stoat Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>3 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Coniferous Forest (All trails)<br>Taiga (Mossy Cliffs)<br>Taiga (Lichen Woodland)<br>Tundra (Timberline)<br>Tundra (Heathlands)</td>
<th>Agouti Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>4 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Rainforest (Tropical Coast)<br>Rainforest (Broadleaf Forest)<br>Rainforest (Highlands)</td>
<th>Grouse Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>4 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Mountains (All trails)<br>Coniferous Forest (Aspen Parkland)<br>Coniferous Forest (Redwood Forest)<br>Prairie (All trails)</td>
<th>Gull Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>4 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Tundra (Highlands)<br>Tundra (Heathlands)<br>Tundra (Coast)<br>Glacier (All trails)</td>
<th>Hare Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>4 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Deciduous Forest (All trails)<br>Grasslands (All trails)<br>Mountains (All trails)<br>Coniferous Forest (All trails)<br>Praire (All trails)<br>Desert (All trails)<br>Tundra (All trails)</td>
<th>Muskrat Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>4 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Deciduous Forest (All trails)<br>Grasslands (All trails)<br>Riparian Woodland (All trails)<br>Taiga (Creek)<br>Taiga (Larch Forest)</td>
<th>Opossum Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>4 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Grasslands (All trails)<br>Riparian Woodland (All trails)<br>Swamp (Mangrove Forest)<br>Swamp (Salt Marsh)<br>Swamp (Temperate Swamp)<br>Rainforest (Tropical Coast)<br>Rainforest (Broadleaf Forest)<br>Rainforest (Jungle River)</td>
<th>Pheasant Rooster Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>4 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Deciduous Forest (All trails)<br>Grasslands (Fields)<br>Grasslands (Hills)<br>Coniferous Forest (All trails)<br>Prairie (Great Plains)<br>Prairie (Pothole Wetlands)<br>Riparian Woodland (Great Lakes)<br>Riparian Woodland (Flood-Meadow)</td>
<th>Pheasant Hen Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>4 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Deciduous Forest (All trails)<br>Grasslands (All trails)<br>Coniferous Forest (All trails)<br>Prairie (Great Plains)<br>Prairie (Pothole Wetlands)<br>Prairie (Shrub Steppe)<br>Riparian Woodland (Great Lakes)<br>Riparian Woodland (Flood-Meadow)<br>Riparian Woodland (Bosque)</td>
<th>Quail Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>4 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Mountains (All trails)<br>Desert (All trails)</td>
<th>Rabbit Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>4 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Prairie (All trails)<br>Desert (Canyons)<br>Swamp (Cypress Basin)<br>Swamp (Temperate Swamp)<br>Rainforest (Broadleaf Forest)<br>Rainforest (Highlands)</td>
<th>Silky Anteater Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>4 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Rainforest (Unknown trails)</td>
<th colspan=3 style="background: #8aa9ff; color: black; text-align: center;">Small Prey</th>
<th>Porcupine Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>8 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Deciduous Forest (All trails)<br>Mountains (All trails)<br>Coniferous Forest (All trails)<br>Prairie (Pine Barrens)<br>Prairie (Great Plains)<br>Desert (Mesa)<br>Desert (Canyons)<br>Desert (Desert)<br>Taiga (All trails)<br>Tundra (All trails)<br>Rainforest (Highlands)</td>
<th>Beaver Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>8 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Deciduous Forest (Meadows)<br>Deciduous Forest (Overgrown Valley)<br>Deciduous Forest (Rocky Waterfall)<br>Grasslands (All trails)<br>Mountains (Mountains)<br>Mountains (Forest)<br>Mountains (Lakes)<br>Coniferous Forest (All trails)<br>Riparian Woodland (All trails)<br>Taiga (Lichen Woodland)<br>Taiga (Creek)<br>Swamp (Cypress Basin)<br>Swamp (Temperate Swamp)</td>
<th>Boar Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>8 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Deciduous Forest (All trails)<br>Swamp (Cypress Basin)<br>Swamp (Temperate Swamp)</td>
<th>Muskox Calf Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>8 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Tundra (All trails)<br>Glacier (Moraine)<br>Glacier (Fjord)</td>
<th>Peccary Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>8 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Desert (Mesa)<br>Desert (Desert)<br>Rainforest (Tropical Coast)<br>Rainforest (Jungle River<br>Rainforest (Highlands)</td>
<th>Turkey Tom Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>8 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Deciduous Forest (All trails)<br>Grasslands (Rangelands)<br>Grasslands (Oak Savanna)<br>Grasslands (Hills)<br>Prairie (Pine Barrens)<br>Prairie (Great Plains)<br>Prairie (Pothole Wetlands)<br>Riparian Woodland (All trails)<br>Swamp (Mangrove Forest)<br>Swamp (Temperate Swamp)</td>
<th>Turkey Hen Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>8 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Deciduous Forest (Meadows)<br>Deciduous Forest (Overgrown Valley)<br>Deciduous Forest (Rocky Waterfall)<br>Grasslands (Rangelands)<br>Grasslands (Oak Savanna)<br>Grasslands (Hills)<br>Prairie (Pine Barrens)<br>Prairie (Pothole Wetlands)<br>Riparian Woodland (All trails)<br>Swamp (Temperate Swamp)</td>
<th>Small Doe Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>8 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Deciduous Forest (Ancient Woodland)<br>Deciduous Forest (Overgrown Valley)<br>Deciduous Forest (Rocky Waterfall)<br>Grasslands (Fields)<br>Grasslands (Hills)<br>Mountains (Forest)<br>Mountains (Lakes)<br>Mountains (High Plains)<br>Coniferous Forest (All trails)<br>Prairie (All trails)<br>Riparian Woodland (All trails)<br>Desert (Shrubland)<br>Desert (Canyons)<br>Swamp (Mangrove Forest)<br>Swamp (Salt Marsh)<br>Rainforest (Tropical Coast)</td>
<th>Swine Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>9 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Grasslands (Rangelands)<br>Grasslands (Oak Savanna)<br>Grasslands (Hills)<br>Riparian Woodland (Great Lakes)<br>Riparian Woodland (Flood-Meadow)<br>Riparian Woodland (Bosque)<br>Desert (Mesa)<br>Desert (Canyons)<br>Swamp (All trails)<br>Rainforest (Broadleaf Forest)<br>Rainforest (Jungle River)</td>
<th>Seal Pup Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>9 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Tundra (Timberline)<br>Tundra (Heathlands)<br>Tundra (Coast)<br>Tundra (Coast)<br>Tundra (Sea Ice)</td>
<th colspan=3 style="background: #ed8dff; color: black; text-align: center;">Medium Prey</th>
<th>Pronghorn Buck Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>10 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Grasslands (Rangelands)<br>Grasslands (Oak Savanna)<br>Grasslands (Hills)<br>Mountains (Forest)<br>Mountains (High Plains)<br>Prairie (All trails)<br>Desert (Mesa)</td>
<th>Pronghorn Doe Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>10 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Grasslands (Rangelands)<br>Grasslands (Oak Savanna)<br>Grasslands (Hills)<br>Mountains (Lakes)<br>Mountains (High Plains)<br>Prairie (Pine Barrens)<br>Prairie (Great Plains)<br>Prairie (Shrub Steppe)<br>Desert (Desert)</td>
<th>Whitetail Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>10 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Deciduous Forest (All trails)<br>Grasslands (Fields)<br>Grasslands (Rangelands)<br>Grasslands (Oak Savanna)<br>Mountains (All trails)<br>Coniferous Forest (Northwoods)<br>Coniferous Forest (Aspen Parkland)<br>Coniferous Forest (Rapids)<br>Prairie (Pine Barrens)<br>Prairie (Great Plains)<br>Prairie (Pothole Wetlands)<br>Riparian Woodland (Great Lakes)<br>Riparian Woodland (Flood-Meadow)<br>Riparian Woodland (Bosque)<br>Taiga (Mossy Cliffs)<br>Taiga (Lichen Woodland)<br>Taiga (Creek)<br>Swamp (Cypress Basin)<br>Swamp (Temperate Swamp)<br>Rainforest (Broadleaf Forest)<br>Rainforest (Jungle River)<br>Rainforest (Highlands)</td>
<th>Bighorn Sheep Ewe Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>12 uses</td>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Mountains (All trails)<br>Desert (Mesa)<br>Desert (Canyons)<br>Taiga (Creek)</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:Stoatcarcass.png]]
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Stoat</b>
3 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:Agouti.png]]
<th>Bighorn Sheep Ram Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>12 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Agouti</b>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Mountains (Mountains)<br>Mountains (Lakes)<br>Mountains (High Plains)<br>Desert (Canyons)<br>Taiga (Mossy Cliffs)<br>Taiga (Creek)</td>
4 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:Grouse.png]]
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Grouse</b>
4 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:Gull.png]]
<th>Blacktail Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>12 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Gull</b>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Deciduous Forest (All trails)<br>Grasslands (All trails)<br>Coniferous Forest (All trails)<br>Riparian Woodland (All trails)</td>
4 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:Hare.png]]
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Hare</b>
4 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:Muskrat.png]]
<th>Doe Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>12 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Muskrat</b>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Deciduous Forest (All trails)<br>Grasslands (All trails)<br>Mountains (Forest)<br>Mountains (Lakes)<br>Mountains (High Plains)<br>Coniferous Forest (All trails)<br>Prairie (All trails)<br>Riparian Woodland (Great Lakes)<br>Riparian Woodland (Flood-Meadow)<br>Riparian Woodland (Bosque)<br>Desert (Canyons)<br>Desert (Desert)<br>Swamp (Mangrove Forest)<br>Swamp (Salt Marsh)<br>Swamp (Cypress Basin)<br>Rainforest (Tropical Coast)<br>Rainforest (Jungle River)</td>
4 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:Opossum.png]]
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Opossum</b>
4 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:Pheasant.png]]
<th>Mule Deer Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>12 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Pheasant Rooster</b>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Mountains (Forest)<br>Mountains (Lakes)<br>Mountains (High Plains)<br>Desert (Shrubland)<br>Desert (Canyons)<br>Taiga (Lichen Woodland)</td>
4 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:Pheasantfemale.png]]
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Pheasant Hen</b>
4 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:Quail.png]]
<th>Caribou Calf Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>12 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Quail</b>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Tundra (All trails)<br>Glacier (Moraine)<br>Glacier (Fjord)</td>
4 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:Rabbit.png]]
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Rabbit</b>
4 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:Silkyanteater.png]]
<th>Seal Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>15 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Silky Anteater</b>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Tundra (Highlands)<br>Tundra (Heathlands)<br>Tundra (Coast)<br>Glacier (Coast)<br>Glacier (Sea Ice)</td>
4 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:Porcupine.png]]
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Porcupine</b>
8 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:Beaver.png]]
<th>Donkey Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>16 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Beaver</b>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Desert (Shrubland)<br>Desert (Canyons)<br>Desert (Desert)</td>
8 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:Boar.png]]
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Boar</b>
8 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:Muskoxcalf.png]]
<th>Mountan Goat Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>16 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Muskox Calf</b>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Mountains (All trails)</td>
8 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:Peccary.png]]
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Peccary</b>
8 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:Turkey.png]]
<th>Tapir Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>16 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Turkey Tom</b>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Rainforest (All trails)</td>
8 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:Turkeyhencarcass.png]]
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Turkey Hen</b>
8 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:Smalldoe.png]]
<th>Walrus Pup Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>16 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Small Doe</b>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Glacier (Coast)<br>Glacier (Sea Ice)</td>
8 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:Swine.png]]
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Swine</b>
9 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:Sealpup.png]]
<th colspan=3 style="background: #fea4c6; color: black; text-align: center;">Large Prey</th>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Seal Pup</b>
9 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:Pronghorn.png]]
<th>Dall Sheep Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>17 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Pronghorn Buck</b>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Tundra (Timberline)<br>Tundra (Highlands)</td>
10 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:pronghorndoecarcass.png]]
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Pronghorn Doe</b>
10 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:whitetail.png]]
<th>Elk Cow Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>17 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Whitetail</b>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Deciduous Forest (All trails)<br>Mountains (All trails)<br>Coniferous Forest (All trails)<br>Prairie (Pine Barrens)<br>Prairie (Great Plains)<br>Prairie (Pothole Wetlands)<br>Riparian Woodland (Great Lakes)<br>Riparian Woodland (Flood-Meadow)<br>Riparian Woodland (Bosque)<br>Desert (Shrubland)<br>Desert (Mesa)<br>Taiga (Creek)<br>Swamp (Cypress Basin)<br>Swamp (Temperate Swamp)</td>
10 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:bighornsheepewe.png]]
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Bighorn Sheep Ewe</b>
12 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:bighornsheepram.png]]
<th>Horse Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>18 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Bighorn Sheep Ram</b>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Grasslands (All trails)<br>Prairie (All trails)</td>
12 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:blacktail.png]]
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Blacktail</b>
12 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:deerdoe.png]]
<th>Alligator Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>20 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Doe</b>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Riparian Woodland (Flood-Meadow)<br>Riparian Woodland (Giant River)<br>Swamp (Mangrove Forest)<br>Swamp (Salt Marsh)<br>Swamp (Cypress Basin)</td>
12 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:muledeer.png]]
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Mule Deer</b>
12 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:cariboucalf.png]]
<th>Caribou Bull Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>20 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Caribou Calf</b>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Taiga (Lichen Woodland)<br>Tundra (Highlands)<br>Tundra (Heathlands)<br>Tundra (Coast)<br>Glacier (Moraine)</td>
12 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:seal.png]]
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Seal</b>
15 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:feraldonkey.png]]
<th>Caribou Cow Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>20 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Donkey</b>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Taiga (Lichen Woodland)<br>Tundra (Highlands)<br>Tundra (Heathlands)<br>Tundra (Coast)<br>Glacier (Fjord)</td>
16 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:mountaingoat.png]]
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Mountain Goat</b>
16 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:tapir.png]]
<th>Bovine Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>20 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Tapir</b>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Grasslands (All trails)<br>Riparian Woodland (Great Lakes)<br>Riparian Woodland (Bosque)<br>Riparian Woodland (Giant River)<br>Desert (All trails)<br>Rainforest (Broadleaf Forest)<br>Rainforest (Highlands)</td>
16 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:walruspup.png]]
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Walrus Pup</b>
16 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:dallsheep.png]]
<th>Elk Bull Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>20 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Dall Sheep</b>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Deciduous Forest (All trails)<br>Mountains (All trails)<br>Coniferous Forest (All trails)<br>Prairie (Pine Barrens)<br>Prairie (Great Plains)<br>Prairie (Pothole Wetlands)<br>Riparian Woodland (All trails)<br>Desert (Shrubland)<br>Desert (Mesa)<br>Taiga (Creek)<br>Taiga (Larch Forest)<br>Swamp (Cypress Basin)<br>Swamp (Temperate Swamp)</td>
17 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:elkcow.png]]
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Elk Cow</b>
17 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:feralhorse.png]]
<th>Crocodile Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>20 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Horse</b>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Swamp (Mangrove Forest)<br>Swamp (Salt Marsh)<br>Swamp (Cypress Basin)<br>Rainforest (Tropical Coast)<br>Rainforest (Jungle River)</td>
18 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:gator.png]]
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Alligator</b>
20 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:caribou.png]]
<th>Moose Bull Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>24 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Caribou Bull</b>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Coniferous Forest (All trails)<br>Taiga (Mossy Cliffs)<br>Taiga (Lichen Woodland)<br>Taiga (Larch Forest)<br>Tundra (Timberline)<br>Tundra (Highlands)<br>Tundra (Heathlands)</td>
20 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:cariboucowcarcass.png]]
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Caribou Cow</b>
20 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:feralcattle.png]]
<th>Moose Cow Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>24 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Bovine</b>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Coniferous Forest (Northwoods)<br>Coniferous Forest (Aspen Parkland)<br>Coniferous Forest (Rapids)<br>Taiga (Mossy Cliffs)<br>Taiga (Larch Forest)<br>Tundra (Timberline)<br>Tundra (Highlands)<br>Tundra (Heathlands)</td>
20 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:elkbull.png]]
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Elk Bull</b>
20 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:crocodile.png]]
<th>Muskox Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>24 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Crocodile</b>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Tundra (Heathlands)<br>Tundra (Coast)<br>Glacier (Moraine)<br>Glacier (Fjord)</td>
20 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:moose.png]]
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Moose Bull</b>
24 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:moosecow.png]]
<th>Bison Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>28 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Moose Cow</b>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Coniferous Forest (Northwoods)<br>Coniferous Forest (Aspen Parkland)<br>Prairie (All trails)</td>
24 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:muskox.png]]
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Muskox</b>
24 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:bison.png]]
<th>Walrus Carcass</th>
<td rowspan=2>30 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Bison</b>
<td rowspan=2 style="text-align: left;">Glacier (Coast)<br>Glacier (Sea Ice)</td>
28 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">[[File:walrus.png]]
<td style="border:1px solid #000;"><b>Walrus</b>
30 uses</td>
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
<td style="border:1px solid #000;">
[[Category:Wolf Roles]]
[[Category:Beginner Information]]

Latest revision as of 23:57, 5 July 2024

Table of Contents
Links not working? Sections must be expanded to jump to a subheader within them!
Hunting Basics
Hunting Party Components
Party Roles and Stats
Seasonal Effects
Hunting Successfully
Biome Hunting Trails
All Possible Prey Items

Besides trading and exploring, hunting is one of the best ways to collect food for you pack. If you have a skilled hunting team, or multiple, feeding your wolves is easy! Hunting is unlocked after completing the associated tutorial quest, "Time to Hunt". After this, it is accessible through the Hunting token on the Crossroads.

Hunting Basics

Hunting Basics

In order to start hunting, you will need to assign some of your wolves as Hunters. This role is unlocked during the Time to Hunt tutorial quest. There is no limit to the amount of hunters that you have in your pack, nor hunting parties you can make with them, but you will never be able to use more than four hunting parties concurrently.

After you've assigned a wolf the Hunter role in the Settings section of their page, you must create a hunting party. Wolves cannot be sent out to hunt unless they are in a hunting party. This can be done on the Create Hunting Party tab at the top of the Hunting page. Here, you can select up to five hunters to create a hunting party with. Once the party is built, you can view its stats on the Hunting Parties page. We'll further explain each of the values listed on this page, profiencies and synergy, in the Hunting Party Components section of this page.

A hunting party may have fewer than five members, but single wolves will be required to double up on party roles, expending more energy each hunt. For the highest rate of success, make sure your hunting parties have five wolves in them. Each hunter is able to go on 10 hunts each rollover, and you can keep track of how many each wolf has gone on for the day on the Hunting Parties page.

Once you're all set with a hunting party, you are able to hunt in any biome that you have fully discovered through scouting. After you've reached 100% in the scouting progress bar for the biome, and it becomes explorable for your lead wolf, you will be able to send a hunting party there, as well! In order to get a hunt started, you must select the biome that you want to hunt in from the list presented on the Hunting page.

Hunts take longer in biomes that are further away from your home territory. Each border of land that your hunting party must cross in order to get to the biome they are hunting in adds +15 minutes to the total hunt time. For example, if you are located in the Grasslands and sending a hunt to the Prairie, the hunt will take 45 minutes rather than the usual 30 minutes. The list of biomes on your Hunting page will provide the travel time extensions for each available biome.

The banner at the top of the Hunting page keeps track of how many hunts you currently have in progress. The amount of hunting parties that you are able to have out at one time is dependent on your territory size. The more adult wolf slots you have, the more parties you can send out at a time, with a maximum of four. Note that this is dependent only on territory size, and not how many adult wolves you actually have at the time. So, you could have a pack size of 75, with only 30 adult wolves, and still be able to send out 4 hunting parties at once. This value does not determine how many hunting parties you can have, as you can have an unlimited number of parties. Rather, it only determines how many parties you can have hunting at once. You can only send one hunting party to each biome at any given time.

The hunting limit increases every 25 territory slots, with the maximum amount of concurrent hunts possible being four.

Territory Adult Slots Possible Concurrent Hunts
1-24 slots 1 hunting party
25-49 slots 2 hunting parties
50-74 slots 3 hunting parties
75+ slots 4 hunting parties

Before starting a hunt, you must assign your hunters into five different positions: one stalker, three chasers, and one finisher. Each role directly affects the outcome of the hunt in different ways. The Stalker's role is to find scent trails. Having a higher stat stalker will allow the party to find larger trails and therefore larger prey. The party's chasers will tire out the prey, but the hunt may fail if they lose track of the trail. Finally, the finisher must land the final blow on the prey, and it's up to their strength to make sure it doesn't get away. Each role requires specific stats, which are explained in the Party Roles and Stats section of this page.

Every hunt, your wolves will find one to four scent trails. You will be able to pick one scent trail for the team to follow, the size of which will determine how difficult the hunt will be and what prey the team may bring back.The pool of possible prey is affected by the size of the trail, the location of the trail in the biome, and the biome itself. A list of prey for every trail and biome is provided in the Biome Hunting Trails section of this page. Before selecting a hunting trail, you can view the percent chance that your hunting party has to succeed if you were to choose this trail. This percent chance is based on the stats of your hunting party in relation to biome and trail difficulty, as well as their synergy and proficiency, and the current season. The maximum success chance in Summer and Autumn is 90%. In Spring, the maximum success chance is 100%, while it drops down to 75% in the Winter.

Each size of hunting trail comes in a couple different shapes, but the shape does not affect what your hunters can catch, it is purely cosmetic. If you find yourself with a daily quest or Melvin mission to send your wolves on a specific size of hunt, you will be looking for a trail of the sizes below.

Critter hunting trails are green. These are the easiest hunts, and therefore provide the lowest EXP gain. They will result in prey items with 4 uses or less.

Small hunting trails are blue. They will result in prey items with between 8 and 9 uses.

Medium hunting trails are purple. They will contain prey items with between 10 and 16 uses.

Large hunting trails are pink. These are the most difficult hunts, which will provide the highest EXP gain. They will contain prey items with between 16 and 30 uses.

There are three possible results for each hunt. If the hunt is successful, your wolves will bring back a prey item corresponding to the scent trail size and will gain a larger amount of EXP. If the hunt is unsuccessful, your hunters will gain a lower amount of EXP and they will not return a prey item corresponding to the scent trail. However, every unsuccessful hunt provides a 33% chance of bringing back a critter carcass as a consolation prize, not matter what size of trail they were originally hunting!

Hunters also have a small chance of contracting an illness after a hunt, whether successful or unsuccessful. There is a higher chance that your wolves will get an Open Wound if they are hunting a large trail, and there are other illnesses or ailments that your wolves could get, as well. More details about illnesses can be found on the Illnesses page.

Hunting Party Components

Hunting Party Components

You can have an unlimited amount of hunting parties! Each party can have up to five wolves, but parties with fewer than five will expend energy quicker as one wolf will have to double up on roles. You can view all of your hunting parties on the Hunting Parties page.

Party Roles and Stats

Party Roles and Stats

There are five different positions that must be filled in a hunting party -- one stalker, three chasers, and one finisher. You don't need five wolves to fill all five party positions, as wolf can fill multiple positions in a party, which can be helpful for new players who may not have five wolves yet. However, each position that a wolf fills up will take 20% of their energy, for a maximum expenditure of 100% of their energy if they take on all five positions. Additionally, they will only earn proficiency for the first position that they fill. For example, if a wolf acts as both a chaser and a finisher, they will only earn proficiency for the chaser position. With this in mind, it's highly recommended that you make sure your hunting parties have five wolves to guarantee the highest success rates.

Wolves with the hunter role will have three different proficiency bars which fill up based on which position in the team they take on. You can view a wolf's proficiency on the Hunting Parties tab of the Hunting page or on the Wolf Role tab of an individual wolf's page.

Each position in a hunting party uses certain stats to determine role competancy. A wolf with a high combined amount of the stats required for their hunting role will perform better in the role than a wolf with lower stats. Each role only uses these one or two specific stats, and will not pull any influence from other stats. For example, chasers will only use Speed and Agility, and will have no influence from Smarts. Stats hold a larger weight over hunting success than proficiency and synergy, so you will notice greater changes in success when stats change over when other values change. When considering which wolf to assign to each position, you should look at which of their stats are the highest. You can assign their priority stats to match their hunting role, as well, to guarantee that the stats they're using are continually increasing the most.

Hunting Party Role Stats Used
Stalker Smarts and Wisdom
Chaser Agility and Speed
Finisher Strength

The hunting page will automatically sort your wolves into each of these positions, but it might not sort them as accurately as you could by hand, as it may look at proficiency more than stats. We recommend sorting your wolves manually into the positions you would like them to be in until the hunting page begins to sort them this way as well.



The more a wolf hunts, the more proficient they will become that the position in the hunting party they've been placed in. A wolf can be proficient in more than one hunting party position, but will only actively gain proficiency for the first position they've been assigned to (with stalker being looked at first in the order, followed by chaser and finished). Stalking proficiency, chasing proficiency, and finishing proficiency are all separate values which do not interact with each other nor affect the two other roles with which they are not associated.

For every hunt, each wolf will gain one proficiency point, unless they're at 100 proficiency. The only thing that will make proficiency increase is hunting continually. Proficiency is not affected by stats or party synergy. Proficiency also decays by one point every rollover, so your wolf's proficiency will only increase each day if they are completing more than one hunt a day.

The more proficiency a wolf is in their hunting role, the more successful they will become in performing that role, with 100% proficiency providing the largest boost.



Hunting party synergy, which also contributes largely to the success of the party, increases the more a specific party hunts together. It decreases by a small margin every day, so keep sending your party on hunts together to guarantee synergy increase.

Party synergy is not affected by wolf personalities despite common conception. It is only based on how much a certain party has hunted together. Personality plays has no affect on how much synergy a party can gain.

Synergy is gained on an individual wolf level, not a whole-party level. The synergy of the party is completely dependent on the individual synergies of the wolves. When you send a wolf hunting, as long as they're in a party with two or more wolves, they will gain synergy points. From there, the synergy of the party is calculated as the average individual synergy of all of the wolves in the party. With each hunt, the wolves in a hunting party of two or more wolves will gain 2-5 synergy points each. There is no way to see each wolf's individual synergy value, but it can be theorized based on how frequently the same wolves have been hunting together uninterrupted.

Party Synergy = Average of Individual Wolf Synergies

The amount of the wolves in the hunting party can fluctuate, but the total synergy of the party will remain the average of the synergies of the wolves within it. If a single wolf with 0% synergy were to join a party of two wolves, each with 50% synergy, the party's synergy would drop from 50% (50 + 50 / 2) to approximately 33% (50 + 50 + 0 / 3). Due to the nature of this formula, if you consistently leave a wolf out of hunting in a five-wolf hunting party, you will only ever be able to get up to about 80% synergy, because the left-out wolf will have a much lower synergy than the rest (100 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 0 / 5 = 80).

When a wolf is taken out of a hunting party, its individual synergy is reset back to 0%. It's a common thought that removing a wolf from a hunting party will lower the party's synergy. However, this is mostly only true for parties which have been hunting together for a while. There is also a possibility that your party could actually gain a bit of synergy when a wolf is taken out of it. For example, a party of 5 wolves, each with the synergies of 100, 100, 75, 20, and 35, could increase in synergy if you take the last two wolves out of it, because their low synergies will no longer be dragging the average down.

The formula above can provide a good estimate, but the synergy amounts themselves fluctuate a bit within a small range when wolves join and leave a hunting party, so their actual synergy may end up being a few percentage points off of what the formula would give you.



The personalities of the wolves in your hunting party of very important! If the wolves do not get along, a hunt with 100% success chance could fail, just because the wolves got into a disagreement. If the personalities of two or more wolves in your hunting party are incompatible, a fail chance will be rolled on top of the success chance, which could cause a hunt to fail even when success previously seemed to be a guarantee. There is one benefit to pairing wolves with incompatible personality- hunts which fail due to disagreements can reward Scars!

Hunters with these dispositions will disagree!
Aggressive and Friendly
Romantic and Stoic

Hunters with these dispositions will get along!
Aggressive and Romantic
Aggressive and Stoic
Friendly and Romantic
Friendly and Stoic

If you're unsure whether or not your hunting party personalities are compatible, the Personality Snake can assess your team for 50 Silver Cones. It will tell you which wolves disagree, if any, so you know which personalities you'll have to change!

Seasonal Effects

Seasonal Effects

Throughout the Wolvden year, you'll notice your hunting party's success rates fluctuating. This is because success rate is strongly affected by the current season! Hunting in the Summer and Autumn is considered the standard and your hunters will be at their base success rate. In the Winter, this base rate is decreased by 15% in easier biomes, and a little bit less than 15% in more challenging biomes. In Spring, this base rate is increased by 10%, a 25% increase over the Winter rates. With these changes in mind, the maximum hunting success rate is also keeped at 90% in the Summer and Autumn, 75% in the Winter, and 100% in the Spring.

Season Effect on Success Rates Success Cap
+10% success 100%
+0% success 90%
+0% success 90%
-15% success (<15% in challenging biomes) 75%



There is a small chance that your wolves will receive scars from hunts failed due to personality clashes. These scars will be automatically sent to your Hoard after the hunt results are collected.

The pool of possible scars is listed below.

Scar: Abdomen
Scar: Cheekbone [Left]
Scar: Cheekbone [Right]
Scar: Eye - Long [Left]
Scar: Eye - Long [Right]
Scar: Ear Notch [Left]
Scar: Ear Notch [Right]
Scar: Dorsal Scratch
Scar: Hock [Left]
Scar: Hock [Right]
Scar: Scratched Back
Scar: Scratched Shoulder [Left]
Scar: Scratched Shoulder [Right]
Scar: Scratched Hing Leg [Left]
Scar: Scratched Hind Leg [Right]
Scar: Snout
Scar: Stop
Scar: Thigh Swipe [Left]
Scar: Thigh Swipe [Right]
Scar: Trieps Scratch [Left]
Scar: Triceps Scratch [Right]
Scar: Wrist [Left]
Scar: Wrist [Right]
Scar: Throat

Hunting Successfully

Hunting Successfully

Early on in the game, you'll notice that your hunting party will have a very hard time bringing prey back for your pack. If anything, they'll only be able to catch critters. Hunting is indeed very difficult if your hunting party is not experienced.

Try to solidify your hunting party early on, adding all five wolves and avoiding removing any. Give every wolf a set role in the party based on their stats, and make sure that they're sticking to that role every hunt. This will allow your party to gain synergy and role proficiencies quickly! You will also want to keep in mind that more difficult biomes will present more challenge when hunting. Hunting in one of the three starter biomes (Mountains, Deciduous Forest, or Grasslands) will help your success rate stay high while your hunting party is growing. Sending the hunting party to a more difficult biome may help them gain EXP quicker, but their success rate will be drastically lower.

Proficiency and synergy will only get you so far. Eventually, if you'd like guaranteed chances for catching prey, or the ability to catch prey in more difficult biomes, your wolves will need higher stats. Pay close attention to the stats associated with each of your wolves' hunting party roles. Your stalker will need high Wisdom and Smarts, your chasers will need high Speed and Agility, and your finisher will need high Strength. The amount of stats that they need in order to scent and catch prey in more difficult biomes increases with the difficulty of the biome. In order to have the chance to find larger prey in more difficult biomes, it is your stalker's stats that must increase. Then, the rest of your party must have similarly high stats in order to have a decent chance at catching the prey.

Biome Hunting Trails

Biome Hunting Trails

Each hunting biome is separated into four separate quandrants, or trails. When sending out a hunt, each scent will be located in one of the four trails. The possible prey from each hunt is dependent on the trail that the scent was located in.

Warning: Crowdsourcing!
This section of this page is heavily crowdsourced. Prey may be incorrect, incomplete, or missing entirely. If your experience does not match up with what's written in this section, please let us know!

Fields Rangelands Oak Savanna Hills
Critter Prey

















Pheasant Hen

Pheasant Hen

Pheasant Hen

Pheasant Hen

Pheasant Rooster

Pheasant Rooster
Small Prey





Small Doe



Small Doe

Turkey Tom

Turkey Tom


Turkey Hen

Turkey Hen

Turkey Tom

Turkey Hen
Medium Prey










Pronghorn Doe




Pronghorn Doe

Pronghorn Doe

Large Prey









Deciduous Forest
Ancient Woodland Meadows Rocky Waterfall Overgrown Valley
Critter Prey













Pheasant Hen

Pheasant Hen

Pheasant Hen

Pheasant Hen

Pheasant Rooster

Pheasant Rooster

Pheasant Rooster

Pheasant Rooster



Small Prey









Small Doe




Turkey Tom

Turkey Hen

Small Doe

Small Doe

Turkey Tom

Turkey Hen

Turkey Hen

Turkey Tom

Turkey Tom
Medium Prey












Large Prey

Elk Bull

Elk Bull

Elk Bull

Elk Bull

Elk Cow

Elk Cow

Elk Cow

Elk Cow

Mountains Forest Lakes High Plains
Critter Prey
















Small Prey








Small Doe

Small Doe

Small Doe
Medium Prey

Bighorn Sheep Ewe

Bighorn Sheep Ewe

Bighorn Sheep Ewe

Bighorn Sheep Ewe

Bighorn Sheep Ram


Bighorn Sheep Ram

Bighorn Sheep Ram

Mountain Goat

Mountain Goat


Mountain Goat


Mule Deer

Mountain Goat

Mule Deer


Mule Deer



Pronghorn Doe

Pronghorn Doe


Large Prey

Elk Bull

Elk Bull

Elk Bull

Elk Bull

Elk Cow

Elk Cow

Elk Cow

Elk Cow

Riparian Woodland
Great Lakes Flood-Meadow Bosque Giant River
Critter Prey









Pheasant Hen

Pheasant Hen

Pheasant Hen


Pheasant Rooster

Pheasant Rooster



Small Prey





Small Doe

Small Doe

Small Doe

Small Doe




Turkey Hen

Turkey Hen

Turkey Hen

Turkey Hen

Turkey Tom

Turkey Tom

Turkey Tom

Turkey Tom
Medium Prey










Large Prey





Elk Bull

Elk Bull

Elk Bull


Elk Cow

Elk Cow

Elk Cow

Elk Bull

Pine Barrens Great Plains Pothole Wetlands Shrub Steppe
Critter Prey









Milk Snake

Milk Snake

Milk Snake

Milk Snake


Pheasant Hen

Pheasant Hen

Pheasant Hen

Pheasant Rooster

Pheasant Rooster



Small Prey



Small Doe

Small Doe

Small Doe

Small Doe

Turkey Hen

Turkey Hen

Turkey Tom

Turkey Tom

Turkey Tom
Medium Prey





Pronghorn Doe

Pronghorn Doe






Pronghorn Doe
Large Prey





Elk Bull

Elk Bull

Elk Bull


Elk Cow

Elk Cow

Elk Cow




Coniferous Forest
Northwoods Aspen Parkland Rapids Redwood Forest
Critter Prey









Pheasant Hen


Pheasant Hen


Pheasant Rooster

Pheasant Hen

Pheasant Rooster

Pheasant Hen


Pheasant Rooster


Pheasant Rooster


Small Prey









Small Doe

Small Doe

Small Doe

Small Doe
Medium Prey











Large Prey



Elk Bull

Elk Bull

Elk Bull

Elk Bull

Elk Cow

Elk Cow

Elk Cow

Elk Cow

Moose Bull

Moose Bull

Moose Bull

Moose Bull

Moose Cow

Moose Cow

Moose Cow

Shrubland Mesa Canyons Desert
Critter Prey









Small Prey

Small Doe





Small Doe



Medium Prey


Bighorn Sheep Ewe

Bighorn Sheep Ewe


Mule Deer

Pronghorn Buck

Bighorn Sheep Ram

Pronghorn Doe



Mule Deer
Large Prey





Elk Bull

Elk Bull

Elk Cow

Elk Cow

Mossy Cliffs Lichen Woodland Creek Larch Forest
Critter Prey








Small Prey






Medium Prey

Bighorn Sheep Ram

Mule Deer

Bighorn Sheep Ewe



Bighorn Sheep Ram

Large Prey

Moose Bull

Caribou Bull

Elk Bull

Elk Bull

Moose Cow

Caribou Cow

Elk Cow

Moose Bull

Moose Bull

Moose Cow

Mangrove Forest Salt Marsh Cypress Basin Temperate Swamp
Critter Prey





Small Prey

Small Doe

Small Doe







Turkey Tom




Turkey Hen

Turkey Tom
Medium Prey





Large Prey




Elk Bull




Elk Cow

Elk Bull

Elk Cow

Timberline Highlands Heathlands Coast
Critter Prey

Ground Squirrel









Small Prey

Muskox Calf

Muskox Calf

Muskox Calf

Muskox Calf





Seal Pup

Seal Pup

Seal Pup
Medium Prey

Caribou Calf

Caribou Calf

Caribou Calf

Caribou Calf



Large Prey

Dall Sheep

Caribou Bull

Caribou Bull

Caribou Bull

Moose Bull

Caribou Cow

Caribou Cow

Caribou Cow

Moose Cow

Dall Sheep

Moose Bull


Moose Bull

Moose Cow

Moose Cow


Tropical Coast Broadleaf Forest Jungle River Highlands
Critter Prey








Small Prey





Small Doe


Medium Prey









Large Prey





Moraine Fjord Coast Sea Ice
Critter Prey







Small Prey

Muskox Calf

Muskox Calf

Seal Pup

Seal Pup
Medium Prey

Caribou Calf

Caribou Calf



Walrus Pup

Walrus Pup
Large Prey

Caribou Bull

Caribou Cow





All Possible Prey Items

All Possible Prey Items

Below is a list of every prey item available in game. Some of these items can also be obtained through specific explore encounters, but each can be hunted in the right conditions.

Warning: Crowdsourcing!
This section of this page is heavily crowdsourced. Prey may be incorrect, incomplete, or missing entirely. If your experience does not match up with what's written in this section, please let us know!

Prey Item Uses Biomes
Critter Prey
Bat Carcass 1 use Grasslands (All trails)
Taiga (Trails unknown)
Ground Squirrel Carcass 1 use Tundra (Timberline)
Lemming Carcass 1 use Glacier (Trails unknown)
Woodpecker Carcass 1 use Mountains (All trails)
Jacana Carcass 2 uses Swamp (Trails unknown)
Merlin Carcass 2 uses Coniferous Forest (All trails)
Milk Snake Carcass 2 uses Prairie (All trails)
Mink Carcass 2 uses Taiga (All trails)
Tundra (Trails unknown)
Glacier (Trails unknown)
Woodcock Carcass 2 uses Deciduous Forest (Ancient Woodland)
Deciduous Forest (Overgrown Valley)
Deciduous Forest (Rocky Waterfall)
Jackrabbit Carcass 3 uses Desert (Canyons)
Raccoon Carcass 3 uses Riparian Woodland (All trails)
Stoat Carcass 3 uses Coniferous Forest (All trails)
Taiga (Mossy Cliffs)
Taiga (Lichen Woodland)
Tundra (Timberline)
Tundra (Heathlands)
Agouti Carcass 4 uses Rainforest (Tropical Coast)
Rainforest (Broadleaf Forest)
Rainforest (Highlands)
Grouse Carcass 4 uses Mountains (All trails)
Coniferous Forest (Aspen Parkland)
Coniferous Forest (Redwood Forest)
Prairie (All trails)
Gull Carcass 4 uses Tundra (Highlands)
Tundra (Heathlands)
Tundra (Coast)
Glacier (All trails)
Hare Carcass 4 uses Deciduous Forest (All trails)
Grasslands (All trails)
Mountains (All trails)
Coniferous Forest (All trails)
Praire (All trails)
Desert (All trails)
Tundra (All trails)
Muskrat Carcass 4 uses Deciduous Forest (All trails)
Grasslands (All trails)
Riparian Woodland (All trails)
Taiga (Creek)
Taiga (Larch Forest)
Opossum Carcass 4 uses Grasslands (All trails)
Riparian Woodland (All trails)
Swamp (Mangrove Forest)
Swamp (Salt Marsh)
Swamp (Temperate Swamp)
Rainforest (Tropical Coast)
Rainforest (Broadleaf Forest)
Rainforest (Jungle River)
Pheasant Rooster Carcass 4 uses Deciduous Forest (All trails)
Grasslands (Fields)
Grasslands (Hills)
Coniferous Forest (All trails)
Prairie (Great Plains)
Prairie (Pothole Wetlands)
Riparian Woodland (Great Lakes)
Riparian Woodland (Flood-Meadow)
Pheasant Hen Carcass 4 uses Deciduous Forest (All trails)
Grasslands (All trails)
Coniferous Forest (All trails)
Prairie (Great Plains)
Prairie (Pothole Wetlands)
Prairie (Shrub Steppe)
Riparian Woodland (Great Lakes)
Riparian Woodland (Flood-Meadow)
Riparian Woodland (Bosque)
Quail Carcass 4 uses Mountains (All trails)
Desert (All trails)
Rabbit Carcass 4 uses Prairie (All trails)
Desert (Canyons)
Swamp (Cypress Basin)
Swamp (Temperate Swamp)
Rainforest (Broadleaf Forest)
Rainforest (Highlands)
Silky Anteater Carcass 4 uses Rainforest (Unknown trails)
Small Prey
Porcupine Carcass 8 uses Deciduous Forest (All trails)
Mountains (All trails)
Coniferous Forest (All trails)
Prairie (Pine Barrens)
Prairie (Great Plains)
Desert (Mesa)
Desert (Canyons)
Desert (Desert)
Taiga (All trails)
Tundra (All trails)
Rainforest (Highlands)
Beaver Carcass 8 uses Deciduous Forest (Meadows)
Deciduous Forest (Overgrown Valley)
Deciduous Forest (Rocky Waterfall)
Grasslands (All trails)
Mountains (Mountains)
Mountains (Forest)
Mountains (Lakes)
Coniferous Forest (All trails)
Riparian Woodland (All trails)
Taiga (Lichen Woodland)
Taiga (Creek)
Swamp (Cypress Basin)
Swamp (Temperate Swamp)
Boar Carcass 8 uses Deciduous Forest (All trails)
Swamp (Cypress Basin)
Swamp (Temperate Swamp)
Muskox Calf Carcass 8 uses Tundra (All trails)
Glacier (Moraine)
Glacier (Fjord)
Peccary Carcass 8 uses Desert (Mesa)
Desert (Desert)
Rainforest (Tropical Coast)
Rainforest (Jungle River
Rainforest (Highlands)
Turkey Tom Carcass 8 uses Deciduous Forest (All trails)
Grasslands (Rangelands)
Grasslands (Oak Savanna)
Grasslands (Hills)
Prairie (Pine Barrens)
Prairie (Great Plains)
Prairie (Pothole Wetlands)
Riparian Woodland (All trails)
Swamp (Mangrove Forest)
Swamp (Temperate Swamp)
Turkey Hen Carcass 8 uses Deciduous Forest (Meadows)
Deciduous Forest (Overgrown Valley)
Deciduous Forest (Rocky Waterfall)
Grasslands (Rangelands)
Grasslands (Oak Savanna)
Grasslands (Hills)
Prairie (Pine Barrens)
Prairie (Pothole Wetlands)
Riparian Woodland (All trails)
Swamp (Temperate Swamp)
Small Doe Carcass 8 uses Deciduous Forest (Ancient Woodland)
Deciduous Forest (Overgrown Valley)
Deciduous Forest (Rocky Waterfall)
Grasslands (Fields)
Grasslands (Hills)
Mountains (Forest)
Mountains (Lakes)
Mountains (High Plains)
Coniferous Forest (All trails)
Prairie (All trails)
Riparian Woodland (All trails)
Desert (Shrubland)
Desert (Canyons)
Swamp (Mangrove Forest)
Swamp (Salt Marsh)
Rainforest (Tropical Coast)
Swine Carcass 9 uses Grasslands (Rangelands)
Grasslands (Oak Savanna)
Grasslands (Hills)
Riparian Woodland (Great Lakes)
Riparian Woodland (Flood-Meadow)
Riparian Woodland (Bosque)
Desert (Mesa)
Desert (Canyons)
Swamp (All trails)
Rainforest (Broadleaf Forest)
Rainforest (Jungle River)
Seal Pup Carcass 9 uses Tundra (Timberline)
Tundra (Heathlands)
Tundra (Coast)
Tundra (Coast)
Tundra (Sea Ice)
Medium Prey
Pronghorn Buck Carcass 10 uses Grasslands (Rangelands)
Grasslands (Oak Savanna)
Grasslands (Hills)
Mountains (Forest)
Mountains (High Plains)
Prairie (All trails)
Desert (Mesa)
Pronghorn Doe Carcass 10 uses Grasslands (Rangelands)
Grasslands (Oak Savanna)
Grasslands (Hills)
Mountains (Lakes)
Mountains (High Plains)
Prairie (Pine Barrens)
Prairie (Great Plains)
Prairie (Shrub Steppe)
Desert (Desert)
Whitetail Carcass 10 uses Deciduous Forest (All trails)
Grasslands (Fields)
Grasslands (Rangelands)
Grasslands (Oak Savanna)
Mountains (All trails)
Coniferous Forest (Northwoods)
Coniferous Forest (Aspen Parkland)
Coniferous Forest (Rapids)
Prairie (Pine Barrens)
Prairie (Great Plains)
Prairie (Pothole Wetlands)
Riparian Woodland (Great Lakes)
Riparian Woodland (Flood-Meadow)
Riparian Woodland (Bosque)
Taiga (Mossy Cliffs)
Taiga (Lichen Woodland)
Taiga (Creek)
Swamp (Cypress Basin)
Swamp (Temperate Swamp)
Rainforest (Broadleaf Forest)
Rainforest (Jungle River)
Rainforest (Highlands)
Bighorn Sheep Ewe Carcass 12 uses Mountains (All trails)
Desert (Mesa)
Desert (Canyons)
Taiga (Creek)
Bighorn Sheep Ram Carcass 12 uses Mountains (Mountains)
Mountains (Lakes)
Mountains (High Plains)
Desert (Canyons)
Taiga (Mossy Cliffs)
Taiga (Creek)
Blacktail Carcass 12 uses Deciduous Forest (All trails)
Grasslands (All trails)
Coniferous Forest (All trails)
Riparian Woodland (All trails)
Doe Carcass 12 uses Deciduous Forest (All trails)
Grasslands (All trails)
Mountains (Forest)
Mountains (Lakes)
Mountains (High Plains)
Coniferous Forest (All trails)
Prairie (All trails)
Riparian Woodland (Great Lakes)
Riparian Woodland (Flood-Meadow)
Riparian Woodland (Bosque)
Desert (Canyons)
Desert (Desert)
Swamp (Mangrove Forest)
Swamp (Salt Marsh)
Swamp (Cypress Basin)
Rainforest (Tropical Coast)
Rainforest (Jungle River)
Mule Deer Carcass 12 uses Mountains (Forest)
Mountains (Lakes)
Mountains (High Plains)
Desert (Shrubland)
Desert (Canyons)
Taiga (Lichen Woodland)
Caribou Calf Carcass 12 uses Tundra (All trails)
Glacier (Moraine)
Glacier (Fjord)
Seal Carcass 15 uses Tundra (Highlands)
Tundra (Heathlands)
Tundra (Coast)
Glacier (Coast)
Glacier (Sea Ice)
Donkey Carcass 16 uses Desert (Shrubland)
Desert (Canyons)
Desert (Desert)
Mountan Goat Carcass 16 uses Mountains (All trails)
Tapir Carcass 16 uses Rainforest (All trails)
Walrus Pup Carcass 16 uses Glacier (Coast)
Glacier (Sea Ice)
Large Prey
Dall Sheep Carcass 17 uses Tundra (Timberline)
Tundra (Highlands)
Elk Cow Carcass 17 uses Deciduous Forest (All trails)
Mountains (All trails)
Coniferous Forest (All trails)
Prairie (Pine Barrens)
Prairie (Great Plains)
Prairie (Pothole Wetlands)
Riparian Woodland (Great Lakes)
Riparian Woodland (Flood-Meadow)
Riparian Woodland (Bosque)
Desert (Shrubland)
Desert (Mesa)
Taiga (Creek)
Swamp (Cypress Basin)
Swamp (Temperate Swamp)
Horse Carcass 18 uses Grasslands (All trails)
Prairie (All trails)
Alligator Carcass 20 uses Riparian Woodland (Flood-Meadow)
Riparian Woodland (Giant River)
Swamp (Mangrove Forest)
Swamp (Salt Marsh)
Swamp (Cypress Basin)
Caribou Bull Carcass 20 uses Taiga (Lichen Woodland)
Tundra (Highlands)
Tundra (Heathlands)
Tundra (Coast)
Glacier (Moraine)
Caribou Cow Carcass 20 uses Taiga (Lichen Woodland)
Tundra (Highlands)
Tundra (Heathlands)
Tundra (Coast)
Glacier (Fjord)
Bovine Carcass 20 uses Grasslands (All trails)
Riparian Woodland (Great Lakes)
Riparian Woodland (Bosque)
Riparian Woodland (Giant River)
Desert (All trails)
Rainforest (Broadleaf Forest)
Rainforest (Highlands)
Elk Bull Carcass 20 uses Deciduous Forest (All trails)
Mountains (All trails)
Coniferous Forest (All trails)
Prairie (Pine Barrens)
Prairie (Great Plains)
Prairie (Pothole Wetlands)
Riparian Woodland (All trails)
Desert (Shrubland)
Desert (Mesa)
Taiga (Creek)
Taiga (Larch Forest)
Swamp (Cypress Basin)
Swamp (Temperate Swamp)
Crocodile Carcass 20 uses Swamp (Mangrove Forest)
Swamp (Salt Marsh)
Swamp (Cypress Basin)
Rainforest (Tropical Coast)
Rainforest (Jungle River)
Moose Bull Carcass 24 uses Coniferous Forest (All trails)
Taiga (Mossy Cliffs)
Taiga (Lichen Woodland)
Taiga (Larch Forest)
Tundra (Timberline)
Tundra (Highlands)
Tundra (Heathlands)
Moose Cow Carcass 24 uses Coniferous Forest (Northwoods)
Coniferous Forest (Aspen Parkland)
Coniferous Forest (Rapids)
Taiga (Mossy Cliffs)
Taiga (Larch Forest)
Tundra (Timberline)
Tundra (Highlands)
Tundra (Heathlands)
Muskox Carcass 24 uses Tundra (Heathlands)
Tundra (Coast)
Glacier (Moraine)
Glacier (Fjord)
Bison Carcass 28 uses Coniferous Forest (Northwoods)
Coniferous Forest (Aspen Parkland)
Prairie (All trails)
Walrus Carcass 30 uses Glacier (Coast)
Glacier (Sea Ice)