Cataclysm Explore Encounters

From Grouse House Wiki

Warning: Crowdsourcing!
This article is created largely with the help of crowdsourcing. Due to this, some information may be incomplete or not yet verified. If you find an error or missing information, feel free to submit a Contribution!

Table of Contents
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Encounters in Every Biome
Encounters in Multiple Biomes
Biome-Exclusive Encounters

This page contains a list of every explore encounter available to find in explore during the month-long Cataclysm event. This page has a lot of content to load, so please be patient!

Click on the time of day icons to view the encounter during different times of day.

Encounters in Every Biome

Encounters in Every Biome

This is not the first time you have seen humans but this group is much more peculiar than any other you've seen so far. They carry a lot of strange equipment that clicks and emits bright light from time to time. They move carefully as if they want to stay hidden but they talk way too loud to remain unnoticed.
Follow It would be foolish of you to let the humans find you. Even one of them is dangerous, let alone the entire pack! They're still interesting, regardless. You decide to follow them, keeping a safe distance. Seemingly excited, they point their flashing boxes in various directions, talking loudly. So far, you've not seen anything unusual, and it's probably better to turn back.

As you wander away, you manage to snag a critter running in the opposite direction. Tasty!

+10% Hunger
It would be foolish of you to let the humans find you. Even one of them is dangerous, let alone the entire pack! They're still interesting, regardless. You decide to follow them, keeping a safe distance. Seemingly excited, they point their flashing boxes in various directions, talking loudly. So far, you've not seen anything unusual, and it's probably better to turn back.

One of the humans shouts and throws something at you. You stare at them, baring your teeth a little, and they seem to back away. You sniff at the thing they threw - interesting!

+1 CS
It would be foolish of you to let the humans find you. Even one of them is dangerous, let alone the entire pack! They're still interesting, regardless. You decide to follow them, keeping a safe distance. Seemingly excited, they point their flashing boxes in various directions, talking loudly. So far, you've not seen anything unusual, and it's probably better to turn back. N/A
Howl You let out a long, deep howl, which makes the entire group freeze mid-step. They look almost panicked, reaching for their strange, noisy boxes. Flashes of vivid light, accompanied by clicking, start to shower you, raising your anxiety. A bit blinded and disoriented, you notice that some of these humans carry dangerous looking items. Better to run away while you still can!

Ooh, what's that shiny thing?

+2 CS
-5% Energy
Text needed -5% Energy
+1 Hare Carcass
You let out a long, deep howl, which makes the entire group freeze mid-step. They look almost panicked, reaching for their strange, noisy boxes. Flashes of vivid light, accompanied by clicking, start to shower you, raising your anxiety. A bit blinded and disoriented, you notice that some of these humans carry dangerous looking items. Better to run away while you still can! N/A
Observe Carefully* As you watch, you think about how common human sightings have become. Everything has gone crazy and human behavior has apparently been affected, too. They start yelling strange things about streams and tubes as they move through the land. It's completely baffling and alien. Humans are strange, but these ones are a different sort of strange. Best to stay hidden and report their presence to Unidentified Beings. Completion of Unidentified Beings' quest
*This option will only appear if you have the associated quest with Unidentified Beings

The stink of humans passes your nostrils, and you hear loud noises and brush crashing nearby. You quickly hide, and observe from a safe distance. They stand tall and are wearing all black, with devices that beep and blink ominously. They shout back and forth, taking no care to hide their presence. What are they doing here?
Wait You decide that it's best to lay low and wait until they pass. They outnumber you, and you don't trust the long, shiny sticks they carry that smell like fire. You're able to go undetected as they pass, and once you can no longer hear them you quickly run in the opposite direction.

On your way out, you get lucky and come across a recently dead animal. That will make a nice snack!

+1 random carcass
You decide that it's best to lay low and wait until they pass. They outnumber you, and you don't trust the long, shiny sticks they carry that smell like fire. You're able to go undetected as they pass, and once you can no longer hear them you quickly run in the opposite direction. N/A
Follow The humans haven't noticed you, so you take the opportunity to follow them. They space themselves out in a horizontal line and disrupt the brush, shine lights everywhere, and hover their devices over different areas. It seems like they're looking for something, but what? They'll never find anything making all of this racket. It's interesting for a while, but eventually you tire and become bored. They don't seem harmful, and there's no more information to glean. You decide to head back. +1 CS
Chase off* These must be the humans Cressie told you about! You crouch low, and with a snarl you leap out of your hiding spot and confront the group. They cry out and raise their sticks, and your pelt prickles as you sense danger from the sticks. A sharp shout from one of them makes them lower the sticks and back away slowly until they are out of your line of sight. You shake your pelt and turn to head back to Cressie. Good riddance! Completion of Cressie's quest
*This option will only appear if you have the associated quest with Cressie

The sight of an older human, clearly dedicated and prepared to fight everything in this area, isn't more surprising than all the oddities happening lately. Whatever your next step will be, it's better to be extra careful now.
Turn back The risk is definitely too high and you really don't want to see the human's weird equipment being used on you. You turn back in silence without any regret. Suddenly, you notice a familiar scent nearby. Without this strange encounter, you wouldn't have found this delicious meal! +10% hunger
You try to turn back as carefully and silently as possible but the human spots you. Despite his age, he moves as swiftly as someone a lot younger. You manage to escape but not without a price. -5 HP
Chase You try to turn back as carefully and silently as possible but the human spots you. Despite his age, he moves as swiftly as someone a lot younger. You manage to escape but not without a price. -5% energy
No matter how much stuff the human drags with him, ultimately nothing will help without being as skilled as you. Chasing him could be a great opportunity to keep your senses sharp. You start to chase the man, amused by his genuine fear. He doesn't even try to defend himself with his fancy human toys. If you really wanted to hunt him down, you'd succeed effortlessly, but it's more fun this way. When the man disappears, you find something useful on the ground. +1 random amusement item

A figure straight out of nightmares stands in the distance, observing you like a predator. You recognize it as a human, but it's different than any other you've ever seen. You could even call it a monster and it would not be an exaggeration. Only the red balloon is swaying gently on its cord. Other than that, the creature doesn't move at all.
Stare back It may be a really creepy sight but it's still a human, right? Humans are weak if they don't have their fancy equipment. You stare back at the clown, feeling dizzier and dizzier with time. Suddenly, in a blink of the eye, the creature is gone as if it was never here. Was something trying to mess with your mind? You spend some more time investigating but you discover nothing except for some broken animal parts.. Interesting. +2 random teeth trophy items
Escape There is nothing to do here anymore. Even if you run away with eyes closed, you know you will certainly see this nightmarish figure in your mind for a couple of days. You run without break until you're on the edge of exhaustion. Somehow a couple of scales found their way in front of you. Was it the clown? What's going on? +2 CS
-5% energy

A loud, painful whine can be heard long before you lay eyes on the source of the sound. A panicked wolf appears from nowhere, running forward with its mind fogged by fear and shock. The fur on its rump and tail is on fire, leaving a rain of sparks behind it.
Run There is still time to stop the fire from spreading but someone needed to shout the shock out of this wolf. You start chasing the wolf and yelling at it to stop but it seems that nothing can be done. The wolf either didn't hear you or is too absorbed with its own panic. You can only hope that it manages to survive. +1 CS
The wolf isn't seriously wounded just yet. It still has time to stop the fire if it can stop and think logically. You want to jump after the wolf when it passes you, but it's too fast and too confused to even notice you. The scent of burnt fur stays in the air long after the bright point of the flaming wolf disappears from your sight. The wolf is a stranger, but you hope that it will somehow deal with the fire and come away unscathed. You sniff around the area hoping to find out more information, but you find something else instead. +1 - 2 Thick Fur Tuft

There is no time to spend too long thinking. You have to act quickly and catch up to the wolf before its crazed state endangers everything around it. It's not easy to catch it, but you grab the wolf by its fur and knock it to the ground, forcing it to roll. This seems to knock some sense into it, and the wolf shakes the shock off and manages to put flames out after somewhat of a struggle. The fire leaves black patches of burnt fur but other than that, the wolf doesn't appear to be severely injured. You spend a while calming the wolf down before parting ways. +1 to your distressed animals quest!
*This option will only appear if you have a quest to help a distressed animal

You can't be sure at first, but the soft whine reaching your ears sounds familiar. You rush towards the sound as fast as you could and discover a group of scared wolf pups, frozen with fear. Completely exposed and vulnerable, they won't stand a chance if any predator finds them here.
Try to find their pack You can smell other wolves but they don't seem to be close. You ask the puppies to wait while you spend some time sniffing around, determined to find their family. Unfortunately, you lose track of time and are gone longer than you planned. When you go back to check on the puppies, you can't find them anywhere. You find something else on your way but you can't stop thinking about what may have happened to those pups. +1 CS
+1 Blue Jay Feather
The scent of other wolves is strong enough to try and track them. You ask the puppies to wait, telling them that they will be safe soon. After following the trail for a while, you find a pack of wolves but to your surprise, they don't listen to you about the lost pups. Is it possible that it's not the right pack? What's more, the closer you get, the more hostility you're greeted with. They begin to attack you, and you manage to fend them off long enough to run away. The pups are gone when you return, and you're left exhausted and injured. -3% energy
-2 HP
Help* You approach the pups slowly. They are not only scared but also weak and hungry. You have no idea how long they have been here but it's clear it's been far too long. All the pups gather around you with trust, despite not knowing you at all. You can't leave them now. One by one, you take them away to a nearby cave, which is nicely covered and difficult to find. You're certain you catch the scent of another wolf pack on your way to the cave and the pups recognize it as well. You set out to find them to tell them about everything. Now it's only a matter of time until they're together again. +1 to your distressed animals quest!
*This option will only appear if you have a quest to help a distressed animal

Even from afar, you can tell that there is something wrong with this wolf. It's not only freezing, but probably very sick as well. The wolf looks disoriented and its fur is in poor condition. It will need more than just a warm place to get better.
Give Healing Salve*

You can't help more right now, but you hope that this simple treatment will give this wolf some time until the weather gets better. The wolf nods gratefully, accepting your gift but you both know that it may not be enough. Before you part your ways, the wolf asks you to accept a small gift. The look in its eyes tells you that it simply does not know if it will live long enough to use it. +1 CS
+1 random herb
Share Food** You offer a [Food Item] to the wolf. Perhaps it's not much but it should give this wolf some time and energy to survive this weather. The sad look in its eyes tells you what you both know: fate is an uncertain thing, and it may not be enough. This is why the wolf has decided to share a secret with you. Before it leaves, it tells you about a hiding place nearby and allows you to take everything that you find. +1 CS
+1 random herb
+2 random feathers
+2 identical amusement items
+1 CS
+1 random herb
+2 random feathers
+1 trophy item
Help*** You have a feeling that you have arrived at the last possible moment to save this wolf. Not only do you have the supplies to share, but more importantly you know a shelter where you can both hide and wait until this raging weather is gone. With your assistance, the wolf manages to reach it and lie down to rest with a sigh of relief. Hopefully, with your food and healing mixtures, there is a high chance that the wolf will recover. The sight of the wolf's relaxed body and its regular breathing calms you. You have done the best you can. +1 to your distressed animals quest!
*This option will only appear if you have at least 1x Healing Salve in your Hoard
**This option will only appear if you have at least 1x food item in your Hoard. The specific food item required is randomized
***This option will only appear if you have a quest to help a distressed animal

You enter an area destroyed by an earthquake. You have no idea when it happened, but everything looks like it was just a short time ago. Collapsed trees are everywhere on the bumpy, freshly shaken ground. You can hear a weak whine from afar. Upon closer inspection, you notice a trapped, malnourished wolf.
Try to free the wolf With a huge struggle, you manage to free the wolf and guide it away from the dangerous area. It's calm for now but you never know when the next earthquake may happen. You talk for a while with the weakened wolf, promising to guard it until it gets back to its pack safely. Just before you part your ways, you receive a small gift. +1 CS
As soon as you free the wolf, you notice a change in its stare. It may still be in shock, or perhaps there are other factors causing this change in behavior. The wolf jumps at you with a growl and you prepare for a fight. Your opponent has already been weakened, so it doesn't take long to pin it to the ground and force it to surrender. It still manages to get a few hits in, and you growl in annoyance at the stinging in your side. -5 HP

A low snarl reaches your ears as a black dog slinks out of the shadows. You tense, thinking you've come across another enemy cryptid and prepare yourself to fight.
Back away You're not interested in a fight right now, nor do you particularly want to get a beat down. You quickly back off, noticing that the dog seems rather normal as it leers at your retreating form. Huh. Maybe it's not a cryptid after all? Better to be safe than sorry.

You pass by something odd as you retreat, and scoop it up to take it with you.

+1 - 2 CS
You're not interested in a fight right now, nor do you particularly want to get a beat down. You quickly back off, noticing that the dog seems rather normal as it leers at your retreating form. Huh. Maybe it's not a cryptid after all? Better to be safe than sorry. N/A
Charge You charge the dog, hoping to frighten it into fleeing. It lunges at you savagely, but you evade it and plow into the dog, knocking it hard to the ground. It cries out and jumps to its paws, disappearing without a backward glance. Serves it right! +1 CS

Weak and tired whimpering reaches your ears. Upon going closer, you notice a dog, desperately trying to get out of a fissure. A large crack in the ground, like a wound, has opened suddenly during the disaster, and the poor creature has nearly reached the end of its endurance. It won't make it without your help.
Ignore If the dog is here, humans are surely close enough to be a potential threat. You can't risk your own life. It's better to just move away. As you're skirting around the area, you notice a small dead animal. +1 random critter carcass
Try to get it out While you usually avoid dogs as much as possible, you can't close your ears to that sound. The ground isn't shaking anymore but the edges of the fissure aren't stable, making it even more difficult to drag the dog out. You eventually make it, feeling that you will need to rest for a while. While you take time to recover, you notice something among rocks. +1 CS

A large, odd animal walks in front of you. The shape of its body resembles a bear but it's hard to be sure since it has no fur. While the creature is not visibly wounded, it walks with some struggle and appears very weak. Only the well-known scent tells you that it's just a bear, not one of those other strange creatures that you've observed lately.
Snarl You bare your teeth from a safe distance, observing the creature. It stares at you with a sad expression but doesn't react to your warning. It's as if you don't exist. Well, if the bear is not scared at all, it must be confident that you're no challenge to it. A bit disappointed, you wait until it decides to go so you can snoop around and see if it left anything behind. To your surprise, you find something! It seems that the bear was looking for something to help its condition. +2 random herbs
Chase No matter how weak or ill the animal is, this is your territory and you plan to defend it. You usually think twice before jumping at a bear, but it appears too weak to pose a threat. As soon as you rush at the creature, the bear roars at you. For a brief second, you experience some of its former might. It's unexpected, and soon you find yourself retreating quickly. You step on something hard in your panic. Nice! +1 CS
-3 HP

A cougar leaps in front of you, hissing menacingly. You recoil at the smell of its hot, stinky breath and snarl in reply. It whips its tail toward you and you have to quickly duck away to avoid the odd, massive growth at the end. This is just a normal cougar, but that tail looks uncomfortable. Maybe that's why it's so angry?
Chase off You snarl at the cat, matching its ferocity with your own. It doesn't back down, swinging its tail-mass right at your head. You leap toward it, trapping it with a bit of a struggle, and bite down hard. The cougar yowls in pain and you quickly let go as a nasty mix of blood and...other stuff seeps out of it. At last it retreats, dragging the wounded mass on the ground behind it. N/A
Stand your ground This cat doesn't look so tough; it's in your territory, anyway! You stand your ground, resolved not to let this feline intimidate you in your own home. A staring contest ensues. Eventually the cougar decides you aren't worth it and backs off, dragging the mass on its tail behind it. It looks red and swollen and you see patches of dried blood on places where it injured it in the past. You feel somewhat sorry for it as it disappears. +1 CS

An eagle hops pitifully on the ground in front of you. The large, proud bird calls out, as if looking for its mate. Or perhaps it's just looking for help? One of its wings is bent at an odd angle, and it drags on the ground as it moves.
Try to help You go up to the bird, trying to convince it to allow you to guide it towards some better cover. It shrieks and flaps wildly, scattering feathers and snapping at you with its sharp beak. Any attempts to try and help it further only result in more angry shrieking. Taking the hint, you back away. It tosses something to you in gratitude. +1 CS
Without being able to fly, the eagle is doomed. You may as well take advantage of an easy meal. +1 Meat Chunks [Medium]
Help* Helping the bird won't be easy, but you're determined to try. Every time you get anywhere near it, it snaps at you and continues to hop away. It clearly wants to be left alone, but it will never survive if it's exposed like this. Antagonizing it is the only way to get it to move, even though it's rather unkind. You methodically begin to pester it, inviting it to get more and more agitated and making it back further away from you. It's slow going, but eventually you reach some thick brush and the eagle disappears beneath it with a shriek. That will have to do. You hope it manages to survive as you hurry away. +1 to your distressed animals quest!
*This option will only appear if you have a quest to help a distressed animal

The havoc that the latest disaster has wreaked in this area is great, and you're not surprised when you come across the body of a duck caught in some branches. It's limp, and appears to have been pierced right through its small body. From the smell, it hasn't been dead long.
Take Duck is a tasty meat, and you're certain it will be a nice treat for your pack. Or you, if you decide to keep it all to yourself. You easily pull the carcass from the branches and tuck in. +5% hunger

The small, soft-feathered form of a barn owl cowers under some nearby brush, trying to take shelter from the disaster. It looks injured and weak, and you wonder how long it's been like this. If it can't fly, you doubt it's been able to hunt. It sees you and tries to hide deeper in the brush.
Find food to offer* You offer a [Food Item] to the owl. The best thing you can do is give it something to eat. Maybe that will give it enough strength to get to safety. +2 CS
Leave it in peace There's nothing you can do for the poor creature. You continue on your way, hoping that it survives this latest disaster. N/A
Help** You're not quite sure how you can help at first. The owl is scared and unlikely to trust you--there's no chance that you'll be able to convince it otherwise in time to move it to a safe place. Maybe if you helped it get to safety, it would have a better shot. You gently nudge it somewhere safer and move far enough away so the owl doesn't feel threatened but remains in your eyesight. You watch as it settles for a while, and then after a moment it seems rejuvenated and hops away. It will take time for it to heal, but at least it's able to hopefully get to safety in time! +1 to your distressed animals quest!
*Option only appears if you have food in your hoard. Option takes one food item from your hoard, with the lowest uses and soonest-to-rotting time.
**This option will only appear if you have a quest to help a distressed animal

The raven in front of you is completely wet and looks exhausted. You notice fear in its eyes when you approach it. The bird knows that if you have malicious intent, it has no chance to escape.
Check it out The raven spreads its wings in an attempt to protest when you open your jaws but it's visibly surprised when it experiences a gentle poke instead of a cruel fate. You could easily have a quick meal with a single bite but for some reason, you just don't feel like it right now. You let the bird be, sniffing around it carefully. You find something that probably belongs to the raven but you think it's a fair price for sparing its life. +1 CS

You hear small paws scratching the ground as you look ahead and see a raccoon trying to lift its bottom and get out of the tight crack that it's trapped in. It's not injured, but it's growing tired very quickly.
Sniff around Ignoring the raccoon, you focus on a different task. Raccoons are known for gathering a lot of interesting stuff and you doubt this one came here completely empty-pawed. Your intuition isn't wrong. You find something interesting after a while. +1 random carcass
Go closer You try to assess the raccoon and its situation, but as soon as you make it to the edge, you feel the crack widening under your paws. You have to jump away, saving your skin at the last possible moment. The raccoon is still there, fighting to get out, but you can't reach it anymore. +1 CS
+5 HP

You see a form stumbling around, going to and fro, with no real destination. Upon closer inspection, you see it's a raccoon. It's acting odd, though: it tries to walk in a straight line, but then tips to the side, stumbles, and turns to go the other direction. Was it mad?
Push You push the creature and it falls forward, landing heavily on the ground. It doesn't move, although you can see it's still breathing, so at least it's still alive. Oops? You hurry away before the creature wakes up, and find something on the path ahead. +1 CS
Kill Easy prey! Dispatching it poses no challenge. It's too small to take back to your pack, so you may as well eat it now to give you a boost while you explore. +5% hunger
Help* Watching the creature is almost funny, but you force yourself to focus. You're here to help, not to laugh. It's no use trying to lead the raccoon anywhere, so you decide to grab it by the scruff and carry it far away from the disaster. It doesn't resist, clearly too out of it to care. After a while you spot a tree with a low-hanging branch that you can reach, and toss the raccoon up onto it. It nearly loses its grip, but then it grabs a hold of the branch tightly and goes still, staring at you with wide eyes and breathing heavily. Well, at least it has a shot now! +1 to your distressed animals quest!
*This option will only appear if you have a quest to help a distressed animal

You come across a group of small rabbits, all huddled together in fear on top of a large rock. They look young, and you expect to see a mother nearby but they are all alone.
Easy prey The babies are trapped and scared, which is a perfect combination for an easy kill. You lunge at them, and as they scatter you manage to pin two of them to the ground and kill them. Score! +1 Rabbit Carcass
Scold Them* Text needed Completion of Jackalope's quest
*This option will only appear if you have the associated quest with Jackalope

The creature you see in front of you looks like a hare and smells like one too, but the antler-like growths on its head are really confusing. They seem to be a source of discomfort and the creature doesn't notice your presence until you are right in front of it.
Chase No matter if these are real antlers or a disease, the rest of the body looks like an ordinary hare and that is what counts. You start chasing the creature, taking it by surprise. It didn't even pose a challenge. +1 Hare Carcass
Despite the visible physical struggle, the hare isn't slower than the rest of its kind, running quite fast and tricking you on the way. Your biggest mistake is underestimating it. As you chase it, seeing it struggle under the weight of the growths causes you to stop. You realize that if it is a disease, it could be contagious so maybe it's best to leave it alone. Thinking about the growths makes you lose your appetite anyway. N/A

A weak and barely moving rat is trying to reach its own tail and free itself from a huge, frozen rock but its efforts are to no avail.
Poke the ice Normally, this terrified rat would be just a pest in your eyes. However, something moves you to observe it rather than killing it. The tail attached to the ice catches your attention and you feel an urge to poke it once or twice. This little effort causes the ice to break and the rat realizes it is no longer stuck here. As soon as it feels freedom, the creature runs away as fast as it can. You don't blame it for this lack of trust, especially when your meetings with its kind usually don't end well for them. It's understandable. Upon inspecting the area closer, you find something useful for your den. +1 random amusement item
Kill Only the strongest will survive. Besides, not using the opportunity would be against your rules. +1 Rat Carcass

A large carcass sits abandoned, stiff and bloated. The creature, whatever it is, has been dead a while and is nearly unrecognizable. It's definitely some sort of hooved animal.
Scavenge You scavenge around the smelly carcass and manage to find a few useful things. Not too shabby! +2 Bones

You could smell this half rotten carcass long before you came upon it. It's a goat that has been dead for a while and has started to sour. It's not something you would want to eat. Yuck!
Investigate You hold your breath and poke around the carcass, looking for anything useful. After a moment you see something and...score! The goat may be smelly, but at least it's useful! +1 CS

The stench of rotting fish nearly knocks you over, and you follow it to the carcass of a shark. It's been dead for at least a little while judging by the smell and flies buzz in your ears. How on earth did it end up here? You're far from the shore where they can usually be found. Did the recent wind storm somehow pluck it from the water and drop it here?
Drag the carcass home You're not looking forward to smelling like fish for days, but the meat is still good and the size of the shark will keep you and your pack full for days. It's not something you can afford to lose. You begin the arduous task of dragging it back. It's hard work! +2 Meat Chunks [Large]

The large, dark entrance to the tunnel looks like the mouth of a creepy cave. You can feel the cold breeze ruffling your fur and the strange noises echoing deep inside. No matter how hard you try, you cannot see the other side.
Enter Initially, the pitch dark tunnel reveals few of its secrets when your eyes adapt to the darkness. You spend some time sniffing around and discover that this place is not so abandoned at all, as many small animals make their shelter here. After a while, you trip over something. +1 Large Branch
+1 Large Leaf
+1 Large Rock
N/A random battle encounter

A creepy-looking gap in the side of a nearby rocky hill piques your interest enough that you find your paws leading you closer. You reach the entrance and the sound of the wind whistles through the gap, oddly amplified. It makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, and the moldy, damp air makes you wonder just what could be in there.
Explore You decide to be brave, and hesitantly take a few steps into the cave. It's eerily quiet, and your movements echo off of the muddy walls. You snuffle around for a bit, managing to unearth a reddish black scale. You begin to relax when suddenly pebbles shower on your head and bounce off of the hardened floor. Without a second thought you turn tail and run, not stopping until you're well away from the structure. That was close! +1 CS
Back away Every instinct is telling you that danger lurks here. You decide to listen to it and leave the gap alone. Your pack needs you alive! Fortune seems to be in your favor, because you come across a stashed carcass not too far away. Sweet! +1 random critter carcass

This place looks abandoned and it's almost completely destroyed, but it's well hidden and away from possible dangers. Perhaps it has some secrets to reveal!
Check it out! You start to sniff around cautiously. The place looks boring and it may end up being a waste of time, but your curiosity pushes you to investigate. Suddenly, you notice fresh claw marks on the ground. A spark of excitement lights in your heart as you start digging. After a while, you find something. Time to pull it out! +1 random carcass
+1 random amusement item
+1 Dandelion
+1 random trophy

The pile of branches, leaves, feathers, and grass you stumble upon still has the shape of a nest but it's completely destroyed. Its size indicates that it must have been created by a very large bird but you don't see nor sense any of them around at the moment.
Check it out While the nest is in pieces, the separate elements seem to be in good shape. There is a chance you can use some of them. +3 random feathers
Take it to the Panama Creature* This nest will be perfect for Panama Creature's needs. It's really big and full of materials that can be used multiple times. You struggle a bit not to destroy it further but you somehow find the perfect grip. Completion of Panama Creature's quest
*This option will only appear if you have the associated quest with Panama Creature

You spot a glowing fissure in a rock formation in the distance, glowing red and pouring smoke. You tread closer out of curiosity, and as you feel the heat and hear hissing, the fur along your back begins to rise. This place isn't natural, and you wonder if you should risk checking it out.
Investigate Pushing aside your fear, you get closer until you are nearly at the entrance. It's incredibly hot and smelly, and you don't dare get closer in case you burn your whiskers off. You are overwhelmed by a sense of dread, and you can't help but wonder if this place is evil. Perhaps the cryptids came from it? Suddenly, smoke spews violently from the opening and embers fly through the air to land on your pelt. With a yelp you run away, no longer caring what this place is. It's dangerous! +1 CS
Turn away After observing the fissure from afar for a few moments, you decide that it's too risky to go closer. Let sleeping wolves lie, as it were. Whatever it is, it's best to leave it alone and head somewhere else. As you turn away you smell burnt hair and flesh, and find the body of a rat lying close by. It looks like it was burned alive and you find yourself feeling lucky that you didn't stray too close to the fissure like this poor creature did. You eat what's left and continue on your way. Mmm, crispy! +5% hunger

Encounters in Multiple Biomes

Encounters in Multiple Biomes

Both the scent and the sight of the tree in front of you is peculiar enough to make you go closer. At first glance, it looks like it's home to a flock of sparrows--but upon closer inspection, you realize that they are all fried on the spot! You wonder if one of the abnormally strong storms that have been happening lately is to blame.
Eat It's not easy, but you manage to make a few of the fried sparrows fall from the tree. Their bodies look like little lifeless husks but the smell is rather inviting. There's not much to feast on but you enjoy the taste. +5% hunger
Sniff around The sparrows are an interesting sight, but you'd have to jump to take a closer look, and that's a waste of energy. You decide to look around instead, sniffing the tree and the ground nearby. Sudden storms and raging disasters have one positive outcome: you can find lots of interesting things when you look carefully. Your nose does not disappoint you; there's something buried under the rock! +1 CS
Found in: Grasslands, Deciduous Forest, Mountains, Riparian Woodland, Prairie, Coniferous Forest, Desert, Taiga, Swamp, Tundra, Rainforest

You see a tall, hulking shape ahead with its feathered limbs stretched wide and obscured by shadows. Your pelt prickles in fear and you watch as the form shakes itself, flaps its wings, then fixes you with a piercing gaze. You breathe a sigh of relief. Just a spooked owl!
Lunge You lunge at the owl with a growl, irritated at it for scaring you. Two can play at this game! It leaps into the air with a flurry of feathers and glares at you as it flies off. Ha! Serves it right. Looks like it dropped some of its feathers in the process. Sweet! +3 Owl Feathers
Found in: Grasslands, Deciduous Forest, Mountains, Riparian Woodland, Prairie, Coniferous Forest, Desert, Taiga, Swamp, Tundra, Rainforest

This usually majestic feline walks slowly, with visible struggle. You notice blood stains on its fur and its eyes appear almost foggy with pain. It's clear that the cougar won't survive long in its current condition.
Give Healing Salve*

Option will only appear if you have a Medicine: Healing Salve

Your supplies aren't much but it's better than nothing. You hope that this medicine will help the cougar to at least reach a safe place. The cougar fails at hiding the surprise in its gaze when you offer your help. You don't want anything in return but the cougar insists that you should accept a little gift as it may be useful later. +2 CS
Ignore Text needed +5 - 10% Energy
Found in: Grasslands, Deciduous Forest, Mountains, Riparian Woodland, Prairie, Coniferous Forest, Desert, Taiga, Swamp, Tundra, Rainforest

Text needed
Eat Text needed +5% Hunger
Help* You approach closer to let the mice climb and ride on your back while you make your way out of this freezing place. The rodent family uses the opportunity to hide in your warm fur during the trip and you hope they're already feeling better. You let them stay until the sky clears up again. It's not a big deal for you but you certainly saved a couple of lives today. +1 to your distressed animals quest!
Found in: Grasslands, Deciduous Forest, Mountains, Riparian Woodland, Prairie, Coniferous Forest, Taiga, Swamp, Tundra, Glacier, Rainforest
*This option will only appear if you have a quest to help a distressed animal

Half drowned and panting with anxiety, this cougar looks completely lost and out of its element. Its fear is palpable, and you're not surprised it's afraid with the increasing threat of the rising water. It sees you and hisses, immediately on the defensive. Wet or not, it's still a formidable opponent!
Back away You know better than to mess with a fellow predator that's desperate like this cougar. It's not the only one that's in danger from the rising water, either. You hightail it out of there before you get trapped yourself, only stopping to retrieve something shining in a puddle of water. +1 CS
Found in: Grasslands, Deciduous Forest, Mountains, Riparian Woodland, Prairie, Coniferous Forest, Desert, Taiga, Swamp, Tundra, Rainforest

Your fear is so palpable you can almost taste it. The twisted shape up ahead is dark and imposing and a glowing eye pierces into your soul. You feel small in the shadow of this beast, and you try to move your paws but you find that you're rooted in place in fear.
Investigate The form shifts, swaying slightly, and you hear soft rattling not unlike you hear in the forest as the trees move in the wind. You sniff the air, realizing there are no unusual scents around. Emboldened, you creep closer, never taking your eyes off of the shape. You reach the base, and your nose touches...bark? Jerking back in surprise, you look up and see arching branches above your head and deep roots burrow into the ground at your paws. What looked like a monster from afar is just an oddly shaped tree. Standing up on your back paws, you investigate the "eye" and see it's just a scale shining in the light. +1 CS
Found in: Grasslands, Deciduous Forest, Mountains, Riparian Woodland, Prairie, Coniferous Forest, Desert, Taiga, Swamp, Tundra, Rainforest

A sudden light in the corner of your eye catches your attention and your heart skips a beat with fear of an approaching disaster. However, its source is equally unexpected. You notice a crow in flames crossing the sky above you. Its loud scream echoes in the area and it's clear that it's trying to land safely despite the injured wing.
Follow You follow the bright point in the sky for a while but when it disappears, it takes some time to find where the crow went. Unfortunately, it's too late to do anything. The bird is already dead, having crashed cruelly on the rocks. As you investigate it, you see something among the pebbles. +1 CS
The sight is as scary as it is fascinating. You start to run after the crow, hoping to see if it manages to get rid of the flames. You lose sight of it for a bit when the crow stops controlling its flight and crashes instead of landing. When you find it, it's already too late. The feathers are not in flames anymore but the bird isn't moving. For you, it's a kind of a sign. You should not waste the resources when you have them in front of your nose. +10% hunger
Help* You follow the bird as fast as you can to see where it lands. As soon as the crow touches the ground, you start to dig in the dirt right next to it to cover the flames up and stop them from spreading. The crow is in a panic as it tries to escape, but luckily it can't fly away. Your quick actions save its life. It looks at you in shock, still trying to figure out what happened. You continue on your way, not expecting any gratitude from the bird. Knowing that it will recover is good enough for you. +1 to your distressed animals quest!
Found in: Grasslands, Deciduous Forest, Mountains, Riparian Woodland, Prairie, Coniferous Forest, Desert, Taiga, Swamp, Rainforest
*This option will only appear if you have a quest to help a distressed animal

You're not quite sure what to think of this tree. It's a normal tree, but it has some sort of young human tied to it. You're wary, knowing the danger humans pose. It doesn't smell like a human, but it certainly has faint human scent on it. What was it?
Check it out Whatever it is, it's secured, and it's not moving. You decide it's safe to move closer and stand up on your back legs to brace against the tree and give the small human a good sniff. It smells like wet, dirty leaves and it's made of an odd material. Was it never alive in the first place? Its glossy eyes stare through you and off into nothingness. There's no purpose to it being here, and after inspecting it for a few moments you decide it's time to move on. Your pelt prickles as you turn to leave, and you're not sure why you're so uneasy. A scale shines in the dirt a few paces away, and you eagerly scoop it up. +1 CS
Back away No matter what it is, it's beyond creepy and you're not keen to find out who or what left it tied to the tree. Anything to do with humans is always more trouble than it's worth. It seems like the universe agrees with you, because as you're leaving you come across some scattered meat chunks left behind after someone finished a meal. Don't mind if you do! +10% hunger
Found in: Grasslands, Deciduous Forest, Mountains, Riparian Woodland, Prairie, Coniferous Forest, Desert, Taiga, Swamp, Rainforest

A scared doe barrels past you, running at top speed away from the danger of the disaster ripping across the land. It stumbles to a halt, eyes wide with fear as it twists around and around, trying to decide where to go to get to safety.
Ignore You decide to ignore the doe, continuing on your way. If it can't figure out how to get to safety and survive, that's too bad for it. Survival of the fittest, afterall.

You spot something fun to play with as you trot along. Sweet!

+1 random feather
You decide to ignore the doe, continuing on your way. If it can't figure out how to get to safety and survive, that's too bad for it. Survival of the fittest, afterall. N/A
Kill it The opportunity is too good to resist, and you leap at the doe and manage to kill it easily. This will easily help feed your pack! +1 Doe Carcass
Text needed N/A
Help* You know the doe isn't likely to listen to anything you have to say. You're a predator, and it's your prey. Well, usually, at least. That's not your goal now, but the doe doesn't know that. You decide to use its fear to your advantage and lunge towards it, snapping at its heels and causing it to run in the opposite direction from the disaster. You chase it closely for a while, making sure it's well out of danger. What a rush! +1 to your distressed animals quest!
Found in: Grasslands, Deciduous Forest, Mountains, Riparian Woodland, Prairie, Coniferous Forest, Desert, Taiga, Swamp, Rainforest
*This option will only appear if you have a quest to help a distressed animal

It is really hard to recognize the exhausted snake in the dark, rough water. You usually ignore snakes, but this one is in despair, which you can easily see even through its emotionless, reptile appearance. If you want to do something, you have to act quickly.
Kill You don't think twice. You have to survive, too. +1 Snake Meat
Try to grab it Both you and the snake are lucky today. While the current is strong, you are in a perfect place to reach out for the drowning reptile. Not without struggle, step by step, you make your way back through the slippery rocks. As soon as you come out of the water, you let the snake go, because you notice something sticking out from the mud when you reach the shore. +1 random feather
You overestimate your strength as you try to get the snake out of the water. The current is too strong and the rocks are too slippery for you. You almost drown but manage to reach a safe spot at the last moment. The snake is nowhere to be seen and you feel a pinch of pain in your leg. -5 HP
Found in: Grasslands, Deciduous Forest, Mountains, Riparian Woodland, Prairie, Coniferous Forest, Desert, Taiga, Swamp, Rainforest

You don't usually look deep into the eyes of your prey but the fear and panic of this deer is almost physical and definitely caused by extraordinary circumstances.
Use the opportunity Usually taking down such large prey would require your hunting pack and a lot of time dedicated to hunting. You can't pass up this chance to obtain prey so easily. +1 Whitetail Carcass
You took your victory for granted too soon. While such disoriented prey is much easier to catch, you should know better than to be so confident about your success before it happens. You didn't notice a protruding root and you trip over it at full speed, losing you balance and injuring your leg. The attempt would have been a total failure but you find something covered by a thin layer of dirt. It's not edible but still useful! +1 Random Amusement Item
-3 HP
Found in: Grasslands, Deciduous Forest, Mountains, Riparian Woodland, Prairie, Coniferous Forest, Desert, Taiga, Swamp, Rainforest

This coyote is so ragged and sick that it doesn't even resemble a coyote anymore. If not for the familiar smell, you would have assumed it to be another one of those cryptids. It looks so pathetic sitting here, and it doesn't even notice your approach.
Chase off Something is not right about this coyote, and it smells sick. Best to chase it off in case it can pass whatever it is back to your pack. The last thing you need is sick packmates. You growl threateningly at it, and it skitters away without a fuss, tail tucked between its legs. It leaves something behind and you take it without a second thought. +1 random feather
Kill You decide to put it out of its misery. It's almost too easy, and you feel bad, but once the deed is done you know it was the right thing to do. +1 CS
Found in: Grasslands, Deciduous Forest, Mountains, Riparian Woodland, Prairie, Coniferous Forest, Desert, Taiga, Swamp, Rainforest

You notice the tree branch above your head has a low-hanging vine, and you duck to avoid it. Just as you are about to pass under, you realize that it's not a vine at all--it's a snake! You leap back with a snarl as your instincts tell you to run away.
Go closer Something pushes you to go nearer, and after sniffing it from afar you realize that the snake is very much dead. You shake out your pelt, feeling silly for missing the smell of death that hangs around it. It's limp and twisted in the branch, as if it was caught up and unable to escape its fate. A small nest with an egg still in it sits near the tree on the ground, and you wonder if it was supposed to be the snake's meal. Well, it's yours now! +1 random egg
Found in: Grasslands, Deciduous Forest, Mountains, Riparian Woodland, Prairie, Coniferous Forest, Desert, Taiga, Swamp, Rainforest

A small creature without any fur stares at you with small beady eyes, and you're almost certain you sense malice coming from it. You sniff the air to get its scent, and are shocked to realize it's a squirrel. Where was the gray fur and the bushy tail? Was it sick?
Swat You swat at it, not sure if you're driven by curiosity or your predator instincts. The squirrel chitters angrily at you as it darts away and disappears from sight.

How rude! Some dirt is disturbed where the squirrel was sitting, and you sniff at it. You find some acorns and other stashed goodies!

+2 Acorns
You swat at it, not sure if you're driven by curiosity or your predator instincts. The squirrel chitters angrily at you as it darts away and disappears from sight. N/A
Found in: Grasslands, Deciduous Forest, Mountains, Riparian Woodland, Prairie, Coniferous Forest, Taiga, Swamp, Rainforest

A primate-like shadow jumps into your path, blocking you with its mass. A Bigfoot! It's not as big as others you've seen, but it's more aggressive and seems intent on picking a fight with you. It screeches in defiance, as if goading you into attacking.
Bluff charge If there's one thing you've learned, it's that juveniles of any species usually have more bark than bite. You take a defensive stance and snarl aggressively, and the juvenile hesitates. Gathering your strength, you leap forward and charge at it. The bigfoot stumbles backward, eyes wide, and takes off into the trees. Ha! Not so tough afterall, eh? +1 CS
Found in: Deciduous Forest, Mountains, Riparian Woodland, Coniferous Forest, Taiga, Swamp, Rainforest

Some sort of run-down structure enclosing a small space can be seen in the distance. You tread closer, and realize this must have been built by humans. It's overgrown and smells odd, but it doesn't seem to be occupied. Perhaps it's some sort of shelter?
Inspect After inspecting it for a while you decide that while it's alien, it doesn't seem to pose a threat. There's no fresh scent of humans here, everything is covered in dirt, and the land has started overtaking the structure. You'll never understand humans and their odd behavior. You stumble upon something on your way out. +1 random critter carcass
+1 CS
After inspecting it for a while you decide that while it's alien, it doesn't seem to pose a threat. There's no fresh scent of humans here, everything is covered in dirt, and the land has started overtaking the structure. You'll never understand humans and their odd behavior. N/A
Found in: Deciduous Forest, Mountains, Riparian Woodland, Coniferous Forest, Taiga, Swamp, Rainforest

A strange, faint herbal scent catches your attention and leads you to an unusual object hanging on a nearby branch. You think it resembles a human, but it could also be an ape... or maybe it was anything with four limbs. A dense and unsettling aura surrounds this place, making it both fascinating and scary at the same time.
Investigate When you look at this strange, straw doll, you think that the puppies in your den would probably love it but there is something that makes you hesitate from taking it. The closer you approach, the less confident and safe you feel, just as if someone--or something--was observing you. Better to leave it here but you can't resist one touch. When you poke the object, something falls out of it. +2 random herbs
The straw doll seems to contain something inside. You can't see it very well but you're sure that you recognize parts of herbs that are both known and unknown to you. The more you investigate, the more sleepy you feel, but it is not a nice and relaxing sensation. It's comparable to the exhaustion from running for two days straight. For a brief moment, you see nothing but pitch darkness surrounding you. When you are able to focus again, you feel tired once again and pain comes with it. This place is surely cursed. -2% energy
-3 HP
Found in: Deciduous Forest, Mountains, Riparian Woodland, Coniferous Forest, Taiga, Swamp, Rainforest

In your mind, armadillos are among the most skilled when it comes to self-protection. Seeing this one injured and disoriented confuses you. It's a rare sight and the armadillo doesn't even try to escape, apparently being either too weak or too shocked to move.
Check it out You go closer, sniffing the scared creature. It tries to hide from you, visibly upset. After a while, it finally gathers the last bits of its energy to limp away slowly. After it's out of sight, you notice it has left something behind. +1 CS
+1 random feather
Kill If not you, then some other carnivore would do it soon. It's the simple law of nature. Besides, fresh meat is always better than a carcass. +10% Hunger
Help* The poor creature is so weak that it doesn't even try to hide or protect itself. You can see that your lack of aggression has surprised it to the point of being curious about you rather than afraid. You sniff and lick its wounds, taking the gentle creature carefully to a safer and more remote place. Now it can rest and find food without going far. +1 to your distressed animals quest!
Found in: Grasslands, Riparian Woodland, Prairie, Desert, Swamp, Rainforest
*This option will only appear if you have a quest to help a distressed animal

The path ahead of you is blocked by large fallen trees. It looks like they've been uprooted by the recent disasters and there is significant destruction all around you. Right in the middle of your usual path, too. Damn!
Go Around It will take longer, but you may as well find a way around. You don't really have much choice in the matter, and it's far too dangerous to try and climb over them. As you forge a different path, you come across the scent of a freshly killed carcass that must have gotten caught up in the disaster. Playing it safe was worth it! +1 random critter carcass
Climb Over This doesn't look too hard! You pick your way over the logs, being careful to avoid slipping. You reach the top and give a howl of triumph. As you begin to climb down the other side, you make the mistake of moving too quickly and find yourself half-falling, half-jumping down to the ground. You hit the dirt hard and notice an open wound on your leg from where a branch snagged it. Seriously? With a grumble you drag yourself home. +1 CS
-5 HP
Found in: Deciduous Forest, Mountains, Riparian Woodland, Coniferous Forest, Taiga

This half-defeathered grouse already looks like a carcass from afar. The bird barely moves and you're not sure if it's even alive. Suddenly, you notice its eye blink, but you are certain that its condition is beyond any possible treatment.
Kill You don't know what is stronger in your mind. Is it your hunter instinct or an act of mercy? If the bird can't live any longer, it will help others to survive. +1 Grouse Carcass
Found in: Mountains, Coniferous Forest, Desert, Tundra, Taiga

A strong, familiar scent catches your attention and leads you straight to a barely breathing brown ball of fur. The wounded beaver is so weak that it doesn't even try to escape.
Offer Healing Salve* A quick observation lets you judge that the beaver's wounds are serious but not lethal. You offer a healing salve for the creature, and determine it should recover in no time. The creature accepts your gift with a surprised stare but it doesn't protest. You decide to check the area for any potential threat to the beaver and you find something useful! +1 CS
+1 Blue Jay Feather
Easy prey A quick, painless death is all anyone can ask for. +1 Beaver Carcass
Found in: Taiga, Coniferous Forest, Mountains, Deciduous Forest, Riparian Woodland
*This option will only appear if you have at least 1x Healing Salve in your Hoard

You smell the hot, stinky air before you even see the geyser. You've seen geysers before, and this one seems wrong. The water coming out of it is a funny color, and the misty air around it is suffocating. Your lungs burn and your eyes run; the air feels toxic.
Run away Text needed +1 CS
+1 Agouti Carcass
You can't stand being near it a moment longer and run away as fast as you can in the other direction. N/A
Investigate* You make your way closer, to better investigate the geyser for Bessie. It's not long before you are choking and feel the water burning your pelt from the spray. You've gathered enough information for now. Time to head back. Completion of Bessie's quest
Found in: Mountains, Taiga, Tundra, Glacier
*This option will only appear if you have the associated quest with Bessie

A young blacktail buck struggles to keep up with his herd, trying to run in vain. He's limping heavily, likely injured from trying to outrun the danger. You doubt he will make it to safety before he's caught up in the disaster.
Kill He's in pain, so killing him is a mercy anyway. He wouldn't have made it long. You hurry to take your prize back to your pack before the disaster is upon you. +1 Blacktail Carcass
You don't have time to deal with him right now; you need to keep moving so that you don't get caught in the disaster yourself. Your paw kicks up the dirt, something hard dislodges. +1 CS
Found in: Grasslands, Deciduous Forest, Riparian Woodland, Coniferous Forest

A large, dark shape moves between the trees ahead and your pelt rises in fear. It's several feet tall, and you're certain it's another cryptid come to challenge you. You brace yourself as it turns and moves from behind the trees. Suddenly you find yourself face to face with...a bear? It stands upright on its hind paws, studying you.
Run away Bears are no joke, no matter this one's odd behavior. It's time to see yourself out. You hurry back the way you came, spotting a red and black item hidden by some leaves. +1 CS
Chase You've had enough weird encounters lately; you don't need normal animals acting weird, too. You lunge at the bear aggressively, causing it to drop to all fours and hightail it in the other direction. Ha! Good riddance. The bear leaves a chunk of meat behind, perhaps he'd been eating it. You gobble it up gratefully. +10% hunger
Found in: Deciduous Forest, Riparian Woodland, Coniferous Forest, Swamp

A grisly sight greets you as you explore the area following the disaster. A muskrat hangs from a freshly splintered stump, impaled by a sharp branch at the end. It seems like the muskrat was caught up at the wrong moment like so many other animals.
Take There's no helping it now, so you may as well collect it so that it can feed your pack before it spoils. +1 Muskrat Carcass
Found in: Taiga, Swamp, Tundra, Rainforest

You stumble upon a really large fish. It smells fresh but it's not close to the shore. Whatever tried to drag it away to eat it apparently failed, leaving this delicious meal for you.
Eat Mmm, fishy. +5% Hunger
Ignore It You hesitate for a while but decide to turn back. Whatever caught this fish was big and likely close enough to be a potential threat. Irritated and hungry, you find a small critter's carcass on your way and it cheers you up a bit. +1 random critter carcass
Bring to Kipsy* This has to be the fish that Kipsy was talking about! Without hesitation you clamp your jaws around the narrowest part, and begin dragging it back to Kipsy. Completion of Kipsy's quest
Found in: Riparian Woodland, Swamp, Tundra, Glacier
*This option will only appear if you have the associated quest with Kipsy

Loud bleating reaches your ears as you round the bend, and you come across a bighorn sheep helplessly trapped beneath a tree. It's unable to move, and from the looks of it, it's been stuck out here for a while.
Kill There's no way you can move that tree on your own, so the kindest thing is to kill the sheep before it suffers more. As you move the log, you notice something glinting a the tree hollow. +1 CS
Found in: Mountains, Tundra, Taiga

A huge mass of broken and rusted metal shaped like a bird is tucked away between the trees and half sunken into the wet ground. Moss and ivy cover it from head to toe, and you're surprised you haven't seen this here before. Perhaps the disasters had something to do with it? You peer at it, unsure if it poses a threat.
Investigate It doesn't look like it's alive, and when you smell the air all you can scent is the rusted metal and the wet wilderness around you. Emboldened, you pad closer and search around the foreign object for a while. It's ugly, but definitely not a threat. After digging around for a while longer, you find a fun toy. Not so useless after all! +1 Duck Feather
Text needed +1 Bone
It doesn't look like it's alive, and when you smell the air all you can scent is the rusted metal and the wet wilderness around you. Emboldened, you pad closer and search around the foreign object for a while. It's ugly, but definitely not a threat. After digging around for a while longer, you find a pretty red scale. Sweet! +1 CS
Found in: Rainforest, Grasslands, Swamp

In the middle of nowhere, you notice a cow's carcass with no visible signs of fight or injuries. The poor creature probably collapsed while looking for water.
Eat The meat is really fresh. If you wait any longer, it won't taste as good. +1 CS
+20% hunger
Take to your den It will take some time but you really don't want to waste even the smallest piece of this juicy meat. It will be enough for a few meals. -5% Energy
+1 Bovine Carcass
Take it to Fresno Nightcrawler* Dragging this heavy carcass back to the Fresno Nightcrawler's place will be a real struggle, but you already agreed to help them. When the creature gets its food, it will probably leave everyone else in peace for some time. Completion of Fresno Nightcrawler's quest
Found in: Grasslands, Prairie, Desert
*This option will only appear if you have the associated quest with Fresno Nightcrawler

A dead goose lays out in the open, its feathered body ruffled and nearly unmarked. You sniff it curiously, searching for any sign that a predator is nearby. You only smell the stench of death, and there's no bite marks at all. Did it fall from the sky? You notice the neck is twisted at an odd angle, and wonder if that was the cause of its demise.
Take Clearly this is no one's prey, and if you don't take it, someone else will. It should make a nice meal. +1 Meat Chunks [Medium]
Eat May as well take advantage of an easy meal! You take some of the loose feathers with you, too, knowing they'll be useful. +1 CS
+10% Hunger
Found in: Taiga, Tundra, Glacier

A large snapping turtle blocks your path, letting out a hiss and standing its ground. You must have encroached on its territory!
Back Away You decide that confronting this beast isn't worth it. Its beak looks sharp and its shell impenetrable. You'd rather wait to fight another day. As you head in the opposite direction, you stumble upon a glowing scale. Sweet! +1 CS
Antagonize The turtle may be large, but you're much bigger. Taller, too. You decide to have a little fun and begin antagonizing the beast, swiping a paw and darting out of the way as it turns and snaps at you. You do this for a while until the turtle has finally had enough and lumbers away, hissing as it leaves. +2 CS
-3% Energy
Defend Beast of Busco's territory* This turtle doesn't look so tough! You snarl and charge the creature, snapping at the soft flesh outside of its shell. The turtle hisses and backs away, threatened, and you pursue it relentlessly until it flees well outside of the area. It won't come back anytime soon. Success! Completion of Beast of Busco's quest
Found in: Riparian Woodland, Swamp
*This option will only appear if you have the associated quest with Beast of Busco

The bank of the river is oddly shallow for this time of the year, and you wonder where all of the water has gone. Up ahead you see an odd, misshapen object stretching across the water. The water in front of it is shallow, while the water behind is much deeper. What's going on?
Investigate You pad closer, and although you can't reach it where it sits, it's clear that this thing isn't natural. It's an odd color that's fading in spots, sharp edges that look lethal. Debris has built up around it, and it looks like it's blocking the flow of the water. You're sure that it wasn't here only a short time ago--you know this land well. Maybe it was caused by one of the disasters? There's not much you can do, and you decide it's best to move on.Something washed up on the shore nearby catches your eye as you leave. Score! +1 CS
Explore the blockage* This must be what's blocking the water that Champ told you about! It's almost like a beaver's dam, blocking the flow of the water with debris built up around it. This was not made by any animal, though. It's twisted and full of sharp edges, and there's a funny smell in the air. There's no hope of you freeing it--it's much too big, and you could drown in the process. Frustrated that you can't do anything to help, you decide to report back to Champ on what you found. Completion of Champ's quest
Found in: Riparian Woodland, Taiga
*This option will only appear if you have the associated quest with Champ

You are about to grab the injured bird, expecting it to be dead and good for a meal, but change your mind at the very last second. The skua is still alive but very weak and completely vulnerable in an open space where everyone can see it just as you did.
Kill You decide to kill the bird anyway. It's a rare opportunity to have some fresh meat without any effort, especially in such unfriendly areas like this one. +10% hunger
Let it be You are not hungry at the moment so the skua can consider itself lucky. You only sniff around it without any specific purpose but you notice that the bird lost some feathers and help yourself. +3 Skua Feathers
Found in: Tundra, Glacier

Disasters and the recent changes to the land has made the ocean reveal its hidden and long forgotten treasures. The old, wrecked ship that sits before you is both scary and tempting. It's covered with all sorts of marine life forms and many different smells. Who knows when there will be another opportunity to investigate something like this?
Check it out You enter the shipwreck carefully. Its original creators are long gone but you can feel that you aren't the first one to check it out since it surfaced. A loud, rumbling growl echoes inside, making you feel as if you are inside of a dead monster. Taken by surprise, you don't even check to see what kind of creature tries to chase you off but maybe that's better for you. -5% energy
It takes a while before you gather enough courage to enter the shipwreck. It's been out of the water long enough to have some parts of it dry again. Each noise, unknown and alien to you, sounds like a warning. Overcoming your fear proves worth it though, you've found something interesting! +1 CS
Investigate for Snow Wasset* This structure is definitely a work of human hands, made for reaching faraway lands. It's destroyed and only a shade of its former glory, yet you still feel respect and even a bit anxious as you cross over the threshold. Complete stillness and silence encourages your paw steps as you sniff carefully around. You try to remember everything to report back to Snow Wasset. You have no idea why it needs this information but you don't plan to ask. Completion of Snow Wasset's quest
Found in: Tundra, Glacier
*This option will only appear if you have the associated quest with Snow Wasset

The bright color of its strange clothing makes this human visible from far away. It's hard to ignore even when you want to focus on something else. He's alone, paying attention to his equipment more than to the possible dangers around him.
Wait and check the area You know well that humans always take a lot of stuff when they travel. Some of it is garbage, but other items could be useful. You are considering an attack at first, but their gear is unpredictable and even harmless-looking tools may turn out to be dangerous. To your disappointment, this human hasn't lost anything.

It seems that you won't come back empty-pawed after all, though. Nice find!

+1 random feather
You know well that humans always take a lot of stuff when they travel. Some of it is garbage, but other items could be useful. You are considering an attack at first, but their gear is unpredictable and even harmless-looking tools may turn out to be dangerous. To your disappointment, this human hasn't lost anything. N/A
Follow It's always worth trying to follow a human. They may lead you to delicious stuff or lose something from their weird backpacks along the way. If they are not careful, they may even end up as a meal.

The human drops something behind him and you warily wander over to investigate. A tasty morsel of food - you tuck in as the human disappears from view.

+10% Hunger
Report to Shadow Being* You follow the human for a while, observing his actions carefully. The scientist is traveling forward rather slowly, taking his time to check his weird tools, completely focused on the ground. You will probably have enough time to report everything to Shadow Being before the human makes it too far. Completion of Shadow Being's quest
Found in: Tundra, Glacier
*This option will only appear if you have the associated quest with Shadow Being

Biome-Exclusive Encounters

Biome-Exclusive Encounters

A pronghorn bursts from the tall grass, heading right for you! You scramble to get out of the way, and notice with a shock that it's not a pronghorn at all. It looks like one, but the back feet that sail past your head aren't hooves--they're paws! Long ears like a rabbit flick upwards as it runs, and it takes you a moment to realize that it has come to a halt, staring at you with glowing green eyes.
Chase What was it waiting for? You leap at it and it flags its tail and darts several paces away before stopping to turn and look at you again. Did it want you to chase it? You decide to humor the creature and begin to chase after it, admiring how easily it traverses the grassy plane. After a while you fall behind, tiring more easily than it does. Phew! What a workout! -5% Energy

Wet snorting noises alert you to the presence of some other creature, and you suddenly find yourself nose-to-nose with a pig-like animal with saggy skin and weeping eyes. They stand frozen, just as surprised to see you as you are them. They smell funny, and don't quite belong.
Back away Text needed Result needed
Sniff The creature seems relatively harmless. In fact, it appears to be quite frightened of you. It's frozen in place, trembling. You lower yourself to the ground and sniff at it gently, showing you're not a threat. After a moment it seems to relax, and begins sniffing you back. You touch noses, and with a snort it turns away to go about its business. It seems you've made a friend! +1 CS

While it's not wise to approach any bear, this strange one looks cute despite the red glow in its eyes. A weak growl comes out of its throat but it only makes it look even cuter with its fuzzy fur and little size. You can't help but approach it.
Play You hesitate at first but there is no adult Lava Bear in sight. You wag your tail and bark at the cub, trying to show your good intentions, but it continues to look at you with a hostile expression and exposed teeth. After several attempts, you get tired of trying. This is the least friendly cub of any species you've ever come across. You leave in a huff without looking back. Luckily, there is something more interesting sticking out of the sand, cheering you up a bit after the failed attempt at friendship with the bear. +1 CS

You notice a ball of light fur from afar. You're sure of it: it's a lava bear cub wandering around! It doesn't look happy to see you.
Play You go closer, trying to cheer the cub up a bit. Hesitant at first, it finally shows its natural curiosity, sniffing you and touching your fur. It's not that different from cubs in your den and you spend some time together wrestling and tussling. You find yourself disappointed that you can't take it home. You need to continue your journey but you feel refreshed and your mood is definitely better. +5 HP
While the cub's expression doesn't look inviting, there is no adult bear nearby. It can't hurt to go closer. It's just like the pups in your den. You bow playfully, trying to invite the cub to relax but it still snarls and growls. It would be considered cute if not for the sharp pain that comes afterward. The little brat bit you! -2 HP
Ignore Text needed +10% Energy
Come with me. I'll take you home* The cub still doesn't look excited, keeping a safe distance behind you, but it's following you without much fuss. It tries to slow you down and stops at every possible opportunity but at least it's not running away. Completion of Lava Bear's quest
*This option will only appear if you have the associated quest with Lava Bear

The sight before you is one you never expected to see: a squid outside of the water, traversing the land as easily as any mammal. It's not any ordinary squid, either. It's monstrous and imposing, blocking your way, unfazed when you bare your teeth.
Growl The creature does not understand your body language and apparently needs another sign to know who's the boss here. You let out a low, beastly growl, taking a few steps forward. To your surprise, the creature hesitateds, as if it's calculating its chances. You don't really want to fight, your threats have worked. The squid retreats, letting you pass. You notice something buried in the snow. +1 Dandelion
Find a different path Text needed +1 CS
+1 Owl Talon
Fight for Akhlut* You're not as experienced as Akhlut and you wouldn't be able to fight this creature underwater, but it's on the shore now and you have an advantage. The squid's size is intimidating but the creature could not predict how fast and agile you are. With only a few scratches, you manage to chase the squid away. Akhlut's territory is clear now. Completion of Akhlut's quest
*This option will only appear if you have the associated quest with Akhlut