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There are three main functions of the Enclave, each pertaining to puppies! The Enclave is a token in the Crossroads where you can meet the NPC Lillemor (or Mother Bear)! There are three main functions of the Enclave, each pertaining to puppies!


This mother bear loves caring for puppies and works to find the perfect home for each and every unwanted pup!

Brown Bear


Enclave Quests

Enclave Quests

Every day, up to three times a day, you can complete a puppy quest. In these quests, Lillemor will ask you to bring her a pup who fulfills a certain requirement such as having a particular base or marking.

The reward for completing one of these quests is 25 SC. This currency reward, however, is planned to be replaced later by a new currency unique to the Enclave and to be used in a shop which Lillemor will run. The estimated time of release for this new currency and shop is unknown.

Since you can turn in three puppy quests every day, the Enclave provides the potential for 75 SC in profit every day.

Each puppy quest gives you three different options of puppies you can bring to Lillemor. Regardless of the difficulty of the quest or the rarity of the pup you turn in, the reward for completing the quest is always 25 SC. You only need to find one of the three puppies in order to complete the quest.

All puppies turned in for a puppy quest must be weaned, not an adolescent, not ill, not immortal, not for trade or raffle, and not currently training. The puppy can be bred by anyone, meaning you can purchase puppies from other players in order to complete these quests. Despite what the notice says afterwards, puppies turned in for quests actually do not show up as adoptable pups in the Enclave the next day as they are wiped from the game entirely.

If you aren't able to complete a specific puppy quest, you can skip it using any amusement item in your hoard. Note that this takes the entire amusement item and not just one use of it. We recommend using single-use amusement items like Grouse Feathers or Blue Jay Feathers in order to skip these quests due to this.

Leaving Puppies

Leaving Puppies

In addition to being able to drop off puppies for quests, Lillemor will also let you leave any random puppy with her in exchange for a small amount of SC. You can leave any pup which you have personally bred yourself, who is not weaned, not an adolescent, not ill, not in a trade, not training, and not immortal. You can determine whether or not you bred a pup yourself by checking the top right of the wolf's page. You cannot leave any puppies with Lillemor which you have not bred.

The SC reward that Lillemor will give you for each pup is determined solely by the pup's stats. The more stats they have, the more SC you will be given. 200 stat pups will reward 2 SC, 300 stat pups will reward 3 SC, and so on.

The number of puppies you can leave at the Enclave every rollover is determined by your territory size. More territory means more puppies you can leave each day. The number of puppies you can leave is equal to 1/4 your territory size, rounded up. So, if you have 150 territory (150 adult slots), you would be able to leave 38 puppies at the Enclave every day.

Grouse Tip!
Why does my wolf say it was bred by "Unknown", even though I bred them?

If the "Bred by" section of your wolf's page lists the breeder as "Unknown", despite you having bred them yourself, it's likely that you bred them before the tracker was implemented. The game started keeping track of who bred a wolf on May 10, 2021. Any wolf who was bred before this will have an Unknown breeder. You can check when a wolf was bred at the bottom right of their page, where it says "Wolf created on...".

Adopting Puppies

Adopting Puppies

After you have unlocked Pair Bonding on your 30th rollover, you also unlock the ability to adopt puppies from the Enclave!

Puppies that are left at the Enclave by other players will have the chance to be adopted into another pack! After you leave a pup at the Enclave, they will appear to be adopted right after the next rollover -- they will not show up in the adoption center immediately.

Every player is shown the same puppies in the same order to be adopted from the Enclave. You are not able to adopt your own puppies.

Pups will only be available for adoption for one day before they are deleted from the game completely.

Pups that are adopted will retain all their information from their previous pack including their heritage, looks, stats, previous packs, and who bred them. Names, bios, and footnotes are erased. The puppies will come with 50% survival chance after adoption.

The age of the puppy you adopt from the Enclave is dependent on what age they were left at the Enclave. They will be 1/2 month/1 rollover older than the age they were left at.

This means that, if you leave a pup at the Enclave when they are 5.5 months old, they will be 6 months the next rollover when they are available for adoption. Since wolves become adolescents at 6 months old and you can only adopt puppies from the Enclave, these pups will be wiped from the game without being given the opportunity to be adopted.

Exact details about adoptable pups are not available in the Enclave before you adopt the pup. You are not able to see what base and markings they have before you adopt them and must base your decision off of the preview headshot you are shown. You are however able to see the pup's age, sex, total stats, heritage, and personality.

The price of each pup is based on their total stats, with higher-stat pups being more expensive.

In order to adopt a puppy from the Enclave, you must have at least one pair bond in your pack. When selecting the puppy to adopt, you will select which pair bond will become the adoptive parents of the puppy. After adoption, the puppy will appear on the adoptive parents' heritage pages under a section titled Living Adopted Offspring. There is not a limit to how many puppies a pair bond can adopt in their lifetime, but they can only adopt one every day.