Decoration Catalogue

From Grouse House Wiki

Revision as of 18:37, 1 February 2025 by Mel (talk | contribs) (→‎S)

This page contains an alphabetical list of all decorations in game. Click or tap on any decor thumbnail for more information and previews! If a certain stage does not have decor present, the decor is broken for that stage in game.

Since this page has so many images, it will take a while to load as you scroll!

For an alphabetical list of backgrounds, check out the Background Catalogue page.

For an information on decorative variants, check out the Variants page.

For decorations sorted by category, check out this page.

For all pages containing decoration sources and additional information, check out the Decorations category.



Acorn Bundle Decor
Alpine Forget-me-not
American Coot
American Swallowtail
Anniversary! Festive Back Baubles
Anniversary! Festive Choker
Anniversary! Festive Confetti [Behind]
Anniversary! Festive Confetti [Blue and Pink]
Anniversary! Festive Confetti [Front]
Anniversary! Festive Confetti [Green & Red]
Anniversary! Festive Crown
Anniversary! Festive Danglies
Anniversary! Festive Ear Fascinators
Anniversary! Festive Ear Holly
Anniversary! Festive Elbow Cones
Anniversary! Festive Fascinator
Anniversary! Festive Garters
Anniversary! Festive Leg Weaves
Anniversary! Festive Leg Wrap
Anniversary! Festive Neck Hollies
Anniversary! Festive Neck Weaves
Anniversary! Festive Spats
Anniversary! Festive Tail Baubles
Anniversary! Festive Tail Bow
Anniversary! Festive Tail Mistletoe
Anniversary! Festive Tail Wrap
Anniversary! Festive Tala
Anniversary! Festive Wreath
Arabian Wolf
Arctic Fox
Arctic Fox Kits
Arctic White
Arctic Woolly Bear Moth
Arizona White Oak Sapling
Arnica Flower Decor
Aspen Trees
Asymmetric Horns [Lunar]
Asymmetric Horns [Purple]
Attached Antlers [Red Deer]
Attached Antlers [Roebuck]
Attached Antlers [Whitetail]
Attached Horns [Pronghorn]
Auroral Skunk
Azure-Hooded Jay



Background Rocks [Brown]
Background Rocks [Gray]
Bald-Faced Hornet
Baltimore Checkerspot
Band-Tailed Pigeon
Banded Sphinx Moth
Bat Ears Morph
Bear Paws [Black]
Bear Paws [Brown]
Bear Paws [Cinnamon]
Bear Paws [Glacier]
Bear Paws [Golden]
Bear Paws [White]
Bear Paws Hind [Black]
Bear Paws Hind [Brown]
Bear Paws Hind [Cinnamon]
Bear Paws Hind [Glacier]
Bear Paws Hind [Golden]
Bear Paws Hind [White]
Bearberry Herb Crown
Beastly Drool
Belly Fluff [Auburn]
Belly Fluff [Black]
Belly Fluff [Brown]
Belly Fluff [Cream]
Belly Fluff [Gray]
Belly Fluff [White]
Belted Kingfisher
Berry Anklets [Black]
Berry Anklets [Blue]
Berry Anklets [Orange]
Berry Anklets [Purple]
Berry Anklets [Red]
Berry Anklets [White]
Berry Bracelets [Black]
Berry Bracelets [Blue]
Berry Bracelets [Orange]
Berry Bracelets [Purple]
Berry Bracelets [Red]
Berry Bracelets [White]
Berry Earring
Berry Earrings [Black]
Berry Earrings [Blue]
Berry Earrings [Orange]
Berry Earrings [Purple]
Berry Earrings [Red]
Berry Earrings [White]
Berry Necklace [Black]
Berry Necklace [Blue]
Berry Necklace [Orange]
Berry Necklace [Purple]
Berry Necklace [Red]
Berry Necklace [White]
Berry Tailwrap [Black]
Berry Tailwrap [Blue]
Berry Tailwrap [Orange]
Berry Tailwrap [Purple]
Berry Tailwrap [Red]
Berry Tailwrap [White]
Big Cat Claw Necklace
Bird's Nest [Branch]
Bird's Nest [Bush]
Bird's Nest [Tree]
Black Leather Sporran
Black Shuck
Black Trumpet Mushroom Crown
Black-Capped Chickadee
Black-Throated Magpie-Jay
Blackening Waxcap Mushroom
Bloody Bones Smile
Blue Aurora
Blue Bubbles
Blue Eye Discharge
Blue Flag Iris
Blue Fog
Blue Glowing Ground Fog
Blue Glowy Feather Bodywear
Blue Glowy Feather Headwear
Blue Glowy Feather Rumpwear
Blue Grass Overgrowth
Blue Huckleberry
Blue Jay
Blue Jay Feather Decor
Blue Lunar Backline Fluff [Body]
Blue Lunar Backline Fluff [Head]
Blue Lunar Backline Fluff [Tail]
Blue Mist
Blue Moon Wolf Pup [Rolling]
Blue Moon Wolf Pup [Running]
Blue Moon Wolf Pup [Sleepy]
Blue Moon Wolf Pup [Walking]
Blue Pansy Crown
Blue Swirls
Blue Twisting Essence
Boar Tusks Growth
Boat-Tailed Grackle
Body Horror [Eyes]
Body Horror [Rump Teeth]
Body Horror [Teeth]
Body Horror [Third Eye]
Body Pink Heart Attire
Body Spikes
Bodypaint: Crescent Moon [Lunar]
Bodypaint: Crescent Moon [Purple]
Bodypaint: Glowing Moon Stripes [Lunar]
Bodypaint: Glowing Moon Stripes [Purple]
Bodypaint: Glowing Spore Stripes
Bodypaint: Lunar Bolts
Bodypaint: Lunar Path
Bodypaint: Moon Swirls [Lunar]
Bodypaint: Moon Swirls [Purple]
Bohemian Waxwing
Bone Decor
Bowltube Iris
Bristle-Pointed Iris
Broken Antler Decor
Broken Ground
Brown Arctic
Brown Leather Sporran
Bulbous Lunar Flower
Bull Septum
Burning Bush Crown
Bushy-Crested Jay



Cactus Antler Crown
Cactus Cat Flower
Cactus Cat Friend
Caesar's Mushroom Crown
California Scrub Jay
Canada Buffaloberry
Canine Fang Necklace
Carrionflower Herb Crown
Carved Round Earrings
Carved Stone
Catfish Whiskers
Cedar Bark Crown
Celtic Astrology [Amethyst] - Salmon Earring
Celtic Astrology [Carnelian] - Holly Tail Jewelry
Celtic Astrology [Coral] - Green Bracelet
Celtic Astrology [Diamond] - Oaken Ogham Stick
Celtic Astrology [Emerald] - Vine Vesture
Celtic Astrology [Jasper] - Reed Bouquet
Celtic Astrology [Jet] - Raven Feather Hood
Celtic Astrology [Moonstone] - Snake Headwear
Celtic Astrology [Opal] - Ivy Growth
Celtic Astrology [Peridot] - Dragon Pendant
Celtic Astrology [Rock Crystal] - Stag Tiara
Celtic Astrology [Ruby] - Ogham Headwear
Celtic Astrology [Topaz] - Ogham Trinket
Celtic Cloak [Black]
Celtic Cloak [Brown]
Celtic Cloak [Dun]
Celtic Cloak [Green]
Celtic Cloak [Red]
Celtic Leather Straps Headwear
Celtic Leather Straps Skirt
Celtic Ruana Wrap [Black]
Celtic Ruana Wrap [Green]
Celtic Ruana Wrap [Tartan]
Cernunnos Headpiece [Copper]
Cernunnos Headpiece [Green]
Cernunnos Legwraps [Copper]
Cernunnos Legwraps [Green]
Cernunnos Stag
Chaparral Herb Crown
Charged Eyes
Charged Particles
Chihuahua Raven
Circling Orbs
Claw Extension [Black]
Claw Extension [Bone]
Claw Extension [Brown]
Cliff Swallowtail
Cnitharian Anklets
Cnitharian Bodywrap
Cnitharian Bracelets
Cnitharian Frill Accents
Cnitharian Frill Accents [Purple]
Cnitharian Otter
Cnitharian Tailwrap
Cnitharian Tiara
Cnitharian Wolf Pups
Common Grackle
Common Ground Dove
Common Pheasant
Common Poorwill
Company of Faelcu [Calm]
Company of Faelcu [Hostile]
Company of Quany
Company of Sirona
Copper Iris
Corner Cobweb
Corrupted Flame Accents
Corrupted Kora
Corrupted Moth
Corrupted Spikes [Back]
Corrupted Spikes [Front Paws]
Corrupted Spikes [Head]
Corrupted Spikes [Legs]
Corrupted Spikes [Neck]
Corrupted Spikes [Rump]
Cottonwood Seeds [Heavy]
Cottonwood Seeds [Scarce]
Courage Wolf
Coyote: Ludovic
Crescent Moon Earring
Crimson Columbine
Cross Fox
Cross Fox Kits
Crow Foot Earring
Cryptid Fangs
Crystal Adornment Earring [Lunar]
Crystal Adornment Earring [Purple]
Crystal Moons Earring [Lunar]
Crystal Moons Earring [Purple]
Cupid Quiver
Cute Garland



Dahlia Crown [Orange]
Dahlia Crown [Pink]
Dahlia Crown [Purple]
Dahlia Crown [Red]
Daisy Crown [Orange]
Daisy Crown [Pink]
Daisy Crown [Red]
Daisy Crown [White]
Dandelion Decor
Dandelion Seeds [Fallen]
Dandelion Seeds [Windswept]
Dark Crow Skull Necklace
Dark Fog
Dark Haze
Dark Hooves
Dark Tendrils
Dear Elk Heart
Deer Ear Accessory
Desert Paintbrush
Diamond Dust
Dickinson's Lady's Slipper
Dimidiata Long-Tailed Weasel
Disaster Clutter
Doom Gloom
Double Love Bracelet
Dreamglow [Gentle]
Dreamglow [Rays]
Dreamglow [Scattered]
Dreamglow [Strong]
Dreamland Branch Overgrowth [Back Legs]
Dreamland Branch Overgrowth [Front Legs]
Dreamland Branch Overgrowth [Head]
Dreamland Branch Overgrowth [Neck]
Dreamland Branch Overgrowth [Rump]
Dreamland Branch Overgrowth [Tail]
Dreamlight [Gentle]
Dreamlight [Rays]
Dreamlight [Scattered]
Dreamlight [Strong]
Dreamshine [Lunar]
Dreamshine [Purple]
Dry Lunar Shrub
Dust Storm
Dust Storm [Night]
Dwarf Crested Iris
Dwarf Jay



Eagle Beak Morph
Ear Extension [Black]
Ear Extension [Cream]
Ear Extension [White]
Earth Cracks
Eastern American Jack’o Lantern Mushroom Crown
Eastern Yellow Wagtail
Ebony Jewelwing
Eclipse Penguin
Eerie Embers
Elbow Tufts [Auburn]
Elbow Tufts [Black]
Elbow Tufts [Blue]
Elbow Tufts [Brown]
Elbow Tufts [Cream]
Elbow Tufts [Dark Blue]
Elbow Tufts [Dark Green]
Elbow Tufts [Gray]
Elbow Tufts [Lavender]
Elbow Tufts [Light Blue]
Elbow Tufts [Pink]
Elbow Tufts [Purple]
Elbow Tufts [Turquoise]
Elbow Tufts [Tyrian Purple]
Elbow Tufts [White]
Elk Bull Mask
Elk Bull Mask [Melanistic]
Elk Cow Mask
Elk Cow Mask [Melanistic]
Elk Ear Accessory
Embers of Anguish
Entire-Leaved Daisy
Essence Flame [Ankles]
Essence Flame [Ears]
Essence Flame [Elbows]
Essence Flame [Eyelids]
Essence Flame [Tail]
Essence Pendant [Blue]
Essence Pendant [Purple]
Ethiopian Wolf
Eurasian Collared Dove
Eurasian Wolf
Expression: Happy
Expression: Pfflrp
Exquisite Adorned Horns [Lunar]
Exquisite Adorned Horns [Purple]
Eyebrow Small Horns
Eyebrow Spikes



Facepaint: Beltane
Facepaint: Black Tears
Facepaint: Eostre
Facepaint: Imbolc
Facepaint: Lunar Crescent
Facepaint: Lunar Diamond
Facepaint: Lunar Sun
Facepaint: Terror
Faelcu's Growths
Faelcu's Antennae
Faelcu's Facepaint
Faelcu's Neckpaint
Faelcu's Tail Extension
Faint Orb
Fairy Ring Mushrooms
Fallen Snow
Falling Embers
Falling Oak Leaves
Falling Petals [Blue]
Falling Petals [Mixed]
Falling Petals [Orange]
Falling Petals [Pink]
Falling Petals [Purple]
Falling Petals [Red]
Falling Petals [White]
Falling Petals [Yellow]
Falling Pine Needles [Brown]
Falling Pine Needles [Green]
Feather Wings - Bottom [Black]
Feather Wings - Bottom [Brown]
Feather Wings - Bottom [White]
Feather Wings - Top [Black]
Feather Wings - Top [Brown]
Feather Wings - Top [White]
Fiery Ears
Fiery Mouth
Fiery Paws
Fish Fins
Flaming Beads [Arms]
Flaming Beads [Chest]
Flaming Beads [Head]
Flaming Beads [Rear]
Flaming Devil Horns
Flaming Effigy Trinket
Flirting Cardinals
Flirty Expression [Black]
Flirty Expression [Blue]
Flirty Expression [Brown]
Flirty Expression [Cream]
Flirty Expression [Gray]
Flirty Expression [Red]
Flirty Expression [White]
Floating Wisp [High]
Floating Wisp [Low]
Floating Wisp [Small, High]
Floating Wisp [Small, Low]
Flooding Ground
Flooding Wave
Florida Scrub Jay
Flower Bouquet
Flowering Gladiolus [Burgundy]
Flowering Gladiolus [Cream]
Flowering Gladiolus [Orange]
Flowering Gladiolus [Pink]
Flowering Gladiolus [Purple]
Flowering Gladiolus [Red]
Flowering Gladiolus [White]
Flowering Gladiolus [Yellow]
Fluffy Mane [Auburn]
Fluffy Mane [Black]
Fluffy Mane [Brown]
Fluffy Mane [Dark Brown]
Fluffy Mane [Gray]
Fluffy Mane [White]
Foreground Rocks [Brown]
Foreground Rocks [Gray]
Forehead Spike
Forest Fox
Forest Fox Kits
Forget Me Not Anklets
Forget Me Not Bracelets
Forget Me Not Earrings
Foundation Knot Anklets
Foundation Knot Bracelets
Foundation Knot Choker
Foundation Knot Tail Belt
Four-Leaf Sorrel
Foxglove Necklace
Fragile Branch Anklets [Lunar]
Fragile Branch Anklets [Purple]
Fragile Branch Bracelets [Lunar]
Fragile Branch Bracelets [Purple]
Fragile Branch Headwrap [Lunar]
Fragile Branch Headwrap [Purple]
Fragile Branch Necklace [Lunar]
Fragile Branch Necklace [Purple]
Fragile Branch Tailwrap [Lunar]
Fragile Branch Tailwrap [Purple]
Fragrant Rose Crown [Black]
Fragrant Rose Crown [Blue]
Fragrant Rose Crown [Orange]
Fragrant Rose Crown [Yellow]
Frame of Roses [Black]
Frame of Roses [Blue]
Frame of Roses [Orange]
Frame of Roses [Pastel]
Frame of Roses [Peach]
Frame of Roses [Pink]
Frame of Roses [Red]
Frame of Roses [Splashed]
Frame of Roses [Tricolor Dark]
Frame of Roses [Tricolor Light]
Frame of Roses [Violet]
Frame of Roses [White]
Frame of Roses [Yellow]
Franklin's Gull
Fresh Pumpkins
Frozen Cobweb
Fur-Lined Cloak [Blue]
Fur-Lined Cloak [Red]



Gambel Oak Sapling
Gentle Cnitharian Accents [Chest]
Gentle Cnitharian Accents [Elbows]
Gentle Cnitharian Accents [Head]
Gentle Cnitharian Accents [Hind Legs]
Gentle Cnitharian Accents [Tail]
Gentle Cnitharian Tendrils [Elbows]
Gentle Cnitharian Tendrils [Head]
Gentle Cnitharian Tendrils [Hind Legs]
Gentle Cnitharian Tendrils [Tail]
Gentle Lunar Makeup
Gentle Sparkling Dust
Glowing Boreal Flowers
Glowing Butterflies
Glowing Chanterelle
Glowing Death Skullcap
Glowing Eyes [Green]
Glowing Eyes [Lunar]
Glowing Eyes [Red]
Glowing Ferns
Glowing Flowers
Glowing Fungi Tree
Glowing Ice
Glowing Icy Growths
Glowing Lichen Flower Bodywraps
Glowing Lichen Rocks
Glowing Moonwort Plants
Glowing Mossy Rocks
Glowing Mushroom Cluster
Glowing Mushroom Growth
Glowing Orb
Glowing Palm Leaves
Glowing Paws [Lunar]
Glowing Rock Growths
Glowing Sapling
Glowing Shrubs
Glowing Spores Decor
Glowing Vegetation
Glowing Vines
Glowing Waterfall
Gnawing Hoof Trinket
Goat Sucker Body Spikes
Goat Sucker Tongue
Gold Poppy and Boar Tusks Necklace
Goldenseal Accent
Granite Rocks
Granite Stones
Gray Fox
Gray Fox Kits
Greater Roadrunner
Green Darner
Green Jay
Green Orbs
Grouse Feather Decor
Growth Dreamer Horns [Lunar]
Growth Dreamer Horns [Purple]
Growth Lizard
Guaiacum Crown
Guaria Morada
Gumberoo Smile
Gunnison Sage-Grouse Feather [Female]
Gunnison Sage-Grouse Feather [Male]



Halloween Mask: Demon
Hare's Foot Inkcap Mushroom
Heart Band [Anklets]
Heart Band [Bracelets]
Heart Beads [Bracelet]
Heart Beads [Necklace]
Heart Earrings
Heart Stamp
Heather Bundle
Heather Crown
Heavy Lunar Dust
Heavy Rain
Heavy Sand Dust
Heavy Snow
Hidden Ferns
Himalayan Wolf
Hodag Spikes
Hollow Essence Tree
Hunting Lunar Owl
Hurricane Winds



Iceland Gull
In Love
Inca Dove
Indian Wolf
Insanity Wolf
Irish Setter
Island Fox
Island Fox Kits
Island Scrub Jay



Jackalope [Mule Deer]
Jackalope [Whitetail]



Keel-Billed Toucan
Kipsy Fin
Kit Fox
Kit Fox Kits



Lapland Bunting
Large Branch Decor
Large Rocks Decor
Lavender Rose Crown
Lewis's Woodpecker
Lichen-Covered Rocks
Light Hooves
Light Snow
Lightning Strike
Locust Swarm
Long-Tailed Jaeger
Looming Eclipse
Love Confetti
Love Letter
Lovebond Tulips
Lucky Scarf [Blue]
Lucky Scarf [Green]
Lucky Scarf [Purple]
Lucky Scarf [Red]
Lucky Scarf [Yellow]
Luminaire Arctic Ground Squirrel
Luminaire Fisher
Lunar Anole
Lunar Barn Owl
Lunar Beaver
Lunar Blewit Log
Lunar Blizzard
Lunar Body Smoke [Blue]
Lunar Body Smoke [Purple]
Lunar Branch Arch
Lunar Breath
Lunar Butterflies
Lunar Capybara
Lunar Charged Mane
Lunar Chickadee
Lunar Chipmunk
Lunar Crow Friend
Lunar Decorative Orchid
Lunar Deer Mouse
Lunar Deer Mushrooms
Lunar Detritus
Lunar Diamond Dust
Lunar Dream Bracelet
Lunar Dream Cape
Lunar Dream Strip Earring
Lunar Dream Tail Rope
Lunar Dust
Lunar Essence-Covered Feather Earring
Lunar Essence-Covered Tail Wrap
Lunar Fawn
Lunar Flickering Flower Pin
Lunar Flora Horns
Lunar Fly Agaric
Lunar Fog
Lunar Fur Dust
Lunar Gentle-Gem Anklets
Lunar Gentle-Gem Bracelets
Lunar Gentle-Gem Earring
Lunar Gentle-Gem Necklace
Lunar Gentle-Gem Tailwrap
Lunar Glowing Claws
Lunar Glowing Talon Necklace
Lunar Hare
Lunar Haze
Lunar Hummingbird
Lunar Ice Storm
Lunar Layered Tree
Lunar Lemmings
Lunar Lightning
Lunar Long-Leaved Bush
Lunar Magpie
Lunar Marmot
Lunar Meadow Backdrop
Lunar Meadow Foreground
Lunar Mist
Lunar Moon Ear Plug
Lunar Moon Lamp
Lunar Mossy Boulders
Lunar Mushroom Overgrowth
Lunar Newt
Lunar Oak Crown
Lunar Oak Necklace
Lunar Oak Tailwrap
Lunar Opossum
Lunar Orb Anklets
Lunar Orb Bracelets
Lunar Orb Headband
Lunar Orb Ring Anklet
Lunar Orb Ring Bracelet
Lunar Orb Tailband
Lunar Pearl Strings
Lunar Polyporus Mushrooms
Lunar Prairie Chicken
Lunar Puffin
Lunar Quail
Lunar Rabbit
Lunar Rain
Lunar Rattlesnake
Lunar Raven Friend
Lunar Roe Antlers
Lunar Sansevieria
Lunar Scottish Fold
Lunar Snailshell Bodydangles
Lunar Snailshell Necklace
Lunar Sparkling Dust
Lunar Sparks
Lunar Sparrows
Lunar Spore Cloud
Lunar Squirrel
Lunar Stag Antlers
Lunar Star Dream Earring
Lunar Storm Clouds
Lunar Storm Discharge
Lunar Storm Fog
Lunar Striped Scarf [Blue]
Lunar Striped Scarf [Purple]
Lunar Tear Bodywraps
Lunar Tears
Lunar Tears Gem Bodywrap
Lunar Toad
Lunar Tulips
Lunar Unihorn
Lunar Weasel
Lunar Wetland Vines
Lunar Wind
Lunar Wisp
Lunar Wolf Friend
Lunar Wood Ear Fungi
Lunula [Gold]
Lunula [Silver]
Lynx Mask



Makeup [Smokey Eye Flush]
Makeup [Smokey Eye Lunar]
Maned Wolf
Massive Blue Flame
Massive Cobweb
Massive Purple Flame
Membrane Wings [Bottom]
Membrane Wings [Top]
Meteor Strike
Mexican Jay
Monarch Butterfly
Mongolian Wolf
Monsoon Rains
Monster Eyes
Monster Teeth
Moon Berry Branch Wrap
Moon Flower Bodywrap
Moon Leaf Garland [Body]
Moon Leaf Garland [Head]
Moon Leaf Garland [Tail]
Moon Moon
Moon Strings [Blue]
Moon Strings [Purple]
Moonglazed Marten
Moonlight Rays
Moose Ear Accessory
Moss Fawn
Moss Puppy
Mossy Branch Decor
Mountain Bluebird
Mountain Lady’s Slipper Orchid
Mourning Cloak
Mourning Dove
Mouthful of Feathers
Muskrat Carcass Decor
Mustelid Fangs Tail Jewelry
Myłkus Crown



New Guinea Singing Dog
Night Flower Cottontail
Nine-Spotted Ladybug
Northern Alaskan Fox
Northern Alaskan Fox Kits
Northern Mockingbird
Northern Red Oak Sapling
Northern Shrike



Ogham Emblems Bodywear [Gold]
Ogham Emblems Bodywear [Silver]
Ogham Emblems Headwear [Gold]
Ogham Emblems Headwear [Silver]
Ornamental Pansy Necklace
Ornate Fang Necklace
Ornate Violet Crown
Owl Feather Decor
Owl Talon Necklace



Papilione Jackrabbit
Parrot Feather Decor
Pasadena Oak Branch
Peach Rose Crown
Pearl Earring
Pelt Merchant Outfit
Pendant [Lunar Tear]
Perfect Storm
Pherish Fur Body
Pherish Fur Head
Piebald Alligator Snapping Turtle
Piebald Cougar
Piebald Donkey
Piebald Fawn
Piebald Raccoon
Piebald Raven
Pig Nose
Pink Lady's Slipper
Pink Rose Crown
Pipevine Feathers Earring [Lunar]
Pipevine Feathers Earring [Purple]
Platinum Fox
Platinum Fox Kits
Playful Cacomistle
Playful Jaeger
Playful North American River Otter
Playful Spotted Skunk
Poinsettia Accessory
Poison Ivy
Polar Bear Cub
Polaris Fritillary
Pollinating Butterflies
Pollinating Moth
Prairie Iris
Prairie Lily
Punk Mane [Auburn]
Punk Mane [Black]
Punk Mane [Blue]
Punk Mane [Brown]
Punk Mane [Cream]
Punk Mane [Dark Blue]
Punk Mane [Dark Green]
Punk Mane [Gray]
Punk Mane [Lavender]
Punk Mane [Light Blue]
Punk Mane [Pink]
Punk Mane [Purple]
Punk Mane [Turquoise]
Punk Mane [Tyrian Purple]
Punk Mane [White]
Purple Aurora
Purple Bubbles
Purple Essence Flame [Ankles]
Purple Essence Flame [Ears]
Purple Essence Flame [Elbows]
Purple Essence Flame [Eyelids]
Purple Essence Flame [Tail]
Purple Eye Discharge
Purple Glowing Eyes [Lunar]
Purple Glowing Ground Fog
Purple Glowing Paws [Lunar]
Purple Glowy Feather Bodywear
Purple Glowy Feather Headwear
Purple Glowy Feather Rumpwear
Purple Haze
Purple Lunar Backline Fluff [Body]
Purple Lunar Backline Fluff [Head]
Purple Lunar Backline Fluff [Tail]
Purple Lunar Breath
Purple Lunar Detritus
Purple Lunar Sparkling Dust
Purple Lunar Sparks
Purple Lunar Spore Cloud
Purple Lunar Storm Clouds
Purple Lunar Storm Discharge
Purple Lunar Storm Fog
Purple Lunar Tear Bodywraps
Purple Lunar Wind
Purple Roe Antlers
Purple Saxifrage
Purple Stag Antlers
Purple Swirls
Purple Twisting Essence
Purplish-Backed Jay



Rabbit Carcass Decor
Rain Drops
Ram's Head Lady's Slipper
Raptor Talons
Rat Nose
Rat Tail [Black]
Rat Tail [Gray]
Rat Tail [Pink]
Red Fox
Red Fox Kits
Red Oak Branch [Green]
Red Oak Branch [Red]
Red Ribbon
Red Rose Crown
Red Wolf
Red-Nosed Reindeer
Red-Spotted Purple
Red-Winged Blackbird
Redwood Iris
Redwood Sorrel Herb Crown
Regal Fritillary
Rock Dove
Rolling Lunar Fog
Rolling Purple Fog
Romantic Candles
Rose & Bows Ornaments [Back]
Rose & Bows Ornaments [Neck]
Rose & Bows Ornaments [Paws]
Rose Horns [Lunar]
Rose Horns [Purple]
Rotten Ice [Day]
Rotten Ice [Night]
Ruffed Grouse Feather [Female]
Ruffed Grouse Feather [Male]



Samson Fox
Samson Fox Kits
San Blas Jay
Sand Dust
Sandia Hairstreak
Sandstone Rocks
Sandstone Stones
Saros Margay
Scaled Pigeon
Scar: Abdomen
Scar: Bite
Scar: Cheek
Scar: Cheekbone [Left]
Scar: Cheekbone [Right]
Scar: Dorsal Scratch
Scar: Ear [Left]
Scar: Ear [Right]
Scar: Ear Notch [Left]
Scar: Ear Notch [Right]
Scar: Eye - Large [Left]
Scar: Eye - Large [Right]
Scar: Eye - Long [Left]
Scar: Eye - Long [Right]
Scar: Eye - Medium [Left]
Scar: Eye - Medium [Right]
Scar: Eye - Small [Left]
Scar: Eye - Small [Right]
Scar: Eyeless [Left]
Scar: Eyeless [Right]
Scar: Face
Scar: Foot
Scar: Forehead
Scar: Front Leg [Left]
Scar: Front Leg [Right]
Scar: Front Paw [Left]
Scar: Front Paw [Right]
Scar: Hind Leg [Left]
Scar: Hind Leg [Right]
Scar: Hock [Left]
Scar: Hock [Right]
Scar: Lip
Scar: Muzzle
Scar: Nose
Scar: Nose Bridge
Scar: Nose Bridge [High]
Scar: Nose Bridge [Low]
Scar: Ripped Leg [Left]
Scar: Ripped Leg [Right]
Scar: Ripped Mouth
Scar: Scratched Back
Scar: Scratched Face
Scar: Scratched Front Leg [Left]
Scar: Scratched Front Leg [Right]
Scar: Scratched Hind Leg [Left]
Scar: Scratched Hind Leg [Right]
Scar: Scratched Shoulder [Left]
Scar: Scratched Shoulder [Right]
Scar: Scratched Side
Scar: Scratched Thigh [Left]
Scar: Scratched Thigh [Right]
Scar: Scratched Upper Leg [Left]
Scar: Scratched Upper Leg [Right]
Scar: Shoulder [Left]
Scar: Shoulder [Right]
Scar: Snout
Scar: Stop
Scar: Thigh Swipe [Left]
Scar: Thigh Swipe [Right]
Scar: Throat
Scar: Triceps Scratch [Left]
Scar: Triceps Scratch [Right]
Scar: Wrist [Left]
Scar: Wrist [Right]
Scarce Understory [Dry]
Scarce Understory [Green]
Scarlet Globemallow
Scattered Bones
Scattered Foliage [Dry]
Scattered Foliage [Green]
Scattered Hickory Nuts
Scattered Rocks
Scattered Rose Petals
Scattered Sticks
Scottish Fold
Selenic Kangaroo Rat
Sharp-Tailed Grouse
Shetland Pony [Black Tobiano]
Shetland Pony [Chestnut]
Shetland Pony [Grulla]
Short-Tailed Albatross
Silver Fox
Silver Fox Kits
Silvery-Throated Jay
Skeletal Remains
Smoky Quartz Anklets
Smoky Quartz Body Ornament
Smoky Quartz Bracelets
Smoky Quartz Headwrap
Smoky Quartz Necklace
Smoky Quartz Tailwrap
Snake Tail [Black]
Snake Tail [Brown]
Snake Tail [Green]
Snake Tail [Orange]
Snake Tail [Red]
Snake Tail [White]
Snipe Friend
Snow Goose
Snowy Fir Tree
Soft Checkered Scarf [Blue]
Soft Checkered Scarf [Green]
Soft Checkered Scarf [Purple]
Soft Checkered Scarf [Red]
Soft Checkered Scarf [Yellow]
Solar Eclipse Gliding Fish School
Solar Eclipse Guanaco
Solar Eclipse Kodkod
Solar Eclipse Shark
Spicebush Swallowtail
Spiderweb Vest
Spiked Horns
Spiral Bracelet [Gold]
Spiral Bracelet [Silver]
Spiral Feather Earring [Lunar]
Spiral Feather Earring [Purple]
Spore Ears [Blue]
Spore Ears [Purple]
Spore Growth Log
Spore Growth Rock Arch
Spore Growth Rock Formation
Spore Growth Stones
Sporebeaded Anklets
Sporebeaded Antennae
Sporebeaded Bodywrap
Sporebeaded Bracelets
Sporebeaded Tailwrap
Sporebeaded Tiara
Spruce Grouse Feather [Female]
Spruce Grouse Feather [Male]
Squirrel Carcass Decor
Steller's Jay
Stiff Braid Anklets [Copper]
Stiff Braid Anklets [Gold]
Stiff Braid Anklets [Silver]
Stiff Braid Bracelets [Copper]
Stiff Braid Bracelets [Gold]
Stiff Braid Bracelets [Silver]
Stiff Braid Headwrap [Copper]
Stiff Braid Headwrap [Gold]
Stiff Braid Headwrap [Silver]
Stiff Braid Necklace [Copper]
Stiff Braid Necklace [Gold]
Stiff Braid Necklace [Silver]
Stiff Braid Tailwrap [Copper]
Stiff Braid Tailwrap [Gold]
Stiff Braid Tailwrap [Silver]
Stinging Nettle
Strawberry Cakepop
Supercharged Arc
Supercharged Buck
Supercharged Fur
Swallow Tanager
Swamp Candles
Swan Feather Decor
Swift Fox
Swift Fox Kits
Swirling Energy Bodywraps
Swirling Energy Headband
Swirling Energy Necklace
Swirling Luminous Fungi Spores



Tall Lunar Grass
Tansy Crown
Teal Wispy Eyes
Tears from the Moon [Blue]
Tears from the Moon [Purple]
Tendril Harness
The Sídhe: Barghest
The Sídhe: Cat-sìth
The Sídhe: Cù-sìth
The Sídhe: Gwyllgi
The Sídhe: Moddey Dhoo
The Sídhe: Moddey Dhoo [Puppy]
Tiger Iris
Torc [Gold]
Torc [Silver]
Tornado Winds
Total Eclipse Falcon
Total Eclipse Vapors [Lunar]
Total Eclipse Vapors [Purple]
Total Lunar Eclipse Beaver
Total Lunar Eclipse Jaguar Cub
Transvolcanic Jay
Tree Mushroom Growth
Triskelion Pictish Stone
Trumpeter Swan
Tufted Jay
Tulip Crown
Tulip Necklace



UFO Crash
Uneven Crescent Horns [Lunar]
Uneven Crescent Horns [Purple]
Unicolored Jay



Valentine Ribbon Earrings
Valley Oak
Venus Flytrap
Vertigo [Green]
Vertigo [Purple]
Virginia Bluebell Bracelets
Virginia Bluebell Earring
Virginia Rose
Volcanic Eruption
Volukros Gentle Feathers [Body]
Volukros Gentle Feathers [Head]
Volukros Squeaky Toy Decor



Waning Sea Otter
Waxing Mink
Western Grebe
Western Hemlock
Wetland Nightshade
Wheel of Taranis Body Jewelry
White Dryas
White Oak Sapling
White Rose Crown
White Spruce Cones [Pile]
White Spruce Cones [Scattered]
White-Throated Magpie-Jay
White-Winged Dove
Windswept Elm Seeds [Background]
Windswept Elm Seeds [Foreground]
Windswept Spore Dust
Windswept Thrift Petals [Pink]
Windswept Thrift Petals [White]
Wolf Trophy Tail Band [Black]
Wolf Trophy Tail Band [Timber]
Wolf Trophy Tail Band [White]
Wolf Trophy Tail Necklace [Black]
Wolf Trophy Tail Necklace [Timber]
Wolf Trophy Tail Necklace [White]
Wolf: Axhayet
Wolf: Baheti
Wolf: Brad
Wolf: Chad
Wolf: Chariot
Wolf: Cian
Wolf: Dali
Wolf: Dera
Wolf: Faelcu
Wolf: Halcyon
Wolf: Inve
Wolf: Jamen
Wolf: Lorcan
Wolf: Lorelai
Wolf: Minerva
Wolf: Moss
Wolf: Neveah
Wolf: Nomia
Wolf: Oaken
Wolf: Omen
Wolf: Ox
Wolf: Ras
Wolf: Sirmiq
Wolf: Swansea
Wolf: Tala
Wolf: Todd
Wolf: Verin
Wolf: Vernon
Wolf: Violet
Wolf: Willa
Wolf: Wisp
Woodhouse's Scrub Jay
Woodland Sunflower
Wrapped Snake
Wrinkled Peach Mushroom



Yarrow Decor
Yellow Orbs
Yellowleaf Iris
Yucatan Jay



Zebra Longwing
Zebra Swallowtail


Decor Name


Background Name
