Springtide Howl Fayre Storyline

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Revision as of 20:11, 25 June 2024 by Mel (talk | contribs)

The Springtide Howl Fayre event features a brief storyline following alongside your progression through the event. This month's storyline is driven by its mechanics, and you will be unable to progress in the story until you have completed specific event-related tasks. The story will automatically begin when you visit the Gardening page for the first time.

This storyline will present you with the option to become either a rival or a friend to the main character. So far, this choice seems to only change the text associated with each stage of the story and does not grant any unique rewards.




The reigning champion of the Springtide Howl Fayre gardening contest, Abilene is passionate about her craft. She could be a helpful mentor and teammate if you choose, or a friendly competitor in your gardening adventure.





Spring is in the air! You can smell the fresh growth of nearby plants, the ground is soft under your claws and great for digging-

"Hey! Hey! Watch where you're stepping!"

A mottled green female shoves you so hard that you stumble, struggling to keep your paws. She scowls at you and leans down to gingerly sniff the ground and pat the mound of dirt gently.

"Don't you know there's things growing here?"

She makes a frustrated noise and motions around you.

"Look! Don't you see all these mounds in neat little orderly rows as if someone did it on purpose?"

You look around you curiously. She's right-the dirt has been churned up evenly and in an organized way. You look at her again, noticing that her white patches are covered with dirt and her claws are thick with soil.

"Of course it's dirt," she snaps. "But there's a reason all these little mounds are arranged neatly and in rows. Can't you see it? Or are you really that oblivious."

You look around you curiously. She's right-the dirt has been churned up evenly and in an organized way. You look at her again, noticing that her white patches are covered with dirt and her claws are thick with soil.

The female rolls her eyes.

"Yes, I did. I'm preparing for the Springtide Howl Fayre-aren't you?"

She's more earnest now, looking you up and down as if assessing you for a friend...or a rival.

Her eyes widen, and her jaw drops in shock.

"You...don't know what the Springtide Howl Fayre is?" she questions incredulously. "You're joking, right?"

When your dumbfounded expression doesn't change, she stares at you for a moment as if gathering her thoughts.

Then, quite abruptly, her entire demeanor changes-with an excited gasp she's pushing you over to a row of dirt mounds, tail wagging so hard that it's a blue.

"Showing you, of course! I can't believe you don't know-" She cuts herself off and takes a steadying breath, growing more stoic as she launches into an explanation.

"The Springtide Howl Fayre happens every year. Wolves from all over work hard to grow a variety of crops to enter and be judged by their fellow wolves. The better the quality of the crop, the higher you score. Which is why it's important to not step on your crops," she adds pointedly.

She flicks her head as if shooing away a fly.

"Luckily you didn't do any damage. Anyway...are you going to enter this year? You still can! It's only just started. It's so much fun...and I can teach you what you need to do."

She flops down on her haunches and fixes you with a curious look.

"My name's Abilene, and just so you know, I'm the reigning champion. It would be fun to team up though...unless you mean to try and beat me."

* This option begins the rival path
** This option begins the friend path

Abilene snickers.

"Fat chance, but you're welcome to try. I'm not intimidated by your amateur skills."

She rises to her paws and nods at the growing plants.

"Although, I guess I have to tell you how this works if you're going to be any sort of competition. Not that you will be, but just in case, you know."

She stares you down pointedly.

You notice a spark of joy in Abilene's eyes.

"I'm thrilled to hear that! I'm just as excited and can't wait to see what you can do when we put our heads together. It's a lot more fun than when you're alone. With our combined knowledge and experience, I'm sure we'll achieve amazing results."

She pauses, as if uncertain.

"Come to think of it, do you actually have any experience? If not, that's fine-I'll be here every step of the way!"

"It's really not all that hard," she says with a sigh. "You just plant the seeds and wait for them to grow. You'll have to be patient, [NAME]. I know that's hard for you, but if you're smart you'll grow certain plants in their proper biomes to make the wait time shorter. Once that's done, harvest your plants by going to the Plants Harvested area. From there you can also collect seeds from the plants you grew so that you can grow more. Pretty simple, hmm?"

She scratches her ear with a paw before continuing.

"You can buy more seeds from that weird groundhog. The better you get, the more plots you'll have access to choose from. As you garden you'll notice that you may get more seeds from better plants, and sometimes even mutations, too. But I'll let you figure that out on your own."

"It's not hard, don't worry!" she says cheerfully. "You just plant the seeds and wait for them to grow! You'll have to be patient, [NAME], but I'll give you a tip: if you grow certain plants in their proper biomes, it won't take as long! Once that's done, harvest your plants by going to the Plants Harvested area. From there you can also collect seeds from the plants you grew so that you can grow more. Easy peasy, right?"

She taps a paw as if thinking to herself, and brightens as if a light bulb has come on in her brain.

"You can buy more seeds from that nice groundhog. The better you get, the more plots you'll have access to choose from. As you garden you'll notice that you may get more seeds from better plants, and sometimes even mutations, too. But...well, I'll let you figure that out yourself. I can't reveal all of my secrets!"

Abilene looks doubtful but at last shrugs and turns away, as if she's bored.

"I expect a decent attempt to live up to your threat, [NAME]. Come find me when you think you've improved your skills enough to be worth my while. I'll be waiting."

She saunters off without another word, leaving you to test out your new green paws.


Abilene nods with a smile. You can tell she can't wait to begin the challenge.

"I think you're ready, [NAME]! The first steps are always that hardest, but you'll find it gets easier with time. I have faith in your natural talent. You seem to grasp the idea, and I'm sure you'll develop your own strategy for the best results."

She looks at you, wagging her tail gentle.

"When you grow something, come and show it to me! That way, we can work together to improve things or buckle down on our successful techniques and jump ahead!"

She turns back to her plants with a murmur of farewell.


The story will continue in 3 rollovers. See if you can raise your gardening level to at least Level 10!