New pages
- 03:55, 25 February 2025 Exploring (hist | edit) [13,451 bytes] Mel (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Exploring''' is one of the primary means of progressing in the game, collecting items, and gaining new wolves! Accessible from the [https://www.wolvden.com/crossroads Crossroads page], the [https://www.wolvden.com/explore Explore map] contains a variety of unique biomes that your lead wolf can explore. You'll unlock more explore content as you keep playing, participating in events, and training your wolves. <center>File:Explorepaws.gif</center> {| class="mw-co...")
- 10:06, 24 February 2025 Combo Bases (hist | edit) [2,056 bytes] Mel (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{ComingSoon}} Combo bases are some of Wolvden's rarest bases, obtaining through breeding under very limited parameters! These bases must be bred using specific bases, called "factors", which combine to form the combo, similar to combo markings. They cannot be bred with similar genetics like regular bases can-they must be bred using factors! {| class="mw-collapsible mobiletoc" ! Table of Contents |- | class="disclaimer | ''Links not working? Sections must be expanded...")
- 05:56, 24 February 2025 Special Occasion Gifts (hist | edit) [3,568 bytes] Mel (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Some special gifts are given to players or available to be collected on certain unique dates and occasions! {| class="mw-collapsible mobiletoc" ! Table of Contents |- | class="disclaimer | ''Links not working? Sections must be expanded to jump to a subheader within them!'' |- | class="mtocl1" | Birthday |- | class="mtocl1" | Account Anniversary |- | class="mtocl1" | Special Occasion Gi...")
- 02:43, 31 January 2025 The Matchmaker Explore Encounters (hist | edit) [57,548 bytes] Mel (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Crowdsourcing}} {| class="mw-collapsible mobiletoc" ! Table of Contents |- | class="disclaimer | ''Links not working? Sections must be expanded to jump to a subheader within them!'' |- | class="mtocl1" | Encounters in Every Biome |- | class="mtocl1" | Encounters in Multiple Biomes |- | class="mtocl1" | The Matchmaker Explore Encounters...")
- 04:56, 27 December 2024 Battling (hist | edit) [37,118 bytes] Mel (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{ComingSoon}} Battling is a primary mechanic on Wolvden which you'll encounter frequently while exploring! Battling is often required for progressing in events, unlocking content, and collecting useful items, so it's an important feature to understand. The mechanic is complex, so we'll go over the way it works and some tips for succeeding on this page! If you're looking for details about every battle enemy, we recommend checking out the Battle Enemies page....")
- 03:26, 27 December 2024 Grove (hist | edit) [17,364 bytes] Mel (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''Grove''' is a permanent shop accessible from the Main navigation bar where you can purchase Wolvden's exclusive currency, File:icon-gc.png Gold Cones (GC), and spend this currency on items and services. Currently, the items and services available for purchase are limited to generic customization items, gameplay items and tools, and poses, but this shop's stock will likely expand in the future! {| class="mw-collapsible mobiletoc" ! Table of Contents |- | cl...")
- 22:20, 22 December 2024 Raffle Studs (hist | edit) [109,562 bytes] Mel (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{SectionToggles}} <h2 class="c-header active">Raffle Stud List</h2> <div class="c-content" style="display: block;"> == Raffle Stud List == <h3 class="c-header active">2021 Studs</h3> <div class="c-content" style="display: block;"> === 2021 Studs === {{RaffleStud|Kodan|6/25/2021|File:rafflestud kodan.png|Dust Eyes, Dark Brown Panda|119|Blonde|Muted Medium II|Dust|Brown|Brown|Dark|Default|Canyon|Charming|STR +7, SMR +3, WIS -3|Dark Brown Back Stripe (100%)|Cream Und...")
- 06:35, 16 December 2024 Crafting and Recipes (hist | edit) [113,106 bytes] Mel (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{ComingSoon}} Overview {| class="mw-collapsible mobiletoc" ! Table of Contents |- | class="disclaimer | ''Links not working? Sections must be expanded to jump to a subheader within them!'' |- | class="mtocl1" | Recipes |- | class="mtocl2" | Finding Recipes |} {{SectionToggles}} <h2 class="c-header active">Crafting</h2> <div class="c-content" style="display: block;"> == Crafting == <h3 class=...") originally created as "Recipes and Crafting"