Mutation Catalogue

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Random Mutations
Genetic Mutations
Applicator Mutations

This page contains a list of all mutations on Wolvden sorted by how they are obtained. For an alphabetical list instead, and a list without all of the stages and variants on display at once, check out the Mutations page!

Current mutation total: 16

Random Mutations

Random Mutations

Total: 6 mutations

Conjoined Twins

Mutation Lethal
Lifespan: 4.5 months (9 rollovers)
Rollover Messages
BirthYou were ready to rejoice the rare birth of twins, until a dreadful realisation overcame your joy -- you notice the puppies are joined at the hip. New Puppies seems eager to suckle milk nonetheless, so you embrace them in a loving snuggle.
1 Month OldYou learn how New Puppies functions as they learn the world themselves. They interact with each other, they cuddle together, they try to get away from each other... But their fate is to be joined forever. They seem to be pooping a little more than ordinary puppies. You wonder if they're not able to control that part of their body.
2 1/2 Months OldNew Puppies is learning how to walk without falling and tripping. You explain the basics of teamwork to them, and they seem to understand you. A minute later, the puppies bite each other's paws. Ah, parenthood.
3 1/2 Months OldWhen it's time to try solid foods, New Puppies are struggling to properly digest their portions. You often see small pools of vomit around your den.
4 Months OldNew Puppies are not able to process solid foods without whining in pain and vomiting. They also cannot control their bowel movements, and their stool is often covered in blood.
DeathSadly, New Puppies have passed away due to problems with their digestive system.


Secondary Mutation Nonlethal Random
Wolves with this mutation cannot become lead wolves, hunters, or pupsitters, and they cannot mentor puppies


Mutation Lethal
Lifespan: 2 months (4 rollovers)
Rollover Messages
BirthNew Puppy was born with an additional head. As scary as it looks, the puppy seems to crawl and find a source of milk just fine using a dominant head, while the other head just mimics suckling jaw movements.
1 Month OldDespite his struggles with learning how to walk, New Puppy's stronger head is barking softly at many things while he explores. The other head seems to just be silently observing.
1 1/2 Months OldNew Puppy has been having seizures the past few days, causing her to lose control of her limbs as more time passes. It's a sad realisation that there isn't much you can do to help.
DeathNew Puppy was unable to recover from full body paralysis. Sadly, he passed away.


Mutation Lethal
Lifespan: 2.5 months (5 rollovers)
Rollover Messages
BirthWhen New Puppy was born, the sight of him frightened his mother. There's just... Too many legs for one puppy to have. The legs seem to be growing out of its body as though there's another puppy hidden deep inside of it. He's moving, however, and he tried to suckle milk.
1 Month OldNew Puppy is trying to explore the world around him. His extra limbs twitch and move as he crawls around the den. He's very weak and doesn't get very far before getting visibly exhausted.
2 Months OldNew Puppy is apathetic. He doesn't make much noise and he doesn't move around much. He struggles to play and develop muscles like other pups. This puppy seems to be at his happiest when taking very long naps. His limbs seem to be draining his energy and stumping his growth. You realise he might not live much longer.
DeathNew Puppy didn't wake up today. He passed away in his sleep.


Mutation Lethal
Lifespan: 2 months (4 rollovers)
Rollover Messages
BirthNew Puppy was born looking almost the same as the other pups...But she doesn't move her hind end very well. She struggles to move, but seems to be able to scoot herself around to nurse by using her front legs.
1 Month OldIt's been tough for New Puppy, and while the other pups start to walk, she is only able to use her front legs and drag her fused back legs behind them. She seems to get around, at least.
1 1/2 Months OldIt seems all New Puppy has done lately is lay around and cry. She is unable to digest any food and her breath smells stale. The other pups stay away from her, and New Puppy seems incredibly sad.
DeathNew Puppy's cries weakened through the night before eventually falling quiet. She was found still as a stone and cold from death in the morning.

Spontaneous Blindness

Secondary Mutation Nonlethal Random
Wolves with this mutation cannot become lead wolves, participate in training, become an apprentice, or perform any role

Adult Adult [Motherly] Adult [Relaxed]
Adult [Sentinel] Adolescent Puppy
Puppy [Young] Puppy [Newborn] Puppy [Brachycephaly]
Puppy [Conjoined Twins] Puppy [Polycephaly] Puppy [Polymelia]
Puppy [Sirenomelia]

Genetic Mutations

Genetic Mutations

Total: 4 mutations


Secondary Mutation Nonlethal Genetic
This mutation layers on top of all of your wolf's other visible genetics.

Adult Adult [Motherly] Adult [Relaxed]
Adult [Sentinel] Adolescent Puppy
Puppy [Young] Puppy [Newborn] Puppy [Brachycephaly]
Puppy [Conjoined Twins] Puppy [Polycephaly] Puppy [Polymelia]
Puppy [Sirenomelia]


Mutation Lethal
Lifespan: 1.5 months (3 rollovers)
Rollover Messages
BirthNew Puppy was born with an anomaly. All puppies have short snouts and big heads, but this particular pup is very wrinkled and visually deformed, as though someone pushed his face into his head. New Puppy is audibly gasping for air, but he is alive, and he seems healthy for now.
1/2 Month OldNew Puppy's breathing is laboured. Her tongue barely fits within her shortened mouth. She makes lots of gasping and snorting noises every day. New Puppy's eyes opened earlier than your other puppies, and they seem to prolapse a bit.
1 Month OldNew Puppy is having serious issues with breathing. There's not a quiet day in your den -- the puppy's snoring and snorting is a constant, worrisome noise.
DeathUnfortunately, New Puppy passed away due to complications with breathing. Every breath he took was just not enough to fill his tiny body with enough air. It seems eerily quiet within your den after the puppy's snorts stopped forever.

Hereditary Cataracts

Secondary Mutation Nonlethal Genetic
Wolves with this mutation cannot become lead wolves, participate in training, become an apprentice, or perform any role

Adult Adult [Motherly] Adult [Relaxed]
Adult [Sentinel] Adolescent Puppy
Puppy [Young] Puppy [Newborn] Puppy [Brachycephaly]
Puppy [Conjoined Twins] Puppy [Polycephaly] Puppy [Polymelia]
Puppy [Sirenomelia]


Secondary Mutation Nonlethal Genetic
This mutation layers on top of all of your wolf's other visible genetics except for their eyes.

Adult Adult [Motherly] Adult [Relaxed]
Adult [Sentinel] Adolescent Puppy
Puppy [Young] Puppy [Newborn] Puppy [Brachycephaly]
Puppy [Conjoined Twins] Puppy [Polycephaly] Puppy [Polymelia]
Puppy [Sirenomelia]

Applicator Mutations

Applicator Mutations

Total: 6 mutations

Patches: Mottled

Secondary Mutation Nonlethal Applicator
The dark parts of this mutation will layer on top of all of your wolf's other visible genetics.

Adult Adult [Motherly] Adult [Relaxed]
Adult [Sentinel] Adolescent Puppy
Puppy [Young] Puppy [Newborn] Puppy [Brachycephaly]
Puppy [Conjoined Twins] Puppy [Polycephaly] Puppy [Polymelia]
Puppy [Sirenomelia]

Patches: Split

Secondary Mutation Nonlethal Applicator
The dark parts of this mutation will layer on top of all of your wolf's other visible genetics.

Adult Adult [Motherly] Adult [Relaxed]
Adult [Sentinel] Adolescent Puppy
Puppy [Young] Puppy [Newborn] Puppy [Brachycephaly]
Puppy [Conjoined Twins] Puppy [Polycephaly] Puppy [Polymelia]
Puppy [Sirenomelia]

Piebald: Biewer

Secondary Mutation Nonlethal Applicator
The light parts of this mutation will layer on top of all of your wolf's other visible genetics.

Adult Adult [Motherly] Adult [Relaxed]
Adult [Sentinel] Adolescent Puppy
Puppy [Young] Puppy [Newborn] Puppy [Brachycephaly]
Puppy [Conjoined Twins] Puppy [Polycephaly] Puppy [Polymelia]
Puppy [Sirenomelia]

Piebald: Frontal

Secondary Mutation Nonlethal Applicator
The light parts of this mutation will layer on top of all of your wolf's other visible genetics.

Adult Adult [Motherly] Adult [Relaxed]
Adult [Sentinel] Adolescent Puppy
Puppy [Young] Puppy [Newborn] Puppy [Brachycephaly]
Puppy [Conjoined Twins] Puppy [Polycephaly] Puppy [Polymelia]
Puppy [Sirenomelia]

Piebald: Torn

Secondary Mutation Nonlethal Applicator
The light parts of this mutation will layer on top of all of your wolf's other visible genetics.

Adult Adult [Motherly] Adult [Relaxed]
Adult [Sentinel] Adolescent Puppy
Puppy [Young] Puppy [Newborn] Puppy [Brachycephaly]
Puppy [Conjoined Twins] Puppy [Polycephaly] Puppy [Polymelia]
Puppy [Sirenomelia]

Piebald: Uneven

Secondary Mutation Nonlethal Applicator
The light parts of this mutation will layer on top of all of your wolf's other visible genetics.

Adult Adult [Motherly] Adult [Relaxed]
Adult [Sentinel] Adolescent Puppy
Puppy [Young] Puppy [Newborn] Puppy [Brachycephaly]
Puppy [Conjoined Twins] Puppy [Polycephaly] Puppy [Polymelia]
Puppy [Sirenomelia]